Ark 13 [Inactive]

Something was bothering Sam, Locket could see it in her expression, must be because of what happened in the Ark and he can't blame her Locket just wish there was something he could do to comfort her too bad he wasn't very good at that but he still tried "I heard the frigates could hold most of the people in the Ark, I'm sure a lot made it." He wasn't good but at least he tried.

All of the ships jumped and comms went silent. Everything was quite durring the jumps. I decided to get some rest before we came to our destination. "This is commander johns" I said over the loud speakers "get some rest while you can we will be at our destination in a few hours"

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Lisa Channer got back in her bead and pulled the covers over her head. She'd mostly hidden out in her lab during the fighting, as she was useless then. Perhaps she could have a chance to get out and stretch when something resembling normal life had been achieved.
Jamie groaned, couldn't she just stop already? Pushing herself up she started walking towards one of the ships, fed up of running and rubbing her sore arm. "Let's just move then if we have to shall we?" she called to him disgruntled.

As we got right next to the ship most of the soldiers were egetting inside. They were leaving and we wernt on yet. "Come on kids" I said as I turned around and picked both of them up and slinged them over my shoulllders. I then started sprinting as fast as I could to get aboard. This would not be the end for us, I wouldn't le it be. I was able to make it on the ship as the ramp closed and exhausted I collapsed shortly after dropping the kids. They were safe, I had succedded.

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Days later...

Locket woke from his bunk still hungover from the drinking he had last night "Wonder where we are today" He asked himself, as he prepared his breakfast he felt a sharp pain on his right leg again so he took another pain killer he should be listening to Sam she said that he should't be going around too much because it strains his leg but Locket can't just stay in one place for a day. As he ate his breakfast he thought about the doctor and wondered how she's doing as he hasn't seen her in days "Maybe I'll go see her later." He told himself, after eating he grabbed his jacket and went out of his room a while later he got to the pub and ordered the usual and as minutes passed he kept on drinking but suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and as he turned around to face he saw a very familiar face it was Ian his childhood friend and they were both glad to see each other "John, I knew it was you!" Ian said, while most people would think Ian to be too "active" or borderline crazy John thinks that he is just eccentric and is always glad with his company, "Ian! How did you know I was here? I've been trying to find you guys for the past couple of days." John was having a hard time with his leg thus making searching for them a lot harder so after exchanging pleasantries John continued "How are the others?" Ian's face went grim and with a sad tone he said "Some didn't make it..." John couldn't believe it and asked "Who?" And Ian said their names then John interrupted him "Wheres Zea, is she o.k.?" Ian looked at John for a moment, shook his head and said "I don't know, she headed back inside the apartment to get something and told us to go... I sorry John but I didn't think she made it." In a fit of rage Locket grabbed him by the collar pulled him closer and shouted "WHY THE F*** DIDN'T YOU WAIT FOR HER!" Ian tried to free himself from Lockets grip but couldn't so he stopped and shouted back "BECAUSE SHE WAITED FOR YOU!" Locket's grip loosened all of a sudden and Ian continued "She ran back inside to pack your things, she was so sure you'd come back for her she even told us "I'll pack his things for him, so he doesn't have to." Zea waited for you John... Did you even try to get her yourself?" Locket starred at the floor all of his senses went numb as Ian continued this time more sympathetic "The day before "that" happened... She went to see me in my room, she told me that she missed you but isn't sure what to do so I her that she should make it up to you and she had this great idea to surprise you on your birthday so she told everybody her plan and asked us not to tell... She went inside the house because she left the gift, the gift that was meant for you so please tell me you tried to go back home.'' Locket raised his eyes back to Ian paused for a moment as his mind rushed with questions like what could have happened if he hadn't tried to save Sam and instead went for Zea but if he did that then he most likely wouldn't have made it too but he didn't know that Zea was there and there could have been the chance that he could arrive there too late or she could have left so he asked Ian "Are you sure she didn't make... I mean, she could have had time to board the ship." He placed a hand on Locket shoulder and said "Bro, we tried to find he on-board and we even tried to find her on one of the ships but they said that they didn't have anybody on-board named Walcroft." Locket took a swig at his drink and said "Did you try the medical bays." Ian answered "The medical bays were full of injured it was near impossible to locate the others missing, I'm sorry John but she's gone." Locket still couldn't believe it but said "It's o.k. Bro, you did what you had to do, did your girlfriend make it?" Ian smiled at Locket and said "Yeah, nobody was injured except Tyrone when an ass**** tried to mug Kaye while we were evacuating, don't worry Tyrone handled his arse." AfterwardLocket bought Ian a drink and had a little catching up but still he thought about Zea and he was still sure she made it... Somehow.
Sam focused on the sample under her microscope, a small fragment of the 'bullet' that had hit Locket. She had sent a shard of it to others who had a better understanding in this field and nothing had come up. It was strange, it most certainly a metal, but it wasn't any kind of metal she had seen before. She picked up a com device from her desk. "Can I get Commander Johns to come to the labs please? I have something he find of interest." She sighed and leaned back in her chair. They had been traveling for awhile now, they would hit Alpha Centauri soon. She wasn't sure how well that would go, considering when the first people upon the Arks didn't head in that direction in the first place there couldn't be much hope there. She was begging for a run of good luck.

