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Realistic or Modern Anime High School

Vairen chuckled to himself. "Damn, looks like i'm becoming to predictable eh? Seems like i need to become more sudden... or, what's that word? Where your actions surprise people. It's like... the opposite of predictable?" He thought, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as they headed together towards town in order to find some custard pudding.

"Anyway, i find it pretty cool how you're so into sweet things. That's at least something we have in common! And where do you work? Maybe i can come visit you on your break" He grinned at her, expecting her to shut him down rather quickly.


Emi nodded happily at his reply. "Thank you, sorry again if i'm not much use." Realizing that class was over, Yusa Emi got out an energy bar and started munching on it happily, waiting for the next class. She realized that she didn't have anything to do but sit and wait, she began to rest her head on the desk, preparing to doze off. She caught herself staring at Kusai Kato, studying the way his blonde hair fell over his cheekbones which looked soft and made his face look a little bit delicate. As well as that, he had incredibly long eyelashes.

"...He could be a model" she thought to herself... or she thought she thought it. Emi actually said it out loud, loud enough for Kato to hear. Not realizing what she had done, she continued to study his features.

As he moved she caught a glance at the nape of his neck and a warm blush crossed over her cheeks. It may be strange but there is nothing more attractive to Emi than the back of boys' necks. It's a rare sight that is often covered by their hair or clothing, but in the rare chance that you get? It's... incredibly attractive. Without thinking she reached out and began tracing her fingers along the back of his neck, her facial expression unreadable.

A few seconds later and coming to her senses she went as red as she could go and quickly retracted her hand, sitting up and and placing them in her lap. She squeezed her eyes shut in embarrassment, hiding her face in her hands. "Oh god... you've really done it now"

@Darekk (Oh dear god i'm sorry, i got a bit lost in the moment and went overboard ;-; )
Kato almost missed what Emi said since he was lost in thought and it was really unexpected, he looked cautiously being curious about who was she referring to, and when he realized with surprised she was actually looking at him he could feel his heart racing, what was it about her that, even though he barely knew Emi, he actually cared about the opinion she had about him. Staying as still as he could and pretending he didn't hear what she said he waited to see what would happen now, however he was surprised when out of the blue her fingers touched the back of his neck, it wasn't an unpleasing feeling at all and it set his heart beating even faster even though it didn't seem possible, a few seconds later she retracted her hand and her face flushed with a deep red.

When that happened Kato came to his senses as well, there was something about this girl that made him want to spend time with her, when he realized what he had just thought his cheeks flushed a little bit "There's something seriously wrong with me today" he thought. However ignoring that last thought and considering there was still a lot of time before the next class started, he looked at her and asked "Hey Emi, do you want to go for a walk? I still don't know much about this school and it would be great if you could show me around.....if you want to of course"

@Emi (hahaha don't worry I laguhed a lot while I imagined the scene, also if this goes on Kato will be crushing hard)
Emi nodded, still hiding her face in her hands. "Hold on. I just need a minute to stop being so impulsive" She held up one finger to him and mumbled into her hands, her voice muffled. After a minute or so she let out a deep breath and abruptly stood up and out of her seat. She turned to look at him, hoping her face had recovered. "Sure... let's go. Where do you want to head to first?" She smiled, albeit a bit forced. She kicked her bag underneath her desk and began to walk out of the classroom, thinking of where they should head to. " Do you mind if we go outside first? I think i need some fresh air" She laughed uneasily, rubbing her hands together awkwardly.

@Darekk (Aw, haha. Yay! Let the crushing begin > :D )
"Eh, whatever. You'll soon find out if you're not stupid enough. Oh, wait." Momoko grinned evilly as she insulted the boy. He was quite fun to tease, and she expected for him to get into some sort of tantrum if he didn't get what he wanted.

