Anime Mania High School! (All animes) ~Hosted by Hatsune Miku [Inactive]

Takuto Kira strolled into the school grounds. It was his third year attending Animania High School, which he found somewhat insulting considering it was a higher Shinigami's idea to enrol him. As he walked through the school, he noticed that there weren't many people around. He assumed there must be some sort of event going on somewhere. Approaching the back of the school, he saw... smoke? Despite the weird things that happen in the school, it still wasn't a good sign, though as he hurried towards the source, he realised it was just a barbecue. Curious, he went closer to see whatever suspicious looking food they were serving.
Roof? Bread? She allowed herself to be dragged until they finally made it to the roof. She collapsed onto the ground, taking deep breaths. She hadn't run that much... or at all.. in a while. She lay there and allowed herseld to relax. She got up and said with a smile,"There's nobody up here yet." She was still breathing heavily but she felt better already.
"Yeah- thank god-"

When he thought about it, now that they were up there, the chances of anyone actually purchasing what he had to offer were pretty slim- but hey, it didn't matter.

Also breathing heavily, Ryuosuke flashed her a grin and two thumbs up, walking behind the roof's entrance.

I don't think I've had this much fun in a while, he thought to himself.

Returning to her side, he held two paper bags. Both of which smelled amazing- at least, in his opinion.
Nagisa took one with a smile. "Thank you." She took a bite and instantly her mouth was filled with deliciousness. She chewed amd swallowed. "Its really good!" She said. "Probably way better than anything down there." She gestured to the edge of the roof and took another bite. She was slightly surprised to not be nervous anymore. She looked around for a place to sit.
Ryunosuke rubbed the back of his head.

"...thanks." He muttered, blushing and embarrassed. It had been a really long time since he had gotten a compliment.
Nagisa finished eating and went over to the edge to see what was going on below. They were still eating. She sat down and closed her eyes. She was really tired and the day had barely be fun! Or had it... she started humming a song she had stuck in her head. When the sing hit the chorus(in her head) she jumped up amd started dancing, giggling as she thought about how silly she probably looked.
Ryunosuke stared at her, bemused, then laughed. He thought about following her lead, but didn't know the song she was humming- and didn't have to courage to dance, anyway. He'd probably just embarrass himself.

The announcement for the start of school surprised him, and he jerked himself into a better posture and let out a yelp.

"Ah, crap." He complained, calming down.
Nagisa stopped dancing and looked down. Everyone was heading to class. She walked back over to Ryunosuke. "Are you ready to go?" She asked. "We should walk this time." She said jokingly but she was serious. If she ran again she would probably pass out.

Ciel grumbled as he walked towards the dorrs of the school. He was one of the youngest here and would probably be looked down on.

Chi was a little confused but followed the crowd of people inside. I'm going to make Hideki proud! She thought as she walked in.
The announcement rang and Zabuza stopped leaning against the tree and walked towards the door. He had mixed feelings about this place. It was defiantly different. The demon ninja thought of Haku as he walked. He missed the young boy. Haku had died on the bridge that day and he didn't. Zabuza wished that Haku was here with him. Then he wouldn't feel so out of place around all these people. He just hoped no one would ask about the scares all over his back from the bridge.
Takuto was close enough to smell burning meat when the announcement for the start of school rang out. Shrugging his backpack straps higher up his shoulders, he rationalised that he probably didn't want to see what they were grilling. Very few things made him glad he was dead but the school's cooking was one of them. He trudged inside the building, slowly making his way through the crowds of people and towards the music room. It was one of the few subjects that he actually enjoyed.
Izaya Orihara wasn't too big on dealing with this so early in the morning, but it had to be made into something if he were to find something amusing. Simply, he wasn't one to stand there and say nothing, to do nothing, but he was all the same. The announcement caught his attention so suddenly and he groaned, brushing back his hair just a bit. "Well, so much for standing here and watching, listening to everyone." He held tightly to the knife in his pocket, though he didn't remove it. Instead, he just stroked it a time or two and gave a small shiver in the breeze.

A deep breath escaped his lips and he turned, heading into the building. He went along the side, hands in his pockets, a small smirk on his lips per the usual. He didn't want to go exactly--namely since no one caught his attention just yet--but an opportunity wouldn't present himself if he didn't socialize. Though, he didn't know where to begin. He shrugged and decided to head towards class and check out the other students around him. Heck, if nothing there got his eye then something surely would later. He chuckled in the depths of his throat.
Ryunosuke nodded, still smiling, and stuck his hands in his pockets.


He spun on his heel and began walking to the rooftop entrance.

"So... what classes are you taking, Nagisa-senpai?"
((BAH I am SO sorry! I didn't/haven't been getting notices for this! I will try to join back in, for a recap. Where is everybody?))
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