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Realistic or Modern Anime High School

Emi nodded, her cheeks still flushed slightly. "Nice to meet you, I'm Yusa Emi. You write?" Emi's eyes sparked with interest "Do you mind if i could see some stuff? I don't mind if you don't want to..." She dropped her bags onto the floor, sneezing. Eurgh... why do i always sneeze when i'm nervous...

(Sorry for short reply)

@Darekk @Sunkissed
Kato heard as the girl introduced herself as Yusa Emi, she seemed to be a little red but he thought he was probably just imagining it, after introducing herself she asked "You write? Do you mind if i could see some stuff? I don't mind if you don't want to..." she seemed to be quite interested and even though most of his writings weren't for show (unless it was someone close to him) there were some he could show openly, these weren't quite as good as the others but they were good enough for him not to throw them away.

Still, he thought about it for a couple of seconds before he grabbed his bag and grabbed one of his old notebooks, it was worn on the edges and the upper corner was a little torn, he looked at it for a moment after looking back at the girl and replying "Yeah I write, and I like to draw as well and.....I guess I wouldn't mind to show you some of my stuff, not all of it though, there's some classified things here you know" as he said this a small smile had started to form in his face and even though he didn't consciously thought about it he moved a little closer to her so everyone else didn't have to listen to their conversation.

@Emi @Sunkissed
Momoko smirked, looking up to see the girl that had sneezed on the floor, "Pathetic," whipping out a tissue she threw it on top of the girl's and shook her head mockingly. "You're so unladylike. Didn't your parents tell you how to act when you were younger?"

@Emi @Darekk
Emi's eyes widened as he moved closer to her, getting irritated at herself. What's the matter with you? God... maybe i'm getting sick? Still, she shoved her thoughts to the back of her head and leaning in to see his drawings, staring intently as he flicked through the pages, allowing her to read a selective few. "Wow... these are amazing! I've always wanted to have an interest in writing but... it never came. Instead, i joined a few drama groups... i didn't even enjoy them that much but, i just stuck with them i suppose." She rambled, her mind taking her somewhere else. "Ah! I'm sorry, i don't mean to waffle on." She flapped, growing flustered. She looked up at his face through her strands of long hair. His small smile made her heartbeat quicken and a warm smile spread across her face as she looked down.

"Sorry, these really are very good." As she was going to back away a little bit she was startled by a girl dropping a tissue onto her head. Listening to the girls comment, Emi's eyebrow shot up and annoyance ran through her body like a chill on a winter day. She stood up next to the girl, placing the tissue back into her hands.

"Unladylike? Excuse you, but are you completely incompetent to realize that; one, butting into a conversation is extremely rude and two, calling somebody a name actually reflect your true feelings about yourself? So... pathetic... eh?" Emi smirked to herself. She knew her words didn't exactly make sense but she didn't really mind. She felt like she had gotten her point across. "But, on second thought i'll take this. Thanks for the tissue" She mentioned, plucking the tissue back from her hands and blowing her nose softly. "Take a seat, pathetic!" She laughed to herself throwing her hands up in the air energetically. Not intending to be obnoxious, she dragged a chair over and patted the seat, intending the girl to sit down. "And for what it's worth. I seriously doubt you're pathetic"

@Darekk @Sunkissed

(Argh, sorry that was so long and awful)
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Kato waited silently as Emi looked through his drawings, after the first few seconds of silence he started to regret showing her his drawings, "Maybe she doesn't like them" he thought for a second, and realized it worried him more than it should, then he felt stupid for worrying about it so much, when he was about to tell her the drawings weren't really great and to give him his notebook so she wouldn't waste her time looking at them she broke the silence and said "Wow... these are amazing! I've always wanted to have an interest in writing but... it never came. Instead, i joined a few drama groups... i didn't even enjoy them that much but, i just stuck with them i suppose." After hearing that Kato internally sigued with relief and relaxed while Emi kept looking at his notebook.

