• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Another Day in Paradise || Main


Al Brinson

Managing to get Oli in the car was the tough part. The ride itself was relatively short, and getting him out of the car was surprisingly easy. Comparatively at least. He had texted one of the nurses he trusted, one with no direct allegiance to Clem. Al felt like a brain scan via CT was probably unnecessary at this point, but Oli showed signs of concussion and it was unlikely he could convince him to go back to the hospital under his own volition so he'd have to get as much as he could get done right now so it wouldn't sit on his conscience.

He got the nurse to sign Oli in as a John Doe he moved him into an examination room, closing the door behind him. He offered him any chair in the room as he stood in the middle and took a look at him intently, "Ok, so we're going to pretty much one test on you just to check since you do seem to be concussed. After that, I think Anastasia said she'd have an uber for you. I will personally discharge you and give you discharge instructions. I can't prescribe you anything because you're a John Doe, but you seem to have a handle on the pain killers, which I won't question."

He stopped when he heard a knock on the door and opened it slightly to see the nurse who was helping him out. She whispered she was able to get the the room with the CT in imaging and booked it under a John Doe.

Al nodded and smiled a thank you, before letting her in the room,"This is Nurse Jayla, she brought you a wheel chair and wheel you to where you need to go. I'll join you shortly so please don't give her a hard time. I need you get to get out of your clothes and remove any metal. If you have any metal in your body, let me know now. Other than that. See you soon."

Another one bites the dust

by Queen

º º code by ditto º º
MOOD: agitated


LOCATION: The hospital


Al AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

TL;DR ...
Oliver Dreyfuss
How lonely it is, to be drowning in a place where everyone can swim

The whole time Al was explaining the test, Oliver looked as though his conscious soul had fled the room. He had slumped back in his chair with his head rolled back to his shoulder, staring at the white wall ahead, his half-open eyes unblinking and glasslike. Between the concussion and the sedative, his brain had yet again temporarily lost connection. He didn’t move or respond until Al stepped out of the room, and an unfamiliar woman stepped in.

That, at least, got Oliver’s gaze to focus. He looked up sharply, narrowing his eyes, arms folding protectively over his chest. Al had only just barely gained the young man’s hesitant trust, but this new nurse was a total stranger. Through the blurry vision, he couldn’t help but notice the way she lightly tapped her fingernails against the face of her wristwatch as she waited for him to acknowledge her.
His mother used to do the same thing.
It made his skin crawl.

“Hi, you can call me Jayla. I’m here to do your head CT, okay?” Jayla already seemed to recognize that she was dealing with someone who wasn’t going to be very communicative, so she didn’t wait around for an answer. “Let’s get started. I’m going to need you to change, put all your valuables in here, and you’ll get everything back when we’re done…”

She began to lay a selection of items on the exam table between them: a shallow plastic tray to put belongings in, a thin blue hospital gown, a pair of those infamous rubber-gripped socks. Oliver paled at the sight of them, backing away as if he thought they were going to jump off the table and attack him. Jayla, seeing she had her work cut out for her with this jumpy and unsettled kid, tried to speed up the process. “Okay, fine. We’ll start with this. You can join in when you’re ready, we’ve got time.”

She picked up Oliver’s jacket from the floor and began to rummage through the pockets, ignoring the way he hissed like a wounded animal as soon as her hand touched the fabric. But one second later, she found something that made her recoil as well.

“What is this?”


“Is this a knife?”


“Don’t lie to me.” She flicked the weapon open and closed a few times, frowning at the short but cruelly sharp edge of the blade. What the hell could a kid like this be doing with an illegal switchblade, anyway? Her concern only grew as she dug more and more contraband out of the tattered jacket. Small bags of powder, loose pills, a small device that she was pretty sure was a crack pipe, and she hadn’t even seen any of the things he probably still had on his person.

She narrowly resisted the urge to call security right then and there.

“Do I look like I'm fucking around? Everything in the tray right now. No more games.”

“Get away from me.” The teenager spoke through clenched teeth, his panicked breaths audibly hitching in his chest. Despite Jayla’s best efforts, the situation was very quickly escalating and she knew she had to compromise quickly to settle things down, or there was a high chance there’d be no choice but to get the police involved.

“Fine. You can keep your clothes if you can show me that there are no metal buckles or zippers, but your shoes and the knife and all of this stuff has to come with me.”


Jayla, stressed out beyond belief, could feel herself rapidly losing patience with this agitated and unreasonable headcase of a patient. She pressed her lips together and closed her eyes for a second, mentally telling herself to cuss Al out for saddling her with this job later, but then returned to the present situation with her calm and collected bedside manner intact.

“This is about safety,” She said, using every ounce of her training to not yell, “The machine has a powerful magnetic field that makes even small metal objects very dangerous, and either way, walking around the hospital with weapons and narcotics is a safety hazard– for you, for me, for everyone. You won’t be reported to authorities, but we have to confiscate these–”


Without warning, Oliver lashed out and kicked at her, nearly throwing the chair over in the process, but the nurse quickly sidestepped. After a full day of dodging fists, objects, and more bodily fluids than she cared to recount, Nurse Jayla had reflexes like a gazelle. “HEY. Do that one more time and there will be a lot more people in here who you’ll like a lot less. Last warning. I mean it.” She snapped, clapping her hands together for emphasis… she almost felt bad when he flinched back away from the sound, bringing his hands up to shield his ears. Almost felt bad.

“Let’s try that again. You have one chance to put everything metal, dangerous, or illegal in this tray, or I’ll get someone else to take them off of you. If you don’t pass through the metal detector on the way in, we’ll know if you tried to hide shit. Come on, all of it. Now.”

Oliver, sickly white and trembling, didn’t move at first. Jayla started dropping the items from the jacket into the tray: first the knife, then the pills… one by one, methodically, all without making eye contact with her patient or acknowledging him in any way.

It took a minute, but miraculously, that was what clicked. Slowly, silently, he followed her actions and forsook the last of his contraband and metal items.

Jayla couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, her shoulders sinking back, as she slowly drew the tray back behind her so he couldn’t try to make a last-minute grab for anything. “Good. We’ll see if the metal detector says you were honest with me, I guess. Sit down and let’s get this scan over with.”

As she wheeled him out of the room, she glanced up at the fluorescent lights on the ceiling and asked whatever God was listening what she could have done to deserve this bullshit on a Saturday evening.

code by valen t.
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MOOD: Dejected


LOCATION: Wilted Rose Tattoos

Fausts Not Meat Not Meat


Layla travelbypages travelbypages

Wiley Dimas
I been on my vibe like 20 years straight
Wiley stared at his present for Layla, turning it over in his hands thoughtfully. All this pawing at it was accidentally making creases and small tears in the paper he'd giftwrapped himself, albeit poorly. It didn't much matter though, he’d probably never end up giving it to her now anyway. With a sigh, Wiley tossed the gift onto the desk by his workstation, willing himself to forget about Layla for today.

Impossible, especially with his phone now pinging alerts of the lingerie photo spread she'd just uploaded. His eyes were glued to the screen as the accompanying video played, until he forced himself to click it off. He couldn't stop thinking about her with that Zach guy, even if Layla insisted she had no Valentine's plans with him. She clearly liked him, and why wouldn't the hottest girl he'd ever seen go for a guy like Zach? Wiley was a pale, weedy little stringbean with painfully average looks and the build of a scrawny high school freshman. He certainly wasn't some hunky blonde surfer--he was just some loser Layla hung around with to kill some time.

After sweeping up, the apprentice glanced around the tattoo shop aimlessly, pondering what to do with himself. With his shift now over, he ought to head back to his dorm, but he didn't feel like sitting around alone, doodling in his sketchbook. He considered paying a visit to his host family, but Avi and Lilith were surely out doing couple things on Valentine's Day.

