• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Another Day in Paradise || Main



The Assistant








Yessie (mentioned) Henry (mentioned) Paddy (mentioned) Mick

It was rare that Isabella actually went home for lunch.

Most of the time Isabella brought some leftovers to the office to reheat and eat at her desk or she would go out and get something small and bring it back. It didn't happen often that she forgot her lunch or wasn't in the mood to go and get her usual small meals from the local shops around the office. That morning Isabella had been running behind, though, and in her frantic state she had forgotten to pack herself a lunch. As of late she hadn't been feeling the foods that she normally would eat. It was strange. A girl who had been raised on certain meals her whole life, who tolerated spice like a champ and surprised most Americans that she met with her tolerance... Isabella just couldn't handle the foods she usually loved. They made her feel almost ill.

Isabella wasn't worried, though. She chalked it up as her tastes changing as she got older, as her tastebuds evolving. Perhaps it was because she had been toning it down for Padrics sake, knowing that he wasn't able to withstand the same heat levels that she could. Besides, between work and the slight brain fog she had been experiencing in the last few days, Isabella hadn't given herself the opportunity to worry about those kinds of things. She would push through it just like any other change in her life. It wasn't something to worry about.

Thankfully Henry had been gracious enough to give her a longer break so she could go home and make herself something to eat. It also gave her the opportunity to feed her cat and amke sure that he would be okay until either her or her sister, Yessie, got home for the day. Isabella had a sneaking suspicion that it would be Yessie getting home before her. There was a ton of work to get done in the office and Isabella was considering either going out with Padric if he wanted to or offering to babysit for Henry so him and his wife would be able to go out an celebrate. Either was Isabella wasn't anticipating getting home any time soon.

While in the middle of cooking her lunch, Isabella checked her messages. Her eyebrows pinched together in confusion when she read her sisters text, a pang of worry running through her at the urgency of the message. even more confusion and worry spiked through her when she heard the knock at the door. Isabella watched as her cat, Mark, sprang up and hissed immediately. It took her a moment to clear the fog that filled her mind and focus. She had to focus. One thing at a time.

Isabella replied to her sister frantically, typing with one hand while trying to gather Mark and stow him away into the closet that had become his little jail cell whenever someone visited. Mark was a sweet cat to those he knew well but he certainly didn't take kindly to strangers. More confusion ran through her when her sister warned her to pack an overnight bag. She couldn't understand why she would need such a thing. Isabella certainly wasn't planning on going anywhere and yet...

Once Mark was in his closet and the burner she had been using was turned off, Isabella hurried off to her door. She unlocked the deadbolt and looked up at her guest in confusion. Yessie had said it would be Mick but... Why would he be at her door?

"Mick?" Isabella spoke, her voice coming out as almost a squeak as her eyes flicked about him. She could see the fear and the pain in his eyes, could sense that something was horribly wrong. "Mick what... Are you alright? Is there something I can help you with? What's wrong?"

♡coded by uxie♡
MOOD: Oh god please kill me


LOCATION: The Wells Residence



Sarah Not Meat Not Meat
Scotty Qwertycakes Qwertycakes


Max Berkowitz

We accept the love we think we deserve.

Max had begun to dread waking up in the morning. Why must every day of torment be immediately followed by another? Why couldn’t he just have a short 10- or 20-day coma as a break from it all? Or better yet, sleep for years, until everyone had forgotten all the stupid things he’d done and no one knew who he was anymore–

He was turning into Edgar Allan Poe at an alarming rate.

He’d delay returning to the waking world for as long as possible, buried under his pile of blankets and half-read books until Scotty came by and threw pieces of crumpled paper at his head until he finally got up and went to class. Scotty didn’t know it, but he was probably the only reason Max was still in school.

Max’s steep decline from Straight-A Student Wonder Boy to Scatterbrained Ditz had begun back in middle school, and reached its lowest valley in his last few years of high school. Though he’d eventually secured a spot at the local state university branch, his academic performance had never recovered from that low point. His GPA was encumbered by the heavy weight of dwindling grades, frequent tardiness, and notes from his teachers claiming he seemed spaced-out and unfocused during class. He never told anyone what it was that was occupying so much of his mind that he had nothing left to give to his studies, but everyone had their theories and rumors.
Unfortunately, most of them were true.

What he wouldn’t give to be anyone else but himself, even just for a day. If he could just put on another identity, like a costume or… wait. Wait. Oh, no. Oh, fuck.
That was today!?

He’d completely forgotten about the Comic Con, and now he was 20 minutes late to meet Scotty and Sarah.

The jolt of adrenaline threw him out of his bed and onto the laundry-bedecked floor of the dorm room, which he clumsily stumbled over as he hurriedly gathered up all his materials. Luckily the costume itself wasn’t elaborate, but it was instantly recognizable. Hair dyed black and tousled into an intricate mess, eyes heavily underlined with dark shadows, and he excellently resembled the eccentric detective L. Max’s own awkward long-limbed frame and hunched posture suited the character well… Sarah really had been a bit of a genius when picking out this cosplay trio for Max and Scotty and herself. Max couldn’t help but smile a bit to himself in spite of his panic, thinking of his sweet but airheaded best friend. She didn’t know much about people or the world, but clothing and costuming was where she shined. Really, who could say she wasn’t smart when she had talents like this?

If only she wasn’t dating his roommate right now. Shit, what would she and Scotty even be doing right now without him? He’d meant to be there with them the whole time, just in case things went south, but now they were alone together. Max loved them both, he really did, but this relationship felt like two lit sticks of dynamite in a hay bale. He had to get there fast.

The drive over felt twice as long as usual, even going as fast as Max felt safe: 5 below the speed limit, slowing down at every yellow light. Max always drove like he thought a cop would suddenly appear around every corner… It was hard not to be anxious, being a deaf driver, especially knowing so many people his age who had totaled their cars or injured themselves from being reckless on the road.

When he finally arrived, Sarah’s parents were already deep in their photoshoot of Sarah and Scotty, cameras flashing as they struck a variety of poses. Knowing he would inevitably get dragged into a couple of pictures, Max nervously ran his hands through his hair and wondered if he looked as nauseous as he felt. His friend (not anymore) neighbor (not anymore) Alora would always say he looked like a shaking Chihuahua, and unfortunately she was often right.