That was until the girl he had seen eating fruit earlier came towards them and dropped a tissue after saying some unflattering words about Emi, even though he had just met Emi he still thought the other girl had over reacted to a simple sneeze, on top of being rude "What's her problem?" Kato thought as he watched them, as he was about to tell the girl to ease up and stop being so rude Emi stood up and started talking, so he waited and watched as she talked. She seemed to be quite annoyed but as she sat down Kato realized he had been about to defend a girl he hardly even knew "And again, I'm acting strangely" he thought while considering it would have been strange, she seemed to be a nice person and he was indeed interested in becoming friends, but he felt as if he would've been overstepping boundaries by saying something about what happened. So after thinking about all this he just made a comment and brushed things off "Well, that girl sure was rude. You mentioned earlier you're into drama, I've always liked plays, I never tried to act in one though, I would get nervous and forget my lines all the time" he said and laughed lightly.

@Emi @Sunkissed

((It wasn't awful))
"Yes, yes. You really are pathetic." Momoko said, pointing her nose up in the air and ignoring everything she had just said. "I'm not pathetic at all. At least I'm not falling over everywhere." She turned her head to a boy who seemed quite tall, supposing he was talking about her. "Argh, if only you knew.." Momoko stood up, looking over their shoulders and covering her mouth as she was about to laugh. "What is that supposed to be? A screwdriver?"

@Darekk @Emi
Emi sighed, rubbing the back of her neck as she thought. "Yeah, i guess i can improvise a lot, that's why they put up with me" She laughed at herself. "I know it isn't really for some people, but if you just let yourself go then it can be really fun. You can get completely immersed in your character and then... i don't know. They become a part of you and can influence your choices. It's strange, it's like they're forever burnt into your soul. But yeah, enough deep stuff" She suddenly felt awkward. She knew that she could go into random tangents sometimes but only with somebody she knew well...

"You know what's weird? I can talk really easily with you... i mean, i can talk to a lot of people but never, like this?" She questioned, not quite sure where she was heading. She brushed it off. "Sorry, forget about it. I think i'm getting sick"

Kyou Ichinose

Kyou had been sitting behind a trio for quiet some time, listening to their conversations. That's when an extremely annoying little girl started acting like she was better than everyone else. The blonde sighed and grabbed his notebook and threw it at the girl, hitting her in the back. "Hey annoying chick in front of me. Can you sit down and shut up?" Kyou asked, leaning back in his chair. His cyan eyes were bored as he looked at the brown haired girl. He then looked at the boy and other girl and gave them a smile. "Sorry if I interrupted. She was bothering me" Kyou shrugged and looked at his phone as Kana had texted him. He hadn't thrown the book very hard as he didn't want to hurt the girl, but he defiantly threw it hard enough to let her feel it for a bit.

(Plot twist Kyou was there the whole time XDD)

@Sunkissed @Emi @Darekk
Annoyance spread through Emi's body once again as she listened to the girl comment. She was about to snap. Snapping her head toward the girl she narrowed her eyes at her, her cold gaze never letting up. "Look, what do you want? Sit down, or don't, I couldn't care less but don't just stand there ranting about whatever the hell is irritating you." She felt her blood boil and was prepared to get up and leave, not wanting her day to be ruined by some conniving stranger. But... she didn't want to give in.

Just then, somebody threw a notebook. Emi couldn't help but chuckle and turned around to the stranger, bowing her head politely in gratitude.

(Omg yes, that was amazing xD And i don't want to make enemies on the first day ;-; I want to get on with everyone...)

@Sunkissed @kawiibunnygirl
Momoko twisted around, her brain ignoring whatever the other girl had just said once again. She picked up the book and stared at it for a while before taking the boy's phone out of his hand and texting...

'Oh, sorry. I was just sleeping at another chick's house for the night. She made me dinner and it was delicious! Better than yours.'

Momoko smirked and threw the phone on the floor, picking up her bags and sitting at the other end of the classroom.


