Anime Mania High School! (All animes) ~Hosted by Hatsune Miku [Inactive]

Goku claps and rubs his hands together looking around at everyone, they seem to be partnering up who would be my partner? He thought, tapping his chin he notice's a man with silver-ish/gray hair but immediately looking at him he senses the evil power around him as he shakes his head looking away, "Nope not that guy." seeing someone already kill a boar and start skinning it Goku runs to them. It was a pink haired girl but Goku's eyes was set on the meat he looks at it then says ,"excuse me miss! mind if you be my part..." Noticing the other girl he blinks as he points to her, "Uh maam if I'm not being rude wheres your clothes?"
Marik watched as the cat from earlier turned into a naked woman. "Wha... Huh..." Marik muttered as his nose began to bleed and his face started feeling really warm. He shook his head trying to ignore her and raised his Millenium Rod into the air and used it to lift one of the animals with its magic. Then he walked over to it and cut it open, he set it to the ground and began digging out the meat.
Moka would be walking rather slowly towards the courtyard. Her long pink hair would sway against the back of her legs with each step that she took. As the speakers called out that it was time to gather around the vampire girl would hear laughter, running, and boars squealing? Once she entered the courtyard the pale girl would just stare at the scene. Everyone was screaming something about partners and catching pigs. She'd notice a group of three, one guy and two girls, and then a guy with silver-ish hair. Standing there as everyone ran around like crazy toddlers Moka would cross her arms over her chest. She was dressed in black flats and a skirted version of the school's uniform while her long pink hair was perfectly combed and parted on the right. "Hmm.. I guess I should find a partner then" without another moment of hesitation she'd disappear into the crowd searching for someone to partner with. If only Tsukune had been there. As she was busy deciding who she wanted to ask to be her partner a boar would run past her. With mere milliseconds to move Moka leapt at the very last possible moment. Landing shortly after she'd fix her hair and smile sometimes being a vampire did have it's perks.
(I'm so Sorry about that, I edited it.)

Yoruichi stared at Goku with a curious look while she pulled on some clothes that Byakuya dropped off for her after calling her indecent. "I have them right here." She focused her attention back on Mirai and gave her a bright grin. " I will and I'm Yoruichi Shihouin. I'm curious about you though, when I turned into this form you didn't seem surprised that I was female." Yoruichi found the girl's expression earlier priceless while she gave the meat to the cooks. Her stomach began to growl as she watched them cook it from afar.
"Glitter glitter, GLITTER!~" Tamama was pouring glitter on his notebook when the day began. " Glitter makes everything sparkle!~" The lid came off and the glitter rushed onto the innocent book like men on a young girl. Tamama's eye twitched, and he stared silently at the notebook. He started screaming violently smashing all the things in the room, breathing heavily. He stood there in the middle of the room, and looked at the notebook once more and awed at the prettiness he created. He skipped outside of his room and to the door. " Bye Mizu!~ I am off to . . . DESTROY THE WOR- oh, after I pack my cookies!~" Tamama ran to the stove and waddled his way up, using stairs he made for the counters. He grabbed the cookie tray and dumped them all into his mouth. " Bye bye!~" He jumped into the air and grabbed the doorknob, twisting it and slowly going towards the high school. Waddling and skipping with his tiny panda head backpack and leaving a glitter trail from the notebook.
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Marik sighed, he didn't have a partner, nor did he want to partner with anyone, he didn't need to, but he had to. Marik sighed as he started searching for a partner, that guy with the black spiky hair had pretty much turned him down already. He began looking around again, there was nobody to team with that he was even slightly interested in.