Wiley couldn't help but want to hang around them--growing up, he never really had a family of his own like that. But while the Fausts were nothing but kind and welcoming to him, he couldn’t shake the feeling he didn't belong there, like some kind of stain on their posh home furnishings. These people had wealth and fame, and Wiley hailed from one of the dodgiest low income estates in South London.

And as much as he liked the relaxed, summery vibe of California, Wiley was beginning to feel a bit homesick lately. Sure, his friends back home were a bunch of little hoodlums, but those were the kids he grew up with. For the first time in a while, he felt a little bad for not keeping in touch with any of them since traveling abroad for school. What would they even talk about now? None of them had been impressed hear he was escaping the ends on an art scholarship. And it just felt like bragging at this point, to bang on about the world famous rock star he was now lucky enough to have as a host dad.

Wiley plopped into the chair at his station, deciding the shop was as good a place as any to chill for now. Turning his steely gaze toward the sound of footsteps as River quietly emerged from the private room he did his tattooing in. “Valentine's Day's shit, innit?” Wiley sulked, heaving a petulant sigh.

“You got a girlfriend, bruv?” Reclining lazily, the apprentice shot a curious glance at River. His boss was an exceedingly quiet fellow, who mostly kept to himself. While it was rare for the two of them to chat at all throughout the day, Wiley was only just now realizing he knew basically nothing about the guy.

code by valen t.
mood :
Al: concerned, Lee: Amused

location :
Hospital and
outfit :
Not Meat Not Meat Chimney Swift Chimney Swift

interactions :
Lee, Al, Clem, Oli
Collab Post
Lee and Al

Lee watched her enter the cellar from the comfort of her chair, not bothering to rise as would be polite when a guest enters the room. Lee didn't mind Clem that much, but formalities were only for peers and there was no way a nurse was her peer. Instead, she motioned towards the chair near her and the glass that sat empty.

Mikhail would walk over and pour wine into both glasses, before wiping the mouth of the bottle and setting it down. He nodded to Lee before he walked out as she readjusted herself in her seat. Before she could utter any more words, Clem had begun to vomit her emotions onto her floor. Internally, Lee shuttered. Being so vulnerable and so open to someone was such a foreign idea. "Oh darlin', " that Lousiana Creole southern belle accent flowed gracefully from her lips as she ran her fingernails across the table next to her, "He's a man in love with his career and reputation, you'll never be able to compete." Her words were plain, matter of fact even, no hint of malice of envy was anywhere to be found.

"Come on Clem," Al grumbled as he moved through the hospital, his phone continually going to voicemail and his texts unanswered. He stopped near the nurse's station in Cardio, before smacking his phone in his hand as he tried to think about what to do. He looked over to one of the nurses, but they all averted their attention. They were loyal to their boss and that meant that she had already left. He cursed under his breath as he continued to smack the phone in his hand as he bit his lip in thought.

"Lee..." he said under his breath texting her before moving towards imaging.

Lee felt a vibration near her and glanced over to the name, Alan Brinson, MD and chuckled a bit. She grabbed it while keeping an eye on Clementine before shaking her head, "You two really need some space, he can't appreciate you because you're always there when he breaks his promises."

Slowly, she texted Al back carefully curating her words Your fiancee is here and if you're not here soon enough, she will no longer be your fiancee.
She placed the phone down and grabbed her glass next as she looked Clem in the eyes, "What's your next move then?"

Al only grumbled when he received Lee's text back. She was never help - if he didn't know better he would have guessed that she was intentionally sowing distrust into his relationship, but he knew this was his fault today. He sighed once he got to imaging heading to the CT where he got the coldest glare from Jayla as she wheeled Oli into the room.

He let out a sigh,"Ok, I need you to get up and lay here. When we start i'll need you to stay perfectly still for a bit. It won't take long and if you're good, i'll send you right out of here and you can on your merry little way."
coded by reveriee.

    To say Wynn was intimidated was an understatement. The boy lived in a dusty old room in the library, this house though - was bigger and nicer than anything he'd ever seen before. He didn't even have time to collect himself and knock before Jenny opened the door snagged his hand to drag him away. This was odd, but he gladly followed along. He didn't exactly want to meet her parents just yet. They no doubt would hate the weird library janitor. Really, who would want that for their daughter?

    When they were a safe distance from the place, the girl had her arms around him in a hug which he shyly returned. And the kiss on the cheek no doubt left a lipstick print that he would wipe away later when he was in front of a mirror. "T-Thank you." He blushed as he finally got a good look at her. She looked like a princess, literally - her outfit was very Ariel themed. He liked it. It was very different but cute.

    "Oh uh... how about dinner first then movie after?" He asked her. It was his original plan, since he could budget his paycheck accordingly to it. But if she wanted to do something more fun, then he wouldn't mind digging into his savings a little bit. All he knew was he wanted to treat her. "I am hungry, so definitely food but if you want to pick whatever after we can do that too." He offered with a smile, and with his best effort to be "smooth", he slipped his arm around her shoulder and in the direction of the diner since it wasn't too expensive but was one of his favorite places to splurge on his one day a week, non-grocery store food. "I hope this is okay?" He asked as they walked, referencing his arm around her.

    Since New Years he really just wanted to hang out with her, maybe woo her into liking him. There was that little nagging from his past in the back of his mind that screamed, 'you're not good enough, no one will ever like you' but he did his best to ignore it as he gave Jenny his full attention. It didn't take long for the pair to reach the diner, and he listened to every word she said since he didn't really have much to talk about himself but he really enjoyed her and her many changes in subject. Once inside, he let her pick the seat and slide into the booth across from her, "this is my favorite place in town." He mentioned with some excitement to his tone. He didn't even need to look at the menu to know he'd order a cheese burger with fries and a milkshake.
    coded by kaninchen

Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
This was already turning out to be a great Valentine's. Tia seemed to be happy about their little get away, he was happy she even agreed to it, and the privacy was something he was really grateful for the alone time for sure. Quickly, he unpacked his bag and changed into his swim suit before moving to make Tia a cocktail, and a coke on ice for himself before returning to her outside. She seemed to be loving the pool, although with the heat outside there was no doubt it was refreshing.

He placed the drinks on a little patio set before jumping into the pool to join her, careful not to splash her, and when she was in arms reach he scooped her into his arms, "Ciao bella." He didn't speak Italian too often anymore, unless he was using terms of endearment. But with Tia he couldn't help it. A beautiful language for a beautiful girl. Pulling her close he gently pressed his lips to hers. He kept the kiss simple and sweet.

But when she clung to him he couldn't help but back her up toward the pool wall to trap her in. He let the kiss deepen as his hand ran over her body. It wasn't until he heard the soft clicks of what sounded like cameras begin to go off that he stopped and looked around, "oh fuck." He mumbled. It was hard to spot, but deep in the trees he could see a pap tangled around a branch to get the perfect shot. Which he certainly obtained. "Fuck fuck." He swore again and climbed out of the pool to grab his phone. He thought he'd arranged for security on the grounds while they were there. With that, he began to call the property manager to see where the fuck things went wrong. He'd worry about getting his face beaten in later.

Mentions: Tia - AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami
coded by kaninchen
MOOD: rich people houses are alien planets


LOCATION: Stassi's housel
Stassi AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

Al AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

TL;DR ...
Oliver Dreyfuss
How lonely it is, to be drowning in a place where everyone can swim

“Stay perfectly still for a bit” wasn’t always a command Oliver was capable of heeding– the results varied, really: often he’d freeze up for hours on his own, but if he was restless, he never seemed to be able to contradict his own nervous system’s impulses. Luckily for Al and his assistants, the drug and the head trauma kept the kid quiet as a corpse for the whole scan.
As the doctor had expected, the resulting imagery showed no signs of an intracranial bleed or other life-threatening complications. In a couple of weeks, he’d make a full recovery (presuming that nothing else killed him first).