@Emi @kawiibunnygirl
Kato heard as Emi talked about the art club, it was obvious she liked a lot acting and they way she talked about it was....well deep, or at least that's how he perceived it. Just when he was about to reply something about it the other girl started talking about them again, Emi looked at her and answered coldly to what she said. Then the girl ignored her and took another guy's phone, texted something and sat down at the other end of the classroom. "That's it, that girl thinks she owns this place" Kato thought annoyed, he hated people like that and he wasn't going to stay sitting there anymore just watching her do what she pleases.

So he stood up, walked towards her, stared coldly at her and simply said "Look, I don't know who you are, or who you think you are, but you have no rights to come and talk to us as if you owned this place. You're the one whose parents didn't teach how to behave", after this he came back to his seat, sat down and told Emi "Sorry about that, but that girl got on my nerves, and I do find it really easy to talk with you as well, it's...well, it's fun, I like talking with you so far", after saying this he realized what he had just said and wished for the earth to swallow him, why would he say that?, now she'd probably thing he's just a creep.

@kawiibunnygirl @Emi @Sunkissed
Kyou Ichinose

Kyou sighed and picked up his phone again before he followed the girl and grabbed her hand. "Listen I understand that you're needy and won't have a man in your life, but trying to screw up mine isn't going to work. Unlike you my girlfriend is smart and isn't that gullible. Better luck next time~" Kyou patted her head before he walked back to his seat and began texting one again. Thankfully Kana wasn't an idiot and knew that Kyou wouldn't ever cheat as they had been dating for about three years. In fact Kana was more worried about people telling Kyou that she was cheating on him than people telling her Kyou was cheating on her. Kyou however knew that he wouldn't be able to eat takeout for a couple weeks. He sighed and took a sip of his tea with a content smile. The other students looked at him like he was a brave person to actaully do that to a girl.

@Sunkissed @Emi @Darekk
Momoko stared down at the table. "It's hurting my brain. You poor, poor things. Why are you acting this way? Why not just... Understand me...?" This was usually a daily thing she did. Staring at an object, imagining herself flying into space, and nothing but how stupid other people were around her. Suddenly another thought popped in to her head. "Oh, yes. I have a tea party with... Teddy 1, 5 and 6 this afternoon..."

(She's also creepy xD )

@Darekk @kawiibunnygirl @Emi
(Haha, omg Kyou is my new favorite person!! And Momoko is pretty entertaining)

Emi blushed a deep shade of red when she took in what Kato had said. "U-um... yeah. M-me too. I mean, yeah. I agree, it's not right. At least she's been told now, by numerous people" Emi stuttered, looking over at the girl yet feeling a pang of sympathy for her. "I actually feel a bit sorry for her, she obviously feels like she needs the attention. It's just sad that she has to have it that way. Hm, maybe i should ask her to joing the drama club as well? I mean.. i've seen her around the art club but i've never talked to her before now"

She looked at Kato, meeting his eyes and quickly adverting hers. "So, what do you think? Should i?"

@Darekk @Sunkissed

(I'll be heading to bed soon guys, i have mocks tomorrow! Eek!)
Kyou Ichinose

Kyou stretched and relaxed into his seat, placing his hat over his eyes as he slept. Girls talked around him, saying they listened to his new songs and everything. Some boys teased him about his dates with Kana which he bashfully spoke about. Then he overheard the conversation between the two students. "Oh you two are joining? I've been in that club since last year. Totally helped with acting" Kyou said as he leaned forward and looked at the two with a cheeky smile and cyan eyes. "I'm surprised I haven't seen you two there before, but then again I'm usually leaving early to get to my other club" Kyou suddenly realized he jumped into their conversation so he apologized. He then stuck out a hand to the girl and smiled. "I'm Ichinose Kyou" a couple girls made a swooning sound as he was a popular singer/actor. Kyou liked going to public schools since he felt normal.