@Emi (sorry for short reply!)
Kato grabbed his bag and stood up "Sure, go ahead I'll follow you" he said, as he was about to head outside he tripped with a desk and almost fell, as his face reddened he straightened up and walked faster towards the door where he stopped and looked back at Emi, "Ugh, sometimes I really hate being so clumsy" he thought, there were a lot of funny and awkard stories behind it, but he always seemed to be able to hit anything whenever he most wanted to act like someone interesting and gracile.

Varien held his hand to his heart and pretended to be offended. "Why my lady, how you wound me!" He smiled as they approached the shop. "But don't you worry, i'll find out soon enough" He smiled, quite confident in himself. He pushed open the door, the aroma of sweetness and the chatter of customers filling the light atmosphere.

"So, what do you want to get? Still custard pudding? I'll pay" He got out his wallet, playing with it casually and waiting for her confirmation.

@Sunkissed (No worries! :) )

Emi couldn't help but chuckle a little bit at Kato. Not to be mean at all, in fact, she found it kind of endearing. She bounced through the halls alongside Kato and headed out the back entrance into the sports fields and began telling him about the different clubs and sports. After a few minutes of wondering aimlessly she sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry, i really have no clue where i'm leading you. Is there any place you want to see in particular? I feel like i'm wasting your time..." She mumbled, her gaze dropping to the floor.

Momoko walked inside the shop alongside him, looking up at the back of the boy's neck before he turned around--just after she had looked down at her feet and said something to her. "U-Uhm, yes. I can pay for my own." She continued to look down at her shoes before realising other people were talking about the choice of her outfit in the shop. Of course she was used to it, but she also found it quite annoying.

Kato followed Emi as they visited several places of the school, she told him a lot about the clubs and sports and he just listened. He realized it was really easy to be around her, it was relaxing and things didn't feel forced at all, which is why he was surprised that after a few minutes she suddenly mumbled "I'm sorry, i really have no clue where i'm leading you. Is there any place you want to see in particular? I feel like i'm wasting your time...". After saying this she looked down as if she was sad or shy about it, but in truth Kato was having fun spending time with her which is why he didn't understood why she said that, however he answered "Don't worry you're not wasting my time at all, I'm actually having fun even though we're just wandering aimlessly, and about what I'd want to watch, maybe the Drama club room, or the Art club room, maybe even the Manga club room" After saying this he smiled kindly and ruffled her hair a little bit.

Varien looked around the shop, suddenly noticing the few stares they were getting. He glared accusingly at the few who continued to comment on Momoko and they flushed a tinge of pink and returned to their meaningless conversations. He sighed out of annoyance and ignored her comment, paying for both of theirs. Carrying it back outside he sat on the edge of the fountain, patting the sit next to him and motioning for Momoko to sit down next to him.

"Come on, sit down. Or just stand there, either way. Otherwise I'll eat your pudding." He teasingly took a bite out of one of them. He set the plates down on the edge and moaned in delight as the sweetness overwhelmed him "Good choice by the way"

Momoko started to ignore the stares, looking up a bit and noticing he had payed for hers too. She followed him to the fountain and sat down beside him, putting her hand in her pocket and trying to find some spare change or anything that was alright to give to him. "Ah," Momoko took out a few badges she had sewn, with pictures of flowers and birds on them. "Here. As payment." Plopping them on his lap she picked up her spoon and took tiny little bites from it. "This is really good, isn't it..?"

Emi's eyes visibly brightened at the mention of the Drama and art club. "Ah, of course! Why didn't i think of that?" She giggled and let him ruffle her hair. She led him back into the building and up the few flights of stairs. Coming to where the drama club was located she pulled open the door, saying hello to a few familiar faces.

One person in particular came up to her and hugged her tightly, his expression warm and friendly. "Emi! I haven't seen you in a while sweetie, how have you been?" Emi's face lit up at the mention of her name and she nodded happily.

