Ark 13 [Inactive]

Jamie was yanked backwards by Zeke's grip and she stumbled, half falling on her butt but with her arm still in the air where he held it. "Hey dude?" she uttered from the ground. "Lyle can take care of himself alright." and he could, so they needed to focus on them "Right now, you need to get me up off this floor and we need to take care of ourselves and get moving, he'd want us to get safe alright?" Jamie had posed it like a question but the tone in her voice said that it wasn't and there was no arguing on the matter.

As i looked around not too far from me I noticed the two looking around for something, probably me. How can they lose a big black man? i thought to myself. "Come on this way kids" I yelled as i started running towards them. things were far less chaotic in the defensive line. "we have to get on now"


"Lennin fire her up we are leaving!" I yelled over comms and I noticed the boy coming to. "you in the defensive line we are boarding now" I looked around to the men holding the line "FALL BACK!!! MARINES WE ARE LEAVING!!!" I yelled as i stepped foot onto the Ulysses. that larger ship would be here soon and we wouldnt be here to greet it.
Still holding on tight to Jamie, Zeke finally found Lyle again. "You don't have to tell me twice!" Zeke yelled back to him running off in his direction taking Jamie with him. They needed to get out of here fast. If they were left behind there would be no hope of surviving this.

Sam shoved her way to the front, "Out of my way doctor coming through!" She got to Locket scrambled through her bag looking for the supplies she would need. "Cocky, heroic bastard." she mumbled under her breath as she prepared to help him. He had saved, and she'd never forget it.
"Told you we'd make it. How's Your boyfriend?" He asked remembering the guy they were carrying towards the Ulysses "Is he alright?" He continued.
She half scoffed half laughed. "He's not my boyfriend." She smirked at Locket as she tended to his wound. "He'll live for now. The bleeding's stopped, but he could have brain damage and internal bleeding." She explained, part of her going into 'work mode'. "I won't know for sure till I can get him into a Med bay."
She put a steady hand on him. "I'm gonna need you to relax as much as possible." She told him. Using her forceps she dug into thigh, luckily the round hadn't gone to terribly deep. "This is gonna hurt, try to stay still." She told him, but before giving him a chance to respond she began to carefully pull the round out of the wound. "Nearly there," She urged, still putting a firm hand on him to keep him from squirming and causing further damage. "There!" She pulled out a strange looking 'bullet' if it could be called a bullet. Examining it for a moment, it was unlike anything she had ever seen. Quickly she put the object in a specimen jar and got back to work stitching up the wound. "Your lucky it wasn't it too far. Could have been a lot worse." She told him stitching him as fast as she could. "I don't recognize the material, so I'm gonna have to keep an eye on you for awhile." She finished the stitching and pulled out a bottle handing it too him. "Your all set, this should help with any pain. I don't have a lot so use it sparingly." She smiled, "Oh and, thanks for saving my life an all."
Locket was breathing heavily and sweating from the pain but he still managed to talk to her "I didn't get the chance to learn your name." He has met her in three separate occasions but has never had the chance to learn her name, well leave it to Locket to never ask a woman's name, but he knew there was something special about her. Locket put out a hand and said "I'm John D. Locket by the way, and you are?" He waited for a reply and a hand shake.
She reached out her hand with a smile and shook his. "Samantha Williams," she told him. "Just call me Sam, nice to meet you John." She looked him over for a moment. She didn't know very many Fleet members, just the few that were patients of hers.
"Sam...Alright then." He tried to stand but couldn't, the pain was too much, so he took some pain killer and said "Are we aboard the Ulysses?" He only remembered someone dragging him, the commander? He couldn't remember because he was in and out of conciseness, Oh no... how could he forget, Locket looked at Sam and said "Help me up, I need to check something out."
"Yeah, those things just kept coming, we had no choice we're leaving now." She gave a small frown. Her home, her parents home. It would all be gone soon. "I really don't think you should move pal." She said placing a hand on chest to try and prevent him from getting up. "You really outta sit out for a bit."
"I've gotta go find them." He strained to talk as he tried to stand up but as he managed to stand on the ground he quickly collapsed on his left knee "Ahh!" He let out but he still tried to steady himself and said "I need to know if they're ok."
"Who are you talking about? You can't go back out there, there's no time!" She frowned trying to help him. "I'm sure whoever it is they'll be ok." She said only half way believing it.
"But I need to..." There was no use arguing with her, she was right, with all the people evacuating Locket would just get in the way. He felt hopeless so he climbed back to his bed and thought to himself "I hope you're ok...Zea." He looked back at Sam and asked "How long was I out?"

