Ark 13 [Inactive]

Sam was paying attention to what he said, thinking about it herself. Her face had even nearly cooled off and she was about to answer his question, but then she sensed him coming closer as she stared at her papers. He lowered them and she looked at him in the eyes a little dazed. And then he said it, 'you look cute when your blushing'. She felt her face get red hot again, all she could think to do was smile and smack him with the papers playfully. "Do I now?" She said in a jokingly sarcastic, yet slightly flustered way. She then stopped for a moment getting a little more serious when she saw someone else enter the labs. She turned to see who it was. "Oh, Dr. Dahlstrom, haven't seen you in awhile, I wasn't even sure if you had made it off of the Ark." She said trying to keep her tone as casual as possible but her face was still certainly red, or maybe at the least a vibrant pink.
"Yeah, well --" he paused, resisting the temptation to say that he hadn't made too much of an effort to seek them out, "I've just had some trouble getting myself... acquainted with everything." Rune eyed the scientist with mild suspicion, dismissing it as irrelevant, which albeit didn't stop his perpetual curiosity, "Did I... miss something?" Shifting his hand into his pocket, he took a steady step back.
Sam realized that he must have noticed the blush on her face. On top of her being with an off-duty fleetman, well it didn't look very professional. "O-oh, not at all." She said a little flustered. She jabbed Locket in the side with her elbow just a little as a hint to 'act natural'. "I had just finished a meeting with the Commander, about how are murderous lizard foes are quite possibly from a dandelion zone." She explain, she then walked over handing him the analysis papers, "I took a round out of this soliders leg and sent it to be analyzed. The report showed that it was made up of similar elements that could have been found on earth." She told him crossing her arms and trying to be serious, she then looked back to Locket, "And he was just in for a check up that's all."
"Here I was under the impression that all naturally occurring, stable elements could be found on Earth," he chided with a smirk, noting her pinkish cheeks, "In all seriousness though, it's interesting to see that nothing synthetic was utilized." He glanced around the lab, making a mental evaluation of all the equipment. Not bad, he mused. His pale, blue eyes danced over to Locket, his brow arching as his eyes leaped between Sam and Locket. "Very well," he muttered, pacing over to a piece of equipment. He was able to identify it immediately: he had a similar piece in his own, personal lab. Rune gently twisted a small dial as he gazed into an observation scope, focusing it into a mildly more clear concentration. "Did you find anything else worth noting in the report?" he finally inquired, inching his way toward a vacant desk.
"Not to me anyway." She stated bluntly as she watched him with curious eyes. She always found him a "I wish I had managed to scrounge a corpse from one of those things. Their biology would be more useful to me than their choice of ammunition." She told him. "Oh, there was small amount of radiation found but nothing incredibly serious. That's about all the information I have to offer, sorry." Never before had she felt inadequate but she certainly did now. It seemed her field of expertise wasn't quite needed yet.
"That's not a wish I'm particularly used to hearing every day," he chuckled, retrieving a pen and neatly folded piece of paper from his pocket. He scrawled some things down on the page, using the desk which he had slowly inched his way toward for a hard surface, before shoving both of the items into the recesses of his pockets. "Anyway, that'll suffice, as far as I'm concerned, at least," said Rune, taking a seat. "I suppose I'll get to work on some navigational calculations then: it's what I did before the Ark's destruction, at least. I presume I won't bother you any further."
"Since there nothing synthetic, that means there mined. Could we scan nearby planets to check for any traces of the element? Maneuvering around them would be the best choice." He said to the other doctor then turned to Sam and said "And about the body you want, maybe I could make a few "calls"."
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Sam looked over to Locket with the same suprised face again. "Well, seems like I'm really out of my league here." She stated in a slightly joking matter. She then walked over to Locket again. "You want to stay here, and help the good doctor with his work?" She asked and then leaned in a bit, "Or come come grab a bite to eat with me?"