“I’m so sorry I’m late–” Max’s hands were hardly through the signed sentence when Sarah crashed into his chest for their obligatory greeting hug… Max grinned sheepishly, returning the embrace gently, careful not to mess up the delicate frills and accoutrements on her costume.
It felt different this time. A little stiffer, a little colder, not as carefree. Max did his best not to notice.
“It’s nice to see you too, Sarah.” He said out loud, voice a bit overpitched and shaky, pretending he caught all of the words that fell off of her lips as she pulled away from the hug. She’d definitely said something about her parents, probably that they wanted to get a few more pictures with him in them for the annual holiday card. One glance back at Mr. and Mrs. Wells told him that he was probably right in that assumption.

“Hey, Scotty.” He turned to his roommate, signing again. Sarah hadn’t picked up much ASL in the years they’d known each other, but Scotty was a faster learner. That was probably why the college roomed them together, and why they got along so well as coworkers. “You know you can wake me up if you have to, right? Not that you… not that you have to, but… whatever. At least you got some alone time with Sarah, right? I’m sure that was nice.” He tried to keep his facial expressions light and neutral on that last line, so as not to give away the fact that he was so uneasy with this whole Sarah-Scotty-romance business, but his shoulders had tensed up and his eyebrows had frozen in place. And maybe it was a little mean to be using the language barrier to keep Sarah out of the loop on this one, but Max truly believed it was for her own good. Sarah was as fragile as she was kind. She was like a baby deer made of tissue paper. One wrong move from Max and she’d crumble.
He couldn’t let anything bad happen to her. Not today, not ever.

code by valen t.

Mick Halstead

Though he had been taking the time in the ride over and while standing at the door to come up with something, when she opened the door he froze. He had done this several times between being in the military and being a cop. He had broken the news for people who were close him, when he had the chance. Sometimes when he was already deployed it was hard - unless they were on a mission they weren't supposed to be on. They had to wait until they got clearance which sometimes never came - and they just told them their person was MIA.

Yet, even compared to his late best friend, Padric was different. Padric was like Mick's little brother. He personally picked Paddy out of the academy to join his special unit. He felt like it was his duty to protect him and ...he failed.

His eyes remained on Isabella as he opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He had failed Padric and had failed Isabella. He looked off as his eyes started to water as he clutched his fist trying to get himself together. He took a deep breath when she pushed to know (which im just assuming she will) and dug his nails into his palm of his clutched fix, "Paddy's been shot, and he might not make it. So we need to go. Now."

He turned to her ,"I'm sorry, I didn't protect him, but we need to go." Mick wanted to be positive, mick wanted to be optimistic, but he just couldn't. He had lost so many friends when he was hopeful. He had seen too many people not make it when he thought they would so it was so hard for him to be optimistic, "Grab some clothes and stuff and let's go..."

Another one bites the dust

by Queen

Isabella Not Meat Not Meat
mentions Jina

º º code by ditto º º
MOOD: absolutely scrambled


LOCATION: Gross stolen van out by the train tracks


Lăcră Not Meat Not Meat

TL;DR ...
Oliver Dreyfuss
How lonely it is, to be drowning in a place where everyone can swim

With a rusty creak, the back door of the van opened up just a sliver, just enough to allow a pair of wide dark eyes to peek out of the shadows.

There was silence, a barely-audible sigh of relief, then the soft click of a switchblade closing. The door opened all the way to reveal the rest of Oliver F. Dreyfuss. Something manic flickered in the eyes of the young turtle expert; deep purple-black bags that stood out against his chalky skin suggested he hadn’t slept in far too long. He stared blankly, pages upon pages of his wild notes and graphs fluttering around him like giant white moths.

It was several long seconds before he spoke.

“Why are you here?”

The question was blunt, almost rude, but as usual he seemed far too earnest to have any intention of being harsh with his words. The fact that he'd come out of his van at all, unarmed and alone, was proof enough that he trusted Lăcră with his life. There were very few people he felt safe knowing where he lived.

He didn’t even wait for an answer to his own question, though; without warning, he hopped back into the van and returned quickly with an overflowing armful of papers. He handed a disorganized stack to Lăcră, closing the door of the van to stand outside with her on the dirt road. “I’ve got some theories,” He explained, his quietly lilting voice full of strange fervor. He was practically shaking with anticipation, rocking back and forth on his heels and watching Lăcră with captivated fascination. “Ideas. I think we may have been too limited in our perception of what a ghost can even be, what the immaterial quality of something that lacks material substance might even be like. Can ghosts coagulate and form a colonial organism, like a siphonophore? Siphonophores… Siphonophores are an order within Hydrozoa, which contains most of what we recognize as sea jellies. Portuguese Man O' War jellyfish are siphonophores, which means they're not very closely related to non-colonial jellyfish. They're also poisonous. A-anyway, siphonophores are colonial organisms, which means that they’re not actually one individual; they’re a mass of multicellular units that are each their own animal. So imagine, i-if that’s even possible, I know, that maybe ghosts aren’t just the individual disembodied consciousness of one person, but are many people, possibly existing on their own individually and also functioning as part of this larger non-corporeal phenomenon. Maybe they have to combine in order to have a detectable effect on the mortal world, so each individual paranormal event might not be because of just one person, but entire communities of people who may have died in that area, or otherwise had ties to that area, like they have memories there. Ghosts work mostly on memories, I guess is the common consensus. That they have some recollection of who they were, or some attachment to the places and people that were relevant to them in their lives, but maybe… maybe that’s only a small part of each thing that we perceive as a ghost. And maybe ghosts can break off individually to haunt individual people. Maybe they're like viruses. Maybe an individual ghost, separated from its hypothetical ghost colony, is only measurable on a nanoscopic...”

Oliver suddenly remembered that English was not Lăcră’s first language.
His white cheeks turned deep red and he went quiet again, fumbling with his hands and stuttering wordlessly, as he tried in vain to come up with a way to simplify what he was trying to say. He couldn't. His brain's translation mechanism had completely short-circuited and left him with nothing but disjointed half-sentences and nonsense.
“...Sorry.” He wheezed, out of breath from his little tangent and clearly flustered. He took his pages of notes back from Lăcră, holding them close to his chest and flipping them back and forth with his fingers, eyes forced shut and teeth nervously digging into his lower lip. “I’m just… I… I wanted… I’ll explain it later.”

code by valen t.

