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Realistic or Modern Another welian trainwreck: Dumb Superhero Academy Shenanigans

High School or University setting?

  • High School setting (students aged 14 to 18)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • University (students aged 18 to 22)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Welian, we know damn well you have a backup plan for combining both.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Roleplay Availability
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I am shameless.

But a couple of you in Discord chimed in when I mentioned how good a superhero academy RP sounded, and I personally have a few characters and a setting in mind already so... why not?

I'm a huge fan of Zettai Karen Children and The Unlimited (its sequel anime), so one of the elements I'd like to incorporate is the use of power limiters that supers are forced to wear in public. And maybe the students have mandatory community service, where they need to do x hours a week, learn to use their powers to help the city in ways that aren't strictly "blow up buildings while fighting bad guys!"

And, although I don't intend to use any sort of combat system, I have a ranking/stat system in mind to help us gauge how powerful characters are relative to each other. Maybe a point-buy system, with points spread across things such as "speed", "toughness", etc... I'll have to dwell on what aspects, exactly, but it seems useful for avoiding over-powered characters.

If you're interested, post here or catch me in Lobby 2 of the Discord chat.
[QUOTE="Bullet Tooth Tony]Ich habe interesse, mein Fuhrerin!


jk, jk, I can read German. A little bit.
[QUOTE="Bullet Tooth Tony]Ich kampfe fuer der Verbesserung aus RPNation!

I wouldn't push it, lol

Anyway, quite possibly interested.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, maybe. Depends how the other prospective RP's I have floating around fair. So far none of them have started though so it's all fair game
Woo! I'm working on a doc with @Giyari and @Meredith right now, they - along with @Zahzi will probably be my not-quite co-GMs for this roleplay. Giy and Zahzi were in the original RP that I'm recycling for the setting, and Mere has been letting me bounce ideas off of her all evening.
Seems like the beginning of a decent group going. I spent the evening working out a stat system for the roleplay. Here's a run-down: In this setting, all superpowered people must register with the government. They are sorted into five ranks, marked by letters, based on how powerful they are. From lowest to highest, they are D, C, B, A, and S. All student characters will be between D and A ranks. There is a semi-official sixth rank, E, for normal humans.

The rank you choose for your character will affect how many stat points they have to work with. Less powerful characters have fewer stat points because they're, you know, less powerful. There are six stats: Health, Strength, Toughness, Agility, Intelligence, and Willpower. Every stat must have at least one point in it, and they max out at nine points. However, to prevent min-maxing, rank also determines what the highest stat can be. For example, an E Rank character (a normal human) has between twelve and fifteen stat points to use, and their highest stat can only be a 4.

A scale of nine points was chosen, because nine is easily divisible by three, which gives us a low, medium, and high range. A stat between one and three points is in the low range, and is on par with a normal human. 4 to 6 is the medium range, stats in that range are considered on par with the average super. 7 to 9 then is the high range, and stats that land in there are on par with the more powerful supers.

Starting with C Rank, supers must wear a special device, a power limiter, when in public. These limiters have microchips in them that record location (including altitude), speed, and strain (basically, how hard the limiter has to work to suppress the wearer's powers). This data is sent to and stored with a government agency called Commonwealth. The data is used to monitor supers for illegal activity, and to help engineers build more efficient limiters.

TL;DR: Ranks are recognized in-character, stat points are not. Small amounts of arithmetic will be required. Most supers are forced to wear microchipped power limiters by the government.
I promised my self not to join any new RP but this is too damn interesting to miss out. Count me in!
Definitely interested! (the arithmetics required actually make it more interesting to me, because it means balanced characters and also I like maths...)
Balanced is a loose term... Still, it helps spot potentially problematic characters.
welian said:
Balanced is a loose term... Still, it helps spot potentially problematic characters.
Can I make a Captain America pirate, whose been frozen three hundred years? But has like a POTC curse on him so he's nearly invulnerable.
[QUOTE="Bullet Tooth Tony]Can I make a Captain America pirate, whose been frozen three hundred years? But has like a POTC curse on him so he's nearly invulnerable.

Not sure it would fit the setting to be truthfully honest! As far as I can remember, Superpowers are a relatively recent thing in this universe
MMm.... Still thinking on it. The ranking system and devices are making me want to lean toward joining. xD
welian said:
Balanced is a loose term... Still, it helps spot potentially problematic characters.
So it's like the ranks used in X-men ? Gama , Delta, Omega, etc?

How would we determine which one our characters fall into?

Example - say I use this character ( Gallery of Luck by DaydreamerRae on DeviantArt ) her powers are probability manipulation, enhanced reaction/reflexes, and pixe physiology.

I believe in X-Men she was considered a Beta because she couldn't turn her powers off and they were all more or less dependent on each other.

So I guess is it just raw power that seperates the ranks or is it also something more tangible? Like maybe the lower ranks are the ones that can't pass for human or have detrimental powers that are also weak?

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