(Kyou is a great guy xD )

@Emi @Darekk
Kato listened as Emi wondered about inviting the rude girl to the drama club, well she sure seemed like a decent solution for her attention needs and that way she may get the drama off her system, who knows, deep down she may be a nice person. He was starting to feel a little bit bad for treating her like that but he was still deeply annoyed by how she acted, so he tooked a deep breath and looked at Emi's eyes after realizing he had unconsciously averted her eyes, and said "Well, it may help her, so if you're up for it I think you should"

A few seconds later he realized he still knew almost nothing about this school and it would be a pain looking all over for things he may need, so he had the idea of asking Emi to help him out, otherwise he'd probably had trouble with a lot of stuff, so he asked "Uhm hey, I know it's weird from me to ask this considering we just met but.."he stopped for a second, considering what he would say "as you can imagine already I'm new here, and I was thinking about joining some clubs, I was wondering if you could help me with it"

After he asked that a guy he didn't knew walked towards them and asked them if they were in the Drama club, shortly after he introduced herself as Ichinose Kyou. Kato thought it was weird from him to approach them out of the blue but he still answered "Oh, hey, I'm Kusai Kato nice to meet you, and no I'm not in the drama club though Emi here is".

@kawiibunnygirl @Emi
Emi nodded at Kyou, shaking his hand and laughing lightly. "Yeah, i haven't seen you around before. You're face seems pretty familiar though... not quite sure why." She pondered but shook her head, not bothering to think on it too much. "Yeah, I've been in it for a few months now so i'm still new... technically. But I've been doing drama and art since i was young so... I've been used to it. What about you?" She turned her chair around so that she was facing both Kato and Kyou. Her gaze got caught with Kyou's as she turned and she took in his features before she realized that she was gawking slightly and broke away. "Sorry...I think i'm getting sick, my head keeps on pounding and ah- ah-" she sneezed loudly once again before sniffling. "God dammit... see?" She groaned, chuckling slightly.

She then turned to Kato
"Oh! And since you need a club, why not join the drama club? You could even just help backstage if you're really against performing... you're already in the art club aren't you? Or am i just assuming that because you're so amazing at drawing?" She stuck her tounge out playfully.

(Do you know what's strange? The two random crushes i put down for Emi are her first real interactions, exluding Momoko xD Anyway, i'm off now. Have a good night everyone!)

@kawiibunnygirl @Darekk
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Momoko frowned, moving her chair back as she didn't want any of the girls boogers on her uniform. She brought out a pack of tissues and threw them at her, turning around with a disgusted look on her face. "Ew." Momoko said as she opened her planner and wrote in her timetable for work, her free time and other things she needed to do.

A few minutes passed and a few girls that were sitting behind her tapped on her shoulder. She ignored it for a while but then finally turned around. "What?"

"Why did you treat Kyou like that?"

"Yeah, it was really rude."

"You should apologize."

Before she knew it, a lot of girls crowned around her highnesses chair. She did feel a bit anxious as they were all echoing the same thing-in her mind, atleast.

@Emi @kawiibunnygirl @Darekk
She smiled at seeing them so excited at something so normal like getting your school uniform, she laughed a little more when she hear about the plan of scaring people "well, it would be really interesting something like that, we have another pair of twins, but they are so different" she said remembering the personality of both girls, she sighed but nipping her cheeks she realized that this was not the time to think about it, she grabbed both boys by the wrist and started walking towards the office, she was happy to be able to help "you know? I have to big brothers, they are twins, just like you both, but they are so different too, is cool that you guys are so alike" she says while smiling more.

it was her first time feeling like this, she was happy, for once in a time she didn’t feel as alone as she usually do it, and her happy and more talkative person was coming out, after a few minutes of walking they finally arrived to the office, there her expression become a little more serious and relaxed, she really didn’t like to go to the office that much, since she was always relaxing and listening to music she have been in trouble some times, but she really didn’t care about it "uh...excuse me....this are Kyo and Ryo...there are new...they don’t have their schedules or uniforms....can you helps us, please?" the secretary glared at her, both of them have a difficult "relationship" she smiled a little sarcastically, she really hated that situation and you could feel the tension in the air "sure" said the lady with a annoyed tone of voice, the girl with purple hair just rolled her eyes, feeling how stupid it was the situation, she tried to smile at the two twins and relax a little "so, how long have you been living here?"