OUTFIT: BOXMAN x Underneath x Crutches

LOCATION: Paradise Civic Center



Lex Not Meat Not Meat


Leigh Fallon

Leighve, laugh, love

“Totally they did!! This movie is gonna be so great, Lex! You’re gonna be the biggest star EVER!!! Like… LIKE THE SUN–” Leigh threw out his arms in a wide arc, seemingly forgetting about the crutches attached to his forearms and almost whacking a few random passersby in the face with the metal poles. “--OOPS.” Seemingly unfazed by the weird looks the two of them had started to get from the other con-goers, he kept chirping along as if nothing had happened. “Anyway, they can’t be too hard to find, right? Like… you know these people, from filming and movie stuff. Are there any explosions in the movie? Or can you not tell me because of super tight movie secrets?”

Leigh had noticed by now that Lex seemed a little nervous. He kept his eyes on her, watching the way her expression flitted between excitement and anxiety. It was his most solemn duty, as her best friend in the entire world, to cheer her up and make sure she had the best day ever at her first real celebrity event. After all, he had no idea how it felt to be famous… the closest he’d ever gotten to the harsh stage lights of showbiz was playing a tree in the middle school production of Into The Woods last year (apparently his audition was so show-stoppingly terrible that the drama teacher had to write in a nonspeaking, nonmoving part just for him, but he loved it.) This gig that Lex had landed, though, was probably completely different. This was a real actual big deal movie picture extravaganza, not just a middle school musical. “You’re gonna do so great, Lex!” He assured, hoping his bright friendly grin could somehow radiate through the cardboard box head. “These people are gonna be all like… ‘WOW, that’s the real Lex Miller who’s so cool and great!!’ And then you’ll sign autographs and take pictures with baby koalas! That’s a thing famous people do, right? I mean if I was famous, I’d want to hold a baby koala…” He didn't really know if he was helping or just making things worse, but he chose to believe that he was helping. After all, he wanted to help, more than anything. And what kind of a hero would Box Man Leigh be if he couldn't even save his best friend's day?

The two tiny teens were completely dwarfed by the crowd, stumbling and teetering their way through the swarmed hallways like a pair of lost ducklings. Somehow the convention center felt even bigger than it had when Leigh had first walked in. “We should get some sick convention merch while we look for the movie people.” He suggested, taking the lead and walking confidently despite the fact that his cardboard suit was making him bump into everyone and everything in their path. “Whaddaya think will happen if we steal a t-shirt? Wait, do you think you can stash stuff in my boxes?? Yo, we could totally get away with it!!” His maniacal giggles echoed from within the box. “We’re totally geniuses, Lex! We built the perfect heist. Let’s GO!”

code by valen t.


The Assistant



Worried, terrified





Yessie (mentioned) Paddy (mentioned) Mick

He was confusing her.

Isabella watched him for a moment, unsure of what to say. He hadn’t replied, seemed to be in a daze. She waited for a moment, thinking that perhaps he just needed to collect his thoughts before he spoke. When he didn’t speak, Isabella raised an eyebrow and pressed him further, needing to know why Mick was standing at her door looking like a kicked puppy.

Then he spoke.

The world around Isabella seemed to spin. Bile rose to her throat as she processed what Mick was saying to her. She felt as though she couldn’t breathe, as if her lungs had completely stopped functioning as she stood in front of him.

She wanted to call him out, tell him he was lying and that there was no way that Paddy, her Paddy was in critical condition after being shot. She wanted to reason with him, tell him it was impossible because they had spent the night together the night before. Impossible because she had fallen asleep in his arms and had finally admitted to herself that they were more than just friends, but the look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know.

Now she knew why her sister had been trying to get ahold of her. Now she knew why she was told to pack a bag.

Wordlessly, Isabella rushed to the bedroom, leaving the door open with Mick still standing there. She couldn’t think clearly and struggled to do even such a menial task such as pack a bag. She wasn’t sure how long she would be away, how much of what to pack, or what the hell she was going to tell her boss. All Isabella knew was that her heart was aching, breaking inside her chest, shattering as she fought back tears. She tried to be strong, tried to hold a brave face just as her father had taught her to, but by the tie she was next to Mick again all of her resolve shattered. Tears filled her eyes and all she could do was look up at Mick with pain filled eyes.

“Where is he?” She whispered, fighting with the lump in her throat. Really her voice just came out as a hopeless squeak, a broken breath that was barely audible to even her own ears. “Which hospital?”

♡coded by uxie♡


Ice Queen



distant and cold, but loving oli


in post




Lacra and Oli

Cold, brown eyes glanced though the glass of the window that acted as a buffer between Stassi and the rest of the world. Trees passed, buildings passed, signs passed and yet those brown eyes never jerked or dilated. They didn't even so much as react to any stimuli as the car passed down the road. Her eyes seemed to be colder as the world in front of her was mirrored in the tint of those bright brown eyes.

There was no betraying Anastasia for nice. She was cold and calculated. She had earned her moniker of ice queen in earnest- not just from her dominance in figure skating, but because of the cold disposition she had most of her life. It was funny. Despite not sharing a drop of blood her eyes matched her illegitimate mother's own blue eyes. She remembered them leering at her.


The the Matriarch of the Perov family would bark at her. Each fall - she'd demand that Anastasia would get up and do it again. And she would and if it wasn't perfect - if she failed. She'd do it again. Even when her ankles turned blue. That, well that and God given talent, was how she became a four time medalist, three time gold medalist in the winter Olympics. It also made her the cold, Russian woman that sat in the back. And today? Her eyes were even colder than usual thanks to the break up with her girlfriend.

"Nastya, we're here."

The Russian words from the drive broke her out of the trance. She took a slow breath before she heard the front door open, and then shortly after her own door. She managed to get out of the car her, neon green active wear a contrast against the rest of the surroundings. The door was closed behind her as she moved to the front where she was met by the driver, her body guard Konstantin.

He had a bike ready for her as she reached up to tie her hair in a messy bun.

"Ma'am, are you sure? He seems unstable."

"I'm sure. He's unstable, sure. But he's sweet and my little brother and I don't want to alarm him so I'll ride the last couple of miles, and as we agreed we will meet back here when the time comes."

The older gentlemen merely nodded returning to the driver seat of the car, and driving off. And so Stassi rode the bike until the van, and two individuals were in view. She recognized both of them, Oli and the Romanian weirdo, Lucrative. She stopped, getting off the bike and deciding to walk the rest of the distance,"Oli, Romani. I just came here to check on him...see if he's still feeling ok."