Al had promised Oliver that he was free to leave after the scan resulted, and the young collision victim fled the very minute he was told that he was good to go. No goodbye, no thank you… not that he wasn’t grateful; it wasn’t common for Oliver to remember about “common courtesy” in the heat of the moment, but he showed his gratitude in other ways, if one was patient enough to see it. But for now, he was gone, and already hoping that the next time he passed through the hospital doors would be when the coroner pronounced his death.

It was dark by the time the car dropped him off in front of the vast expanse of massive properties, and it had gotten cold… at least as cold as it ever usually got in Southern California. This was a part of town Oliver had never been in before. People from out here weren’t usually interested in buying impure street crank. Oliver always sort of figured that in these sorts of places, they had fancy stuff like cocaine instead.

Through the lens of his blurred vision, each of the houselights on the hills formed an eerie glowing ring, all together resembling a vast sea of glowing eyes level with the horizon.
It sort of made him feel nauseous to look at. He shivered, teeth gnawing into his lower lip, but he forced himself up to the security panel on Stassi’s gate and carefully punch in the numbers that she’d given him. It took a few tries, but he got the gate open eventually and started the long walk up the path to the front door.

His heart almost stopped the second that he passed through the threshold.
The foyer opened out into a living room so tall and so wide and so white and so empty that it felt like looking out into the cold void of space. It was impossible not to feel tiny and insignificant when standing in a room like this.
In the daytime, the floor-to-ceiling windows must offer a truly incredible view of the oceanside, but at this time of night they reflected an impenetrable wall of black. He caught his own reflection in the glass, seeing his own ghostly pale form with its hollow dark eyes and its worn-out clothes and its feeble posture… he wondered if he’d always looked this bad.

The space was dead silent and absolutely pristine; somehow so clean that it had absolutely no detectable odor. The vast majority of buildings smelled at least slightly of mildew, or old wood, or simply of dust, but this room smelled of nothing at all. It was viscerally disturbing to Oliver. Most people wouldn’t even notice the absence of smells, but for someone as sensitive as he was, the absence of sensation was glaringly and unsettlingly obvious. He had to stop and literally pinch his own arm just to convince himself that he wasn’t going insane or losing his ability to perceive.
‘You could probably build a nanocomputer in here’, he thought, and it would be the last vaguely coherent thought he’d have this evening.

He hadn’t noticed he was anxiously biting his knuckles until he’d drawn a little blood.
Flinching, he glanced around for something to clean it off with, suddenly terrified about the possibility of ruining Stassi’s immaculately white decor. It took several minutes of panicked trotting through the long hallways and opening dozens of doors before he eventually found her bathroom. He ran his bleeding hand under the faucet, nearly burning himself with the hot water by accident, then anxiously flipping through the cupboards to see if she had any band-aids. Luckily she did, tucked away into a small drawer.
Somehow his brain kept worrying that he’d somehow be in trouble for stealing a few.

Then it was back out into the disorienting maze of the mansion… he stumbled out of the bathroom into a wide hallway, then into a closet, then into the kitchen, which led into the dining room, which branched into another hallway, which led to a room that he assumed was Stassi’s bedroom, which led to the bathroom…

Wait, didn’t he just walk out of the bathroom?! And it didn’t look like this. Did it?
Did he get lost?
Was he going crazy?

He turned to leave the room, but only made it four steps back towards the door before he noticed the hazy black spots starting to float into his vision again… he shook his head, trying unsuccessfully to clear them, but it had only seemed to make it worse. The room was now surrounded by a sick yellow-green halo, everything was tilting and hurtling like he was on a ship being tossed about at sea, and there were no sounds anymore. Just static.
And then there was nothing at all.

When he opened his eyes again, they were level with the smooth marble tiles.
Maybe it was fine to just stay right here for tonight.

code by valen t.
mood :
anxious, but excited

location :
korean restaurant
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
jo AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami
;; Celia
The car ride was short, but Celia found herself lost in her thoughts almost the whole way to the restaurant. His lukewarm greeting made her step back and yet again, question the meaning behind todays outing. Was he maybe regretting making plans with her? Or could he be just be nervous, like she was? She wasn't sure, but she hoped his intentions would become more clear soon.

When they pulled up to the restaurant and Jo parked, he opened her door for her, which made her heart flutter a little. "Thank you," she smiled as she got out of the car and began to head into the restaurant with him. "This is nice," she looked around and nodded as they entered the building. "Your sister sure knows her stuff." Of course his sister would pick out a decent restaurant for them, she knew her food.

Walking towards the hostess stand, she noticed it was decorated in little hearts in the spirit of the holiday. Every time she thought about it being Valentines day, she spiraled just a little bit. Her mind trying to make sense of her and Jo's relationship was only getting louder and louder as the hostess brought them to their table.

She tried to just sit, look at the menu and engage in a little small talk. "Nice day today, yeah?" she muttered, little interest in her tone. She gave a quiet sigh. Celia knew her thoughts were going to drive her crazy. Maybe she should just ask? Him saying he wasn't interested in a relationship would probably be better than whatever hell this was, just dancing around the subject. Yeah, she'd just ask and get an answer. Simple enough. "What is this, exactly? You're taking me to out to lunch, it's Valentines day. I don't really know what I'm supposed to make of it all, so just... be upfront with me, yeah?"
coded by reveriee.

Grab your waifus and don your cosplays. Don't forget to check out the buzzworthy
Harbor panel, featuring some of our wonderful cast and crew members!!

Last edited:

"Here we go.."

It was over. The glass was tipped and all of its contents were spilled out. She finally told Yohan the deep secret that she had been keeping. That she was in love with him. No matter if at first it came as an accident, it was all true. In the end he said he didn't return her feelings and she said goodbye to him. It of all the outcomes she should've have seen this coming. Should've reminded herself that if she said nothing outloud everything would be fine. However, she didn't realize concealing her feelings would just make her feel more. Make her feeling everything.

Luckily her friend Bee was a good escape for a little bit. Celeria even line danced to distract herself from her problems. When she wasn't out with Bee she was home with Milk and if she wasn't home she would go to work at ungodly hours of the day just to avoid Yohan. If she saw him she wouldn't have known what to do, she would've been standing there like a deer in headlights. It hurt her more that Milk missed his feline friend Baloo. It seemed like they were both hurting.

Celeria figured that the best solution to this problem was to down herself in her job. A job that she hated, but needed. She was a leader, but as an assistant there's only so much she can do. Overtime not paid and deadlines to meet.. she started to think that the situation was a good thing. In reality she was running on backup energy and will power.

The day was bustling with green and comic con costumes everywhere. It was like she was in a fever dream. Most of her coworkers went home early to celebrate, drink till they drop. That was fine by her since they dropped things constantly without cleaning and had her fix the mistakes in the end. Celeria knew she wasn't in the mood so she stayed, telling her boss that she would lock up after.

"Alright maybe I'll go home later to feed Milk and then comeback... yes so I can finish this piece for the collection-" she was planning everything. It was going so good until it wasn't. She could now feel her body shaking. The hands that were putting pins on the mannequin and sewing were being compromised. Her legs were giving out so she steadied herself on the mannequin for a moment. "Just breathe, a little light headedness won't hurt anybody and will simply not slow me down" she said to herself.

After she gained her composure she continued working. She didn't expect that after successfully fixing a project she would stand up to see her work. See how pleased this piece would make her. Instead the relief of being done and the lack of fuel in her body finally set in. Her vision started to get blurry and she tried to move back to grab the desk but instead her hand missed it. It missed it by a hair and then everything went blank.


Celeria didn't even know the noise had head made on the thick desk or even when her body hit the floor. She didn't know if there was blood. She didn't know she would fall unconscious, but the janitor that came in to start their shift heard everything.

The one thing she couldn't count for in all of this was her not changing her emergency contact. She only put him because he's her neighbor and she figured having a friend would be better than calling her parents if she just broke a bone or something. In the end, being around him she didn't have much accidents anymore and now look at her. Laying in a hospital bed as they called a number who didn't love her and never will.




