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Realistic or Modern Anime High School

Although Momoko was hardly ever motioned generously by what people said about her, for some reason he really did make her feel a bit strange inside... Something she hadn't really felt ever before. "A-And? What's that got to do with anything? I bet the first time you try to sew you make your hand bleed from stabbing it with the needle so many times." Momoko's words spat out of her mouth like fire as she atleast attempted to insult the boy.

@Emi (it's alright! I'm hooked on Zoella's videos xD )
Varien held up his hands in surrender. "Okay i get the point" He smiled, noting down her stuttering. His eyes where like lenses, focusing on the intriguing girl... his new target. Let's hope this one isn't as easy as the last.

"But for what it's worth? I would let my hands bleed dry just to be near you my dear"
He closed his hands tightly shut and let them drop onto his lap, smirking at her through his longer strands of hair. He then turned into his desk, pulling his headphones over onto his neck so the music was still audible but he was still open to conversation. Honestly? He was eagerly waiting for her response.

@Sunkissed (This is going to be a funny pair, haha xD )
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"Ah, shut up." Momoko shuts the box and puts it in her bag, along with her book. She stands up and pushes her chair in with her only free hand, jamming it between the table and flinching. She gets over the pain quickly although it left a mark. This was quite embarrassing and ironic to her, seeing as she had just insulted the boy on something she had just done herself.

To 'annoy' the boy or make him back off her, she begins to walk out of the classroom, stepping on his foot as hers crushes into the ground, creating light ring shapes around the frills on her white socks moving.

@Emi (Ikr! [emoji23])
Varien laughed through the pain as she stormed out of the room, finding it all incredibly amusing. Quickly rubbing his foot, he pushed himself out of his chair, leaving his things. He followed her out into the hall, catching her by the wrist and pulling her towards him. Taking notice of her pain he pulled her hand towards him, inspecting it.

"You shouldn't be so careless, look. You got yourself hurt." He showed her the mark on her hand, sighing and gently tracing it with his thumb before dropping her hand again. Knowing that she would attempt to injure him again Varien held up his hands to stop her talking. "Okay, i just need to get this out of my system so once more. Okay?"

He breathed even breaths, in and out before putting on his signature smile. "Are you a magician? 'Cause abraca-dayum girl!" He winked at her, giving her the little hand gun gesture before bursting into a fit of laughter. "O-okay, i'm good now. Sorry" He talked through his laughter.

Kato looked at Emi while she offered a place at the Drama club, he wasn't particularly interested in it but he considered it for a second, he could be involved with the Drama club, just not by acting, and he could help while advertising the Art club which was one of his purposes, "Sure, sounds like a good idea, I wouldn't be able to act though so I could help with the scenery if that's okay with you, maybe when people see my artwork they'll want to join the Art club" he said with a smile.

Then he started thinking about the Manga club which he wanted to join as well, "So much interesting possibilities, but so little time" he thought sadly, maybe he could ask Emi to help him with his art style whenever she had free time. After deciding this Kato relaxed and waited for the class to start.

@Emi @kawiibunnygirl

((Sorry for the delay, I've been really busy and hadn't seen the edit on Emi's post))
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"What a nuisance." Momoko huffed and snatched her wrist away from his grip, sighing in anger. "Do you realize how annoying you are?" She looked down at her finger and placed one of her signature hello kitty bandages on it. "It didn't hurt at all, but since you're some sort of sadist I'm guessing you like to see pain, or atleast watch me cry. Hm? Is that it?"

Momoko placed her hand over her eyes, pretending to cry. "Wahh, wah! Happy now?" She slaps him across the cheek back handedly and sighs, amused somehow. "I feel like you're insulting me with your stupid pick up lines. Try again, I dare you."

Varien held his cheek which was now burning in pain."Yeah... that's what they all say" His eyes went cold and he took a couple of steps backwards, beginning to turn away and head back to the classroom but he stopped suddenly, a fire roaring inside of him. He wasn't bothered that she hit him, he was used to that but being called a sadist? God... only the worst say that. So uncute... but maybe... just maybe... He thought to himself.