She grabbed him by the sleeve with a smile, "Come on fleet boy let's go." She walked over to the lab entrance and stopped. "Oh if you need my assistance or anything Doctor please feel free to message me." She then lead Locket down the hall to the cafeteria.
"Doctor Dahlstrom likes to be alone most of the time to work." She explained to him, "And in all honesty the guy seems a little off to me." She kept walking down the halls headed to the cafeteria, she smiled and looked at Locket, "Not to mention I think you owe me for patching you up, and I guess in a way I owe you, you did save my life after all."
"So... it's not a date?" He said jokingly "Well if I'm not mistaken, you're not allowed to date your patients. Am I correct? So this can't be a date." And took her by the hand.
She blushed again, and she was certain it wouldn't be the last time. "I won't tell if you don't." Her voice was playful but soft. She gave a soft squeeze to his hand. For some reason dating had never occured to her until this moment. She liked the sound of it that was for sure. For such a long time it had just been her, patients and work. Now, well now she felt a little more like a person. It was kind of a strange thought, she had been a personal all along, hadn't she?
"Why not?" They were outside the cafeteria "It's been a while since I went out with a woman while not on a date." 
"So what made you decide to become a doctor?" He asked Sam after sitting down "If you don't mind me asking."
She sat down along with him, "I don't know really. I just always liked the idea of helping people." She explained. She dazed off for a moment thinking about it, "If I could be the one to help somebody last a little longer in this world, that would be great. That's all it's ever been really." She then looked back to him. "What about you? Why'd you join the fleet?"
He looked at her then at the floor "Well... you see, when I was found I was in an escape pod and they said I survived because a soldier took care of me but he didn't make it 'cause he died a few hours before I was found and I would have too if they haven't found me. So you see because of that story I grew up wanting to become like him, I thought that: He sacrificed his life, so that I could save others." He looked back at her "I don't even know my real name." He produced the dog tag from under his shirt and showed it to her "This was his." It read: Locket, John D., Captain, Ark Fleet Security, Ark ?. the number damaged and wasn't distinguishable "I didn't even know what he looked like, let alone anything from my past life."
Sam looked at him in awe and a little bit of sadness. "Wow, I'm sorry." She said, "I guess that means Ark 2 may not have been the only one in trouble." That was a scary thought. If there was more damage done than Ark 2 and Ark 13 they could very well be the only ones left. She quickly tried to shake those thoughts away. "Who knows, maybe was related to you? Either way, I'm grateful he saved you, otherwise I probably wouldn't be here."
"You're right, I just wish I knew more about him." He smiled at her "So what exactly do you do, I mean what's your field?" He enjoyed talking to Sam, it almost feels like he's talking to... No, he can't think of that now.
"People are my field. When it comes down to basics I'm just a medical doctor." She told him. She then took a deep breath and continued. "I do have some experience with biology, anything that can help me help someone else really." There was another thing she wasn't sure she wanted to share, but considering he had been so honest she figured why not. "I almost became a medic for the fleet actually."
"What stopped you?" He was very curios, it wasn't because of lack of bravery that's for sure "We could use a little more heart in the fleet."
"That's just it." She told him, dazing off again. "I've got a little too much heart. I'd risk my own life for some one who'd be claimed by most as a lost cause." She knew this wasn't exactly an awful flaw but no matter what it still made her feel like a coward. "And after what happened at the Ark...I don't know if I could..." She stopped, she couldn't think about it anymore. All it did was make her feel useless.
"No life is ever a lost cause, remember that." Locket leaned closed "And what happened to the Ark should not deter you, in fact it should push you to be better... to do more. Now I'm not saying you should join, all I'm saying is everybody needs people like you now more than ever. Your heart is the key, because it takes more heart than guts to save a life."
Sam just looked at him, a little awe struck for a moment. "Wow that's...profound." Was about all she could manage to say for the moment. She let out a sigh, "Thanks." She said, and then smiled trying to take a load off the conversation.
"Are you O.K.? 'cause you look a bit tense." Maybe it because of the topic, He needs to think of something to make her a little more comfortable.

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