"Hello, is this Yohan Cho? It was put on here that you're Celeria Calma's emergency contact..--"

purplecowdutch purplecowdutch

the designer


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡
mood :
excited, a little flustered

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
cece Not Meat Not Meat
;; Misha
A day off was always a good thing. Misha needed a break from the intensity of training or playing games, some time to relax and do whatever he wanted. When he had a day off the coincided with the Paradise Comic Con, he couldn't help but be excited. He didn't talk about these things much, but he was very interested in a lot of typical pop culture dorky media. Not wanting to be labeled as a nerd, the athlete always refrained from expressing his interests, but on his own time he consumed the nerdy movies and books, greatly enjoying them.

He got a ticket to the con last minute once he found out he had time for it. Misha didn't really have anyone to go with. The men on his team would be uninterested, his brother would make fun of him, and honestly he didn't have that many friends. He kept to himself mostly, not enjoying the energy socializing took, which left him a bit lonely. He didn't mind this most of the time, but occasionally, on days like these, he wished he had more people in his life.

Since he didn't have a cosplay, both because he didn't have the time for one and because he was worried he'd be perceived as dorky, Misha found a Star Wars t-shirt he had and threw it on for the con. Maybe he wouldn't be the best dressed person there, but that was fine by him. He got in his car and made his way over to the convention center, which was already pretty crowded. After parking, he headed inside to explore.

Making his way around the many booths at the con, Misha found himself happy, immersed in the nerdy merchandise that surrounded him. He moved forward through the stalls, but took a second to glance over at a poster that caught his eye as he walked. Unfortunately, in that second he wasn't looking where he was going, he ran right into someone. Immediately he held an arm out to stabilize both himself and the person he had just knocked into. "I am so sorry miss, I wasn't looking. Are you ok?" He said, voice dripping with his Russian accent. He looked over at the woman he ran into, meeting her eyes with concern.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
outside lina's place
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
malina tamarapasek tamarapasek
;; Hope
Out of all the things that Hope Howard had done in her life, this felt like one of her more stupid actions. Going to the freak convention wasn't usually her idea of a good time. Yet, here she was getting all dressed up for the event. Once Malina had mentioned going to the con ironically, Hope was doomed. Without even thinking about it, she said she'd go too, and the whole thing had spiraled from a bit into matching Jane Austen novel cosplays.

Hope had volunteered to pick Malina up before the con, so once she was ready she headed right over to her friend's place. Though these days, friends seemed like a bit of a loaded word for them. It was her own fault really, she was a flirt. But as time went on Hope became unsure if their flirtations were just a bit, or had moved beyond the joke. Quite frankly, she was too afraid to ask so she'd just assume it was a bit, even if she sort of wished it wasn't.

As she pulled up outside Lina's place, she was suddenly hit with a tiny bit of nervousness. The fact she was doing all this to spend time with the woman was a bit unsettling to Hope. She hated it when she genuinely liked people, that always ended with her own heartbreak, so she tried to deny any feelings that were bubbling up. Attempting to ignore her anxiety, she pulled out her phone and texted Malina. "Here!"

She sat and waited a minute, scrolling aimlessly through Instagram just trying to chill out, before spotting Malina heading towards the car. God, she looked good. She smiled as her friend opened the car door and got inside. "Damn girl, I bet you'd be pulling mad bitches if you lived in Jane Austen's time."
coded by reveriee.

OUTFIT: BOXMAN x Underneath x Crutches

LOCATION: Paradise Civic Center

Carter purplecowdutch purplecowdutch

Lex Not Meat Not Meat


Leigh Fallon

Leighve, laugh, love

There's no alarm clock like excitement.

Leigh sprang out of bed like a toddler on Christmas morning, grabbing his crutches from their usual spot beside the floor mattress he slept on and hastily scrambling through his routine: quick tepid shower (with 1980’s synth pop jams for good measure), throwing on a blue-and-white striped t-shirt and struggling to properly button a pair of gray jeans, rummaging past bottles and bags of unmarked substances in the medicine cabinet to find two normal orange prescription vials that contained his usual daily maintenance drugs. Choking those down with a swig of water straight from the rusty tap, Leigh hobbled over to the flimsy kitchenette to wolf down his usual bowl of Cocoa Puffs with chocolate milk. Then it was finally time for the transformation.

It took 3 hours climbing around in the Home Depot parking lot with Lex to find all these cardboard boxes, and it took another 45 minutes for Leigh to successfully tape them all into place, housing his skinny frame in a truly ridiculous boxy robot armor. It was hard to move in this thing, and even harder to actually pick up objects (the hand-boxes had holes for his crutches to go through, but actually fitting his arm through there was a challenge), but still, one look in the cracked bathroom mirror told him that he looked absolutely Epic.
He wished Carter was here to see this… why wouldn’t Carter come to celebrate this Very Fun And Special day with his Very Fun And Special little brother? He was probably out with Kisa, that mean stripper skank… just the thought made Leigh’s excitement waver into a bit of nauseous jealousy. He wanted to claw his brother out of her evil perfectly-manicured hands and hug him forever so he’d never ever leave again.
Well, for now, maybe mom would give him some compliments. Maybe.

“HEY MOM!” He yelled out, shuffling through the messy trailer to knock on her bedroom door. It was slightly ajar, so he pushed it open to make sure she heard him. “Hey mom, look at me! Guess what I am?”
She didn’t answer, or even move at all to acknowledge him. She was, as usual, unconscious in her bed, head shrouded by the covers, surrounded by discarded clothing items –some belonging to her, some probably belonging to whatever weird men were over last night–, and the room smelled of acrid smoky gasoline. Not even the sky falling down could wake her, probably.
Behind the giant cardboard helmet, no one could see Leigh’s face fall into a frown. “Fine. Don’t look. I’m heading out with Lex today, if you care. Bye mom.”

He couldn’t let this ruin his mood, though, he had to catch the bus out to the Paradise Civic Center, where the Comic Con was being held. This was his first time going, since it was the first time Lex had been specially invited as a panelist, and so had to go to hype up his bestie as she blossomed into a Real Famous Person™! He was once again beaming with excitement through the cardboard, ignoring the dumbfounded glances from the other passengers as he clumsily clambered onboard the bus… realizing he wasn’t actually able to sit down in this cardboard suit (oops) or properly hold on to the handrails (bigger oops), so he spent the whole ride being tossed back and forth every time the bus rolled over a bump or took a quick turn. It didn’t matter, though. This was exactly the kind of challenge that a stupendous hero like Box Man could overcome. Adversity only made him more powerful. And with the Amazing Super Lex by his side, the two of them were utterly unstoppable.

The bus hissed to a stop, Leigh tumbled off of it, and immediately began his search for his best friend in the whole world. She was dressed as Coraline today, from that super scary movie about the buttons and the Other Parents and the spooky ghosts (it didn’t scare him anymore, he was way braver than the first time he saw it when he didn’t sleep for a whole night). He figured she wouldn’t be too hard to find, but he quickly found himself dwarfed by the swarming crowd of cosplayers and artists and furries and geeks and nerds and weebs and gamers… Leigh had to awkwardly scoot through them, bumping into everyone along the way, cardboard feet dragging and crutches clacking against the linoleum flooring. It was also kind of hard to see in the cardboard suit: the eyeholes were a good bit above his actual eyes, so he was forced to try to look around through the mouth slit, which only gave him a limited peripheral view of the crowd in front of him.
But, lo and behold, he spotted her: Lex, in all her yellow raincoat glory, chilling by the vendor’s booths. The sun from the huge overhead glass windows seemed to cast an immaculate glow around her.
“LEX!!! LEXLEXLEX-LEX-LEX-LEX” Leigh’s cracking teenager voice, though muffled behind the cardboard box, easily cut through the hustle and bustle surrounding them as he bumped and pushed his way over to her, giving her the best attempt he could at a hug with cardboard arms. “Lex, you look great!! WE look great, but YOU look extrasuperamazing!! Oh my god, this is so exciting! I’ve always wanted to do a big big thing like this!! Okayokayokay, how much time do we got before your talk thing?? Do we have time to do some shenanigans? What’s the plan, frying pan?”

code by valen t.
Processing. . . .

outfit: link here

mood: mixed

location: Library
Arthur says. . . .

