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Realistic or Modern Anime High School

(really sorry, could someone give me a short summary? I don't have much time to read all ten pages)
He looked towards Ema and gave her a kind smile before looking at the clock. Would they make it? Well they could do that, but he doubted that she wanted to do it. She was too... worrisome? Or perhaps she just didn't want to take the risk. Either way he was going to try in anyway.

Yeah, we’re still going” he said with a distracted tone of voice as he looked. What was the best way to go around this? He looked around seeing all possible before looking back at the rest. He raised an eyebrow at how confused everyone was getting. For him, life was particularly 2D or flat. He had a one track mind after all. It was either yes or no flat out but everyone seemed to be so caught up in the middle.

Don’t worry – we can still go” he said in a slightly happy voice. What he wouldn’t tell her is that they would most likely be skipping class to go to the art room. But those were details, and no one really cared for them anyway. Well anyone apart from Ema that was but he’d have to distract her.

@kawiibunnygirl @Darekk

Ryo and Kyo

Ryo and Kyo continued talking as they walked down the halls, headed to go get school uniforms. They were supposed to get them in the mail but none eve came. Probably because there grandmas house is considered on 2 roads and they probably put down one road and the school could not find it. "Do you think they are really going to make us wear these?" "I don't know but if they do I have a great plan" "Ah yes we will look the same completely, except the left boob" "I'm thinking, when they call one of our names or ask one of us to do something" "We both do it!" They both say in unison Kyo hitting Ryo on the shoulder as an act of good faith. They both looked forward and saw the girl and both looked at each other "A

" They both say quickly walking over to her and analyzing her.

Both Ryo and Kyo began to talk in rapid succession like they did every time they had a conversation. "
Yes, woman we need your help" "Which one of us" "Has a bigger left boob" Ryo looked to his brother for a moment "What if shes mute" Ryo asks "Then she still has arms" Kyo says turning to his brother "What if shes deaf?" "Then we are screwed" "Because we slept through it" They say in unison before turning to her and kyo whispers to his brother "We forgot to introduce each other" Kyo then pondered the idea "Well if shes deaf then she wont know but lets go for it" He says as they both stuck there hands out to shake "I'm Kyo" Kyo says doing a mock shake "And I'm Ryo" "And he is Ryo" "And he is Kyo" "Oh so nice to meet you You Ryo, Im Kyo" "So nice to meet you too Kyo, I'm Ryo" They say ending there really confusing name exchange by shaking each others hand "Get it" "Got it" "Good!" They both say holding out there hands to shake again.



@LittleGhost ))​
For Nakuri this was something completely new, she have never seen two people like them, so identical, so coordinated, it was even a little scary, once they saw her the identical pair appear just next to her looking at each part of her, analyzing her and god will know what else, it was something kind of weird, and they talked so fast that even with her experience reading lips she couldn't really tell what they were saying, so, for the first time in the day she take off her headphones that still were playing loud music and even without them she could feel it, both of they boys looked a little younger than her, probably they should be new students, also because the fact that both of them didn't have the school uniform "uh, I cant tell who have a bigger....left boob?" it was a weird question, maybe funny but it was something out of the common, she was having a weird first day, and even for her, that was fine.

After listening to the weird, but funny presentation that they both made she smiled a little more, maybe that first day of class wasn't really that bad, maybe and just maybe this was a new opportunity for her, she tried to memorize which one it was Kyo and which one was Ryo, after a few seconds when they still laugh and talk she also shacked their hand and smiled softly as how only she knew how to do it "uh, nice to meet you....My name is Nakuri, Shimari Naruki...uh I believe that you both are new right? do you need help?" she tried to sound not tired or even nervous, but socializing was never been her strong, she just needed to have a little more of trust in herself, and then the side that would love to talk and laugh will probably appear, she just wanted to be herself, she tried to smile a little more, to look more normal and less like....herself, she smiled again and this time was a little more relaxed, she couldn't let those things to bother her at a moment like this, if she wanted to make more friends it was time for her to change that bored way to be, "you can call me just Nakuri"