Vegeta was flying as fast as he could realizing he was late for his first day. Kakarot had already arrived, and of course Vegeta was always a step behind him. He made it to the school just in time to hear the announcement. "Kakarot!" Vegeta yelled searching for the low class wretch.
Tamama entered the yard, and saw random boars running around, giant grills on fire and people trying to kill the boars. He was absolutely confused and tried to ask someone what was going on. . " Excuse me. . sir? ma'am? . . .excuse me?" Tamama was grabbing peoples jeans or poking their legs, but they did not seem to notice. The Keron waddled around, trying to get someones attention. Nothing was working though. " I'm pregnant". . . Not even that worked. The young tadpole started to get aggravated, he jumped into t he air, and screamed, "LISTEN TO MEEEEE!! TAH-MAH-MAH RAGE BREATH!" He spewed out beams on pure rage all around the school.
Marik turned around when he saw some beams but saw nothing, then he looked down to see a walking tadpole. He got down on one knee to look at him. "You, be my partner so I can kill some of these boars and eat." Marik requested standing up.
Goku was panting at the food being cooked and was jealous that everyone had partners, "Jeez i got to find someone quickly or I'll starve! who could I-" He was interrupted by a familiar voice and name that caught his attention immediately he turned peering through the crowd as he saw Vegeta standing there, he flew up instantly and down a few feet in front of Vegeta saying in a joyful tone waving, "Oh hey Vegeta! Long time no see. Wait what are you doing here?" as he made a bit of a confused face towards him, tilting his head.
Moka would be standing in the midst of all the commotion and boar catching with her right hand scratching the back of her head. "perhaps..if I were louder I'd attract a partner..or should I simply ask someone" as a few people ran past her "Umm excuse me..." you'd think a beautiful girl with bright pink hair would attract more attention than she was getting. Back in her monster school everyone knew Moka Akashiya was the most popular girl in school without even trying. She had had a fan club for goodness sake!! The smell of the boar was good but Moka didn't really 'need' the food, but would she get a bad grade if she didn't find a party? Oh decisions. She'd see a small little creature talking to the silver haired man and couldn't help but smile because he was so cute!
Tamama yawned. The silver haired man wasn't 'HAWT'. As Tamama would put it. The Keron waddled away from him trying to find food. He was famished. He stomach growled and he tripped over his own feet. He face-planted the ground with such a force the little guy started to cry. He was tough and all, but against the evil gravity of planet Earth. Tamama could do nothing. The tiny tadpole sniffles as he got up on his bum. He looked around, he wanted food and he started looking at the groups who were already eating. His stomach was so loud he couldn't concentrate.
As the little keron fell on his face Moka's reflexes kicked in and with her vampire speed she moved over to him. As she knelt down next to him and placed her hand on his back "Awe don't cry little's okay" the kindness of Moka while her memories were trapped in the rosary were so genuine, she couldn't bare to see someone sad. She'd watch as his large eye scanned the other teams that were eating "Do you need a partner?" she'd ask tilting her head to the side causing her bright pink hair to fall over her shoulder and reach the ground. She'd smile with pointed fangs and look behind her "I need one too, want to help me catch one?" she'd ask in her high voice. She was unsure of what exactly he was but Moka thought he was sweet. "Oh my name is Akashiya Moka, but you can call me Moka" wearing a bright smile she'd wait for a response from the little guy.
Tamama saw the pretty girl and tried acting tough. He sucked in all the air he could and held it so it looked like he had pecks, he quickly had to breathe and his baby fat showed. He blushed and brushed that off," Miss Moka. . . I would love to be your partner!!~~" He grew attached to her rather fast. Tamama's instincts were off and he tackled Moka-chan with loves~. His stomach growled once more and he sighed. The Keron was getting really hungry.
A chipper giggle would escape Moka's lips as the little guy sucked in his breath and fixed his posture. Shortly later Moka found herself lying on her back with the tadpole on top of her causing her to laugh out. She'd hear his stomach grumble and she'd lift him, gently placing him back on the ground. "Okay I'll go catch a boar and you can help kill it so we have team work." She'd stand up and turn from side to side spotting a boar quickly and running after it. Leaping into the air she'd wrap her arms around the animal's stomach and slid against the ground while she was holding it. "Okay little guy" she'd call out looking around for the keron. After the boar was butchered they could eat.
