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Sirius had tried, he really had. He wanted to be like all of the other families getting together over the holidays and enjoying the time outside of Hogwarts. It wasn't that he wanted to spend more time with his parents, more so that he just didn't want anything else reminding him of how different he was compared to his friends and the other kids he saw at school. There was only so many times he could stay at school for the holidays before suspicions arose and his parents were insistent that he came home with Regulus at the end of the term. If he was being completely honest though, Sirius didn't understand why they were being so pushy; it wasn't like they actually wanted him there. Every time he returned to Grimmauld Place, he was reminded of what a failure and disappointment he was. His parents hadn't been happy to see him even before he started at Hogwarts but now he had been sorted into Gryffindor and he had been keeping 'the wrong sort of company', their hatred for him was just becoming more and more obvious. Part of Sirius wanted to stay for Regulus' sake, but, at the same time, he knew that Regulus was the golden child and whether Sirius was there or not, Regulus would be safe. He'd had hope that he could convince his brother not to go down the path of evil and hatred that their parents had but he just seemed to be going further and further into that same life over the past year or two and it broke Sirius' heart. There was no good left here for him anymore.

Regardless, Sirius tried to stay strong, even now when he was bruised and bleeding, when he had only just recovered from having the cruciatus curse used on him by his own mother. Sirius didn't want to worry anyone or make things a bigger deal than they had to be but there was only so much that he could take and he'd reached that limit. The Gryffindor boy already had his wand in his pocket which he was extremely grateful for because he didn't have time to grab anything else, he wasn't safe here anymore. He waited for his mother to be just minorly distracted before sprinting to the fireplace and grabbing some floo powder. Moments later, he appeared in the Potters' fireplace bruised, bleeding and shaking. Tears welled up in his eyes but he refused to let them fall and he just stood in the fireplace, unable to move and unaware of the eyes that were currently on him.
"Sirius!" James Potter, self-acclaimed bestest friend of said Sirius, scrambled to his side. His friend was bleeding and trembling. What happened? Who could do this to his friend? "Come on. Sit down. What happened? Who did this to you?"
Sirius knew that he didn't have the strength to argue or fight with James even if he wanted to so he just let the other teen lead him to sit down. He was in shock and couldn't bring himself to speak as he looked around to see who else was in the house. He knew it was rare for James to be left alone in the house, especially recently after he broke Euphemia's favourite vase. They 'had to keep an eye on him'. Sirius had always been fond of James' parents and they were so unlike his own. He didn't have the heart to tell James about what had happened with his own parents, knowing how upset he'd be and even if he wanted to speak, he was too shocked.
“I’ll get my parents. They’re just in backyard. My mom will heal you write up. Where does it hurt? You’re bleeding so much.” James hadn’t seen this much blood since the first time spending the full moon with Moony. It made him feel sick. “Do you need water? You probably need water.”

He practically ran into the kitchen, narrowly avoiding slamming his knee into a cabinet as he poured Sirius a glass.
Sirius sat down kind of awkwardly. He felt like he was intruding and causing an issue but he also knew if he were to tell James his fears he'd just tell him not to be an idiot so he stayed quiet about it and took the water from James with a shaky hand.

As James headed out to go and get his parents, Sirius could have sworn that he heard someone moving around upstairs but he decided that it was likely just Peter since he lived close to James and spent a lot of time with the Potters. Sirius wasn't sure who else it could be and he honestly wasn't even sure of exactly what he'd heard since he was still panicking, his senses on overdrive.
While, James was gone, someone came down the stairs. “James…? What was all that yelling about?”

It was Remus. He froze when he saw Sirius. “Pads? When did you… Merlin, you look like you were hit by a car.” He slowly approached, his hands up. “Can I sit by you?”
Sirius froze when he heard Remus’ voice, or as much as he could considering the way his whole body was still trembling. He still couldn’t bring himself to form words so he just nodded when Remus asked if he could sit by him.

Remus was being a lot more calm and quiet than James had been and, while he understood James’ reaction, Remus’ made him calm down a lot more.
Remus sat beside him. “I’m here. It’s going to be okay.” Sirius looked terrified. Whatever happened cut through all of his defenses and left him raw. He could smell the terror in his blood. “Do you want a hug?”
Sirius watched as Remus came closer and sat beside him. He knew that he was safe now that he was with them and at James’ house but his body wouldn’t let him out of the high alert mode he was currently stuck in. At the offer of a hug though he nodded gently.
Remus gently pulled him closer. “I got you, buddy. It’s okay. I’m here.”

James came back in with his parents. “He’s here. Oh, I forgot to say Remus was here, Sirius. But Mom, he’s hurt really bad.”

Mrs. Potter approached the two boys. “Hey, Sirius. Can you talk?”
Sirius leaned into Remus holding onto him and calming seemingly from just his presence. Remus had always had a way of calming him down just by existing but it was getting more obvious recently.

Hearing the question about whether or not he could talk, Sirius spoke with his voice sharp and hoarse “Little”
Remus’ hands went to his hair, slowly untangling all the knots that were in it. He didn’t care if it was odd for two boys to touch like this. His friend needed him.

“Okay. Can you tell me everywhere that hurts? Just pointing is okay.” Mrs. Potter got in her knees in front of him.
Sirius gently rested his head on Remus’ shoulder and started to point out where hurt which was spread throughout the majority of his body at this point. His parents had really done a number on him this time and the dark bruises would stick around a while
“Can you take a potion for me, then? It will take the pain away. I promise it won’t hurt you.”
Sirius eyed the said potion suspiciously and glanced over at James and the up at Remus. He knew the Potters wouldn’t purposely hurt him but he was still on edge
Remus murmured in his ear, “The potion smells like healing draught. It’s safe to take. I promise.”

Mrs. Potter just waited, a soft and pained smile on her face.
Sirius nodded slightly at Remus and slowly took the potion. It took a while to kick in but when it did he felt much better
James looked like he was practically about to vibrate out of his skin. “Are you feeling better now? What happened? Can you talk?”

Remus held a finger to his lips, fidgeting with the ends of Sirius’ hair. It always felt so nice to touch for a reason he could never pinpoint.
Sirius leaned into Remus’ touch as if silently telling him not to stop. He was finding comfort in Remus’ touch and, even if he didn’t know why, he wasn’t going to give that up.

“Calm..down, Prongs” Sirius managed to grumble out as his throat recovered
Sirius nodded slightly at James "I'm okay" he said but it wasn't convincing at all. The boy was terrified
Remus nodded. “You will be. You’ll be okay. You’re safe now. Whatever happened won’t happen again.”

Mrs. Potter smiled softly. “You can stay with us, okay? Permanently if you want to.”
Sirius managed a small smile to Remus but it was quite obviously fake. He shook his head at Mrs Potter when she spoke, "oh, no, you don't have to do that. I'm okay, honestly" he lied. He couldn't tell the truth, after all, "I just needed somewhere to go for a while but I couldn't stay here full time"
“Yes you could.” Mrs. Potter nodded. “We have a spare room for you. James would love it. No one will know to come look for you here.”

Remus held Sirius even closer. “You should stay with them, Sirius. I think it would be good for you. Please. For me?”
"I dunno..." he looked up at Remus, noticing the way he pulled him closer and he sighed softly. He knew that Remus was worried about him and he felt bad going against Remus. He wanted Remus to be be happy

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