Kyo and Ryo

The males noticed that she did not answer there question but they did not care that much. They had absolutely no idea where they were going and had no schedules so they were really stumped at the moment "Well you see" "Our grandmas a klepto today" "And she stole our shcedules" "So we have no idea where we are going" They both say in unison thinking about how weird that sounded, they could be easily mistaken as robots to be honest. "Do you think shes afraid of our boobs brother" "She would not grab them and tell us so probably" "What about our boobs spooks you" "Do you think it's the firmness" "Or maybe the sheer thought of grabbing some mans boob" "I'm not afraid to do it" "Neither am I" The two go on and then grab each others chest in an odd manner "Ow" They exclaim letting go

That did not feel pleasant" "Your the one who grabbed to hard" "And you did when I grabbed to hard" They argue at each other in a comedic way eventually getting so angry at each other that they headbutt each other at the same time, making both skulls connect with the same force. It was like watching a cartoon just two really weird males fighting over whose left boob was bigger like it mattered somehow, both fell backwards grabbing their heads and falling to there knees equally apart and at a perfect 90 degree away from each other.



@LittleGhost Run while you still can xD ))​
This was officially weir, it was really weird, but for some reason she didn't seem to care about it, those two have something that was different, and somehow she like it, after hearing about their grandmother she couldn't help herself but laugh a bit in her mind, it was obvious that those two were new, she smiled and looked more at them, incredibly Nakuri was comfortable with both of them, she decided that maybe skipping her next class and helping those boys was a better idea than being alone "well, probably you are in 3 year, right? how knows maybe even you will be in my class" she said with a smile, but when she looked at them to know what they were saying both of the twins were fighting against each other and it ended up with the fact that both finished in the ground and hitting their heads against the other.

Then she remember who where just like them, her big brothers, they weren't as unit as this too, but when they fight they looked just like Kyo and Ryo, she tried to cover her mouth, she hated her laugh it was annoying but she couldn't help herself and she ended up laughing, she have been feeling alone all the day but maybe it was good luck that she have found those kids, they seemed somehow different "you guys, are funny......uh...in a good way of course" she said this time a little more embarrassed, after a few seconds in silence she shacked her head, remembering that she was going to help them "uh...we can go to the office for your schedules and uniforms, I mean if you want to go now or if you want to give a small trip around the school, I'm not sure..." she was a little nervous, Nakuri wasn't really a good tourist guide and she knew it, since every time they went to a different place she always ended up lost.

@BlackJack ((dudeee, they are so funny and cool~~ xD ))
Elliot Okimoto

Elliot had continued to hang and talk with friends. His smile was genuine and bright. Although after finishing his food he had the urge to smoke. It was a horrible habit of his that he tried to quit but never could. "Ill be back later guys." he spoke quickly, waving them away. He turned on his heels and left the large crowded room. With that he traveled up the steps towards the roof. Instead he was stopped. A sweet tone filled his ears, unlike anything he's heard before. He soon forgot the cigarette and focused on finding the music. He went around the halls until the music got louder and louder. Finally he found the door that held the music. He was hesitant to open it but he did anyways, shutting the door quietly behind him. He slowly slid down, sitting on the floor. He waited for her to finish the piece she was playing before talking. "Youre amazing..." He knew Aria from seeing her around school. And he had heard that she was a good pianist. But he never expected her to be this good.


Ren Okimoto

Ren puffed out her cheeks as she finished up her snack. She gathered her books and such, hurrying out of the crowded area. She quietly walked down the hall, her face emotionless. The raven haired girl kept her eyes forward focused on an empty bench. She sat down, pulling out her history book, reading an article about the Persian empire. Every once in a while she would glance up from the words on the pages, observing the people that passed by. She didnt understand how everyone seemed so happy and friendly. It would all end sometime.