♡coded by uxie♡
Paisley had been driving around all morning before she had finally given up and messaged in the town group chat as to where her brother might be located. She didn’t know why, but it was almost like a brigade of protective women who seemed to be covering his tracks, even after she explained the situation. It was simple, she hadn’t seen her brother in many years - mostly because she had been stupid enough to leave Oliver behind in the first place. But the abuse and the drugs and the drinking had all been too much on her teen body, she had to leave or she wouldn’t be here altogether.

It was hours before she finally got some answers; he was homeless and living in a van. What a fuckin brigade huh? None of them had convinced him to live with them? Get him off the streets? Paisley knew all too well what it was like to be hungry, alone, and with nowhere to live. Her heart ached for him, ached for the life she had built for herself but unable to share with him.

So with the help of his friend Stassi, she knew exactly what he needed now without overwhelming him, at least that part of him hadn’t really changed. Driving to the nearest Target, Paisley was quick to load up a cart with food, hygiene essentials, and when it finally came to the clothes she wasn’t exactly sure what to pick. If she picked something he didn’t like there was a chance he wouldn’t want to wear it…. So she scrunched her nose and let her eyes rove over the tee shirts. Jeans would be simple enough, but the tee shirts had everything from anime characters, to wildlife, to cars printed on it. She knew as much that he still liked the ocean, but the hot pink sea Turtle would probably only set him off that they didn’t exist or something like That.

More focused on something than she had ever been before, Paisley wasn’t paying any attention as to where she was going until her cart bumped into the leg of someone, “oh fuck sorry…” She was quick to apologize as she moved her cart away from the girl.

Interactions: Evie - Lizy Lizy
Mentions: Oliver - Chimney Swift Chimney Swift Stassi - AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami
coded by kaninchen


The Dead One






Oli's Van


Oli, Stassi

Nothing could have prepared her for the word vomit.

Lăcră stared almost blankly at the boy, letting him speak his rambles. She tried oh-so-hard to follow what he was saying but truthfully she only caught a few words here and there. He simply spoke too fast, said too much all at once. It was hard for her to keep up.

In the back of her mind, Lăcră told herself that this was why she had chosen the profession that she did. She rarely had to speak to anyone and when she did it was brief. Of course she had been getting help to learn more. Her siblings certainly tried but Lăcră was too withdrawn to really practice. That was the main reason why she associated herself with the little group that Oli was a part of. That and she worried for several of the young children that didn't seem to really know what they were doing.

She certainly didn't want to see one of them get mixed up in something they had no idea how to get out of. Then again the very thought that the boy standing in front of her lived out of a van bothered Lăcră more than she would have ever been able to express... in english, at least.

Lăcră took a deep breath, trying to reel her own mind in as it struggled to catch up. There was little she could do to even try to comprehend the incoherent ramblings that had just been spouted in her direction. There was no doubt in her mind that she would have to get him to explain it again. Slower. Smaller words and give her time to wrap her mind around what he was saying.

Just as Lăcră went to speak, to get out at least an it's okay or do not worry another voice paused her. Wide eyes flickered over to the perfect stranger who seemed to have at least some idea who she was. Romani? What an interesting way to address someone. Lăcră offered the woman a kind smile before turning back to Oliver.

"You are okay, yes?" She questioned, reaching out to still his movements and hopefully grab his attention. "You are on edge. Is okay. Relax, yes? Explain slower for me to know?"

♡coded by uxie♡


Scrappy Doo





See main pic


Paradise Civic Center



There was nothing more relaxing than the hype of her best friend.

Lexie could almost feel her nerves melting away as Leigh spoke. They were still there, of course, Lexie was not immune to the anxiety that being up on an actual stage, on an actual panel, brought. That shadow of self doubt buried itself as she watched Leigh throw his arms about carelessly. A giggle passed her lips and Lexie covered her mouth, looking over at the con goers as they almost got thwacked by Leighs crutches. Sometimes Lexie was almost jealous that her best friend had his very own weapons that he could get past any security. Way cooler than the dinky pocket knife that she was able to sneak by because it was so small.

Lexie gave him a half smile, shrugging her shoulders as he praised her. "It'll be cool, I think. Plus I won't be the only one so they won't be asking only me questions which I think is going to be way better because I have no idea about, like, half of it. I only really get to see the parts that I'm in, really." She almost struggled to keep up with Leigh, having to push her way through people just to attempt to fall into step with him. "A koala would be super cool though, wouldn't it? Do you think that maybe Ever could take us to the zoo and I could use my celeb status to get them to let us hold them? Ohhhh we could totally pet tigers too! That would be so superawesome! Maybe I could get a picture with my head in the tigers mouth?! That would be soooo cool. We would be the absolute coolest kids at school if we had pictures of our heads in tigers mouths."

As they walked and Lex rambled, her eyes darted around the event, trying to find a glimpse of someone that she knew. It really didn't help that most of the people around them were either in big cosplays or were adults. She started to feel small, inconsequential, miniscule, amongst the large crowd that surrounded her. The only relief was Leighs voice, pulling her from her dark thoughts and riling her up once again.

Another playful giggle passed the girls lips as Leigh suggested them stealing things from the con. It would have been a good idea, something that they normally would have done in any other circumstance, but Lex had saved up for this and she had to act professional. This wasn't just all for fun, after all. This was work. This was her job.

"I actually have some money so we can buy some really cool merch. Also there is free merch stuff I think? Like stuff that I get because I'm on the panel? I don't actually know but I'm totally going to share with you because it would be even cooler if we had awesome matching stuff instead of me just having all of it.... Also we can't get in trouble because then I would get in trouble and if you got kicked out I would be supermega sad."

♡coded by uxie♡
MOOD: absolutely scrambled


LOCATION: Gross stolen van out by the train tracks


Lăcră Not Meat Not Meat
Stassi AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

TL;DR ...
Oliver Dreyfuss
How lonely it is, to be drowning in a place where everyone can swim

“I just wanted… I-i mean, what I’m trying to– So if sea jellies are made up of– okay so jellyfish are split into different groups under the phylum Cnidaria, and… wait wait, so a phylum is a category of taxonomic– i mean when you organize...” Oliver was still stammering, trying to rephrase and explain himself in words that Lăcră would understand, when a bright flash of green fabric grabbed his attention. He instantly lost his train of thought and jolted back, startling towards the doors of the van until he registered the familiar face.

“--Oh hey Stassi. Why… why is everyone coming here today?”

