Anime Mania High School! (All animes) ~Hosted by Hatsune Miku [Inactive]


Kasai submitted a new role play:

Anime Mania High School! (All animes) ~Hosted by Hatsune Miku - A chaotic school that characters of all animes attend!


Hey! You! Yeah, you, there's no one else out here. Come inside. Quiet though, class is in session.

You must be the new student. I heard a lot about you. Much is expected of our new classmate! *...Doom…~* Don't look so pressured. I'm sure you'll fit in fine! I hear you're a very talented individual. Oh yes—Where are my manners? My name is Hatsune Miku. You can...
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You may begin.
Mirai shook lightly, squeaking as she stood in front of the intimidating school building. Everyone was chatting and roaming, waiting for an announcement to be let inside by a teacher. Whilst everyone was chatting and catching up over the years, she was on the verge of tears under a cherry blossom tree far away from everyone else. She'd been treated like a monster for so long tha anyone who called her normal seemed like a liar in her eyes. She pushed her lasses farther up the brim of her nose and coughed gently, teasing at the edge of her bandage. It was odd, her wound didn't bleed at all until her bandage was removed. She sighed as she looked a her schedule, studying it carefully. "S-Sword fighting?" She stuttered, squinting behind her think lenses to ensure she wasn't wrong. "This is gonna be a long year."
Marik walked up the campus and looked around, he was excited he had gotten the superintendent's permission to teach a course on Duel Monsters, now he could introduce the game to a new generation of gamers, and maybe send a few souls to the Shadow Realm. He looked under the Cherry Blossom Tree and saw some stranger. He decided to see how the people in this school acted, he approached the girl in his usual menacing and frightening way, his duel disk on his right arm, and Millennium Rod in his left hand. He went under the Cherry Blossom Tree and looked down menacingly at her, his face doing the creepy stretching. "Why hello there." Marik said with his creepy demonic sounding voice.
A black was wandering around the campus while keeping its spiritual pressure at the appropriate amount for a feline. It stopped and was approached by female students while they pet and compliment it. Soon enough it would continue its trek but came to another stop when it spotted a man standing over a girl. He was giving out a creepy feeling so the cat decided to jump from the ground to the lowest branch on the cherry tree that was at least 5 feet above the man's head. The cat watched silently from above waiting to intervene at any moment.
Mirai jumped, pursing her fingers around her bandage, silently threatening to draw her sword. "Hello! I-I must be going now, I'll see you all later, yes?" She told him, slowly backing up in fear. Everyone seemed like a huge threat to her, especially in this unknown environment. She took a quick glance at the cat lingering in the tree, making a mental note of it as she rushed away. She dove in to a nearby tree, leaping from branch to branch. Despite her skimpy appearance, she actually contained lots of power in her arms and legs.
Marik smirked amused, his face was not covered in throbbing veins, so he didn't look as intimidating as he normally would. He smirked and followed her. "Why do you run from me? I've done nothing for you to perceive me as a threat, so why do you cower and run?" Yami Marik asked slightly taunting but also somewhat curious, he loved seeing and hearing the reactions he got to the things he did, he looked up behind him on the tree to notice the little cat. "Stay away from me." He said as he returned his gaze to the girl. "You haven't even properly introduced yourself to me, I am Marik Ishtar."
Yoruichi snickered from her perch and landed on top the spiky silver haired man's head. "Huh, you're hair is pretty soft and I expected it to be hard from gel," she said in her masculine voice. She would happily tease this man for telling her to go away. Her bright golden eyes focused on the girl, "Is he bothering you?"
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(Yami Marik's hair isn't blond, it's like silver or grey.)

Yami Marik looked up at the cat. "Well well you can talk can you? Interesting, and my hair isn't gelled in the least, it naturally spikes." Yami Marik declared, he used the Millennium Rod to lift the cat into the air, and gently placed it on the ground. "Like I said, leave me alone, and never jump on my head again." Yami Marik said with major violence in his tone. He had no problem banishing this cat into the darkness. He placed the Millennium Rod in the holster on the back of his pants, and looked at the girl he was talking to before. "Your name?"
Mirai snapped, hoping she could get away before he noticed. Suddenly, she stumbled over a chunk of the tree bark, instantly falling to the ground. She began to whine, letting out quiet cries of pain. She stood up and swept dirt off her tights, wiggling her ankles freely. "Mirai Kuriyama." She mumbled, increasing her pace toward the school. She was hoping to just lose him in the crowd up ahead, but he seemed persistent. She began to unwrap her bandage, the crisp wind stinging her wound. The blood began to trickle to the ground, but she wrapped her bandage around her cut before her sword formed. She stared at the blood on the ground, throwing her arm up and forming a transparent barrier. She slithered in to the crowd and sighed, trying not to get hurt by anyone.
Marik just laughed and continued walking, no longer focused on her anymore. He walked up to the doors and pulled out the keys, he was a teacher of a class, so he was able to enter. He unlocked the doors and entered the building. He pulled out a piece of paper to find what room he was gonna be teaching in.
Yoruichi had a feeling that she was going to love this school and sleeping in her classes. Her tail wiggled slightly as a smile formed on her face. After stretching she vanished in her well known flash step causing people to only feel a gust of wind as she past them. "I really need to find someone else to messs with since Byakuya refused to come with me. I did get my revenge though by putting a 'special' firework in his house." She continued to flash while laughing wildly.
Marik began writing on the whiteboard the topics they would be covering for the day, monsters, traps, and spell/magic cards. He then began shuffling his deck, after shuffling he began making test decks for the students to use. After he finished that he started writing the topics that would be covered under each different type of card.


