Anime Highschool

@AceXCrossix You should make a new tab where Aero can post up important things like our class schedules, Dorm assignments, and if the teachers want, actual lessons and homework. Also seating charts and even a map of the campus (I can draw both the seating chart and map if you want)
@Aero forget about the bird. Will they have a group project coming up or something? I think that could help character development and let other people get to know each other.
@RyanJXavier Depending on the teacher. Like Gurīn-san is a group project type of person whether you get to pick your group or not. I wouldn't say he'll give a group project now since school literally just started but definitely after the first two weeks of school, he'll make a 2 person project of some sorts. I haven't really though ahead about what assignments are going to be assigned. If you have any ideas for a project or homework you can just tell me or whatever and I'll see if I can make it work.
I suppose... Give me a few minutes...

Oh and @AceXCrossix are we keeping this JUST as a highschool RP? Or can we turn this into a bigger story? If so I have JUST the thing~

@Aero you stole the class i wanted! >8( >3<
That reply was really bad. Corgi's sorry. I should've waited till tomorrow to reply, honestly...
Corgi said:
That reply was really bad. Corgi's sorry. I should've waited till tomorrow to reply, honestly...
Corgi said:
Corgi time -Awkwardly does traditional Corgi dance- (1:23 AM)
ya did well for a 1:23 AM post don't be so hard on yourself *gives you corgi food*

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