He didn’t seem aware that Lăcră and Stassi didn’t know each other.

Stassi and Lăcră had both, in their own time, earned enough of his trust that he’d mentally established them as safe people. As such, he didn’t demand to know how they’d found him, and seemed more confused than afraid that they’d both managed to track him down. Besides, he trusted so few people that it was easy for him to assume that they must all know each other as well.
This meetup could have very quickly turned aggressive or violent if anyone else had shown up.

Rapidly tapping his fingers against the side of his neck, as if that would help him remember what he was talking about before, he hesitated for a moment before returning to what Stassi had just said. “I am still feeling okay.” The way he said it was clearly defensive, but he didn’t think that he was lying either. He had recovered fully from the concussion, and that was the only thing he was really taking into consideration in regards to ‘feeling okay.’ He could tell that both Lăcră and Stassi had concerns about his wellbeing, but he had no idea why; it was like he could only recognize his own distress if it was in the form of immediate danger. This situation didn’t make any sense. “I just wanted to… I have some thoughts. A project. Hypotheses.” Oliver still had the stack of nonsensical scribbled documents held under his other arm, and he was now thrusting the papers in Stassi’s direction. “I can’t… I can’t say it right now.” He was trying to articulate that Lăcră’s language barrier and his own communicative deficits were making it difficult to translate his incomprehensible wall of jargon into simple organized sentences, but effectively verbalizing that thought had proved too difficult.

Falling silent while he waited for Stassi to peer-review his scrambled pseudoscientific tirades, he opened the back of the van and climbed back into the darkness briefly. For a moment there was nothing but the sounds of rustling pages, falling objects, and panicked muttering, until he came back out with even more pages of graphs and diagrams, and three overdue library books: two about jellyfish and one about supernatural sightings. It was abundantly clear that making all of these notes must have taken him all night, as further evidenced by his sleep-starved eyes and obvious delirium. “Maybe I should call someone about this,” he said almost to himself, aimlessly pacing back and forth between his two friends and staring up at the bare tree branches overhead. “Maybe the university.”

code by valen t.

Logan Josiah Reed



Logan strides into Comic-Con, feeling the buzzing energy of the crowd around him. It's not his usual scene, but today he has a specific purpose. Dressed in a casual yet stylish outfit that highlights his athletic build, he scans the room, searching for one booth in particular. Rue's booth. He isn’t much into comics or the whole convention vibe, but seeing Rue outside of the gym class she frequents at Evol is something he's been looking forward to. Rue, with her intricate tattoos and vibrant personality, always stood out to him. The thought of her working at a tattoo booth adds another layer to her intrigue.

Logan finally spots her, busy at her station, chatting animatedly with a potential client. He feels a surge of excitement mixed with a touch of nervousness. With his packed schedule managing Evol Gym, where his free time is a rare commodity, making it out here feels like a win in itself. As he approaches the booth, he catches her eye, and a smile spreads across his face. "Hey there, Rue," he says with a playful glint in his eye. "It’s great to see you in your element. Looks like you’re running the show here."

With a smirk, Logan casually walks over to a book displaying different tattoo options, flipping through the pages with an easy confidence. He plays it cool, glancing up at her occasionally while she talks to the client, letting her see that even with his busy schedule, he made the effort to come find her.

“Put that work in”

♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡
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Comic Con


N/A Yet but Milo

No matter where she moved or what she did, it always seemed like she ended up responsible for her little sister. She worked her butt off to make sure that her elder brother and younger sister had everything they needed especially when their mother was deployed - hell, she made sure she got her sister an audition on Broadway and helped her get there. She had even done really well for the first time on the big stage, great reviews, and was even nominated for a Tony. Yet, nothing was good enough for the spoiled brat who just quit without telling anyone and showed up at her doorstep.

So instead of going to work, Kinni took a day off and drove down to Trestles Beach to get some surfing in. Surfing was the one thing that relaxed her. It brought her closer to her father she felt, despite him no longer being with her. She felt closer to her ancestors. She even went ahead and camped on the beach for the night, before packing up and heading back home to her beach house. Fortunately for her, her sister wasn't around, so she took a deep breath as she showered and got ready for the con. She had a meet and greet- not for the show, but for her own fashion line which had a lot of nerd influence and also the fact she had been doing cosplay commissions to help improve her costume design, but a couple of them had gone viral.

So soon, she was in her G-wagon on he way to the con. Normally, she wouldn't be excited about doing something like this. She knew it was needed to get her exposure because though her line was backed by LVMH, she still had a long way to go to get to the status she wanted. So her excitement wasn't for the necessary evil that was doing PR work at the con, but it was for the one person who promised to meet her there. Milo.

It was something about Milo that kept Kinni's attention and quelled her wrath. She was grateful that he was different than Moses. She liked being her softer self that she didn't often didn't get to be.

It wasn't long before she arrived, got to the parking area, and parked. She checked her makeup one more time, befoe grabbing her 'creator's' guest pass and headed into the con, shooting a text to Milo to let him know she'd be at her booth and where.

♡coded by uxie♡

Mick Halstead

Mick wasn't actually sure what he should have expected from Isabella. This was a lot for anyone to take in especially someone who seemed a little socially out there like her. Yet, still when she fell silent and just went back inside her apartment, the silence seemed to be the loudest thing in the world at the moment. Mick had to remind himself to breathe as he turned around, cursing under his breath. He had no one left to be mad at. He killed the guy who shot Paddy, but he was still angry with the only valid target left being himself. He wanted a drink bad. He needed a drink. More than a drink really, like a bottle. He patted himself down to see if he had his flask on him, but of course he didn't. He was an alcoholic - sure, but he'd never jeopardize the integrity of his job. So seeing as he came here straight from work - of course he didn't.

Mick turned back to Bells when she returned, checking his phone from updates from Yessie before looking back to her, "He's at Paradise in the ICU. He just got out of surgery, and they removed all the bullet fragments but he ...." Mick stopped taking in a deep breath sniffling, "Alright come on, I'll take you there. Jessie will be there, she'll be waiting." He didn't wait for her to respond, instead turning and walking back toward his truck.

He'd be able to turn on the lights and sirens and zoom them through the city and call in traffic blocks ahead of time. This would get them to the hospital quicker than any other method and if the worst happened......well it'd give them time to say goodbye ..

