[Ascension] Midgard

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I'll get my character up sometime this week.

Do you have any ideas about your character? So we can kind of see what direction you are heading?
[QUOTE="Inquisitor Muhaha]I see that you were writing an apprentice blacksmith, Runeblue! I, too, was dreaming up a blacksmith. Would you be looking for a master, perchance?

Sure, this sounds great.
Runeblue said:
Sure, this sounds great.
Great! I'll hammer (ahaha, get it, he smiths hammers) out the sheet today, and then we can work on their relationship after that! Sound fair?
[QUOTE="Inquisitor Muhaha]Great! I'll hammer (ahaha, get it, he smiths hammers) out the sheet today, and then we can work on their relationship after that! Sound fair?

[QUOTE="Inquisitor Muhaha]Great! I'll hammer (ahaha, get it, he smiths hammers) out the sheet today

Miz said:
@Orzhov - You guys are free to post your characters sheets as WIP. I am curious to see what you guys are doing/planning.
I don't have anything solid to post yet, but I'm thinking about something to do with stonecutting. Apart from some vague background ideas and a few names, though, that's all I've got.
I am Shinta, The Cook.

Wife to @Inquisitor Muhaha's character. I am going after the shining star light because we just got recently married and there is no way she is going to let him go die alone so soon, she just got him.
This looks very, very cool. I'll be posting a character once my university work is finished in a few days.
Oh? What tabletop is it if you don't mind my asking? This party is apparently the enhanced strength party.
May the dice favor you all, and have fun! Going to lay down some proposed connections to the two sheets that are finished so far. Will make them more wordy in profile but here is the short versions. Honestly having trouble to think of something for Shinta.

@Inquisitor Muhaha : Serving in the same battle as Baelin, Bjorn covered his advance from the fort during the rally turning aside many who would seek to Baelin after the commander to Feigr. Later, Bjorn would come to his smithy to have arrow heads made, knife sharpened, and tools repaired. During Baelin's trial, he showed his war comrade a safer path to the heart of the mountain.

@The Dark Wizard When Shinta began to cut her teeth at the smith's trade, Björn would volunteer his tools for her practice and taste test new culinary inventions. While not the most eloquent of conversation partners, he can act as a sounding board to new ideas or concerns.
Monsterous said:
This looks very, very cool. I'll be posting a character once my university work is finished in a few days.
Monmon, its been too long since you've join a game. :D :D

@The Dark Wizard[/URL] When Shinta began to cut her teeth at the smith's trade, Björn would volunteer his tools for her practice and taste test new culinary inventions. While not the most eloquent of conversation partners, he can act as a sounding board to new ideas or concerns.
The fort incident happened a long time ago if I remember correctly. Though I don't think its impossible you couldn't have fought next to eachother on a more recent battle.
Oh? I was under the impression it was the same battle where he gained the moniker of strong bow. If I'm wrong I can change it to something else.

Edit: WHOOPS. Double checked his age. Must have been confusing it with the age 25 apprentice. Yeah. Can just change it to they were at the same fortress fight more within my character's actual age range then. After math, seems the guide thing is out. Well then.
[QUOTE="Action Replay]Oh? I was under the impression it was the same battle where he gained the moniker of strong bow. If I'm wrong I can change it to something else.
Edit: WHOOPS. Double checked his age. Must have been confusing it with the age 25 apprentice. Yeah.

Yeah but he's been in multiple battles too, so just check with @Inquisitor Muhaha to see if there isn't a different battle you can't be a part of.
The battle of Jorguskander was some 20-ish years ago, yes! But he's been in battles more recently than that. Perhaps one that was an assault on a neighboring island. Bjorn could have been in with his soldiers then.

@Runeblue so, how would you like to tackle our master-apprentice motif? How long ago did he take up smithing?
So, I have noticed that EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER has wanted enhanced strength.

It is not super human strength (just want to make sure everyone gets this). It doubles your strength capacity. So, your character can lift say, 230 lbs when he strains himself. Now he can life 460 with the same strain. That's humanly possibly now. There are humans lifting more then that.

Further more, We wanted people to fill niche rolls, where everyone can solve different puzzles or over come obstacles in different ways. If everyone has enhanced strength, then it's very boring. It's akin to a dnd campaign of all fighters.
Fair Nuff.

I'll ditch it for Shock, fit's more with Clear Thought.

It's just.. er..

We're Vikings. Vikings like to be.. y'know. Buff. It's just...

Part of the Viking Image. And I would think that being stronger makes your sword hit harder- which is the other thing. Regardless- I suppose I'll ditch it and just go full wizard. Hehehehe.
SephirothSage said:
Fair Nuff.
I'll ditch it for Shock, fit's more with Clear Thought.

It's just.. er..

We're Vikings. Vikings like to be.. y'know. Buff. It's just...

Part of the Viking Image. And I would think that being stronger makes your sword hit harder- which is the other thing. Regardless- I suppose I'll ditch it and just go full wizard. Hehehehe.
I don't necessarily know if Shock would go best with your character.

Empathy could also work for a Bard-like figure I think. You get that enhanced sense motive.

Same thing with Command or Disguise.

Edit - Most dumb peasants and children count as simple-minded, as the same with some monsters.

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