[Ars Magica] Spring's First Light

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[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]1500, coming from England. Landing location still undecided, but somewhere in the modern United States. First session will be covenant creation

If we finish that fast enough, can we start? Or does Covenant creation take a few hours?
The last time I made a covenant, it took me several days. But then I had to read the covenant book. On the other hand, I didn't really have to talk to other people about it, so...

Mechanically? It's like statting out a particularly important character.

Ideologically, it'll take as long as it takes for us to agree on a concept.

EDIT: I totally have copies of a few Ars Magica books, including the covenant book (which you should read if you want to have meaningful input behind the mechanics of it - there really is a LOT of stuff about them, and they are very important), which I may or may not have in a dropbox folder.

EDIT 2: Since I missed character creation and such - I would like to make a magi and a companion character that has some relation with one of your characters, if anyone would be totes up for that.
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Most people's characters are still unfinished. Hadoland has fully statted out a surly, highly specialized fae/plant mage. Dark Wizard has begun creating an intense and driven Quaesitore Elementalist. Sage has begun to make a frail young wizard with a dark secret.
[QUOTE="Paeniteo Azrael]
EDIT 2: Since I missed character creation and such - I would like to make a magi and a companion character that has some relation with one of your characters, if anyone would be totes up for that.

What kind of relation did you have in mind? I'm always up for tying my character's history with other people ;) !

Currently @SephirothSage and I took the True Love virtue.
Something like a history of love or friendship - my companion character is going to be a professor starting the first learning institution where ever we end up (I don't care that it doesn't make temporal sense, we're leaving Britain for the US in 1500).

My mage would be fine with that too, he's a Crimon house wizard, and grew up being raised by the fae. He has strong Sidhe blood and the gentle gift (this is going to be interesting), and is particularly competent at communicating with people and such (hello venus' blessing and a presence of 3, I'll just seduce my way to the top). The arts I plan on focusing in would be Creo, Perdo, Vim, Intellego, Corpus, and maybe Mentem. I'm currently plagued by a particularly irritating Angel who really wants me to do... something that is totally up to the ST.
Well that's interesting. Hado's character is a Merinita wizard who grew up being raised by the fay with strong fae blood and a blatant gift and who is terrible at communication, to the extent of remaining silent at all times. He's... basically the exact opposite of your character.
I'm okay at communication I believe, I took Driven (Maintain Order in The New World)

When I'm off duty, I'm typically easy going and kind, but I expect people to follow the rules ;D!
And I plan to play a Flambeu who is rather Frail, and somewhat reliant on his Twu Wuv. Well, Physicaly- magicaly, I plan an Intelectual Powerhouse.
I have a few more questions,

Divine vs. Magic - is magic considered sinful by the Divine?

Also, how strictly are we going to be playing within the concepts of theology and the Abrahamic faiths - as in, how tightly connected are the aspects of the Divine and the various religions?

Also also, how unlikely would it be for us to have a ring enchanted with The Leap of Homecoming?

As for the covenant, I would totally like a frontier style thing where we have particularly potent auras and vis sources, and pretty much nothing else (and thus have to build everything up from scratch-ish). Totally open to other ideas, though.

EDIT: The reason why I was thinking of the Leap of Homecoming thing is because otherwise transporting copies of lab texts across the ocean is going to be particularly time-consuming and difficult.
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Divine vs Magic: Magic is not inherently sinful, but some priests think it is. The Church as a whole doesn't consider it evil. Fun Fact: Rodrigo Borgia is the current Pope

Nature of the Divine: The Abrahamic religion is the only one that definitely worships the Divine, and the Divine draws from those religions. A few other religions have accidentally worshiped the Divine, but if you focus on JHVH/GOD/ALLAH/whatever he's called, you'll get the right idea. Sorry if that didn't answer your question

Enchanted Ring: If you want an enchanted item, you have to make it yourself. Transport across the ocean is deliberately difficult

Aight guys I got dis.

And that pretty much answered my question regarding the Divine, that's all I wanted to know.

Now to make an enchanted ring... or just go really far down the Path of the Body as a Criamon.
This is my magi in his current state, though obviously you are more than welcome to say nay to anything I have on there.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/kolur_pdf.a7958cc6ce05a10f4380ce00eed2c544" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24383" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/kolur_pdf.a7958cc6ce05a10f4380ce00eed2c544" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Paeniteo Azrael]This is my magi in his current state, though obviously you are more than welcome to say nay to anything I have on there.

Would you mind letting me know where you found that sheet?
[QUOTE="Paeniteo Azrael]It's from the metacreator software, which I totally obtained legally and would totally never share with anyone under any circumstances *cough dropbox cough*


Please keep that type of discussion off the forum.

Also are we meeting up tomorrow @Lord of Chaos?
Yes. We'll finish up any character creation that still needs to be done and then we can create the Covenant as a group. I've heard some neat ideas for it, so I'm sure it will be great
Yes- I'd like to have some help with that exactly, actualy- I was on the Skill's and Exp Spending Stage, but I want some aproval of what I've already done before I finalize things.
I'm heading on TS now, in case any of you want to get started early. No party-wide stuff will happen until game time.