So he quickly made his way to the truck, unlocking it, and getting in and cranking the engine up. He turned on the lights, but waited for Bells to get in before he would turn the sirens on. His plan in its entirety was to drop her off, and immediately go to the bar. He had no intentions of being sober tonight or making it into work the next day.

Another one bites the dust

by Queen

Isabella Not Meat Not Meat
mentions Jina

º º code by ditto º º


Ice Queen



distant and cold, but loving oli


in post




Lacra and Oli

Her words didn't seem to budge the weird the girl before her seemed straight out of a dracula novel. She'd make note to figure out a way for her to get under skin at some point. She managed to shuffle her feet as she turned her attention to Oliver who didn't seem disturbed by her sudden appearance - if not a little confused. That was a little win for her and though small, it was a much needed win after everything that transpired with her now ex-girlfriend.

Oliver gave her an answer, an unsatisfactory answer, but it was an answer. She wouldn't press now - instead she'd taken the stack of papers and started to flip through them. She took a moment to process what he was saying, before he chuckled and began to tell Lacra everything that was contained into his papers in her native Romanian language. Though her accent wasn't perfect, she was confident she was able to communicate everything that Oliver was probably trying to say. She made sure at the end of her words to add a "But I'm not sure it makes sense anyways..." In Romanian before handing her the papers and using her well manicured finger to pick out high points and translate it directly into Romanian to add to her previous explanation.

She eventually let the female take the papers before she stepped back away from them both. She figured she had done enough for the day - her social battery already suffering greatly because she hadn't calculated having to speak to the Anderson girl. She straightened herself a bit taking a glance at her watch, before returning her eyes to Oliver, "I explained it the best I could, but I'm also not a hundred percent sure what I read so you can take that with a grain of - ...." she trailed off remembering idioms weren't the best thing to use when communicating with the squirrely child,"But I am not sure how successful I was."

♡coded by uxie♡

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */

mood happy

location: inside the con

outfit: outfit

fun fact: he once stayed up for 4 days as he was preparing for new album. After the tour was over he slept for 3.

tag: AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

Milo Brooks

/* ------ right side ------ */

Milo got Kinni's text. He felt his heart pounding slightly. People can change with time. Personalities change. Sense of style changes. In the end, he knew the one thing that would remain the same, regardless of the time apart, would be his attraction to her. She always popped into his mind, especially when he would go to the beach. It was something I started to do together right before. He beat himself up every day that he didn't get her contact information. She didn't think he needed it if he saw her consistently. He is not a phone kind of person in any way, shape, or form. Now that the day has finally come to me again he feels just like a kid on Christmas morning.

Milo figured that he would change into his nightwing cosplay after greeting with her. He read her text again about what booth she was in and it didn't take him long to find her. He didn't walk up to her just yet he wanted to just look at her her big curls, her silky, smooth skin and chocolate eyes...it was all just as intoxicating as the last time he saw her.

"God she's stunning"

He only went up to her when there was less people so he didn't disrupt her. Seeing her so passionate made him want to stare at her as long as he could. He knows when she saw him, it was inevitable that his palms would get slightly sweaty. His bown eyes just checked her out and it started from her shoes all the way up to her sculpted face.

He was wondering what he should do if he came up and just waved at her? Shake her hand or give her a tight hug?

"Not a fucking handshake,don't be an idiot and friend zone yourself", he thought.

Ultimately he came up to her, his cheeky smile, his arm came around to the small of her back as he pulled her into a small hug. "Hello beautiful, busy as always I see" he told her in her ear, his accent heightened as he was nervous.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

Last edited:
mood :

location :
comic con
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Niki Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
;; Blake
Blake's excitement carried him through the morning. He had been looking forward to attending comic con ever since he decided to go two days ago. Honestly, he didn't pay attention to what was going on around him, so he didn't even realize that Paradise had a con. But, a couple days ago he had run into Niki and Tucker and when Niki invited him to come along with them he immediately accepted. He told Niki that he'd clear his schedule, which was an easy promise to fulfill since there was nothing on that schedule in the first place.

His interactions with Niki had seemed to be slowly shifting from him just babysitting Tucker and leaving to him hanging around more and more often, even when Niki was around to take care of the kid. Blake found himself becoming fast friends with Niki. She was sweet to him, and smarter than he'd ever dream of being. He had a lot of respect for her. He couldn't put a finger on why, but he'd begun to feel slightly nervous around her, like he wanted to impress her.

Since his plans to go to comic con were made last minute, he had no elaborate costume. But, he still wanted to dress up. Digging through his closet, he ended up slipping into a superman t-shirt and putting a half buttoned dress shirt and red tie over that. Bam, he was Clark Kent mid transformation into Superman. Once he was set to go, he headed out. He made it to his garage before realizing he left his keys on the kitchen counter, so he went back in and then finally made it out.

As he pulled up to the convention center parking lot, he couldn't help but smile. All the people around, dressed up, excited to be around things relating to their interests made him happy. He liked it when others were having a good time, it stressed him the fuck out when they weren't. He parked and headed towards the convention center's entrance, keeping an eye out for Niki and Tuck.

It didn't take all that long for him to find them, they were standing right outside the center, just as Niki said they'd be. "Hey Niki!" he greeted with a smile and a wave before looking down at Tucker. "Hey buddy! You excited? I know I am."
coded by reveriee.

Erik Hamilton

It was once a month where he spent a week in some foreign country doing his race acitivies. Not including the time he spent back home in England, practicing or working with engineers on the car. Then there was also the time he spent traveling for sponsors which all amounts to the fact that he was never home. This time he was in Australia, for the Australian grand prix. He spent his friday there during the practices like normal, not feeling great about the car in which he told his engineers and team. They sat and adjusted it after the practice sessions and by the end, he still wasn't satisfied, but he figured the car was what it was at this point.

Qualifying day came and one of the engineers had made a slight change, ever so slight that they forgot to bring it up to Erik as he went through his race day routines. He hydrated before finally getting in the car and waiting for them to finish the other preparations. When his team gave him the greenlight he waited a few minutes before finally pulling out. He spent one lap around the track getting his car and tyres warmed up, before finally going hard and getting his first qualifying lap time in before heading back to the pit.

The time wasn't bad, at the time was the fastest, before three more drivers beat it and sent it to 8th. He talked with the engineers and said the car felt a little different, but was better in the corners so he was ok with it. He went through qualifying before finally finishing with the third best time and getting the third spot on the grid.