(sorry for the long wait D:) @BlackJack
Varien wondered into the school, swaying from side to side happily. He scanned the halls for any familiar faces but to no avail. Sighing, he rubbed the back of his neck and hummed happily to himself, collecting his timetable and heading to class. However, outside the classroom, he was stopped by a group of freshman. All of them looking up at him with big eyes and silly expressions.

"Gah! Yoshida-kun! What happened to you in summer break?" One of them energetically inquired, her bouncy blonde hair being twirled and fiddled with flirtatiously. Another squeezed her way into the crowd, this time with an annoyed look plastered on her face. "Yeah! What happened to you? You never asked me out after karaoke!" She groaned, tugging on his sleeve.

Varien backed away slowly, trying to escape into the classroom. "Sorry ladies, if you'll excuse me..." With his hands behind his back he fiddled with the door handle. In a matter of seconds he managed to get into the classroom, pulling the door tightly behind him. The group of girls soon left, followed by the chatter. He breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the closest person to him. She was dressed in dark yet cute lolita clothing, he smirked to himself. "Yo! Sorry for such a ruckus so early in the morning" He grinned like a little boy, scratching the back of his neck.

@Sunkissed (sorry for the wait!!)
"Ugh. What an annoying imbosile." Momoko muttered, looking up for the matter of a few seconds and then staring back down at the small words in her book titled 'Crochet and Sewing - Master Edition.' She swung one of her feet that was dangling from the chair she was sitting on as her pigtails came to lay on her chest.

Momoko didn't mean to be so rude. She just found it hard for people to like the same stuff as she did.

She had saw the boy in a small magazine once, apparently he was a music artist or something. But the thing that angered Momoko was that it wasn't the music she liked-she was more into classical music such as Beethoven or Mozart. Anyways, Momoko didn't really care about anyone else's opinion. She was always in her own little world.

@Emi (that's alright :3 sorry for short reply)
Not quite hearing the girls words he chose to sit down in the seat opposite her. He studied her features, she had cute little pigtails and looked kind of menacing. Deciding to make conversation he peered down at what she was looking at, then began reading a few things out loud.

"So you're into that kind of thing, eh? I've never tried it before so i'm not sure if i like it or not. Maybe one day you could teach me. Show me the basics" He grinned at her cheekily, pulling his earphones off from around his neck and laying them down on the table. he also set his bag down, becoming comfortable.

"Why would you want to know something like that? You're too... Modern." She flipped a strand of her over her ear, continuing to speak. "You wouldn't understand any of it at all." Momoko ranted, peering up a tiny bit to create eye contact with the boy, then looking back down at her book. She takes out her box filled with an assortment of sweet fruit and candy, reaching delicately with her fingers to pick up a slice of apple. Chewing on it slightly Momoko looks up to see if the curious boy was still staring at her or not, and of course he was. She was so pretty, so why wouldn't he!?

Varien gave her a questioning look with a raised eyebrow and chuckled to himself lightly. "Well alright then, if you're so sure. You never know - you could have just passed up on the opportunity of a lifetime!" He exaggerated, spreading his arms out wide. "I could be the next Picasso... in..." he bent over to look at the book again "...Crochet and Sewing!" He said, winking.

As she delicately nibbled on a piece of apple he continued to stare at her, catching her taking a few glances at him. His ego boosted and he found himself smiling slyly to himself. "Sorry, but i can't help staring at you. You're so delicate and precise... it's totally my type"

He knew he was being outrageous and he knew that this girl wouldn't eat out of the palm of his hand. But that's what made it interesting... that's what made this whole game so... fun! The cat and mouse chase. He always won of course.

@Sunkissed (Gah! Sorry i'm so delayed in response >-< I'm playing persona 4 so i keep on forgetting to reply)

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