"Yes, i've been okay. But i haven't returned empty handed, i have brought us a new member!" She laughed and waved her hands at Kato. Despite he hadn't yet confirmed he would join the drama club, Emi assumed this was the best opportunity to drag him in and not let him escape. Clasping his hand in her own, she dragged him into the center of the room, introducing him to the few people that had gathered. Emi happily grinned at him, holding his hand tightly. "So? Will you join?"


Varien nodded vigorously, agreeing wholeheartedly. "Yep, it is." Looking down to study the badges that Momoko had dropped on his lap, he continued to eat the custard pudding. after a while, he turned to look at her, his expression serious. "Did you make these? These are really good... i wouldn't be surprised if you sold these. Do you?" He inquired.

"Well... i totally think i could learn how to do these, don't you?" He stuck his tounge out at her playfully, referring to their conversation earlier.

(Alrighty, i'll head off in a minute too. Have a good night! xx

And are we the only three actually carrying this on? ;-; Where did everyone go?)
Emi guided him through several places he hadn't seen and stopped at a door which she quickly opened, as Kato entered she greeted a lot of people and a guy he had never seen before hugged her, when he saw this Kato felt a strange animosity against that guy "There's something deeply wrong with me" he thought. Just after he finished thinking about this Emi suddenly grabbed his hand and dragged him to the center of the room, then she stopped and faced him without letting his hand go "So? Will you join?" she asked while grinning at him.

Being there with his hand onto hers and her looking that happy there was no way he would've refused "It's not fair" he thought, but in truth he didn't care, so Kato just looked at her and pretended to be thinking about it for a few seconds just to answer with a smile "Sure, though remember I'm not good at acting, so I'll probably end up helping with scenery or something like that" and then he added almost whispering "But I can always try to act if it's with you". After saying this he realized a lot of the others member were staring at them but for the first time he didn't care, he was enjoying his time with Emi, she was like no one else he had ever met.


((Haha I have no idea, I do know @LittleGhost is waiting for @BlackJack to answer))
Emi jumped up and down happily, releasing his hand. "Hah! Yes! One more member!" Her hair bounced as she did her own unique victory dance. However, when she heard his comment she came to a stop, blushing a crimson red and looking at him with wide eyes. Dropping her gaze to the floor, she nodded - her long locks covering half her face. "U-uh... yeah."

Regaining her composure she smiled nervously. "Yeah, you never know... you might enjoy it! A-and Izaya can teach you the basics... if you're interest. But either way, you would be a lot of help doing scenery" Emi gestured towards the boy who had hugged her earlier, earning a confused look from some of the other members.

"S-should we get going? I still need to go over the other clubs..." She said, still a bit flustered. Pulling her bag onto her shoulder she headed towards the door, sneezing loudly. She stopped suddenly, laughing awkwardly as she looked back at Kato and tilting her head slightly. A few members laughed at her and gave her teasing looks, then headed back to work. She couldn't remember if she ever told Kato about the reasoning behind her sudden sneezing.

Previously, when she had been placed as one of the leading roles in one of their presentations she was sneezing continuously before the show and throughout due to her nerves. It was a disaster... safe to say that Emi has never been placed as a leading role since and the drama club members often tease her about her strange little habit.


"Yes, I made them." Momoko replied, not giving a single glance to him as her nose was filled with the sweet aroma of the custard pudding. "Well, I work in a store over there, so I have to sew things most of the time." She pulls up her finger, relating to the conversation from earlier, that was covered in little holes from all of the needles that had jabbed her. "I always forget to bring one of those little things you put on your thumb, er.. What are they called again?"

Varien pondered for a while and then his eyes widened. "A thimble! ...Right?" He looked for her confirmation, feeling pleased with himself that. "See?! I know my stuff! I would be an amazing student..." he trailed off, chuckling. He looked around, seeing many different stores. Not many seem to be anything linked with retail... maybe the shop she works in is around the back? In some strange alleyway perhaps?

