Ark 13 [Inactive]


As people ran about the place a sinking feeling overcame me and Lennin could see it. As we both looked up it was just in time to see two torpedoes fly past towards the main section of the Ark. I blared to everyone "ALL HANDS BRACE FOR IMPACT!!!" The whole Ark shook and explosions in the background told me all I needed to know. "ALL PERSONNEL EVACUATE THE ARK!!! MILITARY PERSONNEL EVACUATE CIVILIANS FIRST!!! MOVE!!!!!" that is when the first boarding ships landed. Dozens of little lizard men poured out from the boarding ships and fired upon the civilians. "HOLD THE LINE MARINES!!!" I yelled out as i took out my side arm.

((These Lizard men are about five feet tall))
Locket heard the Commander's orders and braced as two torpedoes hit the Ark and as they were being boarded Locket fired shot and nailed one on the head with his rifle.
The floor shook suddenly as the Ark took a direct hit to the main deck. "Shit." Mason said under his breath picking himself up off the dock floor. Looking up he saw strange scaly creatures. "What the f*ck." He pulled out his weapon and began shooting. Turning to some of his men for a breif moment, "Quickly get the injured and med crew out of here! Move now!"

Zeke had fall and and nearly hit his head on the hard metal floor as the entire Ark shook. He stood up as fast as he could. He could hear the Ark screaming in protest. He knew exactly which part had been hit. "The deck!" He yelled. All those people, some of which Zeke knew, they'd be dead if someone didn't do something. "Lyle! Jamie! We've got to close the air locks!" If they could managed to get most of the air locks closed in the deck area they wouldn't risk loosing any one else to the vacume of space. "Come on!" He ran quickly as he could to one of the main maintenance tunnels.

Sam became terrified quickly but she didn't let that get the best of her. With an injured man holding onto her she moved as fast as she could to get to safety. All those people in the deck...She shook the thought out of her head, there was nothing she could do now. She had to get the others to safety.
Locket saw another of those creatures on top of one of the buildings and below it was the woman he met a while ago helping an injured man, seeing the creature about to shoot Locket aimed his rifle and shouted "Look out!!!" and fired two shots at the reptile the body falling behind the two.
Jamie managed to stay up but only just to say the least. What in hell?! Steadying herself again, it took her a moment to respond to her actual name, she heard it so rarely now she forgot people even knew it. "Alright then Skinny Boy, let's go" was her reply as she sprinted after him. And to think today was supposed to be a good day hey?
Sam screamed and fell over as the strange creatures body thudded behind. She could see it now, it's terrifying animal like eyes. It looked like a strange prehistoric creature. She got back up attempting to pick the man up again but he was unconscious, and his dead weight was nearly too heavy. She needed to get out of here and fast but she couldn't just leave this man behind. "Come on sir, please wake up!" She said panicked looking around the room. People were screaming, shots were being fired. She never expected something like this too happen.
"Way ahead of you on that idea." Taking a look at the man she realized that she had seen before but in civi clothes. "So your Fleet huh?" She asked breathlessly as they attempted to make their way out of the docks. "Well that's good to know I guess." She forced herself not to look behind them. She didn't want to see the carnage. She was already on the verge of tears.
"What gave it away? The white coat or my gorgeous looks?" She asked jokingly surprised she could even make a joke now. " Yeah he's hurt badly. He needs a scan I think he has a brain injury and falling back there certainly didn't help. She looked at the man his head simply hanging as they carried him together. Blood was coming out of his ears, not a good sign. "If I can't treat him soon he may not have much time."

as chaos spread out to the docks I radioed to the other ships "boys evac who you can and we get out of here" fires were starting all around the deck and in some places in the docks. we wouldn't last here much longer and would have to leave with who we had, save who we can i guess. I picked up the radio once again "any word from the captain?" "with the ship sir" i heard over the radio... we will morn later. "MARINES FALL BACK! GET ABOARD THE ULYSSES NOW!! Lennin looks like we dont get to make those repairs"


As we ran towards the fires and chaos we came to the panels "come on kids if we can close this we can buy some more time" i yeled out to them. as the airlock started to close i stopped half way. "shit somethings blocking the way Zeke see what jamming it and get it out of the way" this whole situation was now turning into a sh*tshow
"All the more reason to bring him to a shelter, so let's hustle." He said to her, but Locket couldn't help but agree in his mind that she was right and gorgeous is an understatement."
"Move back move back!" Mason yelled to his men. This was getting FUBAR quick. He looked around to double check that his men were now moving to the Ulysses with who ever they could manage to grab. Once he was sure he too headed in the direction.