It was bright outside, the slight breeze tickled her skin. The sun seemed to want to stay in the sky for as long as it could no matter what time it was. Arthur was outside the library, leaning on her car while waiting for her "blind" date. It wasn't really blind anymore now that she talked to Trey. That baseball boy was making plays in her head and she couldn't help,but feel a sense of hope. Was that what it was? Or maybe she tricked herself into believing that..she wouldn't dwell on that feeling for too long. It didn't help that now Amon and her were friends. They talk and she has to cut it short just so she doesn't get sucked back into his world. Every part of her being wants to,but then she thinks about Ari and takes a deep breath. Her sweet orange perfume filled her senses and calmed her anxieties little by little.

Arthur told Trey to surprise her. Whatever or wherever he took her she would trust him. There could be so many things that could wrong,but what if they go right? What if in the end Amon is the last thing she thinks about and something..something more happens with this man taking her out on this date.

Unfortunately, she couldn't get the day off of work so she traded shifts with someone. She worked the morning and had a change of clothes in her bag. The brown tones of her shirt and flowy skirt was a nice color against her lightly tanned skin, freckles, and blonde hair.

Arthur this is a good thing. This is a good idea. This is a great idea. A date- God that sounds so weird to say..he's so sweet though and nice..I'm sure..I'm overthinking and there is nothing to worry about. If he cancels or doesn't come that's why I have him picking me up here instead of my place. The back up plan is there. If he cancels I won't be embarrassed I will just do something else, anything else.

Of course while she was thinking, basking in the suns rays, a car pulled into the parking lot. At that point her ears were ringing with the sound of the tires on the asphalt.

It's time already it seems. Arthur don't fuck this up, just have a good time. He's here, or at least I think that's him. Put on a smile- wait do I hug him? I hug him right? People don't handshake first on dates so they? Okay okay how about no more thinking!

coded by kaninchen

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */

mood happy

location: outside

outfit: outfit

fun fact: His bike has a name. Only few people know

tag: AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

Milo Brooks

/* ------ right side ------ */

Milo put his comic con costume in a separate bag. He was running away to his car, running past his office stealthily because his manager was on a work call. They told him not to go to the comic con and to stay home while they got everything for his next concerts rolling. Tickets. Tickets. Tickets. Money. Money. Money. He was sick of it and wanted to do something he wanted.

He grabbed the keys swiftly to his car outside, closed the door, and hurriedly put that shit in reverse. Of course he didn't see the dangers of going to comic con. If he was in costume no one would know. Plus...it was also an excuse to see Kinni again. Just thinking about her made the corners of his mouth smile. Her curly hair and toned, brown silky skin. He hasn't seen her in years,but when he saw her recently it was like they resumed what happened in Australia. He wanted to hear about her more. What she's been doing? How her buisness is? If there's anyone he should be worried about? All valid questions in his book. His deep brown eyes looked in the review mirror to see his manager running outside calling his name. He put his foot down and the gas and turned the corner.

After that his phone rang and he didn't answer. "Just let me have this one day.." he mumbled, turning his phone on silent. He made sure that he was a little earlier to Kinni's place. He could've just took his bike,but he figured she didn't want helmet hair so his car should suffice for now.

After parking he thought about texting her he was there,but then figured that going up to the door would be better. If he wanted her in the end he knew she deserved a lot more than just a text.

He balled his tatted fist up into a ball and knocked on the door. He waited patiently and wiped his sweaty palms on his dark black jeans that paired well with his plain black t-shirt. "Kinni, it's me" he said behind the door, trying not to be a mess as his accent was more prominent when he was nervous. He was trying not to mess this up. Not again.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

mood :

location :
kalila's place
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
kalila .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat.
;; Elias
The unfortunate side effect of falling in love with someone just as hardworking and committed as you was that there was not enough time in the world to properly start up a relationship. Elias had been learning this from experience. Ever since getting drinks with Kalila, he'd wanted to take her on a proper date, but the two of them kept getting too busy. Work, prior commitments, they were both people who stuck to those things, it was understandable, really, but Elias was getting eager.

Fortunately, as the two were trying to figure out a good time for a date, today came up as a day where neither of them had any plans. So, they made the plan and Elias set out to make sure Kalila got the best date ever. Or- just a good date, really, he didn't think he could pull off the best one ever.

He felt pretty good about the plan he came up with. After he got ready he gathered the food he prepared from the kitchen and headed out the door. On the drive over to Kalila's place, he found that he was noticeably less nervous than he had been in the past. Sure, there was a little lingering anxiety about things going wrong, but without that he wouldn't be himself. Instead of his mind being fully occupied by stress, he was excited, looking forward to spending time with Kalila.

Once he parked his car, he wasted no time going right to Kalila's front door. He didn't want to put off seeing her for another minute. He couldn't shake the smile he had on his face even if he wanted to. As soon as he reached the door he knocked and waited for his date.
coded by reveriee.
her place
Kalila Emerson

Kalila counted the days. She marked them off on her calendar and set an alarm. It would seem like a lot for some,but that's just how excited she was. The only time they had a chance to be alone together was for the school lunches or when they were finishing up work or lesson plans at the end of the day.

It seemed since they both were workaholics it proved a problem when setting up something proper,but Elias made her reassured everytime she saw him. He always expressed how excited he was and that made her more calm. That made her want to see him more and more each day. That was the thing about love and Kalila, she will be unaware of the feeling until it was staring her in the face. Until the sounds around became quiet and she couldn't focus. Until her body moved before her mind could catch up and the butterflies flowed out of her perfect plump lips.

When she heard the knock on the door her heart jumped. "Coming!" She yelled out so he could hear. She couldn't tell how she was feeling other than anxious,but in a good way. She gave herself a once over just like when they had drinks and reapplied clear gloss before smoothing her outfit. Her creme colored top and skirt made her curly raven hair stick out. Her blush and freckles seemed more colored just like her light brown eyes speckled with amber hues.

Kalila sprayed once more of her favorite perfume before she opened the door, locking the handle before it closed. As she was seeing him on her porch her lips formed a smile and she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him into a hug. Her soft giggle could be heard in his ear. "I've missed you" she expressed to him when her hug tightened slightly.

coded by natasha.
Last edited:
MOOD: absolutely scrambled


LOCATION: Gross stolen van out by the train tracks
Al, Stassi AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami
Paisley travelbypages travelbypages
Wilhelmina tamarapasek tamarapasek


TL;DR ...
Oliver Dreyfuss
How lonely it is, to be drowning in a place where everyone can swim

Despite recovering well from his concussion in the passing weeks, thanks to Al’s medical assistance and Stassi’s watchful guidance, Oliver’s condition had continued to deteriorate under the stressors that he refused to contend with: poverty, crime, illness, and now once again his deeply troubled family.

He’d been on edge ever since his sister Paisley sent him a message a few days ago.
The last time he saw Paisley, she was 18 and he was only 8. She had long dark hair then, and tired blue seaglass eyes, a pair of pale and far-too-thin arms covered in bruises and track marks and little triangular scars from when their mother pushed her into the glass coffee table. Paisley was more of a mother to him than their mother ever was… it was Paisley who made sure he was fed, taught him to read, made sure he got to school even when the special education system was trying to push him into homeschooling. It was her who shielded him from their mother’s most violent outbursts, and it was her who tucked him into bed that one night and disappeared.
For ten years, all he had left of her was a small wooden turtle sculpture that their mother tried to throw away. He knew it was from her. It had to be… and so he held onto it, every day, all 3533 of those days, not knowing if she was dead or alive.
And now she was back.