Of course he had a lot on his mind, his wife had been outed for cheating on him and he was sleeping with her sister who was currently camped out in his hotel room. Erik was able to tune everything out though when he was on the track and though he slept next to her, he woke up Sunday morning and it was game time.

Again through his morning activities, pre-race routine, and in the car. He was eventually on his spot on the grid and soon the he was revving his engine before the lights went a way and he pulled off. He zoomed around the course in P3, until his team had him pit. He came out of the pit and zoomed around the track again going from P8 to P5 with ease, but when he went to make the move for a double overtake, something went wrong and he lost control of the car and ....the marshalls and medics rushed to him. Thanks for the safety measures taken by the FIA, it wasn't fatal immediately, but he was out cold and had to be airlifted to the closest Trauma center where he was given several tests and scans. He had a some internal bleeding, a concussion, and a facture of his hands so in all the accident looked worse than it was, but it really shook Erik up as he was pumped up with medicine to numb the pain.

Another one bites the dust

by Queen

Wolfiee Wolfiee
mentions Jina

º º code by ditto º º








Comic Con


N/A Yet but Milo

Being popular wasn't a surprise for Kinni. She was well known in several of the nerd communities and she was gorgeous. Plus she did a little streaming here and there. Though she didn't cosplay herself, she had plenty of cosplays done and some of the people who had commissioned some from her walked up to her and took pictures. Kinni even did a raffle where someone would win a free commission from her or their choice of a custom item from her clothing line.

The amount of people who stopped by her booth was amazing to her, but she was only concerned about one guest. So she glanced at her apple watch often, doing her best to not seem too pressed about getting a text from him or seeing him. She took in a deep breath as she smiled greeting someone else.

Kinni's dating history was questionable. She dated Moses ( Syrok18 Syrok18 ) for a while in college, but as sweet as he could be, she still felt like their connection lacked something. Of course she had her time with her worst ex, Jordan, but she didn't like to think about that. Her interest in Milo though? It felt different.

Eventually, he appeared in her peripheral as he approached her and she offered a smile as she embraced him back. His words slipped in her ear and the proximity of her lobe to his lips and his accent sent chills down her spine. So much so she had to bite her lip to keep herself together,"Yes as usual, but You're the busy one. Surprised you were able to make it."

♡coded by uxie♡

Tim Hawthorne

The morning always started with a cup of tea. The smart kettle went off like clockwork getting the water to the perfect temperature to steep the tee. The dark loft with barely any light escaping through gave way to an overcast like vibe that probably was meant to resemble the English weather.

A few steps echoed through the otherwise silent loft, before the symphony of sounds of Tim's morning routine began. The sound of the hot water entering the mug was peace to his ears as he sat the mug on his breakfast table. He circled around to get a piece of toast and the sound of the butter knife brushing against the crispy exterior of the toast as he spread his strawberry jam made sure to ease his anxieties. He passed by a screen, pressing play on a playlist that began to echo through all of the speakers in his abode. The gentle sounds of a guitar and its accompanying mates of a bass and a saxophone dominated the air but remained so peaceful a baby could fall victim to the drowsiness of the noise.

He managed to sit and took the first sip of his tea, closing his eyes as he did. It was always relieving to have his first sip in the morning. It always felt like the day couldn't be bad with a proper sip of tea. There was a gentle smile that sat on his lips. He finished his breakfast before continuing the rest of his morning routine. Eventually, he ended up at the comic con - noise canceling over the ear headphones sitting neatly on his head to cancel out the over stimulating location. He was in awe by the vast amount of people and was definitely sure had he not brought his headphones he would not be able to survive without a breakdown.

He found his show's panel, sitting in the back of the audience, though he didn't remove his headphone unless it was Tilly who was speaking. When the panel was over, he slowly made his way through the crowd,"You did great."

Another one bites the dust

by Queen

Lizy Lizy
mentions Jina

º º code by ditto º º
Last edited:

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */

mood happy

location: inside the con

outfit: outfit

fun fact: He is ambidextrous, resulting from a broken arm when he was 14 years old

tag: AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

Milo Brooks

/* ------ right side ------ */

"You're surprised? I make time for the things I want, so there's always time for you" he chuckled at her. He didn't move his hand from the small of her back yet. He loved feeling the warmth and the tension. The smell of her perfume added to the already light headed Australian man. The slight floral notes with citrus tickle his brain just the right way.

"What time are you leaving here? Trust me I want to stay right next to you,but I don't want to get in the way of what you have going on." He gave her kiss on the cheek, lingering a little to soak in the feeling. "Call me after you're done so I can have you all to myself?" He finally let his hand slid from her as he saw more people coming up to her booth. "Or if you need me I'll just be in the Nightwing costume" he said with wink.

After going away from the booth finally he changed into his nightwing costume. It was a little hot and stuffy,but taking pictures with people was entertaining to him. Not telling people who he was felt good. He felt a little normal for a bit. He did decide to check his phone and see everything his manager was texting him.

He swore he would get killed later when he goes back,but who even knows if he wanted to go back home tonight..what if he had other plans? He figured he would send a quick text to them saying:

I'm not dead. Give me until tomorrow noon. Thanks

After he hit send he turned his manager on silent and went about the next few hours or so. Just until things started to calm down and he could change. He did have a plan for later. He had a plan for Kinni. A date. Even if he had to take her back here for her car or something he would,but he wanted more time with her with just them. Maybe then he could be more clearand open about what he wants. He hoped it would be something she would be in board with.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


OUTFIT: BOXMAN x Underneath x Crutches

LOCATION: Paradise Civic Center



Lex Not Meat Not Meat


Leigh Fallon

Leighve, laugh, love

“They can kick people out of these places? But they’re so BIG!!” Leigh was evidently oblivious to the uniformed security personnel milling about the convention center. It was hard to see inside the box, and he kept his limited sights on his best friend at all times. “I feel like they’d never catch us, y’know? We could just keep movin’ and they’d never catch up,” He made a whooshing sound with his teeth that echoed through the cardboard helmet, “We’d be so outta here before they ever knew something was up. Like ghosts, man.” He tried to shrug from inside the boxes, but only managed a slight flap of his arms.