((Open to rp))
Halcyon said:
Elliot Okimoto

Elliot had continued to hang and talk with friends. His smile was genuine and bright. Although after finishing his food he had the urge to smoke. It was a horrible habit of his that he tried to quit but never could. "Ill be back later guys." he spoke quickly, waving them away. He turned on his heels and left the large crowded room. With that he traveled up the steps towards the roof. Instead he was stopped. A sweet tone filled his ears, unlike anything he's heard before. He soon forgot the cigarette and focused on finding the music. He went around the halls until the music got louder and louder. Finally he found the door that held the music. He was hesitant to open it but he did anyways, shutting the door quietly behind him. He slowly slid down, sitting on the floor. He waited for her to finish the piece she was playing before talking. "Youre amazing..." He knew Aria from seeing her around school. And he had heard that she was a good pianist. But he never expected her to be this good.


Ren Okimoto

Ren puffed out her cheeks as she finished up her snack. She gathered her books and such, hurrying out of the crowded area. She quietly walked down the hall, her face emotionless. The raven haired girl kept her eyes forward focused on an empty bench. She sat down, pulling out her history book, reading an article about the Persian empire. Every once in a while she would glance up from the words on the pages, observing the people that passed by. She didnt understand how everyone seemed so happy and friendly. It would all end sometime.

((Open to rp))
((Misaki's anxious personality))

Misaki kept running towards the school, not wanting to be late. But her sore body ached in protest, her vision blurred. She ran into the front doors with a loud smack, and then backed away, her whole world beginning to spin. She managed to grab ahold of the door handle and wander inside, stumbling through the halls until she tripped and collapsed on the floor in a heap.
AllThisBadBlood said:
He looked towards Ema and gave her a kind smile before looking at the clock. Would they make it? Well they could do that, but he doubted that she wanted to do it. She was too... worrisome? Or perhaps she just didn't want to take the risk. Either way he was going to try in anyway.
Yeah, we’re still going” he said with a distracted tone of voice as he looked. What was the best way to go around this? He looked around seeing all possible before looking back at the rest. He raised an eyebrow at how confused everyone was getting. For him, life was particularly 2D or flat. He had a one track mind after all. It was either yes or no flat out but everyone seemed to be so caught up in the middle.

Don’t worry – we can still go” he said in a slightly happy voice. What he wouldn’t tell her is that they would most likely be skipping class to go to the art room. But those were details, and no one really cared for them anyway. Well anyone apart from Ema that was but he’d have to distract her.


(Oh gosh you three I'm sooooo sorry how late and short these are DX)

Aria Ikeda

Aria continued her piece even though she heard the door open quietly. Her sensitive ears had picked up the noise even though the room was filled with the music. Her slender fingers moved delicately over the ivory keys as she reached the end of the song. The last note was played and she sighed. Leaning back, her hair touched the ground lightly before she sat up straight and lazily leaned against the piano.
"Someone there?" Aria asked before she unzipped her bag and took out an iced tea. Her relaxed tone and sleepy eyes made her look totally different from what most people pictured to be. You would expect someone refined and very ladylike, but instead you're met with a laid back and lazy girl.

"If you want to come in... I think" Aria put the tea down before playing a simple song as she waited for whoever sat outside of the room to come in. Her blue eyes were dull and half closed as she played the song. Aria's pale blonde hair hid her slender body as swayed as she moved to the music. Her messy bangs stuck up randomly and didn't look like she tried to fix them from when she first woke up.


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Elliot Okimoto

Elliot bit his lip and pushed up his glasses he heard the girl call out. After the short little 'someone there' Elliot stood back up, brush off his pants. He was mentally preparing himself to walk in, compliment her and everything. He realized he was taking too long by her little comment. He shook his head quickly before walking in. When he did so he was greet with a girl that looked like she just woke up rather than played such a fast paced up beat song. He raised his eyebrow looking around the room. "That was you playing?" He asked, disbelief feeling his voice. He quickly realize that could be taken the wrong. "Sorry." He mumbled, running his hand through his black hair. He shrugged it off before walking over to the piano, gently running his fingers over the slick black wood. "You're good." Was all he said before turning and looking into her sleepy eyes. "Can i ask you to play more? Or should i let you sleep?" he asked politely, not wanting to disturbed the talented girl.