Just thinking about it made Oliver’s stomach twist into knots. There were too many questions, too many feelings that his brain wasn’t capable of handling all at once. It felt like his brain was an overheating laptop, about to short-circuit and go black if he tried to start one more process.

And so instead, he distracted himself, burying himself deep in the comfortable burrows of intellectual pursuits. He and a ragtag group of friends he’d somehow fallen into had all started a sort of paranormal investigation project, which he’d thrown himself into with such fervor and intensity that it was probably making him a tad bit more insane.

See, the dusty insect-ridden interior of his stolen van was usually empty, save for a few boxes of necessities and stolen marine biology textbooks. Today, it was taped floor to ceiling with absolutely nonsensical graphs and charts and ramblings that would’ve made even the most avid conspiracy theorist twitch.





There were dozens of pages, and even more crumpled on the floor of the van where the back seats used to be. Where Oliver even got all this paper was a mystery… he had probably stolen it from the library printers, or perhaps made the daring move of sneaking back into his old high school to get it. No one at Palisades High School had seen Oliver since he didn’t return for the first day of what would’ve been his senior year back in September. He wouldn’t be graduating with his class this summer. Most of them assumed his family had moved away or that he’d unceremoniously dropped out, but rumors flew through the hallways that he’d joined a gang and become a serial killer and a meth cook and a cannibal. Only his very closest friends had any proof that none of that was true… well, that most of that wasn’t true. He didn’t cook meth, he just peddled it around town, and he wasn’t actually allied with any particular gang. He’d take jobs for them, and ended up owing several of them money, but none of them really wanted to be associated with a developmentally disabled runaway who could barely keep his mouth shut.

As he finished tacking up the last page of ghost ramblings, he slumped onto the stained carpeting, having not even noticed that he’d been holding his breath for almost the whole time that he’d been frantically papering the vehicle with manic half-baked hypotheses. He’d have to compile this all somehow, maybe make a concise and readable document to share with Wil and Vicente and Lăcră and Arthur and Lex. ‘Concise” was never really Oliver’s forte. His native language was long-winded and deeply convoluted infodumps. Still, they had to know about this stuff. It was vitally important to the future of the human race and possibly the universe as a whole, or at least that was how it felt in this moment.
If only he could bring these to some kind of scientific journal… surely they’d see that he was onto something, right?

code by valen t.
mood :
All bad

location :
Warehouse and Hospital
outfit :
Qwertycakes Qwertycakes Not Meat Not Meat travelbypages travelbypages

interactions :
Bri, Luxe, Paddy, Al, Chua, Yessie
Collab Post
Paddy's Been Shot (TRIGGER)

It was supposed to be fun. That's how this day started. It started as a day that was supposed to be fun. It was Paddy's day, an ill-advised excuse for Americans with no Irish heritage to drink. For Irish-Americans like Paddy it was.....an ill-advised excuse to be super proud of their Heritage and drink. So that's exactly what Paddy, Fiadh, Mick and a few others had planned for the night.

Padric rose up from his sleeping position next to Isabella, and glanced over her with a smile. He didn't always know where they stood, but he was content with how they were for now. His attention was drawn away from looking at her by his vibrating work phone which he reached over and picked up and read a text from Yessie. Their shift hadn't even started and they picked up a case. He turned his attention back to Isabella, kissing her cheek, before sliding out of the bed and throwing on a polo, some jeans, and athletic sneakers before grabbing his keys, sidearm, and badge.

He quickly left out and headed to where Yessie had told him the team would be, some warehouse down town where they found a body riddled with gunshots. Upon his arrival, he got out of his vehicle and stood beside Mick, Yessie, Alan and their Sergeant. He was explaining what was going on and the other police officers were searching the building around them.

Paddy nodded letting them know where he would start his search, pulled his flash light off his side and started looking down a dark corridor. He opened doors on the way before finding what seemed to be a control room. One of the normal officers let them know that they had searched it already, but Paddy wanted to double check. He flashed his light around, putting a latex glove on when he found what looked like to be a tooth, and picked it up. He examined it and noticed it was blood that seemed to be fresh. He went to grab his radio before he heard a loud bang, and then everything around him went silent.

One of his hands reached to his chest, touching it before he looked it over. There was a deep red liquid on it and he looked quizzically over it before his body collapsed.


Annie smiled as she made jokes with Bri on their way to the con to work it as an extra shift as EMS and first aid in a spare Ambo. Con and special events lik this were light duty though concert and festivals were a little bit rough. This con though? Was probably light work, at the very least it was very unlikely it would be much more than just someone overheating.

Then her radio cracked, "Ambo 34, I need you to report to 2345 Alan Drive for a GSW to the chest."

Annie looked over to Bri before responding, "Hey main, we're out of service today working the con."

"I need to you to got 2345 Alan Drive. Officer down and you're the closest...."

Annie's heart dropped when she heard the words officer down, looking over to Bri wondering to herself it was Wolf. She hadn't answeerd him yet about moving in and if he was shot before she could she'd never forgive herself.

"Main, who ...." she said gently before taking a deep breath,"which officer?"

"Office MacCormack."

And though she felt bad - Paddy was a good friend - some part of her felt immense relief that it wasn't Wolf, before she nodded to Bri and flipped the light and sirens on, "Ambo 34 en route."

Yessie was the closest when the gunshot was heard and she immediately ran off in that direction and into the room where she was Paddy, lying on the floor on his back, his shirt soaked with blood. She yelled in disbelief, sliding to her knees next to him, riping off her shirt to reveal just a tank top, as she used her shirt to put pressure on the wound to try and stop the bleeding. She used a free hand to grab her phone,"10-1, 10-1 shots fired at police, officer down I need you to roll an ambo ASAP. I repeat officer down, GSW to the chest he's lost a lot of blood, assailant unknown." she threw her phone down so she could put both hands to help with the pressure, "Come on Padric...."

At that moment is when the rest of the team walked into the room led by Mick, who when saw what happened didn't say a word, but just left out in a run.

It didn't take them too long, but soon Annie and Bri rolled up, got out of the ambo with the stretcher and into the room and with help put Paddy on to the gurney. They wheeled him to the back of the ambo with Yessie getting in the back with Bri, as Annie drove off radioing into the hospital as they got a police escort.

It didn't take long before Chua got Al, and shut down the ER from new patients, getting a room ready and an OR prepped on standby. When they finally got there, they went to work. They had to resuscitate him a few times, but eventually, they got him stable enough for surgery and they worked their magic.

It was a long surgery but it was a success and they were able to get him into a room in the ICU where Yessie held his hand. When Luxe finally showed up she gave her space and finally texted her sister.
coded by reveriee.

Mick Halstead

He didn't really remember how he ended up at Isabella's door, but here he was. Nervous, shaking blood on his shoes. His blue eyes full of fear. His memory of what happened was flashing in front of his eyes.

He had heard the gunshot, heard Yessie's scream. He ran to the room to see the young man he had become close to like a brother, who he pulled straight out of the academy, lying incapacitated on the floor.

He immediately ran around, doing his best to try and find out where the assailant was. Throwing things down that was in his way, before his radio cracked he heard where the suspect was last spotted and that SWAT was en route. Mick got into his truck and drove to the where he and the SWAT team entered and they moved about clearing out each door. When Mick heard something he stopped, but didn't tell the rest of the SWAT team. He took a deep breath going into a somewhat hidden room where there was a man who raised his hands up.

Mick looked at him and then to the firearm by his side.

The man was frantic, "I didn't mean to shoot him I got scared...."

Mick looked at him and then to the firearm,"Pick it up."

