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Fantasy Arganthom


Lord of the Void
The world has entered a time of great turmoil. Across the land, fierce battles are waged, as war engulfs the five kingdoms. Arganthom, Tetryl, Orthantum, Celestra, Nagastro. The lords of each of these kingdoms fight to take what they can from their neighbors. Each one, out to sit on the throne as the single ruler of all the land.

As price for these events, creatures born of darkness emerged from their once hidden existences. Towns are under siege of those monster's, and with every able soldier off at war, there's is nobody capable of defending the streets.

People hide in their homes from fear of death. All but few who risk life and limb to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Some have taken advantage of the current crisis for their own selfish gain.

Here you are now, in the small town of Arai, in the kingdom of Arganthom, standing in front of the Little Lamb tavern. Your reason's for being here are your own, but what awaits inside is destiny.
Keith stands at the bar, wiping down the counter. The tavern hasn't been very much busy since everything started happening. No customers, means no money coming in. At this rate, he'd never be able to pay his taxes. Keith was looking at a very real possibility of selling the Little Lamb tavern. He sighs heavily and shakes the thought away. "It wouldn't sell, even if I was practically giving it away." He sat in silence thinking of the cool afternoon.
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Séreméla looks slowly up at the sigh and mumbles "Little Lamb... bit of an odd name.. but if they have ale... who am I to complain" Séreméla opens the door slowly and walks in. She smiles softly at the bartender.
Evra walked slowly along the path into town, a pack of everything she owned slung over her shoulder. In the distance she could see a small tavern, it's warm glow welcoming in the cool night. She picked up her pace and headed towards it. As she got closer, she could see a sign above the door that read "The Little Lamb". Evra smiled to herself and pushed open the door.
Keith stood surprised as his second customer walked in. "Two in one night, such odds have not bee likely as of late." He greets them both with a bow. "A pleasure to serve, as token of my hospitality, the first round is on the house." Keith propped himself against the bar. "So what would you two like?"
"Arai..." Niala muttered to herself apon entering the town. She was exited, a bit jittery. Finally visiting a village with actual humans, creatures she hadn't interacted with in a long time. It was amazing. She said hi to every person she could see, the sight of a girl was short, curly dark hair and strange clothing with a big grin made people look twice. Not many were friendly now and days...

She walked up to a small building called "The Little Lamb" "ooh..I wonder if they give food." She had only a couple of golden coins, but hoped it would be enough. She walked in to see only a few people in this place. Two seemed to be regular people, the other a employ. Not knowing human customs, she cut in front of one woman, and stood in front of the bartender. "Hello!"
"I'll have a-" Evra turned to see who had entered. She offered a soft smile to the girl.

"I see you've survived your trek here," Evra began,"why don't you join us for a drink?" Evra turned back to the bartender. "I'd like the strongest you've got, please. Not too much, though. I still want to start off with a good morning tomorrow."
Keith smiled and grabbed two mugs from the shelf behind him. "So one Ale and one Arai Special coming right your way!" He turns around to the oak barrel behind him and filled the first mug up with a golden ale. "Here you go miss." Keith slid the mug to the elf. He then reached under the bar and pulled a misty looking bottle out. The bottle seemed to glow a faint purple, even a small hum could be heard in a silent room. Keith pulled the stopper out, pouring the bright liquid into the mug. Keith stopped just before the rim. "And here you go, the Arai Special. Has a little magic to prevent the hangover, but strong enough to put you on your . . . well you know." Keith put the stopper back in the bottle and returned it under the bar. "And how about you miss?" Keith gestured to the newcomer.
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"Thank you." Evra eyed the mug suspiciously before taking an experimental sip. She jerked back suddenly, nodding her head and giving the bartender a thumbs-up. She took another sip before setting the mug down. "Wow."
"Uhh..." Niala thought to herself. She had never tasted liquor before, never had a reason to. Finally, she made her choice, not knowing, of course, the effects of liquor on her. "I will have the same as her, please!" She said, pointing at Evra and smiling.
Séreméla catches the mug without so much as a glance and mumbles a thanks. She gulps half of it down and sits it back on the bar. She blankly stares in to it, ignoring the new comers. She feels a wiggle in her bag. She pulls he bag of and reaches in, pulling out a small greyish blue dragon hatchling. "Good morning my sweet. How nice of you to grace us with your presence.. mid afternoon.." She looks at him for a moment "You must be hungry." She pats him and calls to the bartender. "would you be kind enough to get me some fish and a bit of cream?"
Keith quickly poured another mug of the Arai Special. "Here you go miss." He then turned around and grabbed some fish from the back closet. "This is all I have, will it work?" He held the large catfish up, offering it, then looked over to the fox who ran into the door. "Um, hello there. Are you okay?"
(( zzonarch i am thinking later in rp i will introduce christian drake. he has a baby celestial dragon.))

looking at the tavern owner he asks for some aged ale.
Séreméla looks over at her dragon as he wiggles with excitement "Well Ator, what do you think? Would that fill your belly?" She looks up at the bartender "I think he will like that. Do you happen to have anything he could drink?" She smiles softly at the bartender.
The tavern door pushed open as Halrun entered. A majority of the people near the door looked up and stared at the Rawulf who entered.

Down in this part of the land Rawulf were rarely seen, thought more of myth rather than reality so it wasn't any surprise that a few quiet gasps circled those near the door.

Halrun looked around slowly and then walked to the bar, laying down a few coins, "Give me the hardest thing you've got." He growled.
"Aren't you a little to young to drink?" Keith said as he poured another Arai Special for the Rawulf. "Here you go sir." He looked around at his slightly crowded tavern. It's been sometime since Keith has had this many people here.
"Young?" Halrun asked, "I've seen more centuries than you decades..." He said with a throaty growl that sounded like a laugh.

Halrun lifted the cup and knocked it back in one gulp, "Anything larger you serve with?" He asked.
Keith held his hands up. "Sorry sir, I was talking to the fox." He reached under the counter and pulled a full bottle of the purple drink out. "This is the best I can do, I mean I have a bucket I can clean out if you really want me to." Keith pulled a small jug of milk from under the counter and handed it to the elf. "This is the only non-alcoholic drink we've got."
Zonarch said:
Keith held his hands up. "Sorry sir, I was talking to the fox." He reached under the counter and pulled a full bottle of the purple drink out. "This is the best I can do, I mean I have a bucket I can clean out if you really want me to." Keith pulled a small jug of milk from under the counter and handed it to the elf. "This is the only non-alcoholic drink we've got."
Halrun grunted, "Simple misunderstanding then." He reached over and grabbed the bottle, popping the top and taking a large chug from it.
She begins pulling the meat of the bone for Ator. "That is perfect" she says smiling at the bartender. She tosses a big hunk of catfish to Ator. "Eat up my sweetness."
Evra set her mug down on the bar. "Incredible," she said,"I've never had anything like that." Evra removed her pack from her shoulder and pulled out a small pouch. From it she removed a few golden coins and set them on the counter. "I hope that covers the drink. Do you know of a place in town where I could spend the night? I'm heading to Tetryl and I must well rested for the journey ahead."

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