Ren Okimoto

Ren continued to sit, deeply entranced into her book. History always fascinated her. The fact that people were stupid enough to make the same mistakes when they could simple open a history book and see how well it worked last time always made her wonder. Sometimes Ren thought History was her only friend. That and French. The way the beautiful word flowed out of her mouth always made her happy and relaxed. She believed everyone should speak french. After a while she was interrupted by a loud thump. She looked up and over at the pile of clothes and flesh. She looked around to see if anyone saw but the halls where clearing out and no one notice. Ren's heart beat picked up at the thought of having to help this girl. She took a deep slow breath before setting down her book and standing up. She walked over to the girl before crouching down. "Uh..." her small voice squeaked, causing her face to twist up with uneasiness. "You fell." She stated very bluntly, pointing to where the other girl was laying, not bothering to help her up.

Aria Ikeda

Aria looked at him and yawned before stretching. She didn't seemed bothered at all by his comments and just ran her finger along the keys. "Sure... what type of song do you want to hear?" She tilted her head slightly as she looked at the boy. She brought a hand up to rub her eye as she felt tired. She had recently finished a song and had been catching up on sleep so she wasn't in a foul mood all the time. Aria didn't introduce herself as she didn't feel the need as it took time away from her music. Not to mention speaking made her tired. She brushed her hair back over her shoulder and looked at the black haired boy. Suddenly a piece came to mind and she closed her eyes for a moment.

"Actually... I'll pick the song." Aria cracked her knuckles once again and then placed her hands over the keys before she began to play. It started slow and rather relaxing, before it picked up speed. Her fingers glided over the keys and the song that was produced seemed to swirl throughout the air. Her eyes were closed as she played. She didn't need to look at the keys to see which one to play. It was as if her hands and fingers knew exactly where to go in order to make the beautiful music float through the classroom and out of the open window. Aria's blonde hair gently blew in the sudden warm breeze and a small, content smile spread across her face once she ended the song.


Kyo and Ryo

Kyo and Ryo stand up and both turn to her and smile at each other thinking of the uniforms, the amount of fun they could have with those uniforms would be great. They could scare everyone with those things, for example they could act like creepy twins from horror movies or just make everyone thing they were robots which they thought this girl was starting to believe. "We do need our uniforms" "But we are going to look exactly the same" "Thats the point, we want to spook people, it will be great" "So uniforms then we go on a tour" "Yes" "Yes" "Good" They say in unison again looking to the girl in hopes she would take them to the forsaken land of the uniforms where one man goes in, and comes out a sir...the dreaded uniform place.

The twins were smiling at her there alike ness was sure to confuse the teachers and students, they could not wait to do this, it was going to be a blast, however they could not believe they never thought of this before, they just have never been to a place where you wear uniforms, Ryo always wore things lose and was more loud and Kyo liked things dapper and calm.

Kato listened to Natsuki and Ema talk and decided it was about time to take his leave, he had the information he wanted and was starting to feel like a third wheel, so he looked at both of them and said "Well, break is almost over so I should be heading back to the classroom, it was nice talking to you two, see you around then, I'll go and join both clubs this afternoon" he smiled and walked in the direction he had come from.

He entered the classroom and sat down with a heavy sigh, then he took his backpack and grabbed the notebook he reserved specifically for drawings and writings along with a pencil. He was going to spend the remaining 5 minutes of break drawing until he remembered he still didn't have a sharpener and his pencil was as dull as it was this mornin, so he stared with a frustated look at the pencil and the unfinished drawing, and decided to start writing something else, being careful that no one could see his art, as most artist, he almost never showed it to others "Most of them are pricks, they don't even know how much hard work does a drawing have, no matter how good or bad it is" He thought annoyed, he was sleepy and his foul mood was coming back after being absent all morning "Well, I guess things are coming back to normal" he thought as he lost himself in his writing.