The man reached for it slowly, grabbing it by the barrel and held the grip out towards him. Mick shook his head, "Hold it right."

The man was hesitant but obliged,"Now get to your feet, and I will disarm you, and handcuff you." But as soon as he got this feet Mick fire two shots to his chest and put him down. He clicked his radio, "10-1, 10-1...shots fired by police. Offender is down, DOA, roll a crime lab."

When the dispatcher confirmed Mick took a deep breath as the SWAT guys came in behind him checking around to make sure he was the only one and patting Mick on the back before walking out. It was brief talk with the people on the on site interview for the shooting. They breath tested him and nothing popped and after they were satisfied with their notes let him on his way. If they found it was a clean shoot, they would be done with him, if not they'd find him.

Mick went to his Sgt for an update on Paddy and all Mick could do was cuss, before he thought about it, "Damn it I bet no one told Isabella..." so he jogged to his truck and drove off to the office before he was told she went home for a break, and over there he went.

Which is how he got to where he was now and took a long breath, hands shaking before finally knocking on the door.

Another one bites the dust

by Queen

Isabella Not Meat Not Meat
mentions Jina

º º code by ditto º º








  • home (filler tab)

Mura Masa ft. A$AP Rocky


Somewhere off the California coast, a beam of sunlight reflected off the top deck of Richard Samson’s yacht and propelled itself directly into Cassandra Samson’s eye. Agitated, and with one hand remaining wrapped around a glass of pinot grigio with ice, she removed her YSL sunglasses from atop of her head and placed them on the bridge of her nose. Light waves lapped against the side of the boat as she turned to look out, trying to spot the tender returning from the pier over the horizon.

Her dad was somewhere inside hiding from the sun. He was a bit pathetic like that. All the money in the world couldn’t buy him a temperament any better than a toddler’s. When her mother was alive she might have urged him to wear a hat - one of those hand woven Montecristi Panama fedoras she bought from Ecuador that made him look too dandy. But that was then, and now she was dead, and no one could tell her father anything.

Cass took a sip of her wine. It was always fairly civilised when her brothers weren’t around. Clive was okay. All three of them were idiots, and they did it all on their own. Maybe that’s where her own confidence grew from: the knowledge that no matter what she did, she was better than them.

Amelia fit into her life like the final piece of a puzzle. She was calm, well-spoken but honest, and tolerated the family dynamic more than Cass could ask. They understood each other. There was no complaining, no competing, no bitterness when work took priority. Amelia had been in the family longer than she had been involved with Cass, though part of her would not admit to the resentment she felt over Casper being Amelia’s college friend instead of herself. Still, now they were engaged to be wed, and although a question mark loomed over the date of a wedding amidst the Samsons’ overwhelming inability to agree to gather in one place at a set time, Cassandra had her confidante, her companion, and her wisest adviser all in one.

“Maybe we should have set a date for today, since everyone is here,” Cassandra remarked, moving her free hand to rest above Amelia’s knee, “though, Casper would be disinherited quicker than he would bring any one of his Chlamydia clan to the wedding.”

She sighed, raising her glass to her lips again, her eyes squinting from behind the darkened lenses. “One can only hope they’ve missed the tender. Dad is going to have a heart attack,” she turned to her fiancée, “he was asking for you earlier. I told him you weren’t on work time. If he insists, I’ll put some of Casper’s ecstasy into his blood pressure medication.”

Cass smirked slyly at the thought. Although a joke, it wasn’t the first time it had crossed her mind. It was the least he deserved.

♡coded by uxie♡


The Airhead



Excited, upset





Rowan(Mentioned), Scotty, her parents, Max

It was con day.

Sarah had been eagerly awaiting the day for weeks. The night before she had laid out her cosplay perfectly, going over every last detail to make sure that nothing would fall apart or that she hadn't missed a single frill or button. It was perfect, exactly what she had pictured when she had envisioned the cosplay months prior when her and Maxie had decided that they were going to go with a Death Note theme. Of course at the time she hadn't thought that Scotty was going to be involved in their little group but she was happy to have him along. Especially now.

Things had changed for her. Ever since Scotty had kissed her on Valentine's Day, Sarah found herself floundering and fluttering when she was with him. At times she couldn't take her eyes off of him, completely entranced by whatever he had to say. She wanted him to kiss her more, hold her more. It was so foreign to her to feel such a way. Slowly Sarah started to realize that it wasn't the kind of care or like that she felt for her other friends. She craved Scotty's presence more than she wanted Maxie around. At first it frightened her but Scotty made her feel so safe, so cared for. There wasn't anywhere else that she wanted to be than with Scotty.

When he called her his girlfriend for the first time it sent a whole new wave of emotions through her. She wasn't sure how to feel at first. Sarah had certainly never been anyone's girlfriend before, she didn't really know what it meant but she was more than happy to be whatever he wanted her to be as long as she got to be around him more. As long as he continued to kiss her, hold her, and cuddle her Sarah was happy to give him almost anything he wanted.

They had made plans, the three of them, to meet up at Sarah's house before heading off to the con so that her parents could take pictures of their cosplay. It was mainly for Sarah and Max, really. Her parents were good friends with Max's parents and they knew that his parents would want pictures of the two of them. Potentially for the Christmas cards. There always seemed to be a picture of the two of them on the Christmas cards every year. Bonus son was what her parents called Max. Not that they had anything against Scotty. Sarah's father was thrilled that she was finally making her way in life and exploring the world. Her mother though... that was a different story.

While Sarah waited for Scotty and Max to arrive she got herself into her cosplay, making sure every last detail was perfect. From the red contact lenses she wore to the oversized paperclips that decorated her corset top, Sarah made sure every little thing was in place. She messaged some friends, ultimately finding herself messaging Rowan once again. That familiar floating sensation ran throughout her whenever she spoke with him. It was similar to the way that she felt when she was with Scotty however he managed to draw those feelings out of her with a simple hello.

Sarah wasn't sure how it all turned around so quickly. She wasn't sure what she had done to upset him, to make him hate her so deeply that he wanted her to leave him alone. She felt a piece of her shatter at his words and it all went tumbling down when she suddenly couldn't message him anymore. Warm tears spilled from her eyes, ruining the makeup that she had spent well over an hour perfecting for the con and yet she didn't care. All she cared about was fixing what she broke. His words flipped in her head as she ran through what had happened. It was so brief, so fast that she barely had a moment to breathe. She was hurting him. All because she loved him, she was hurting him. Being nice to him was hurting him. Being nice was hurting people.

So when her safe place was taken from her she sought out the comfort of someone she knew would bring her smile back. Scotty. He had become her everything, the one she could talk to and cry to. He knew how to calm her down and make her feel better. She asked him to come early, to hold her while she picked up the broken pieces of her heart and he did. As if he knew what she needed. He held her. He held her as she sobbed, cuddled her until she felt whole again. Scotty filled that void and warmed her heart, putting her back together again.

By the time her parents arrived, Sarah was better... mostly. There was a deep aching that she pushed aside, assuming it was only a product of the realization that her kindness was hurting the people she cared about, the people she loved. Of course Sarah didn't have it in her to be mean, no, she just wasn't going to immediately offer kindness on default... not unless they were kind to her first.

Sarah posed with Scotty, grinning and holding onto him as her parents took pictures of them and praised them. A part of Sarah hoped that Scotty would make the Christmas cards too. She wanted her friends and family to see how happy he made her. There was a sparkle in her eyes as she nuzzled into him and rubbed her nose against his. She could feel her mothers disapproval but she didn't much care. Sarah loved Scotty. That's what mattered.