At the very least, Lex seemed to be a little more settled once they’d made their way a little further down the halls. Leigh could tell she was still nervous, but at least she was smiling a little, and still engaging with his excitable babbling conversation. Besides, maybe hanging around with the merch would really take her mind off of whatever is worrying her. The artists’ alley was a veritable cornucopia of just about everything to tantalize a crew of teenage nerds: every popular and cult classic comic series, anime, video game, and niche web series was represented in . The two of them blew through a good portion of Lex’s allowance on t-shirts and posters and stuffed animals and other bursts of retail dopamine, storing their prizes in Leigh’s cardboard armor for safe keeping. Leigh made sure to grab a small vinyl Naruto figurine just for Carter– his bright blue gaze softened a little when he saw it, his heart sinking a little bit as he thought of his older brother. Leigh hadn’t seen or heard from Carter in a few days; Ever took care of him and Lex for a little while because of some situation that she hadn’t explained to them yet.
Leigh didn’t like to think about the possibility that his brother was mad at him. Maybe getting him a little gift like this would make him love him again.
Either way, he had to swallow the feeling fast. He couldn’t help Lex be happy if he didn’t stay happy. He forced a big beaming smile back onto his face, invisible underneath the cardboard box, but he knew it would shine through enough for Lex.

“Did I tell you your costume is so pretty?” He chirped over at his beloved bestie as she came up behind him, “It’s so super pretty! You should wear yellow all the time. It makes you look like… like a really pretty sunflower. Or a lemon! But like a COOL lemon. A lemon that rocks.He was practically shouting to be heard over the ambient ruckus of the crowd around them, talking faster than he was thinking. Any word that tumbled into his brain came flying right out his mouth. “Do you think I look good in yellow? I mean it’s my favorite color, but orange and teal are also my favorites so there’s that. I just like colors that are bold, y’know? Like colors that are all ‘BOOM, I’M A COLOR. I could never be a beige guy. Yuck.” His boxes rattled a bit as he shook his head dramatically. “Hey, next time we do Box Man, we should get some paint or markers to really jazz it up. We can steal stuff from the art room at school, right?” It was curious how the conversation always looped back around to Leigh and Lex committing various misdemeanors– really, neither of them was a true delinquent, but they both fed off of each other’s energy and had a deep need to feel adventurous and rebellious. That was the main reason they got into so much trouble, along with the powerful grip of hormonal insanity that afflicts all young teens. “I found a new way to get in after hours. There’s like… a door by the orchestra closet that they never lock.”

“Oh, and uh… hey, is that the time that it is right now?”
Leigh was now tilting his chin up to try to get a better look at the large digital clock that was bolted to the wall above them. “Doesn’t your thing start at like… OH FUUUUU-”



“LEX!!!!!!!!!!!! WE’RE GONNA BE LATE!!!!!!!!!!”

code by valen t.
mood :

location :
kalila's place
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
kalila .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat.
;; Elias
Elias' eyes lit up as he came face to face with Kalila. "Hi!" he greeted with a small wave and a smile. "You look absolutely gorgeous." He returned her hug, gently wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her a little closer. He felt his heart skip a beat as she whispered in his ear, an unshakable grin spreading to his lips. "I missed you too."

He slowly pulled away from her hug, gazing into her pretty eyes for a second before beginning to walk away from her front door. He offered his hand to her, holding it as they walked side by side to his car. "It took us way too long to actually set this up, but I hope you like what I have planned." he laughed softly, with an earnest look in his eyes. Elias felt his nerves coming up, worried about impressing Kalila. He desperately wanted this to go well, he hadn't felt this way about anyone before and he wanted to see to it that Kalila was able to get a sense of how he felt through this date.

At the passenger side of his car, he let go of her hand, opening the car door then offering a hand up again to assist her into the car. Once she was settled in, he closed the door and went to the driver's side, getting in and buckling up. He took a quick glance at her before starting up the car, smiling. "I'm really excited about this."

He began to drive off, heading for the small park he planned for them to have a quiet, romantic picnic in. Elias was radiating with happiness, it was like the more he was around Kalila, the more excited he was. "How have you been today?" he asked, genuinely interested in hearing about how she was doing.
coded by reveriee.
mood :
excited, a little flustered

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
cece Not Meat Not Meat
;; Misha
In a bit of shock from the collision, Misha hardly realized that a moment had passed before the girl spoke. When his eyes met hers, it was like the world stopped for a minute. As she steadied herself and spoke, he gave her a soft smile, relieved that no harm had been done. "That's good. No one is hurt, so it's no problem. We are good."

He paused a moment, looking at the woman. He knew that this is when their interaction should end, he made sure she was ok, that was that. She probably had better things to do than to talk to him. But, he didn't want to walk away from her. Something about her drew him in, made Misha want to get to know her. It felt selfish of him really, wanting to make conversation and take up her time.

Still, after he stared at her for a second, the words bubbled up. "I like your costume," his eyes glistened with a genuine admiration as he spoke. He knew that there was another English word used to describe these outfits, but he couldn't think of the word cosplay at the moment. "The lightsaber is very cool," he nodded as he gazed at the prop. He'd always been a fan of Star Wars, so her looking like she held an interest in something that he enjoyed only made him more curious about her.

Misha felt himself grow nervous at the thought of potentially annoying this woman, but she didn't seem upset with him so he stuck by her. He didn't even know why he cared so much. He tried to reassure himself that there was no reason for him to worry. The woman's gentle smile and kind eyes reassured him as well.
coded by reveriee.
The day so far had been busy, and even a little overwhelming. The girls anxiety was through the roof doing tattoo after tattoo about things she had no clue about. The only reason she was working, was to not only promote her work but because River needed people to work this event to promote the shop. Her style was more grunge and this whole thing - people were requesting anime characters or comic book characters she had no clue about. She had brought her portfolio book, but no one had even looked at it... Apart from Loga.

The man's smile sent a flutter through her. Admittedly, he had just started out as a gym crush, but he'd grown on her. His humor, the flirting, and even the fact that he was a bit more outgoing than she was - it all attracted her to him. So she returned his smile, but focused back on the customer who was begging her for a huge piece about some dude name deadpool, "sorry, we're only doing palm size or smaller today you'll have to either book in the studio personally or settle for something small." But the man wasn't happy with either of those option and him storming off really gave her the ick anyway.

"Sorry..." She said when she finally moved to stand on the other side of the table from Logan, "dude thinks that we can get a three session tattoo done in an hour." She said, her face flushing from embarrassment. "Anyway it's nice to see someone who's not gonna yell at me about the rules today." The girl glanced down at the book at the page he settled on, "you gonna get something done?"

Mentions: Logan - Syrok18 Syrok18
Outfit: here
coded by kaninchen

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