"Meat" 'N' Greet

The loudspeakers switched on, calling all the students to attention with a nerve-wrecking microphone squeal. A voice on the other end made a throat-clearing noise, then a drumming sound erupted like someone was tapping on the mic. "Today begins a new year at Animania High School!" an enthusiastic voice flooded the campus. "I understand that there are many new students attending for this first semester. So, to get things going, we will be holding a barbeque in the back court for introductions. If everyone will meet me there, I will further explain things. Just walk straight through the main hallway to the back doors. Oh, and one little tip; avoid being trampled by wild boars. Okay, great! See you there." The announcement ended with an abrupt click.
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Mirai snapped her hand, making the shield of blood she created earlier slide inbetween bodies to come back to her. She stepped out of the building, maneuvering her way through rustling people. She found that she was one of the first people to come outback. There were several burly men toying with grills, occasionally shaking and banging them. She groaned and seated herself at a bench and gazed around, fearing the social interaction that would have to be involved. Just stay calm. No one here knows about you yet.
Marik finished writing up the stuff and proceeded outside to the barbecue. He looked around to see a bunch of guys, excellent, perhaps people he who's minds he could shatter apart. He looked around some more to see the girl from earlier. He steadily approached her. "Why aren't you with the rest of them?" He asked curious, she was distant.
Yoruichi was drawn towards the smell of the food and found her way to the back of the school. She steathily made her way to the closest person with food and pawed on theif leg while meowing cutely. She didn.t see the point in getting food herself when others could feed her. The plan worked like a charm, once she was finished she continued her little pattern.
"Alright!" Miku shouted through a megaphone, the sound blasting in the attending members' ears as she seemed to just appear behind them. "Today, we'll be deciding and giving out teaching roles. Your job for now is getting to know each other." She gestured to the setting placed out before her. "We have the grills, and the cooks (*France blows a kiss*), but the meat seems to be missing," she announced like it was accidental. The tealish-haired teen spun around and pointed at a pack of wild boars roaming through the campus, trampling over bushes and small trees. "You need to group up into teams of two and hunt down our lunch down in any way you can. And hey, you'll be doing us a favour by ridding us of a pest problem." Miku smiled and winked. "Have fun!"
Goku was a few miles out from the school was flying at a moderate pace, he had a joyful look on his face and reached into his pocket pulling out the paper that was mailed to him, looking it over he says to himself, "Hm? Wonder why I was invited to this school? Of all people why was I chosen? Oh well, I guess I'll give it a shot nothing else has really been happening the last few years so lets go!" He then places two fingers on his forehead vanishing then re-appearing above the school. About a few hundred feet above it he looked down seeing the size of it and then blurts out loud, "Wow! Its huge! and there is so many people down there, what a place and they want me to teach? or learn or wait...was it teach?" He pulls the paper out of his pocket looking it over, but before he tried to read it his stomach growled. Automaticly reacting he holds his stomach groaning, "Aww jeez maybe I should of ate before rushing out Chi Chi didn't make breakfest either because I rushed out so fast." It growled once more, he shakes his head slowly lowering himself to the ground. He lands looking around seeing hundreds of people all different looks and sizes, he then saw grills but no food being cooked, He sighs hanging his head low thinking, Aw man no food here either? Today is gonna be a long day,

But before he could finish he heard a voice speak up, "We have the grills, and the cooks, but the meat seems to be missing. You need to group up into teams of two and hunt down our lunch down in any way you can. And hey, you'll be doing us a favour by ridding us of a pest problem." Goku's head snapped up as he heard that, "Hunt!? boars?? thats nothing!!" He raises his arms in joy.
Mirai grinned, sliding her worn bandage off of her hand. She stared at her wound, watching as the blood began to drip from her hand. She wasted no time and manipulated it to form a red sword. She approached a boar and merely skimmed it with the blade, watching it fall limp within seconds. She wrapped her bandage around its legs and began to tug on it, only managing to move it a couple of feet. She may have been able to battle well, but she lacked physical strength.
Miku observed, calculating the results. As she watched, she noticed a girl by herself. Hadn't Miku made herself clear? She walked up behind Mirai and tapped her on the shoulder with her spring onion, clearing her throat. "You are required to find a partner. Or else you don't eat." She grinned apologetically then skipped off, waving her onion like a psycho.
Yoruichi spotted the girl from earlier having some trouble with a boar that she had recently killed. "I should go help her out," she said as she made her way over to her. She looked up at the girl with a sly cat smile before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. After a few seconds it dissipated to reveal a dark skinned woman with long purple hair and the same golden eyes. Everything would have been fine if she wasn't undressed but the smoke lingeredand covered most of her. She bent down and easily threw it over her shoulder while she grinned down at the girl.
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((cough cough demon hunters double cough cough))

Mirai felt a blush spread across her face. "You're naked! What a disappointment!" She yelped, shielding her eyes as she grasped on to this bare girl's shoulder. Miku's voice was still fresh in her head, a voice sweet like a song, yet very intimidating. She allowed Yoruchi to drag the boar to the table, and Mirai easily skinned it. She wasn't a fan of it, but she fancied in hunting at a younger age. She began to slice up to fresh meat, creating a pile of thin slabs. The stench was strong, but she was accustomed to it. "Would you be so kind as to move the meat to the cooks..... Oh, I never got your name."

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