He turned back toward her, his eyes challenging her. He, again, took a couple of steps back so that if she went to hit him she would have to step forward first, meaning, he would see it coming and have time to react.

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. Just wait until i go into stalker mode!" He winked at her, smirking to himself, a habit he had seemed to have formed. "Are you religious? Because you're the answer to all my prayers." He glowered down at her. "Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material." He laughed, as if mocking her. "Is your daddy a Baker? Because you've got some nice buns!" He knew that was the last step he could take without ending up in the hospital so he legged it down the hallway, hoping she wouldn't be as insane as to follow him.

@Sunkissed (I'm having fun with this now :P )

Emi nodded encouragingly, listening to Kato intently. "Yeah, join! You would be a lot of help. That's true... It would also boost popularity with the art club... hopefully." Emi sighed, slumping into her seat, waiting for the lesson to begin. Hopefully they wouldn't have long now. "Hey... did you only join this year? I feel like i haven't seen you around much before" Emi asked Kato.

"MY DAD'S IN PRISON, YOU FOOL!" Momoko felt so much anger inside of her. She really had to shout it all out. "Ugh! You really are a stalker!"

Momoko took out her pink frilly umbrella, laced with white fabric around the outside. She didn't open it, but only raised it with both of her arms into the air, chasing after him and waving it around. "I'M NOT SO RELIGIOUS NOW, AM I, YOU PERVERSE LITTLE FREAK!"

@Emi (Hahaha! Same!)
Varien laughed as he ran through the halls, looping through various crowds and bumping into numerous people and girls he used to know. His friend waved and began to open his mouth to speak, but Varien simply ran past him, shouting a word of warning of the 'crazy girl' as he bolted down and into the cleaning cupboard. All was silent. He sat next to an old mop that smelt like something it shouldn't, his breaths heaving and waiting silently for the girl to pass.

Hearing her approach he muttered profanities under his breath and swiftly opened the door, pulling the girl in with him. In the process she had dropped her laced umbrella. Free of weapons, thank god. He thought to himself. He pulled her against him, being in a cramped space and all. Her back was pressed against his chest and he had an arm wrapped around her shoulders, leaning down and whispering in her ear. "Please don't tell me you have any emergency sewing needles on you or anything..." He chuckled, his breath fanning her neck.

@Sunkissed (I'll be leaving soon)
Momoko quickly looked around the hallway, wondering where he had escaped to in such a short amount of time. "Where did he g-" Her words were cut off early by feeling a gush of air freeing itself from a cleaning cupboard and someone helping her inside. She felt his whisper across her kneck, marking it with his words somehow. "N-No.." Momoko felt incredibly vulnerable at this point. Hm, maybe she should have packed that sewing kit with her today. "Do you know how much this dress cost? It doesn't help for it to be stuffed inside a horrible closet.." She mumbles, slightly whispering as he did for some reason.

@Emi (Same :( )
"Yup, I'm new here, I had to move to this city because of my mother's job" he said nodding. They had to leave after the company her mother worked at broke so she took the first job she could get, Kato tried to help her working part time wherever he could find a job but times were still hard. His memory spaced out and he started remembering the happy times when his father was still alive and they had no financial troubles, even though he tried to help as much as possible things were hard with money, however he still loved his family and he would be happy as long as he had them This brought his mind to his sister "I wonder how she's doing at her new school" He murmured, lost in his thoughts.

Varien chuckled, letting his head hang low, inches away from her shoulder. It was so tempting to simply lay his head on her but she would probably kill him for ruining the ruffles of her dress. "Why are you stuttering?" he whispered softly into her ear, enjoying the peace and quiet. "And don't worry, it won't get ruined and if it does then i'll buy you a new one. An even cuter one" He sat down on the floor, dragging her down with him. "Hey... skip class with me?" He looked at her with an innocent gaze. "I can take you into town, we can go get some crepes"


Emi nodded understandingly, letting him talk. "It must have been hard, moving..." She pondered. "Her? What... are you concerned about your sister? How old is she?"