Tamama looked at the boar blankly. What could he do, kill it by overload of cuteness?! " Miss Moka. . ." The Keron looked so confused at what was going on. Did food come out if you killed it? Does it just turn into food? Like chicken!?~ Tamama day dreamed as started drooling. the Private dreamed about dancing chicken and beef. Oooooh beef. Beef ramen. the young tadpole has an imaginary food overload. He was just staring at the boar and drooling like a waterfall.
"Ooohh kay well I can do it if you want" she'd say and hold back a giggle from the little Keron that was now drooling in a daydream. Moving her arms up around the beast's neck she'd wrap her legs around the lower back of the boar and then with a silent count to three she'd twist her arms to the right and there'd be a loud *snap*. The boar fell limp in her arms and she'd look back up to Tamama as she tossed the animal over her shoulder. "Okay let's take it to the cooks" holding her hand out she'd offer it to the small creature "then you can eat...oh hey what's your name anyway?" she'd ask while they moved towards other students eating.
"T-tah-tahmama!" Tamama snapped back into reality. He saw the limp pig and was mesmerized as it swung back and forth. Instinct made him attack the leg that was dangling. He bit onto it and growled like a dog. "It doeshsent' tashte' like schiken'." The keron's saliva quickly covered the boar's limb and it started making a trail as Miss Moka walked towards the students. " Missh' Mokah'? Can I ashk' you shomething'?" He dangled back and forth as she walked. He looked like a Japanese version of a grandfather clock, a weird twisted version if I might add.
"Tamama? That's different but then again so are you I love it!" she'd look down as he latched onto the leg of the pig "Oh it has.. to be skinned...and cooked first...." she'd tilt her head to the side as her voice trailed off. Where exactly was this little guy from? She' feel him swinging against her hair and as she set the boar down to the cooks they'd hand her two plates for the both of them that had already been cooked. looking down at Tamama she'd nod her head "Yea sure whats is it?" she'd walk over to the table with nearby students and set the plates down before patting the seat next to her while sitting down. Pulling her long hair over her shoulder so she didn't sit on it while she waited for Tamama to speak.
Tamama tried to jump on the human chair. He was able to get her head and chest on, he waddled his feet as fast as he could and rolled on the top. He sighed with relief. And sat on the chair. His head was to the table. He smacked it hard, nothing was his size. 'Stupid humans.' He did the same procedure to the top of the table, and he caught his breath before he spoke to Moka. "Miss Moka, how do you feel about, WORLD DOMINATION!~~" He did a adorable little pose and looked back after making the weird pose for a few seconds. Her expression was blank, Tamama tilted his head and waited.
Vegeta crossed his arms and shook his head. "Why do you think I'm here? Because I got an invitation to come here. Also my wife said it would be good for me to find an excuse to get out of the house other than training 24/7." Vegeta answered keeping his gaze fixed on Kakarot, the Low Class Saiyan Warrior who had always been a step ahead of him, no matter how hard he tried, but boy did he have a surprise for him, he had reached Kakarot's status, he was a Super Saiyan 4 now, and without the Blutz Wave Cannon.
Zabuza arrived and stood leaned against a tree as all the other students teamed up and were attacking boar. He mearly chuckled outload at this he was wearing his first outfit. (See character post to see) He watched then all run around like chickens with there heads cut off. This was completely pointless. He didn't like to work with other people. But The Demon Ninja knew that he would get a bad grade if he didn't find a partner and kill a boar he wouldn't be able too eat or get a good grade. He didn't care about not eating. He had gone days without eating so this was nothing. But he would't let his first grade be a zero. So he would wait for someone to come to hime for a partner.
Marik looked around, it appeared he had nobody to team up with, oh well, it looked like he would have to go hungry. He shrugged his shoulders and sighed. He got started to head back inside the building, if he couldn't find a partner, than he couldn't eat. Big deal right?
Miku rested her hands on her hips, giving a satisfied nod. Standing on her toes, she surveyed the area— of course, she herself would need a partner. Not that she liked the work of getting her own food, but it seemed like it would be fair since everyone else was breaking into groups and making such wonderful blunders... okay, not everyone was completely failing. Besides, she could just find a partner to do all the work for her, right?

Someone was heading for the doors. She shook her head. He wouldn't get off so easily. "Hey! No slacking! Get over here and help me out." As she tapped her onion on her hand, she spotted a suspicious-looking man standing under a tree. Waving her vegetable, she beckoned him over, standing on her toes. A group of three wouldn't hurt, would it?

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