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“We can’t leave Regulus with my parents” he sounded heartbroken at the idea
“I don’t know. Maybe we can convince him? especially James. It’s worth a shot, right”
Sirius nodded “we’ll use James” he repeated as James came back with the cloak
"You'll use me for what? My charming ideas? My good looks?" He smirked and rubbed his chin.
“No. Your persuasion to get Regulus to come with us. We can’t leave him behind”
James blushed at the mention of Regulus. "Reggyyy? You think he'd listen to me?"
“I think he might listen to you. More than me at least. Please James you have to try your absolute hardest”
"Late at night." Remus sighed.

"Boring, but smart." James held the cloak to his chest.
“Yeah we established that but I mean what day? We want this sorted with plenty of time before school and that’s. Coming soon”
“That’s not really what I asked though, Moony. I don’t want you to be fine. I want you to be good”
"I can't be good until I know you have no reason to go back." It was a white lie. Remus wasn't fully healthy himself, but he never was. He just needed Sirius to be safe.
Sirius eyes him suspiciously, clearly not believing him but he didn’t want to call him out. “Tonight”
Remus nodded. “We will do this.”

James sighed. “Do you think Reggy will date me if he lives here?”
Sirius leaned into Remus but looked over at James, "I don't know, Prongs. It would be safer for him to date you if he was living here"

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