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Are We More Than Friends?

Name: Daichi Yushimo

Meaning of name: (dai) "large, great" combined with ? (chi) "earth, land" or ? (chi) "wisdom, intellect".



Personality: Daichi is happy mst of the time and quite outgoing. He likes being around people and dislikes being alone. He'll do anything for a friend and he's pretty selfless. He focuses a lot on studying making him quite clever. But like any character he has quirks. He can be very weird at times and not the good kind of weird, he's not the best at jokes but can crack a pun here and there, he's never been super good with children.

I hope that's good enough if not I can edit it



Akira Tamehama




Akira is outgoing and friendly. She is pretty much able to friend anyone due to her sweet nature. All she has to do is pay attention to them

and it seems to work. However, she finds that Daichi is one of her constant friends as they have been since they where

very young. He is almost like a second child to her family since they hang out so much.​
Pain. That is all she could feel. No amount of the clear liquid inside her bottle seemed to drown it out. A sigh passed though her lips as she lifted the bottle to them, letting the fiery liquid pouring down her throat and leaving a burning trail down her flesh. She sighed and let her arms drop limply to her knees as she placed her head on her arms.

The rain was almost soothing to her pain, being able to mask the tears that where streaming down her cheeks. She had deleted his contact, thrown away everything she gave to him. All she could do now was cry on a corner alone.
Daichi was skipping down the pavement, holding groceries in his hands, quite happy in fact, he'd just gotten his first real job as a minor journalist, and oh boy was he excited. Then he spotted a girl longer down the road. As he came closer he didn't only notice it was Akira he also noticed that she was crying. He dropped the bags with the groceries and quickly ran up to her "Akira? What's wrong?" He asked very concerned of his friend
Akira could hear footsteps and at first she thought it was some random kid, considering they where skipping in the rain. But she heard it stop behind her and soon enough she heard a familiar voice. Her gaze shot upwards towards her friend. "Hey." She managed weakly, her eyes puffy and her breath reeked of alcohol. She took another sip from her bottle before turning to her friend. "What.. *Hic* brings you here." She said to him, her gaze a little wobbly.
Daichi got worried at her unusual slobby behavior. "I was getting some groceries" He mumbled "Akira what's wrong- I saw you crying and you're drinking which you rarely do" He said "What's wrong?" He asked again "Is it something with your boyfriend?" He asked looking straight into Akira's eyes.
Akira sighed, glaring out at the street. 'I never *Hic* want to *Hic* hear about him again." She said bitterly as she glared out into the street, the rain mixing with the fresh tears that where spilling out of her eyes. She took her bottle and took a long hard drink until there was only half the bottle left. 'Dang." She mumbled. "This was my last one." She grumbled.
When Daichi heard her bitter sayings his eyes widened as he understood what'd happened. He laid and arm around Akira's shoulder "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked "Here I'll take you home.." He mumbled starting to walk towards Akira's home, forgetting about the groceries still laying up the street getting wet.
Akira sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder, her wet hair and tears soaking his t shirt. She pressed her face into his shirt, the tears pouring onto him. "I'm sorry." She choked out, her fingers grasping onto his t-shirt as she pulled herself close to him, wanting to feel the safety and comfort of someone to help her.
Daichi got surprised when she pulled him closer but quickly gave a comforting smile looking down at her. Daichi slowly caressed her long dark brown hair "No need to apologize" He murmured "Let's just get you home and warm, so we can figure out what went wrong, yeah?" Daichi said looking down at Akira pulling her closer to him.
Akira nodded numbly, keeping herself close to Daichi for comfort and the feeling of safety. She was always the kind of girl who would jump out of her way to do something different, but no matter how far she roamed, she always had Daichi, who always felt like home to her. Soon enough, they reached her house. Her parents where gone, she knew that. They had left a week ago for a vacation they won. They wouldn't come back until midway though next week.
Daichi gave Akira a small smile as they reached the house. She helped her inside. "Where are your parents?" Daichi asked still holding Akira by the shoulder "Are they home?" He asked in a soft tone looking around for them. He took off his shoes and Jacket making sure he was still close to Akira constantly.
Akira shook her head, her wet locks dripping water all over the floor as she stood there. "They left a week ago." She said hoarsely to him, still holding herself close to him as he took off his jacket and such. Akira didn't notice but she was soaked to the bone, her white shirt sticking to her skin and showing her undergarments.
Daichi also noticed this now and blushed looking away in embarrassment. "I see" He said putting his jacket on the hook. "M-maybe you hsould go change.. Your clothes are a little.. Wet" He said "I'll be here when you come back" He said with a reassuring smile "Then we can talk about what happened tonight" He stated adjusting his glasses.

((Sorry for late response the notification didn't pop up))
Akira nodded and slowly unlatched herself from him. She turned towards the stairs and stared at them for a bit, trying to put her foot on the step. She ran into each wall a few times, making little to no progress up the stairs and adding to the amount of bruises she would have to feel in the morning. She groaned as she put out her hands, trying to steady herself.
"Are you okay!?" Daichi shouted from the down the stairs "I-I'm coming up!" He shouted starting to job up the stair to the if Akira was okay. He saw Akira standing with her hands forward and jogged up to her "Is everything well?" He asked, he knew she was a little drunk, but not THAT drunk.
Akira shook her head. "Everything keeps spinning!" She whined, slamming into a wall again. She groaned and leaned the other way, only to slam into another wall. "Why are there so many walls in my house!" She yelled at the floor, tipping back and forth as she tried to stay balanced.
"Ah ah ah!" Daichi exclaimed as he grabbed his friend by the shoulder "Let me just get you to your room" He said starting to lead her to her room, how he knew where it was? Well... Daichi opened the door for his friend and gestured for her to go inside "I'll wait outside of your room instead, is that okay?" He asked looking at her.
Akira smiled lazily at her friend. "Thanks." She said to him in a soft lazy voice, slumping against him as he lead her to her room. As he waited for her to go inside, she stumbled forwards, smiling at him before she began to change, slipping off her shirt with no care that the door was still open as she searched for a dry one.
Daichi may be a boy but he had respect so he covered his eyes while Akira was changing, he wanted to treat Akira with respect. She'd just been through a lot after all. "Are you done?" Daichi asked peeking through small cracks between his fingers.
Akira had been mostly successful, but she had put her head though an arm hole and her legs where in one pant leg. "Uhh, little help?" She said weakly, looking at him. She struggled a little bit, trying to move herself around a bit.

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