as the line eventually pulled out and the Ulysses sets off. Through the ports we could see the Ark being torn apart by weapons fire. Ark 2 and 13 were lost, we have no where left to go, Titan chimed in "Johns, we are away what is our heading?" I didnt know, this is the first time i didnt know what to do, so I said the only thing that came to my head "jump towards alpha centari I will send coordinates for out drop out point. rest up and prepare for the worst" "On your word captain" came the reply "Jump"
Jamie lurched off the ground as Zeke once again pulled on her arm, yanking her through the crowds after Lyle found them. When they finally stopped, she wrenched her arm back and slumped down on the ground, leaning against a wall. "Skinny boy, you have a mean grip" she muttered, looking at the red mark on her arm where he'd had hold of her.
"Oh sorry." Zeke said breathlessly to Jamie, "I didn't mean to hurt you." He had gripped her arm too tight thanks to the adrenaline pumping through his veins. Looking around quickly he noticed some of the ships getting ready to jump. "We've got to get on one of those, the Ark isn't going to last much longer."

Sam gripped the railing on the wall of the ship. She had never jumped in a frigate before. Jumps on the Ark weren't too terrible thanks to the gravity systems you could hardly tell when it did. A frigate however could be different. "It's fine," She mumbled to herself. "How bad could it be?"

3 weeks ago...

: "Hey Kitty, looks what I got for you." Locket walked towards Zea Walcroft and hands her a a wrapped present.

Walcroft: "I don't like presents..." She enthusiastically said not even bothering to look at him.

Locket: "Come on, I know I've been gone for days and I'm sorry I didn't call you earlier." He told her.

Walcroft: "I'm a little busy Locket." She told him coldly.

Locket? She never called him by his surname before. Whats wrong, did something happen the past few days? Locket didn't know and every time after that she hasn't spoken to him, he had no idea why, Locket even tried his friends asking them what happened while he was away... "Nothing." they say everything was the same. Everything looks the same but somethings don't feel the same without her.

2 weeks and 5 days later...

: "Hi Walcroft," He had stop calling her Kitty or Zea "how are you?" He had tried to sound friendly.

Walcroft: "I'm fine." She was sitting at the chair opposite of Locket.

Locket: "I've prepared some fish, would you like some?" He handed her over the platter of fish. She loved fish that's why he used to call her kitty because when ever she had a problem Locket would cook her some fish and she'll feel better afterwards.

Walcroft: "Could you please stop!" She told him as she rose from her chair "Don't you get it, I am trying to avoid you but you keep trying to get close. It's... irritating!" She frustratingly told him.

Locket: "Irritating? I'm here trying to fix us, how do you think I feel?" He told her as he stood up.

Walcroft: "Us? What do you mean us, is that why! Locket, there was no us and there will never be, you know why." She told him.

Locket: "That's not what I meant. I mean to say is that I want to save what friendship we have left, That's all I want." He told her sincerely.

Walcroft: "Well you're losing it!" She yelled at him but all of a sudden her voice suddenly went soft "There's nothing left to save ok, so... so go find somebody else."

Locket: "But I don't want somebody else," His voice also went soft "all I want is you."

Walcroft: She shook her head and said "I need to go." She walked up to him, gave him a hug and whispered " There's a lot of girls out there better than me, I'm sure you'll find someone else just like me." She let go and went.

Locket: He stood there motionless until she was out the door and said "Nobody could ever replace you. I've finally found what I was looking for, and she just walked right out the door."

A day later he met his friends and he told them what happened, afterwards one of his friends asked him "After all this time?" Locket smiled at her and said "Always." (Got that one from HP)


He laid there on his bed thinking to himself "Is she the only one? I don't know, but I'll find out sooner or later." But took another look at Sam and repeated in his head "Sooner or later..."
Sam looked over to Locket realizing he was also looking at her. He had a look on his face, what it meant she wasn't sure. "You ok their soldier?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and a half smile. Soldier, she thought. Good nickname think I'll stick with it.
He smiled at her, shook his head and said "Don't worry doc, I'm fine." He was thinking to himself again: Maybe I don't need someone like you, because I might have found someone better. He was still looking at Sam, she was beautiful, he had to admit that and she had a heart of gold so maybe, just maybe, he had found somebody but that thought was followed up quickly with what love there is still for Zea... he just wish his friends were ok. He talked to Sam afterwards "So, uhmm, is it your first time riding a frigate?"
She nodded in a response, the quick thought of jumping making her sick to her stomach a bit. "Uh, yeah." She mumbled. "I've never left the Ark." She stopped their, she didn't want to think about the Ark, she didn't want to think about all the people who had lost their lives in that attack.
"oh... Don't worry it's not that bad." With all the missions he has been in Locket knew that a jump from a frigate was not that different from one on the Ark, it just has a little more push "I think you should sit though." He motioned towards a chair beside him.
She took his advice and took the chair he had motioned to. She sat there silent for a minute, not sure what to do or say. Her entire life had just been flipped upside and down. Ark 13 was lost, they we would be stranded. Granted on the Ark they were stranded as well more or less, but now they wouldn't have the all the supplies to restart somewhere if they managed to find a place to stay.

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