Anime Mania High School! (All animes) ~Hosted by Hatsune Miku [Inactive]

Marik turned his head to see some girl yelling at him. Wasn't she paying attention? He didn't want to slack off, he just couldn't find one. But it seemed he did now. He aproached her and crossed his arms. "Very well then." He said in his usual demonic tone.
"World Domination?" Moka would say softly and giggle at the Keron's enthusiasm. "Well I have never really thought about it.... I take it you like it though?" she'd smile and just stare at Tamama. Was it bad she pictured him as a little purse pet? She could carry him around in her bag and pet him! Moka would slowly eat a few bites of her meal, she didn't run on food but it didn't' hurt for her to eat it. Blood...she would need blood before tomorrow. Perhaps this school was prepared for vampire students? Or maybe she could just sneak up behind an unsuspecting....NO not acceptable. Moka mentally slapped herself for such a thought. But some of the humans smelled liked Tsukune.
Sasuke walked through the door and over to see a bunch of boars and grills. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, he had no clue what was going on right now. He walked around and looked over to see Zabuza and approached him. "Hey, you, what's going on here?" Sasuke asked as he crossed his arms.
Zabuza chuckled in his throat as the former team seven member approached him. He raised his eyes to look at the young man. "They want people to get into teams and kill the boars otherwise they won't be able to eat." Zabuza said and looked at the other groups. Most looked confused and lost. He didn't care. He was here to become stronger so that he could finally obtain his goal.
Sasuke nodded as he smelled the already cooked food. His stomach growled a bit. "Then let's team up and kill some boars, I could use something to eat." Sasuke said as he unsheathed his sword. "Once I'm finished with this school, I'll crush the Hidden Leaf Village." Sasuke said as he thought about that glorious day when revenge would be his.

Vegeta crossed his arms and looked at Kakarot, "Let's kill some stupid boars Kakarot, I'm hungry." He said getting impatient.
Zabuza looked surprised at the young man as he said this. He didn't know that Sasuke wanted to destroy the hidden leaf. He shook his head and then headed off towards the boars with Sasuke. He pulled out a scroll and released the symbol on it. This revealed his sword and he held with one hand as he walked towards one of the boar.
Sasuke held his weapon closely as he approached the boar with Zabuza, this wouldn't be hard to do, it would be nasty when they had to dig the meat out of it, but still, it would be very easy. Sasuke approached the first boar and sliced it's throat with relative ease.
Zabuza lifted the boar easily and carried over to and table and started digging into the animal. Zabuza knew that this was something that people needed to get used to and he was used to it so he did it quickly.
Sasuke watched Zabuza dig the meat out of the boar. Sasuke place the meat neatly on the grill and watched it cook, flipping it when necessary. He had done this before, and in spite of recent events, it didn't bother him anymore, he was so consumed with hatred nothing really bothered him anymore.
Zabuza watched the food cook and started thinking about his goal. He wanted to remake the seven ninja swordsmen so bad he could taste it.
"Oh you got one of the invitation things to Vegeta? That's odd wonder why we sent these invitations...? Ah we'll let's get so food!" Goku smiled wide as he stands up straight and goes low to the ground stretching his legs saying, "one two." Standing back up he smiles to Vegeta, "alright let's take it easy on the boars but I'm a bit hungry so I may get a few extra." Stretching his back he leans forward in a running position zooming off after a horde of boars jumping into the air he bear hugs one bringing it to the ground, giving it one swift chop to the neck and it goes limp. Then just repeated the process. Until he had at least 12 boars, waving to Vegeta to walk over and give him a hand. Picking up 4 he began to walk over to the grills as he drops them saying, "go ahead and just slap them onto the grill don't worry about gutting them." Giving a wave as he says, "just call me over when their done." Walking away.
"Hmph." Vegeta nodded as he dragged the rest of the boars over to the grills and set them up. Then he just stood there and stared at them as they cooked. He could just cook them with a ki blast if he really wanted too. But he couldn't help but feel like that would be in violation of the rules or something. So he just had to stare at the boars and watch them cook.

Marik looked around with his arms crossed. "So are we gonna catch some boars?" He asked getting impatient and hungry.

