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Are We More Than Friends?

Akira looked at him. "I usually make cinnamon toast bagels." She said to him as she grabbed bagels and butter. "You want one?" She asked, pulling out cinnamon sugar.
Daichi nodded eagerly and sat down by the table. "You're good at cooking, you know that?" He remarked rubbing his temples and adjusting his glasses once more.

((Okay that's stupid - It didn't post my reply ;W;))
Akira smiled at her friend and went over to ruffle his hair. "Thanks bud." She teased him, going back over to the toaster and popping in 2 bagels.
Daichi chuckled and slicked back his hair. "When do you have to leave home for school?" He asked looking at the clock on the wall. He asked since he obviously didn't live in this house and they had to go different times since they live different distances from school.
Akira smiled, placing her hand on the counter as she waited for the bagels. "Hmm, around 7:00, but that is because I skate to school." She said, trying to forget how her old boyfriend used to drive by and pick her up every morning with a coffee in the car. With that thought, she started brewing coffee for herself.
"I see, I guess I'll have to jog then" Daichi said with a chuckle adjusting his glasses once again. "You know, you're a great friend to have" Daichi mumbled.
Akira smiled at him. "I know." She said softly, grabbing the bagels out of the toaster and putting them each on a plate. "But you are a better friend." She said as she delivered a bagel to him, that was covered in butter and cinnamon sugar.
That statement made Daichi go "Awww" before he could stop himself. He chuckled and thanked Akira for the bagel. He took a bite and then another and then ate the whole thing. "That was delicious! Thank you so much Akira!" He exclaimed
Akira smiled, biting into her bagel hungrily. "I know right! I am a genius." She said softly, chuckling to herself before she finished up. "Well I am going to change." She said before heading upstairs. "Just borrow some of my brother's old stuff!" She called from upstairs, knowing that her brother wouldn't be back from college for a few months.
Daichi smiled "Okay!" He shouted starting to walk after Akira. He went into her brother's room which he knew where it was located because he knows too much. He put on the simplest of things. He felt slightly uncomfortable using another person's clothing but shrugged it off anyways. He walked out of her brother's room still trying to figure out how her brother fit in any of his jeans.
Akira walked out of her room a few minutes later with her hair tied up in a cute bun with strands framing her face, a shirt that said "Are you Kitten me right Mew?" with kitten whiskers and a nose on the top, and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. She smiled, her galaxy skateboard in hand. "Now let's go face this breakup head on!" She said, trying to sound confident, and putting on a smile, even though she was actually pretty depressed inside.
Daichi smiled and straightened his back "Yes ms!" He said sternly and chuckled directly afterwards. "Your shirt is really nice" He complemented "And very cute at that" He added and smiled brightly releasing a small giggle. But that laugh stopped when he realized his pants had fallen down, a lot. He quickly pulled them up and hoped Akira didn't notice. He also cursed the jeans for being way too big.
Akira looked at him, smiling. "Thanks." She said, taking it as a compliment to make her feel better. However, she couldn't help but let out a roar of laughter at his pants, clutching her sides. "Here." She said, walking into her room and finding a pair of jeans. "You left these here in the summer." She said, tossing them to him.
Daichi thanked her and quickly went into another room to change. He came out of the room and nodded ad Akira "Ready to go?" He asked "Because now I am - Thank the lord that I'm forgetful" He said with a slight chuckle.
Akira chuckled at him, and nodded. "Ready." She said, before she took a breath and said. "Race you." Before darting down the stairs and shoving on her sneakers and running out the door.
"Hey!" He shouted after her not being ready. He threw on his shoes and ran after her chuckling. "That's no fair!" He said inbetween pants. "And I'm not the best at running!"
Akira smiled and stuck out her tongue, rolling out her board and hopping on. She smiled and started getting going, turning back to him to motion moving along.
Daichi jogged "Please *pant* no more of this torture" He said, obviously exaggerating a bit. "My legs are not meant to do this" He said "They are meant to sit with!"
Akira laughed and kept going. "You better move those legs then slow poke!" She yelled before taking off even faster, though her mom would probably yell at her for wearing no helmet or pads and going this speed.
"nooooooo" Daichi said dramatically but was able to keep up pace. "Akira I'm a regular nerd please spare me!" He said. "All I do is sit on y lazy ass all day! Please spare meee" He said
"Aha! Maybe that's true! B-but you know I don't drink alcohol!" He shouted. Daichi highly disliked alcohol due to his father being drunk all the time. and having bad experiences with it.
Akira sighed. "I know, but you need to loosen up sometime!" She yelled at him, slowing down a bit and waiting for him to catch up.
"Loosen up! Heck no! I got my life in front of me!" He said "Loosen up is what you do as a child, no offense!" He screamed while panitng

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