Anime Mania High School! (All animes) ~Hosted by Hatsune Miku [Inactive]

"N-No! No, I was just trying it out, because I was nervous, too- don't cry!" He shouted, jumping back and gesturing for her to calm down.

That was too loud, Ryunosuke! You shouldn't yell at people you want to calm down! Maybe you're the one that needs to calm down, huh?!

The realization that he couldn't even refrain from screaming at himself was troubling.
Nagisa wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry.. I'm such a crybaby." She closed her eyes and took a couple deep breaths. Then she lifted her head and smiled. "That was a terrible introduction." She admitted. An pan. "I hope we can still be friends?" That was better.
"Oh, there's nothing wrong with that!" He said, pausing and then laughing a little, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, I could use a friend. Oh, and uh- do you have a partner? For the event?"

Maybe things were looking up. 
"Oh, there's nothing wrong with that!" He said, pausing and then laughing a little, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, I could use a friend. Oh, and uh- do you have a partner? For the event?"

Maybe things were looking up.
Nagisa clapped her hands. "Perfect! Thank you! And not yet." She looked around and laughed. "Would you like to be my partner, Ryunosuke?"
((Hmm. I seem to have stopped getting alerts for this place. I don't feel like going back through the posts. :P I'll just roll with it.))

Suddenly, Miku was gone without a trace. Her voice, however, came back on over the megaphone. She was sitting on the fence, waving her arm dismissively. "Screw it, I'm hungry. Let's eat!" Watching from where she was, she directed the cooks to start up the grill and the rest of the group to bring in the meat.

((Hey @DarkHuntressFaye, can I be Sebas-chan? :D ))
Akiyuki sighed with relief. He wasn't able to find a parter, maybe to being hidden among the crowd. He already walked to the tables by the time Miku finished her announcement. The boy did not want to go through the event. His arm groaned, and he felt it jerk. The mysterious guy needed to contain the hiruko inside. Feeling the gem arise he kicked in pain. ' Not now. . .'

" Why don't we. . . show them what we can do. " The hiruko inside him laughed.

Akiyuki talked to the creature under his breath, '' Stop . . .now. . ." The boy's mind went crazy. He needed to keep it inside, so he didn't kill everyone around him, for he doesn't know how to control th xam'd. Looking normal and quiet on the outside, a war was raging inside his body. Trying to look normal Akiyuki sat down at the tables. But not close to anyone.
Ivan was wandering around the school grounds idly, mumbling a little tune under his breathe. He had blissfully ignored the announcement on the loud speakers from a while back, having no interest in cooking at the moment though the smell of meat lingering in the air was making his mouth water a little. For now he just wanted to enjoy the weather and boy was it some weather. Nice and warm with barely a cloud in the sky. This was one of the big reasons for coming to the school. He'd been wanting to go to a nice warm place for some time now but none of his friend seemed to want him to stay with them. It was fine. He'd just wait for the day when he could grind all their stupid looking faces into the ground.

He stopped as he heard a sound coming from a tree he was passing. It didn't sound like a squirrel. Was Britain trying to spy on him again? Marching right under the tree, he looked up and saw a young woman sitting up there and apparently enjoying herself as she sat on a branch giggling. Shielding his eyes from the sun with a little smile on his face, he said, "What are you doing, little tree climbing girl?"
Chi looked down with an amused smile on her face. "Chi is watching from up here." She hopped down a couple branches until she was directly above him. "Chi thinks these games are weird and silly." She explained.
"Da, this place is very weird. I've been seeing people from places I've never even heard of." Well, this girl was certainly nice enough. A bit eccentric but maybe it was just a foreign thing. Of course everyone here was weird, even Miss Hatsune... scratch that, especially Miss Hatsune. He was pretty sure he'd heard of her before. Was it at Japan's house? He couldn't remember. Looking up with big bright purple eyes, he said, "My name is Russia. What's yours?"
[sorry about the late reply]

"Yeah! Total-" he began, cut off by Miku's voice.

Listening to her voice, all he could think was wow, okay, nevermind, then.

He let out a sigh.

"Maybe... they're serving anpan?"
Chi tilted her head. "My name?" She pointed at herself and grinned. "I am named Chi!" She stared at his eyes curiously. She had never seen purple eyes and they facinated her. "It is nice to meet you, Russia." She said slowly but clearly, remembering what Hideki had taught her. "I wish you a good day." She sat down on the tree branch and then swung down. "Chi is happy to have a new friend!" She exclaimed.

Nagisa was a little sad. When she heard him mention An

pan she smiled with excitment. "I hope so!" She said, knowing that they probably weren't. She looked and saw people beginning to gather around some tables. "Perhaps we should go..." anpan anpan anpan.. "do you want to sit and eat together?" She asked, laughing nervously. "Since.. I mean.. we're partners.. well we were partners."
Ryunosuke laughed, too.

"Sure. That sounds great."

He began to walk toward the crowd of people, motioning for her to follow.