As her parents finished up taking all the shots that they needed from the two of them, Sarah's attention turned. A wide smile grew on her lips, teeth flashing when she saw the messy hair of her best friend bobbing as he ran onto the yard. Sarah detached from Scotty and moved toward Max. It wasn't the normal, squealing, happy embrace that she would normally give him. Any other day Sarah would have ran to him and thrown herself at him, hugging him deeply and speaking a mile a minute knowing fully well that he couldn't hear her but too excited to stop herself. This time it was a soft hug, careful and kind yet withdrawn from herself. She pulled away and offered him a sweet smile, making sure he could see her lips as she spoke.

"You look really good. Mom and dad want us to take pictures all three of us and also just you and me, is that okay?" Sarah offered him another small smile, swaying slightly as she clasped her hands behind her back.

♡coded by uxie♡


The Ethereal






Comic Con




It was so loud.

Not that Celia minded. She was happy to be there, lucky that the comic book store she worked at had a booth at the con and that she was given free time to walk around and actually experience the con. Cece had dressed up for the occasion, even going as far as pulling out one of her nicer sabers. She had put together her little shoulder buddy the day before the con, feeling as if she needed that extra bit of pizzaz to add to the cosplay. That was Cece, though, she always tried to go the extra mile for the things she enjoyed and for the people she enjoyed as well.

As she walked through the con she let her mind wander. Eyes flicked between the booths as she wandered about, looking at everything and nothing all at the same time. There were certainly more booths than she expected there to be. This wasn't the biggest con that she had been to by far but it certainly did have a good turn up. It warmed her heart to see so many people interested in the same things. So many people in cosplay. Some that she recognized, people she recognized from working at the bookstore, others that she didn't know but would have loved to get to know just based off of their cosplay alone.

She took pictures and selfies with other cosplayers, smiled and laughed, joked about similar interests. She handed out the business cards her boss had given her to people she didn't know and waved at the people she did. At the end of the day she was still technically on shift, she was just given the graces to walk about and engage with new people. It was fun. Celia was having fun.

There was a moment. A brief moment where her attention had turned, her gaze shifting backwards as she admired the cosplay of someone who had just walked by her. It was sudden. A body colliding with hers and an arm reaching out to steady her. Celia looked ahead of her, turning her attention upwards to meet the eyes of the person she had collide with and apologize to them for not paying attention.

Her words caught in her throat when he spoke, his accent making her take pause. She let out a soft breath, eyes flicking between his for a moment before she finally managed to find her voice.

"Y-yeah. Yeah. I'm alright." She whispered, nodding as she spoke. Celia cleared her throat, realizing that she sounded like some sort of floundering fool. "I... I wasn't paying attention either so it's not entirely your fault." She spoke clearly now, offering him a small, reassuring smile.

♡coded by uxie♡


Scrappy Doo





See main pic


Paradise Civic Center


Leigh, Elliot (mentioned)

For a moment Lexie forgot.

the sun blared through the window of her bedroom and Lex couldn't help but pull the covers further over her head, trying to hide away from the incredibly bright world around her. She cocooned herself in her bedspread, nuzzling into her pillows and trying to shut out the world around her so she could get at least another five minutes of sleep. It was her own fault that she was so tired, really. Lex had stayed up all night the night before fixing her bright yellow raincoat. It had taken quite the beating before it came into her possession and Lexie wanted it to be perfect for the con.

Of course Lex didn't have any semblance of sewing skills and had to google everything that she was doing but the end result didn't seem too shabby. In a perfect world Lexie would have used some of the money she made from the show to get herself a whole new raincoat but the girl found herself lending out more and more money each month to her brother to help pay for rent and food... amongst all the other things that Elliot asked her for. Not that Lexie minded all that much. If it meant that Elliot was happy with her then Lexie was happy to give him whatever he wanted.

The con, however, was where Lexie put her foot down. She wanted to save money to get herself and her best friend, Leigh, something nice while they were there. It was nice enough of Leigh to be there to support her while she went up on the panel, it was the least she could do for his undying support.

It was that excitement to see her best friend in his full cardboard glory that pulled Lexie from her bed. She threw off her covers and slid out of bed, getting herself excited for the day. She was excited for the panel. A bit nervous, really. Lexie had never been up on a panel before so she honestly wasn't sure what to expect. Questions about the show, probably. Lex was more excited to create havoc with Leigh than she was to be up on a stage answering questions.

Once she was all dressed and ready to go, Lexie made her way through her home, stuffing things she would need for the day into her bag and trying to remember if she was forgetting anything. She wasn't even sure where Elliot was, not that it would matter. He likely wouldn't care about her cosplay at all. Instead of seeking him out Lexie went ahead and left, sighing to herself when she saw that the car was missing.

Not a big deal. Lexie didn't have any problems with public transport anyway. If anything it made her life easier. At least if she wasn't driving she wouldn't have to worry about parking or making sure that there were no valuables in the car in case it did get stolen. The bus was crowded. There were plenty of people going to the con first thing in the morning. Lex wasn't sure why. As far as she understood the cast of Harbour were the first ones to go on stage. Of course Lex could always be wrong.

It wasn't until Lex made it to the con that she realized the bus was so crowded. A vast majority of the vendors were already set up or at least mostly set up enough to take transactions and boy were they making transactions. The sheer amount of people already moseying around the civic center was almost shocking to Lexie. It certainly didn't make her feel any more confident about the upcoming panel.

A sense of dread sank into her stomach as she walked around the con, weaving through people in search of a quiet spot to catch her breath. It all started to feel too real, too overwhelming. She needed Elliot or Carter, Ever or Leigh. Someone to help her feel less like the world was turning on its axis. For a moment Lex felt as though she was going to hurl, the world spinning around her until a grounding voice called out to her from the crowd. Lexie would know that voice anywhere.

Lexie spun around, a wide grin curling at her lips when she saw the bundle of boxes darting toward her. Her first thought was to hug him but considering the cardboard Leigh wore wasn't the sturdiest thing in the world she settled with an awkward side nuzzle type thing. The anxiety and stress leaked out of Lexie as Leigh spoke quickly, forcing her to have to focus on him in order to keep up.

"OMG no, Leigh you look extrasupercoolamazeballs! It's so original and awesomecool! I bet nobody else is wearing a box man suit so you are the superstar of the show!!" Lexie gave Leighs outfit a once over, making sure to scan over the armholes. While Lexie was chaos incarnate she still managed to take a moment to make sure that Leigh was okay. Him being okay was her number one priority, after all. "I don't think it starts for another hour or two?? I don't actually know. I need to find the other cast but it's soooo busy here. Isn't this crazy?? Do you think all these people came here because of the show??"

♡coded by uxie♡


The Dead One






Oli's Van



It had been a slow day.

There weren't many dead people for Lăcră to work on and the ones that she had dealt with were all packed up and ready to go. The funeral home was set for the day so Lăcră made her leave and started heading home. Her mind wandered as she drove, traveling to her worries for the young boy that Wil had introduced her to. He was tightly sprung, easily spooked, and seemed as though he needed protection and help. Lăcră worried for him. She worried for his safety, especially with the revelation that he was selling drugs. It wasn't good. The situation seemed dire and although she promised she wouldn't push to help him she truly couldn't help herself.

Lăcră found herself heading toward his direction, her intent mostly just to check in and make sure that he was doing okay. Perhaps more if the opportunity arrived. She pulled up next to his van and let out a deep breath, already shattered at the state of it. It tore her apart knowing that someone she had grown to care about was living such a way when there were resources for him. She had a spare room for him, a spare bed, plenty of food in her kitchen, and the means to at the very least help him out. Of course Lăcră didn't know how to properly tell him all of that. It was a struggle to find the right words to say at times. Almost everything seemed to confuse her and truth be told she wasn't sure why he was refusing her help.

With a heavy heart, Lăcră slid out of her own vehicle and stepped toward Oliver's Van. She knocked on the door and stepped back, not wanting to startle him too badly.

"Oliver?" She called out, her Romanian accent thick, cutting through her voice and making his name sound incredible foreign on her tongue. "Is Lăcră. Do not fear. You are okay?"

♡coded by uxie♡

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