Momoko flinched at the feeling of being pulled down to the floor. Her cheeks burned a bright pink colour, somewhat symbolising the colour of her shoes and the bows in her hair. "I-I'm not stuttering.." She said, obviously going against what she had just said, which seemed too stupid for her to even comprehend. Although Momoko wanted to get up and leave at his reply, she just sat their infront of him, pretending like she didn't hear a thing.

Kato heard as Emi asked him about his sister and the moving "Well, it wasn't that hard to be honest, I moved around a lot before my last school so I didn't knew that much people. And yeah I'm a little concerned about my sister, she's only 10 and I'm a little worried people at her school won't accept her that easily" He said with a worried look. His sister wasn't the most outgoing person and she tended to be isolated from people, she was shy and kind so if someone tried to mess with her she would just stay there and let him bully her as much as the kid wanted to. At the thought of it he clenched his hand and worried a little bit more. "If anyone tries to bully her, they'll know her older brother" He thought.

Varien smiled, shaking her hand. "Come on, let's go! It'll be fun..." He teased as he let his head rest again the wall. "You know what? You're actually really comforting to be around... when you're not trying to injure me in some way" He let his head loll to the side, meeting her gaze and grinning at the tinge of pink on her cheeks. "If you want to go with me then we should be going now before classes start and the teachers notice" He stood up, dusting himself off and offering her a hand up. "If not then tell the teachers i didn't feel well. Tell them i went to the infirmary or something"


Emi remained silent but noticed his fist clenching. She gently touched his hand, letting it relax. "I'm sure she'll be fine, the kids around here are usually very welcoming. And if she gets into any sorts of trouble... well, then i'm sure her big brother will be there to help her out. Right?" She smiled warmly at him, patting his hand and retracting her own.


(I'm off now guys - have a good night!! /(^o^)/ )
Momoko's eyes met with his, but they quickly shunned away. "Fine. I guess I can cancel that tea party then, idiot." She said, not exactly meaning the words that had came out of her mouth. Momoko took out her planner and crossed out the tea party she was going to have with her so-called 'friends.' She stood up without taking his help and dusted off her dress, readjusting the ties on her pink shoes and pulling up her socks. "Come on, then!"

@Emi (Night! I'm going too :3)

Aria Ikeda

Aria finished playing and noticed that the boy had finally left. She sighed and got up, putting her glasses on and putting her tea in her bag. The blonde haired girl left the music room, locking it with the golden key that only she and the headmaster possessed. Everyone was in class, quietly working while this third year wandered the halls aimlessly, humming a song as she did. Her dead blue eyes were half closed as she walked down the stairs, carefully making sure that she wouldn't trip and fall. Aria finally made it to where she wanted to go and noticed a boy walking down the hallway. She tilted her head slightly as she was surprised that someone was wandering as well. She passed him and then the final lyric to her song popped into her head. Aria turned and looked at him with a sudden interest.

Her pale blonde bangs fell across her face slightly as she turned quickly on her heels and grabbed the sleeve of the boy. She needed to see if he was some sort of magician that helped you think of lyrics when you needed to. Her blue eyes had faint traces of fatigue as the night before she had begun to write a new song.
"Name please?" Aria asked, still holding onto his sleeve lightly as she didn't want him to disappear into a puff of orange smoke. [she watched too many animes when she was younger XDD]

@Peachypants (I had no idea where you were in the RP so I hope this is okay )
Varien smirked as he followed her out of the small space, putting her arms behind his head, relaxing. Wondering through the halls and out the gates he turned to look at her, walking backwards. "When you said you're dad is in prison... did you mean that?" He inquired, letting his gaze drop to the floor. "I don't mean to pry, i just wanted to know if i should apologize or not... but i guess i should do that anyway, huh? Sorry..." In this moment he strongly resembled a puppy, with its ears down low and its tail lying their limp. He looked up at her with an innocent gaze, smiling softly.