He really hoped he could keep his self control around Nagisa. If he could somehow manage to not freak out and not scream around his new friend, it'd be great. He could die happy.
Nagisa caught up and walked right beside him. "I wonder what we're actually eating." She wondered out loud. She started to get nervous as they approached the crowd. What if they found her strange? She glanced in every direction and then sighed. She didn't know anybody here. Everybody had already graduated. She had missed graduation due to being sick again.
Ivan looked surprised by the girl's words. Friend? Really? Well, that was sudden... but kind of nice. First day here and he was already making friends. Maybe this whole thing wasn't as pointless as he thought it would be. His smile returning along with a soft laugh, he said, "I'm very glad to be your friend then, Chi." His eyes went wide as an idea struck him. "Hey, maybe you can be my little subordinate."
Chi smiled but was utterly confused. "Subordinate? What is a subordinate?" Hideki had never taught her that word. She wiped the dust off her skirt and looked back up. I am learning so many new things! She wondered if she should tell this man Russia she was a persecom but decided not to. If he wants to know, he can ask. She remembered Hideki saying a long time ago.
Ivan's face lit up with innocent charm as he closed his eyes and explained, "It's a friend who does whatever you tell them to and will never betray you unless they want to be severely beaten with a large blunt object." He reached a big brown gloved hand up and patted Chi softly on the head. "But you're such a cute little girl so I'll leave out the beating part. What do you say?" he asked as his eyes popped back open.
Chi nodded. "Chiii." She said which meant yes. She nodded her head too. She didn't have other friends and hoped he wouldn't be mean. "Chi thinks Russia is kind..." She said, looking directly into his purple eyes again. "But Chi is a big girl." She stood up on her tip toes. She wasn't little... at least she thought she wasn't. She smiled. "Chi will be your subordinate."
"Very good to hear," he said, not seemingly to be all that surprised by her answer. Of course she'd want to be his subordinate. She was tiny and cute while he was big and strong. School may not be as dangerous as national politics but it wasn't totally safe either. Ivan had been bullied in the past by other countries and he certainly didn't like that. Maybe he could help Chi avoid that problem... as long as she listened to every word he said and acted without second thought. It'd be just like having Lithuania around. Except maybe less wimpy. It was a shame he had to leave his other subordinates at home but someone had to take care of things while he was gone. "Now, first things first." He stopped and took a little whiff of the air as he took his hand off Chi's head. Mmm. Something smelled good. Turning on the spot and looking cheery, he said, "Let's go find that food. I haven't eaten a thing since I go there."
Chi nodded in agreement. Although she didn't get hungry, she still enjoyed the taste of food. She started to walk towards the smell until she reached the group of people around the food. She hoped Russia had followed her. She liked to cook and wondered if the kitchen here would ever need her help. She smiled as she remembered cooking for Hideki. She missed him but he said it was for the best that they stayed apart for a while. Chi turned around to talk to her friend. "Chi isn't hungry. Chi will go wait over there." She said pointing at a table to their left.
" too." Ryunosuke replied, a sudden ominous feeling creeping over him. The school has had the nerve to serve burnt and/or stale bread on several occasions. He hoped that this was not one of them.

"Egh, maybe I could head to the roof and get some fresh. Better safe than sorry." He said, unconsciously.
Nagisa laughed. She remembered her very first day when she was fed uncooked meat and almost threw up. She had learned her lesson after that and almost everyday she brought her own meal. "If you decide to go, let me know. I'll probably go up there anyway. Its nice and relaxing on the roof." Nagisa said, trying to look up to see if it was busy.
"Yeah, I think I'm definitely going. Beats dealing with the crowd and lines for food." He said, smiling and spinning around on his heel to face the school building. It didn't look like anyone was up there, honestly-


It was an event.

People buy things at events.

People might go up to the roof when they get their food.

Marketing opportunities.

He had to get up there as fast as possible, and began to seize Nagisa's hand, intending to drag her along as he ran.
Zabuza merely rolled his eyes when the announcement came on. He headed toward the tree that he was standing against. He had already carved some meat and cooked and he didn't feel like waiting. He smirked to himself. He loved being one of the most dangerous people in the area. It gave him a sense of security. He ate on his way back to the tree so that no one would see under his mask.
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"What are you doing?" Nagisa asked, wondering why they were running. She hoped they wouldn't have to run too long or else she'd be laying on the ground, struggling for breath. She was always terrible at sports and had a hard time running. She concentrated on her breathing as they ran.

Ciel walked away from the event. "I wish to leave." He said loudly. When nobody did anything, he called out," Sebastian can you hear me?" Again no reply. He was frustrated. He had been abondoned and by the only person he trusted. With a sigh, he turned to walk back to the other students.
"Business! Roof! We're going! Fresh bread!" He said, panting in between words. He fully intended to make it to the rooftop before anyone else could- excluding his senpai, who he'd let eat for free, because she seemed cool.

Ryunosuke would be pretty upset if nobody ever showed up on the roof, but there was that possibility that they might. Especially if the food was as bad up close as he assumed it was from their distance.

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