Anime Highschool

Alright just checking since Ace didn't update the top of the CS section yet. You two might have to message other new comers in the future to clarify their acceptance

Up to you two though oh Queens of this Rp

lol Aaron's hate for Suzumaki
We are all in class now, you can either talk to someone next to you (which @Suzumaki Arakai will probably give you a seat) or be a good student and take notes or something @Corgi your choice my friend.

Hehe please no queen business, I'm more of a princess xD No I'm just kidding, yeah we'll keep up with it! @RyanJXavier
I have no clue, she's only talked to him once but she smacked him in the back a accidentally scared him a lot lmfao also she brought up his personal business and asked if he knew magic tricks because he called himself an entrepreneur lol @RyanJXavier
Yes Aiko can be late. @Corgi

Well for the moment since we don't have many teachers other than Omi, who teaches reading and writing. Miyamaru, who teaches math and the nurse Ririn. So the schedule will go like this, in the morning homeroom with Omi, then we timeskip and pretend we had the other classes in the morning, lunch, then have reading and math in the afternoon. And I'll maybe make a gym teacher just so we can end the day with sweaty teenagers xD @RyanJXavier
Oh! If you make a gym teacher you should use Pin from Kimi Ni Todoke xD I love him lmfao @Aero

Or I can do it.

Plus I'm okay with playing the role of more teachers.
haha what the heck

I'm officially a fan of the Suzumaki v Aaron battle

@Suzumaki Arakai

@Aero I suggest putting the daily schedule in the overview along with my desk organization message a few posts ago for those confused people?
You sure you want another character? You already have three main ones, so I'll be the gym teacher. It's no problem ouo. Then we'll have an even three, three. @Suzumaki Arakai

Yeah I will and your desk overview is already up there @RyanJXavier

Kazue & Ryu & Jethro & Ichigo & Akima & Rayisho

Len & Keade & Zachary & Makoto & Rinshara & Mori

Aaron & Suzumaki & Conner & Riika & Riki & Aiko @Corgi

Tanaka & Jean & Satsuki & Juvia & Emiko &

Yumi & Haru & Akari & Lizabeth & Matsuo &

Back of class

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