"Yeah." Momoko looked down at the floor. She hadn't really told this or anyone before, so it was pretty careless of her to shout it about the whole school. "Don't tell anyone though." Momoko picked up her umbrella and waved it about in the air, attempting to hit the boy. She then but the umbrella back in her bag, the lace and the handle sticking out from the top a little bit. "So, where are we going again?" Momoko kept the same look on her face as she looked up at Varien, trying to change the subject about her idiotic father.

Kato felt Emi's hand on his own and his heart jumped,"What's wrong with me?" he though, then he heard her say "I'm sure she'll be fine, the kids around here are usually very welcoming. And if she gets into any sorts of trouble... well, then i'm sure her big brother will be there to help her out. Right?", he hoped she was right because his sister always managed to get in some kind of trouble even though she wasn't the one causing it, on the other hand she would be really happy if she made new friends at her new school, that way she wouldn't be as lonely as she usually was.

Kato relaxed and managed a smile "Yeah, I hope she's alright, trouble seems to follow her though, but I'll be there to help" he said. As they talked he saw the teacher had walked inside the classroom, he started talking and soon the class became boring, more than once he caught himself staring at Emi's back unintendedly, and about a half an hour into the class the teacher decided to leave a group assignment, something about a presentation about history, it was supposed to be done in pairs and Kato looked around nervously since he didn't knew who could be his pair, then he looked to the front and touched Emi's shoulder shyly "Uhm, hey Emi, wanna pair up with me?" he said.


((I hope I'm not overstepping here, I just thought it would be interesting since it was about time the teacher arrive, I can edit it if needed to))
Varien nodded solemnly, picking up his pace a tad. "Of course I won't tell anyone, who do you take me for?" He smirked and fell into step with her, humming happily to himself. "Well... I was thinking we could go and get some crepes or something sweet. I have a craving for something sweet. Is that okay with you?" He asked her.


Emi smiled at softly at him and turned to pay attention to the teacher. She didn't realise that Kato was starring so intently at her. As she listened she sighed in frustration I'm really not very good at history... She thought.After the teacher left she felt a pat on her shoulder, and she turned around, surprised to see Kato looking bashful and asking her to be his partner. She found herself getting flustered for some reason. "U-uh yeah... Sure... If you want" she turned to face him, looking up through her fringe apologetically. "But I have to warn you, I'm really bad at history..."

@Darekk (don't worry, we needed to move things along >.< )
"Of course. The only things I put inside my body are sweet things, and I'm not exaggerating one bit." Momoko said, expecting him to turn her sentence into something perverted as she said 'put inside my body' instead of 'eat.' Although she didn't usually think at all about these things, now that she had been around him and his rude jokes.

"Let's get Custard Pudding. There's a good restraunt outside of my workplace."

Kato smiled as he heard Emi say "U-uh yeah... Sure... If you want. But I have to warn you, I'm really bad at history...". He wasn't all that good at history but they'd manage by, also it'd probably be more fun doing this assignment with her rather than with a complete stranger, as the teacher walked outside he realized class was already done and that it was break again, so he stuffed his things in his backpack "Awesome, also don't worry about the topic, we'll manage somehow" he said while looking at her.

As he was about to stand up he realized he had absolutely nothing to do, so he considered just staying at the room drawing for a while, one of the only things he missed from his old school was being able to find places where almost no one went to and where he could focus on his art and relax when he didn't want to be with other people. Thinking about this made him miss his old school and realize just how lonely he felt at this school, so he dropped his bag again on the floor and stayed there with a sad look on his face.

Varien smirked as he thought of a dirty joke and contemplated saying it..."Well...im a sweet thing" he winked slyly and laughed. "alright custard sounds good."

Momoko rolled her eyes, keeping a straight look on her face. "Let's go then." She said and took a small brush out of her bag, combing through her fringe with it. "I knew you would think of that joke. I just knew."


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