Azrael: Your character has too many Characteristic Points spent. My calculations show that you've spent 13 out of 10

Hadoland: Your character spent 40 too few xp, I'd suggest bumping Arts up.
Hey guys, so I did a thing with the things and we have things now.

General gist of it:

We have all the money we could hope to have.

We will always need more vis, because there is no such thing as too much (well, until everyone tries to murder you for it).

We have good loyalty because naturally, you will elect Anthrakas to the position of Diocetes and he's precisely crazy enough to be nice to the peasants (like double wages and a pension nice). This is a good thing, because we have peasants that don't immediately hate us (looking at you and your blatant gift, Hado).

I just chose hermetic art books for the most part (and maybe a special something for myself, but hey if you don't want to provide input you don't get to determine the results yay!), I wrote up a short description which should be fun, feel free to modify it. The Charter Oath details the governance stuff (there are three positions), and if you guys disagree we can work out the disagreements. No I won't sum it up and read it to you, read the charter so that you can make an informed decision regarding it.

Regarding your character sheets - I *may* put them into my copy of metacreator and add them to the covenant, but at the moment most of you are "nameless magi x" in the covenant's members section. I'm not adding companions unless you guys use metacreator and send me the character files.

I had three extra buildpoints at the end, which I just spent on stocks of creo vis.

There are three specialists, a scribe/bookbinder/illuminator, an autocrat (steward + chamberlain, loyalty stuff), and a glass/metal worker (cost savings for laboratories). I'm assuming we'll have five martial grogs, and they require extra servants and such, but aside from that we have recruiting to do when we start the game to actually have the laborers and everything.

You can find the pdf's in my file in the game folder, and if we all agree I'll move it to it's own separate folder (i've also attached them for the lazy/not currently having access to dropbox).

Note on library stuff: I have the covenant character file, and its much easier for me to add stuff so when you write/copy books and lab texts give the librarius a name of the text, what it does, and what it's quality and everything is, and then he can just give me a summarized list at the end of a game session and I'll add it to the file.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8bfdfe26f9_CovenantofCovenanting_pdf.100ecf5f94f3e7f82521446a41f11329" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24389" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8bfdfe26f9_CovenantofCovenanting_pdf.100ecf5f94f3e7f82521446a41f11329" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8bfdfe41cc_CovenantCharter_pdf.d84402ebb07ad95e38ca38460639e998" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24390" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8bfdfe41cc_CovenantCharter_pdf.d84402ebb07ad95e38ca38460639e998" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Covenant of Covenanting.pdf

Covenant Charter.pdf


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Anyone have any general advice for picking spells? Levels I should aim for, combat vs utility, etc. I am grateful for any advice.

I do plan on a CrTe ritual spell for covenant building, my ritual casting total for that while in the covenant's aura is 45+die roll.
Well, the max level you can learn for your spells is

Int + Magic Theory + Technique + Form + 3.

Remember that anything you can do with a formulaic spell, you can do with a spontaneous spell (but your casting total is halved, and there is always a risk for fatigue).

As for what spells you should aim for - what do you want to do with your character? Intelligent use of spells can let you do pretty much anything, and remember you can invent your own spells. Its nice to have at least one combat spell if only because they're extremely powerful. But remember, you can do just about anything as a wizard, so what do you want to do with your character?

Basically: what story do you want to play with your character? A reclusive scholar, dedicated to changing the face of hermetic magic forever? A Conquistador whose purpose is to expand the order, by coercion or force? My character's purpose is to explore and form the first clutch in the Americas of Criamon magi while keeping the Europeans from murdering everything in sight, and so he has his one defensive (combat) spell, a small focus on wards, and various utilitarian social spells (like Whispering Winds, and Transparent Motive).

@Lord of Chaos so there are printing presses now. How's that going to affect the prevalence of Hermetic books?
[QUOTE="Paeniteo Azrael]Well, the max level you can learn for your spells is
Int + Magic Theory + Technique + Form + 3.

Remember that anything you can do with a formulaic spell, you can do with a spontaneous spell (but your casting total is halved, and there is always a risk for fatigue).

As for what spells you should aim for - what do you want to do with your character? Intelligent use of spells can let you do pretty much anything, and remember you can invent your own spells. Its nice to have at least one combat spell if only because they're extremely powerful. But remember, you can do just about anything as a wizard, so what do you want to do with your character?

Basically: what story do you want to play with your character? A reclusive scholar, dedicated to changing the face of hermetic magic forever? A Conquistador whose purpose is to expand the order, by coercion or force? My character's purpose is to explore and form the first clutch in the Americas of Criamon magi while keeping the Europeans from murdering everything in sight, and so he has his one defensive (combat) spell, a small focus on wards, and various utilitarian social spells (like Whispering Winds, and Transparent Motive).

@Lord of Chaos so there are printing presses now. How's that going to affect the prevalence of Hermetic books?

We had a conversation about printing presses, they are extremely expensive and not common yet, but will see them become more used in our long life time. They cannot mass print magic books(I tried asking about magic printing presses), it has to all be done by hand.
Dark is basically right. Nothing that teaches Arts or other magical skills has been able to be made with the printing press. However, mundane books are rapidly becoming more prevalent, but I believe this is the very beginning of the heyday of the printing press. Apprenticeships still include copying books by hand, however.

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