Sasuke took some meat off the grill and smelled it. "This ones ready." He said. "Where are the plates?"
"Sarge' makes us think of ways to take over the world every day!" Tamama looked up to see her lost in thoughts. 'Is this good for humans. . . I don. . hmmm . . ." Tamama squirted water form his mouth like a squirt gun on her face. He sat down on the table looking around, wondering what to do now. There isnt anything to do in this school yard right now, especially when you can get trampled by the boars in under a second. Tamama thought of the ups and downs of being two feet tall.
Zabuza turned to Sasuke and watched the boy carefully. "Why do you want to destroy the hidden leaf boy?" Zabuza asked watching his reaction. He didn't know why the boy had turned his back on the hidden leaf. He thought he might as well get to know the boy since they might have to work ntogether again.
Sasuke scowled just thinking about it. He looked over at Zabuza and answered. "The reason is simple, Itachi Uchiha was given a mission by the Hidden Leaf Village to destroy the Uchiha Clan. But he loved me too much, he couldn't kill me, he valued my life above all else. It's the same thing for me, I can't do what Itachi asked of me, because his life is more valuable to me than anything else, and his life is gone. So I kill those responsible, the Leaf!"
Zabuza chuckled to himself. The boy had sunk far. So far in fact that he didn't see that his brother's sacrafice was now useless because Sasuke had turned his back on the hidden leaf. Zabuza didn't know whether he cared or not but he did know that this boy could be very helpful in his own plan to remake the seven ninja swordsmen. This thought alone brought a huge smile upon the demon ninja's face as he thought about it. Zabuza also knew that this boy could be easily manipulated into doing what he needed to be done. Of course there would have to be a asmall price, but all things came with one.
Ryunosuke sat on a bench, cross-legged, with his head in the palm of his hands. He'd stayed up all night playing video games and had even slept through Miku's voice on the speakers- which was actually quite a feat, from his point of view- so he lacked a partner.

And any means of hunting.

"How would you even go about doing something like that...?" he muttered to himself.
Ciel was irritated. He had arrived late and it was the first day of school. He heard noises around the back of the school and so made his way there. He was extremely happy he didn't get lost since it was also his first day of school here ever. He looked around, making sure that Sebastian was close by, and then continuing until he saw what was making all the noise. It seemed groups of two or three were hunting and cooking a boar. He sighed. "Sebastian, please do not tell me this is how the school year will continue to be like." He heard his butler's laughs and grew even more irritated. He would sit out this event he decided.

Nagisa felt nervous having to choose partners. Her heart beat sped up and she tried to look as friendly and open as possible.

Chi was unhappy. Chi wanted to continue to be with Hideki but Hideki said Chi should go to school. And Chi did whatever Hideki wanted her to do. Chi was confused by the noise and climbed up in a tree so she could see from up high. She giggled at how silly it seemed.
Ryunosuke continued to look around, scowling and shifting his head onto one palm, wondering what to do.

He glanced around, and his eyes landed on the optimistic-looking figure of a girl.

Is that... one of my senpais?

He pushed himself off the bench and began to approach her.
Nagisa turned around when she heard footsteps approaching her. She recognized the face, she just couldn't remember his name. "Hello." She said, waving with one hand. She was really nervous but she concentrated on speaking in complete sentences. Anpan... anpan...anpan... "Anpan!" She said out loud and then covered her mouth. Whoops.
Ryunosuke hoped he didn't look as puzzled as he felt, waving back.

He knew she was a third year- he just... didn't really know anything else. "Anything else" included her name. Dang.

"Uh... anpan to you too?"
Nagisa was flustered and her cheeks turned red. "I'm sorry! I just... it's a habit... I have a really bad habit that when I'm nervous, I say a food and it gives me confidence." She stared at the ground. He must think I'm a total weirdo! She popped her head back up with a small smile and said, "I'm Nagisa."
"Oh. I, uh- I'm Ryunosuke." He said, proceeding to stick out his hand in an attempt to initiate a handshake. Which he hoped was the correct western greeting you use when you meet people. Well, he was trying, and thought he was doing well for a kid from Edo.

God, don't let her think I'm an idiot.

Nagisa smiled shyly and slowly put her hand out to shake his. Then she pouted sticking her bottom lip out. "Are..are..are you making fun of me?" Her eyes became watery. He does think I'm a weirdo! And now he's making fun of me.......... this isn't going as I had hoped.

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