Mason was off duty for now and walked into the bar on the ship. He could use a drink, he still couldn't believe that the Ark was gone, 2 out of 13 Arks. It made him wonder where in the vastness of space the others could be. Were they nothing but debris in space as well? He shook his head and sat at the counter, "Ambrosia please." he said to the bartender.

Zeke got up from his cot, the rooms in the ship were fairly small, considering these weren't meant for housing. He hadn't worked in days and it was driving him nuts. He needed to tinker on something, but the last time he tried to look at the air filtration system he was escorted back to his room. He got up and decided he would try to find Lyle, hoping that he had a project on the ship that he would be allowed to help with.

It had been a few days, long days with no rest filled with tactical maps and star charts. Tomorrow we would arrive at alpha centari, then we might be able to see about colonizing. we had never tried going to alpha centari before, it was in the region that Ark 1 was in, if they were alive they would be at alpha centari. I eventually got called and started heading to the labs. As i entered I found who had paged me. "What do we have?" i asked as i looked around at all the people in here.
Rune sat on the bottom of a bunk aboard the Ulysses, piles of papers sprawled out around him. All the time and all the struggling to get all the lab equipment was wasted in an instant: blown to bits of stardust to endlessly roam the void of space. On top of that, he lost his home and now would be involuntarily spending the next few weeks holed up in an office-sized room, which, of course, he would have to share. His bunk-mate, a young, dark-haired woman, was lying on the bunk above him at the time.

"What's your name?" she asked, removing headphones from her ears and tossing them to the edge of her bunk.

"Rune," he said tersely, trying to minimize conversation with the stranger.

"That's a strange name," the woman commented.

"It wasn't strange where my parents came from," Rune said, resigning himself to the continuation of the conversation, "At least, that's what they told me. What's your name then?"

"My name's Cassandra," she said, sitting up from her previous, more rested position.

"That's a strange name," Rune echoed.

"Not so strange as yours though," replied Cassandra.

"Fair enough," said the scientist as he reached for a blank piece of paper among the horde of his scrawling. He dug around for one of several pens buried among his sheets. "How quickly is the ship accelerating?"

"Um," she interjected, searching through her tablet, "Thirty meters per second squared. What'd you do that you have to make all those calculations and write so much stuff down."

"I'm a physicist. I write things down because it helps me think," he explained.

"If you're a physicist, then shouldn't you be in some lab doing these things. They have all sorts of equipment that ought to be helpful, don't they?" she asked curiously.

"I used to have a lab of my own. The authorities don't let me have much fun in their labs," he replied coldly, clearly bitter from the loss of his experimentation grounds.
After hitting the pub Ian and John left to meet the rest but John stoped outside and said to Ian "I didn't feel like talking to the others right now..." Ian shot him a look and said "What do you mean? Everybody was worried sick when we couldn't find you and Zea." Locket looked away from Ian and said "I know and I'm sorry I made you guys worry, but... I just need time to myself please understand." "Are you sure about this?" Ian worryingly said "Just tell the guys I miss them and I'll see you guys soon." Locket replied and afterward raised his hand for a brofist to which Ian responded to and went their separate ways. Returning to his den Locket was all by himself and just laid on his bed to think about a lot of things when he remembered "I think I should visit Sam... But she might be busy, but I still should try." Then headed for the door once more.
Sam almost didn't hear the Commander when he entered. She had been so enthralled in the results from analysis she had ordered. She spun around in here Chair, "Hello Commander, glad to see you could spare the time to visit." She half joked. She pulled a vial out of it's holding case and held it up for him to see. Inside it was the large shard that had entered Locket's leg. "This is a shard I pulled from a Fleet-man's leg. I know it doesn't look like anything special, I'm sure a bunch of people were hit by these things those creatures were shooting out." She stopped for a second to look at it, "But I took it upon myself to have one of the other labs do a elemental compound analysis. This is made up of several elemental compounds that could have been found on earth." She wasn't sure if they would get what she was implying so she continued, "And the fact those things weren't wearing any masks as they boarded us means they breathe oxygen. They're from a dandelion zone sir."