"Yes. That." Momoko plainly said as she placed the spoon down on her empty plate. "I'm finished..." She told herself, looking up to Varien and ignoring the other things he had just said about him being an 'amazing student,' but instead noticing he was wondering what shop she worked at. "I work," Momoko tried to fit his chin in her hand, turning it around to face the 'Baby The Stars Shine Bright' store. "...There. You better not be coming in every five minutes-it's a dress shop, anyways."

Surprised by Momoko suddenly grabbing his chin, a light flush spread over his cheeks. When she released him, he laughed and stood up. "Okay then... shall we return the plates and drop in?" He asked her, not actually bothering to wait for a reply. He returned the plates and grabbed her wrist, taking her over to the 'Baby The Stars Shine Bright' store. Coming into the small shop he went straight to the counter, asking the lady who was serving. "Hello. I was wondering if you had any available jobs open at the moment? I'm very good with customers and can make your sales rocket!" He exaggerated and gave her a cheeky grin.

Momoko noticed the blush on his cheeks, feeling a bit of happiness inside for some reason. She shook the thought out of her mind as a light, winded gasp escaped from her mouth. Momoko was dragged into her workplace by a boy she had only just met! "N-NO! He doesn't want to join, he's only joking. Anyways, h-he's stupid! And he'll make the sales plummet!" She said in shock as she tried to think of anything that would stop him from joining her workplace. This was the only place she could go to be happy besides her bedroom (don't make a joke) and she didn't need a goofus ruining that for her, did she!?

Varien smirked at her protesting. This is fun... it makes me want to terrorize her more... Leaning on the counter, he peered down at the innocent worker. "So? Can i work here?"

The girl flushed a shade of pink and fumbled with her phone.
"U-uh...I-i might need to ask my boss but we are looking for workers ...currently" She said, struggling to get her words out.

Laughing triumphantly he turned to Momoko who seemed like she was keeling over in agonizing pain.
"Well isn't this going to be fun?!" He teased her, ruffling her hair and patting her head like a puppy. "Let's get along!"

Feeling the ruffle on her hair Momoko's eyes widened as her cheeks and ears turned a bright shade of red. "D-Don't touch my hair!" She shouted to him, what seemed angrily, but she hoped he knew she actually wasn't, and just embarrassed. Momoko patted down her hair neatly again and then flung her designs for a new dress over the counter to the woman working behind it. The woman was about to reply but before she could Momoko was racing out of the store in a flash to try and escape the boy.

Kato followed Emi with his cheeks bright red, he didn't knew why he had said that thing about being in a play if it was with her, but now he felt terribly embarassed about it, somehow he knew he actually meant what he said but it didn't made it less embarassing, after a minute or so of walking silently he finally found his voice and said "So...Uhm....Where are we headed now?I was thinking of going to the Art club room so I know what can I work with".


(Sorry for the short answer I was kind of out of ideas this time haha)
Dropping his hand down to his side he looked at her blushing face. Varien shivered, a strange feeling racing through him. He didn't like it. Not at all. As Momoko stormed out of the store, Varien chuckled, nodding at the woman before following her. He trailed after her at a steady pace, walking happily and kicking stones along the pavement. Breathing in the fresh summer air he enjoyed the sun beating down on his skin, feeling the warmth spread through him. He didn't know what time it was but he figured it was time that they should head back now.

"Hey... we should head back now..." He called after the girl, suddenly realizing that he never caught her name. Skipping to catch up to her, he relaxed by her side, turning to face her as he began to go in the direction of the school.

"I'm Varien... by the way"

Momoko was blinded by the sun, bringing up her old-fashioned sunglasses up to her face and holding them in position with the stick attached to the left lens. "Yes, we should... I'm Momoko." She said in a slightly annoyed, aggravated tone to him. Momoko turned to look at the boy and as she saw his face, she began to smile slightly but looked away, blushing again. Why was she doing this? She hadn't felt feelings for anyone like this before.


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