[Ars Magica] Spring's First Light

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Lord of Chaos

Elder Member
The Order of Hermes and the Church share dominion of Europe. The Magi gather in covens, building their magical knowledge far from the views of mortal men. From these distant halls, they watch the world slowly change. However, when the need presents, even the ancient Order must react to new events.

A new land has been discovered, a new world ripe for colonization and conquest. While the first wave of ships have sailed and laid claim to this New World, the Order of Hermes has decided to seed this new land with Covenants in order to spread the Order's influence. You are members of one such covenant, one of four in the region. You will face dangers and discover treasures unknown to Europe. Here, beyond the reach of the Grand Tribunal, you will make your mark upon the world.

This will be an Ars Magica chat game that takes place on Wednesdays between 6pm and 10pm Central

The game begins in the year 1500, and will use an alternate history Europe (not steampunk, just slightly different). You will settle a new Covenant and explore the New World.

In contrast to real life, more countries are exploring this land. Please indicate on the poll which country and which location you would like to be from/heading to. While the Order is independent of mortal nations, you will be building near the colonies of one of the colonial powers.

Characters start at age 30, apprenticeships start at age 10. You may make younger characters if you like.

Guns are an additional Martial skill. Gun stats are listed below, and will be updated when new technology is developed in-game.

The game will support up to 5 players. Each player will be required to make a Mage, but may also make 0-1 Companions and any grogs the Covenant can support.

The group will communally create a Covenant during the first session, during which characters will also be finalized.


Firearms use the Crossbow rules from Lords of Man (you can find the weapons bits for free here) Muskets require 4-Dexterity rounds to reload, Pistols require 3-Dexterity rounds and Arquebuses require 5-Dexterity rounds

Name       Init    Atk    Def    Dam    Range    Str    Load
Musket       +5    2      0      10     20       0      2
Pistol       +5    2      0      8      15       -1     1
Hand Cannon  +5    0      0      14     20       1      3
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[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]The Order of Hermes and the Church share dominion of Europe. The Magi gather in covens, building their magical knowledge far from the views of mortal men. From these distant halls, they watch the world slowly change. However, when the need presents, even the ancient Order must react to new events.
A new land has been discovered, a new world ripe for colonization and conquest. While the first wave of ships have sailed and laid claim to this New World, the Order of Hermes has decided to seed this new land with Covenants in order to spread the Order's influence. You are members of one such covenant, one of four in the region. You will face dangers and discover treasures unknown to Europe. Here, beyond the reach of the Grand Tribunal, you will make your mark upon the world.

This will be an Ars Magica chat game that takes place on Wednesdays between 6pm and 10pm Central

The game begins in the year 1500, and will use an alternate history Europe (not steampunk, just slightly different). You will settle a new Covenant and explore the New World.

In contrast to real life, more countries are exploring this land. Please indicate on the poll which country and which location you would like to be from/heading to. While the Order is independent of mortal nations, you will be building near the colonies of one of the colonial powers.

Characters start at age 30, apprenticeships start at age 10. You may make younger characters if you like.

Guns are an additional Martial skill. Gun stats are listed below, and will be updated when new technology is developed in-game.

The game will support up to 5 players. Each player will be required to make a Mage, but may also make 0-1 Companions and any grogs the Covenant can support.

The group will communally create a Covenant during the first session, during which characters will also be finalized.

Woot I'm in. I am making a Quaesitor with your help.

SephirothSage said:
Ars Magicka- you mean Mage the Ascension- or, well, a Related Game?
Ars Magica is a medieval wizard game. I'll let @Lord of Chaos explain more, because I'm still learning and anything I say could cause confusion. However I think it will be fun and you should play if you want :) !
I vote to come from England, Spain, France(in no order) and to colonize North or South US, South America. (In no order).
I am extremely interested in this. Also you should add Holland, but my second/third choices are Portugal and Spain.
I actually ran out of vote options. If you have any other ideas, please let me know. I'll be taking what people say in the thread into account as well
SephirothSage said:
Ah. I see- Covenent, Order of Hermes... had me thinking Mage the Ascenscion, y'know?
Interestingly enough, Ars Magica came first. It was the first game that White Wolf (technically its precursor) made, and is the reason they exist today. World of Darkness has a lot of references to Ars Magica, but they are completely unrelated games. (One of the Houses in the order is called Tremere, for example)

It's currently developed by Atlas Games after White Wolf transferred the license
I just realized that I forgot to include the actual firearms stats that I made. I'll update the post in a few minutes
Esbilon said:
I'd love to play, but already have a chat game on wednesdays :(
During the same time slot :( ?

[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]I just realized that I forgot to include the actual firearms stats that I made. I'll update the post in a few minutes

[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]This will be an Ars Magica chat game that takes place on Wednesdays between 6pm and 10pm Central

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]During the same time slot :( ?

Not exactly, my current is 6pm to 11pm Eastern ;) Plus, if it was another timeslot on the same day, it would interfere with work or sleep.
I have never been able to play Ars Magica but I would very much like to, if you are willing to accept a totally new player.
Of course. While I haven't played the game much myself, I'm re-reading the books in preparation and I'd be more than willing to help any new players
Alright, so the players I currently have interested are:

Dark Wizard





I can help anyone who needs it with mechanics, but do you guys have a vague idea of what sort of character you'd be up for? Obviously without understanding the rules and setting that's a hard question to answer but I'm mostly just curious at this stage
Driven, inquisitive, pious, and inventive. The kind of person who would start the renaissance/scientific revolution early if he could
I will be on Teamspeak for the next few hours helping people learn the system and start character creation. If you would like to participate (not mandatory), come on in!

I will participate, but I know the system pretty well and will submit a character later.

On the other hand - what year are we starting in specifically/coming from/going to? And are we going to design a covenant from the get go or do something else?
1500, coming from England. Landing location still undecided, but somewhere in the modern United States. First session will be covenant creation

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