this was an interesting development, that was also potentially very frightening. If they came from a oxygen rich atmosphere then they could possibly be from Alpha Centari, and we could be walking right into a massive trap. "I will let the other captains know of this development this could be a very valuable discovery" as i turned towards the door I saw the boy who I helped in the firefight Lockett? Lockheart? i forget what exactly what his name was.
Sam noticed somebody entering the building as the Commander left. Upon taking a closer look she realized it was Locket, "Hey Fleet boy." She said with a smile, "Shouldn't you be resting?" She carefully put the sample vial back in it's case, and stood up out of her chair to greet him. "Long time no see, been busy?" She stood just in front of him, hand on her hip. She could smell the subtle hint of liquor on him, but it didn't offend her at all. In fact she could go for a drink herself right about now. She needed a breather after this development.

As I awoke I looked around to the cramped quarters once again and wondered what I would do today, we were making jumps as we could make. They had me fixing all that I could, and then jury rigging the rest. Might as well go out and find the kids to see if they were up for the task. I walked to the cafeteria and started my search for the kids.
Unable to find Lyle right away, Zeke figured he'd a get a bite to eat and then continue his search. The food wasn't the best, he missed the restaurants that had been on the Ark. That's where the real good stuff was. He sat a table after paying for his meal with what credits he had left. Figured they'd still make you pay for things even after a disaster like that.
Locket stood by Sam's doorway and said "Not really." Locket then stepped inside and continued "So what were you and the commander talking about?" He missed her but he couldn't admit it.
Sam's smile dissipated a little, she felt like he was holding something back. She quickly, answered before he realized she had noticed. "That round I took from your leg, it was comprised of materials that could have been found on earth back in the day." She began to explain, "It's not all too interesting at first but once you start thinking about it, along with the fact those things were having no difficulty breathing oxygen it becomes a pretty safe bet they are from a dandelion zone." She realized she wasn't entirely sure if she should be sharing this information with him and mentally cursed herself. Hopefully the Commander's lack of 'keep it hush-hush' meant that sharing would be fine.
"Is that all what you and the commander were talking about or are you not telling me something." He knows they were going somewhere but Locket didn't know where, as he stepped closer he saw a piece of shiny metal and asked "Is this what you were talking about, what is it?"
She turned as he asked about the vial the shard was in, "Huh? Oh yeah, that's the little sucker that I took out of your leg." She told him. "As for what it is, well that's not my field of expertise. All I know is it's made out of metals that were found on earth. It would be more useful to me to get a body of one of those creatures, then I'd be able to tell you something useful." She thought about that for a moment, it really would have been useful to get a body. She became upset with herself for not thinking of that sooner. "What it means though, is we may run into these things again, considering we live in similar atmospheric conditions. If we find a habitable planet we may not be the first ones there."
Locket looked closer "Well it went right through my armor, they have to be traveling at high velocities and the round needs to be dense... like uranium or tungsten. Did you check for radioactivity?" At least he remembered his basic chemistry.
Sam raised her eyebrows, she was impressed. "Wow brave and smart, you're quite the catch huh?" She joked, and then blushed realizing what she had said. She recovered quickly getting back to his question. "Yeah we did, don't worry it was in minuscule amounts. It should be fine but if you start feeling sick let me know." She looked away from him and at her papers in an attempt to hide her still red face. She didn't understand what it was about this guy, but he made her far more open that she usually was. Yes, she was outwardly friendly but she never attempted to get overly close to anyone, especially members of the fleet.
After a solid half hour of debate with his newly appointed room mate, he was finally convinced, if reluctantly to head down to the lab for some work. Who knew, maybe it would take his mind off the destruction he had borne witness to just days ago. He shifted in front of the imposing steel door, uncomfortable at the notion of going back to work for the various administrators and officials. "Well, here it goes," he muttered, almost incoherently beneath his breath, before entering the lab.
She looks great in red, Locket wished he could tell her "I'm thinking like depleted uranium, the metal looks like uranium but it shouldn't have broken up like that. Maybe something softer than uranium but dense enough to get through the armor... The rounds weren't fast so maybe it's not rail assisted like ours', I don't know but this sounds like old tech like the ones used back in earth. Did you try to confirm what element they're made of?" Locket walked closer to Sam and lowered her papers from her face "You look cute when you're blushing, do you know that."

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