"God damn it." Zeke spoke under his breath. He quickly went to the ladder and started making his way up. He finally got up not seeing anything at first, "I can't see anything Lyle!" He screamed starting to panic now, there wasn't much time left. "No, wait. I see it!" A bolt had loosened itself and was causing the gears to get stuck. He pulled out a wrench and started on screwing it back in. "Almost there!" Just as he was about to finish another explosion occrued knocking him off balance. Zeke began to fall off the ladder, screaming. Thankfully he managed to catch himself with one hand, his wrench falling down to the ground below. If he fell he would be seriously injured, it was a least a 20 foot drop to the bottom. He managed to get his gripp and get both hands on the ladder again. Looking at screw but not having his wrench he simply took a hammer and smashed it in. "THERE CLOSE IT! CLOSE IT NOW!" He yelled down to them making his way back down.
Jamie didn't wait for Zeke to tell them twice and slammed it shut, hard. "You alright Skinny Boy?!" she asked as he climbed back down and she picked up his wrench, offering it out to him.
"Thanks." He huffed breathlessly. "I didn't sign up for this kind of stuff when I read the pamphlet ya know?" Now that the air locks were closed people would have a better chance of evacuating. "We better get going, this place isn't going to last much longer."

Sam felt like crying. So much was going on, in a matter of a few moments her entire life had been turned upside down. Just this morning she had been seeing patience, some of them children. And now she couldn't bare to think about how many of them hadn't made it. She forced herself to stay focused. "The Ulysses is the closest shuttle. Let's get to it and get the hell out of here."
"No problem." Jamie nodded at him before laughing briefly. "Yeah... let's get outta here, I don't wanna be buried in space rubble really" she agreed with him.Man this wasn't good.
Those things were everywhere and Locket was straining just to keep pace with all of them popping up everywhere, shooting them and on some occasions lobbing a frag on an pack of those creatures. They were now yards away from Ulysses and he took the man from the doctor and shouted "Go!!!"
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these are our badies.
She turned back around to Locket, "What about you?!" She yelled panicked. Things were falling apart so fast and she felt so useless. She couldn't leave these men behind but there wasn't much she could do. This whole situation was completely out of her control.
"I can still make it." Just then two more security forces came to them and grabbed the man and led the doctor towards the Ulysses "I'll see you on board." just as more of the invader came charging at them, Locket swung around and put his rifle to bear as he fired but then a sharp sensation was felt on his right leg and he knew he was shot but kept on shooting until his rifle was out, then he drew out his sidearm, limped towards the Ulysses while firing.

As a man fell in the distance I looked to Mason"COVER ME!" i yelled over the sound of gunfire, as I ran to get the man. the defensive line was almost at the Ulysses at this point. "Sir the Andramada and Lupis are away" I heard over comms "Good Titan?" "still loading they are grabbing equipment and supplies, they sealed their bulkheads to the docks instantly and started loading all they could" I then got to the soldier and supported him on my shoulder "Come on boy we arent dying here." I then saw A larger Lizard start rampaging towards the defensive line. "I am going to need every man in the fight after this, so you dont get the pleasure of dying hear me boy." I told him half trying to joke half serious


As we all ran I made sure that the kids were close behind me. I would make sure these kids made it out of this. Eventually We made it into the defensive line and i instantly turned around "Zeke, Jamie!" I yelled out into the chaos, I had lost them for a split moment
Mason turned to Com Johns with Locket heading to the Ulysses. He quickly went to cover him shooting any enemy forces before they go too close. All of a sudden a big ugly one was making a run for the Commander and Locket. Mason charged forward towards it taking a shot as he ran, it missed, he continued to fire. Miss. Miss. Miss. HIT. It got that ugly lizard scum right in the knee. It dropped and Mason quickly kicked it sqaure in the chest, taking the close proximity to aim for the head. "Ugly s.o.b" Mason huffed now retreated back to the Ulysses. He turned to look behind him. "Is everyone on board!?" He yelled back.

Zeke stopped suddenly and grabbed Jamie's arm. "Wait where did Lyle go?" Some how they had managed to lose him in all the Chaos. Zeke cursed mentally. They were running out of time but they had find Lyle, they couldn't just leave him behind. "LYLE!" He yelled looking around frantically. Normally finding Lyle wasn't that hard. It's fairly easy to spot a large black man who towers over you. "LYLE!" He called out again 'Come on man where are you!?'
"S-s-s-sir..." was all Locket could muster as he went in and out of a blackout, he could feel something in the bones of his right leg and he was in pain, he thought to himself "Well, this is what you get for playing hero." then suddenly... black, he's unconscious.

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