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"Perfect, huh? High praise, Moony, high praise indeed. I just have a good shampoo and conditioner, nothing special." he smiled as he spoke, "If you enjoy touching it so much though feel free to carry on, any time you want"
"Yeah, any time you want. Why would I stop you? It feels nice ya know?" he told him, ".....I like it when you play with my hair"
"You sure you're okay, Moony" he teased playfully. "But, yeah, it feels good. It's calming ya know and it just feels nice. I'm never going to stop you from doing it"
“Thanks. It’s… soothing for me too. Which sounds dumb, but it gives my hands something to do.”
"No that's not dumb. It sucks having to just sit still and not do anything at all. For me it drives my brain absolutely insane."
"Yeah, I get that. You don't have to feel stupid.And you can play with my hair whenever you want"
“Okay. I’ll hold you to that. All of the girls fawning over you will have to fight me.” Remus smiled.
"Yeah well, I would much rather have your attention than theirs. They are boring" He shifted a little with his head still in Remus' lap where he could fidget with the hem of Remus' shirt. He thought to himself, "I really have missed you, ya know? It's not the same without you"
“It’s not the same with you either.” Being at home wasn’t the same as being at Hogwarts. He didn’t nearly feel as safe or loved.
"It feels much nicer being with you than being with my parents," he admitted in a shy and quiet voice."
Remus smiled. “Well, I’d offer you to stay, but you wouldn’t like my parents either. The Potters are nice.”
"I know they are" he said softly, "Doesn't mean I can stay though, Moony"
“Why can’t you?” Remus sighed. “They would keep you safe. I could keep you safe. If you’re worried about the food and stuff, we’ll make it work.”
"It's a lot of money and they already have James and I don't want to be in the way, you know how much trouble I can be. Plus there is the whole situation with my parents. What if they come to try and do something and someone else gets hurt because of me?" he rambled with fear in his voice
“The Potters are pretty strong. I don’t think they’ll be taken down so easily. Besides, I can be your body guard.”
"I know but if something were to happen because of me...you don't know what my parents are capable of"
“It wouldn’t be your fault. It would be your parents’ fault. And they would only get themselves caught for attacking one of the most prestigious Pureblood families.”
"You know what I mean," he huffed and looked up at Remus, cuddling in just a little, "I don't wanna be a burden,"he mumbled in a quieter tone
“You could never be a burden. You’re amazing to be around. I’m sure they’d just appreciate what you do for James.”
He looked up at Remus and sighed as he thought, "Remus..." he frowned and looked down, "I have to go back. My stuff, Regulus..."
"Well I mean I have no clothes, nothing at all, none of my school stuff" he looked up at her, "Why are you asking that?"

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