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Are We More Than Friends?

Akira sighed and pressed her cheek to her desk. Eventually she got tired of this. As soon as she bell rang she left the class and headed for the gate.
"Akira! You can't miss school!" Daichi screamed after his friend, catching up with her. While he was willing to skip classes for her she didn't want her friend to miss any of it.
Akira turned around. "I just. I give up. I'm not going to school." She said, setting down her board and beginning to pedal away.
Daichi ran after her "I know it's rough what you're going through, I really do" Daichi said and bit his lip "But" Daichi said but realized hmself he had no real good argument against what she was doing. "I- I- You shouldn't skip classes! We can talk after school, I promise!" He said
Akira sighed. "It's not your fault or anything, it's the fact that someone went around spreading rumors. Also, why couldn't I just have a sensible boyfriend." She said.
Daichi looked down on the ground. "I know" He said with a sigh. "I wish I could do something, I would if I could trust me" He said quietly shuffling his feet. He hated not being able to help a friend, it was such a heavy feeling for him. Like a bag of stones were hung on his shoulders. He looked up at Akira. "I'm sorry"
Akira sighed, placing a hand on his head and pulling him into a half hug. She rested her chin on his shoulder, sighing. "It's not your fault, it's mine, for choosing such lousy people as my boyfriends." She said to him.
Daichi pulled her closer, tilting his head slightly down wards for his lips to almost rest on her shoulder. "No it's anything but your fault" He said. "I hope you forgive me for being such an awful friend" He said with a sigh. "I shouldn't have brought you to school, it was wrong of me" He said.
Akira smiled, moving her face a bit so that her cheek could rest against his shoulder, her nose centimeters away from his skin. "It's alright, can we just, go home now." She said, tightening her grip on her friend.
Daichi nodded. "Hopefully if I tell the teachers what have been going on they can be understanding" He said with a sigh. He smiled feeling her soft skin against his. He thought Akira smelled a little like roses, his favorite flower. Daichi put wrapped a hand around Akira's neck, pulling her just a tiny bit closer.
Akira could feel herself being pulled closer, causing her nose to gently press into his skin. She let out a soft laugh, nuzzling into him. "Now let's go before I die and someone sees us." She said.
Daichi chuckled and let go of her. Staring right at her eyes as he did. He thought they were so pretty, her bright blue eyes twinkled as the sun shined at them. He smiled brightly at the sight.
Akira smiled and rubbed his hair, messing it up. "Come on cutey, let's go." She said, pulling him on her board.
Daichi chuckled and wobbled around on the board, almost loosing balance. He was never good with skateboards, or any kind of boards in general
Akira looked back at him and smiled, looping and arm around him so he wouldn't fall off her board as she skated away.
((I'm so sorry for the late response, we had a power outage!))

Daichi hugged her waist from behind, mainly because he wanted to, but also to regain his balance.
"oh mY GASH" He said almost loosing his balance. He hugged her tightly, holding onto her as if lava was surrounding them.
Akira could feel a little bit of warmth brush her cheeks and her heart skipped for a second as he pressed himself tight against her. She smiled and slowed down a bit, letting the soft breeze run though her hair.
Daichi noticed how the pace slowed down and let go a little, but not fully. Not only did he feel comfort standing close to her, he also found himself loving the warmth she gave off.
Akira smiled as they reached her house, and she stopped the board. "Here we are." She said to him softly, standing there for a moment longer.
Daichi smiled and slowly but surely let go of her, he stepped out the board wobbly. "How you can ride that thing is beyond me" Daichi said with a chuckle.
Akira smiled and hopped off, picking it up and flicking his forehead. "Practice." She said, walking towards the door and fishing out her key. She turned the lock and shoved open the door, setting the board next to her shoes.

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