((Sorry for the long response time, I have been really busy these two days))

@kawiibunnygirl @AllThisBadBlood
Momoko walked away, keeping the same neutral yet bored look on her delicate face. She flattened the creases in her skirt, frowning. "Ew. I hate the uniform, why can't we have a pretty, more... Girly one?" Continuing to walk Momoko makes her way to the classroom and tightens the grip on her bag with her clenching fist as she hears a crashing sound in one of the classrooms further back. "What idiot would do such a thing?"

Momoko sighed and wrapped her pinkie finger around a strand of her loose brown hair. "Maybe I could find something to do, other than going to class.. I don't need to learn about algebra, anyways. All I need to do is sew.. Sew, sew, sew. Where are the sewing machines?" She mumbled and mumbled on and on for a few minutes until she finally thought where they could be. "Ah, the art department."
kawiibunnygirl said:

Misa Yasuhara

Misa thought for a bit before suggesting that they headed to the gym to just hang out and eat. "I don't know about you, but I don't feel like history." She ran a hand through her chopped off hair and gave a smile to her friend and moved out of the way, eating her food. Normally girls wouldn't buy breads and such as they said they had lots of carbs in them, but the young Misa didn't care. The duo seemed to attract the attention of teachers that passed by the food court. They attracted attention of adults whenever they were together since they were known for their reckless acts. Misa noticed all the sweets and smiled a bit before leading the way to the gym. She yawned before taking a sip of her tea and wove in and out of the crowd.


(Oh gosh you three I'm sooooo sorry how late and short these are DX)
Mura nodded he didn't need to know history after all whats in the past is in the past and Mura only looked towards the future well to be honest he only looked towards what he was doing next. "who needs history anyway lets go do something fun" Mura said as he followed Misa. He completely ignore any and all looks from teachers ostly since he got it from everyone but these teacher were less looking at him for his height and more for the reputation him and Misa had of being reckless. Mura followed her as she wove in and out of the crowds it was harder for Mura as his size played a factor in this type of thing being larger than Misa made it so that he would pump into the odd person and by the odd person it seemed to be every other person.

((I also apologize since my post are short I just don't have the energy to make long post at the minute.))
Natsuki smiled as he took her by the hand and led the way. How daring. He hummed silently to himself as he snuck small glimpses behind him to see how Ema was doing. She really seemed like a lost rabbit didn’t she? He chuckled to himself before shaking his head and walking forward at a quicker pace when his eye landed on the clock. “We’re nearly there now” he reminded her as the made a right and came face to face with the art classroom door. He took out the keys he had in his pocket (something he wouldn’t tell anyone about) before opening the door.

We’re here” he said with a grin as he looked around. The room was still sprawled with paints and pencil colours and markers and ink and graphite. “Maybe I should have cleaned up before leaving the room” he murmured to himself whilst rubbing the back of his neck in thought. He quickly went to grab two chairs from the corner of the room and placed them into the centre. One for him and one for Ema. “Well now we’re here, you’re going to have to tell me what do you want to see?” he asked as he shuffled through canvas after canvas. Of course he had painted many things, portrait, landscape, design, scenery and people. Though he was bit reluctant to show her people so early on.

Yusa Emi:

Emi wondered into the classrooms, obviously late but she attempted to remain being unseen. She slipped into a seat next to Kusai Kato, turning to him and nodding her head in a greeting. She got out her things for next lesson and started to fiddle with her hair, slightly bored with the classroom being reasonably empty. She turned to look at the person beside her, observing his gentle features. His light fluffy hair fell over the rim of his black glasses and Emi felt a light flush spread over her cheeks and her heartbeat increase rapidly. "H-howdy!" She grinned, then noticed that he was busy writing. "Oh... sorry, i didn't realize that you were busy"

Misa Yasuhara

Misa looked back at Mura and waited for him to get out of the crowd. She knew that he had problems when weaving in and out of tightly packed rooms so she would wait or 'rescue' him before too many people bothered him. When was glad that he wanted to accompany her to the gym and hang out while the boring lesson would be taking place.
"Ugh why does school have to be so long? I mean the only good rumors that go on here are the ones about Aria" Misa said referring to the gifted musician that attended their school. Misa had only seen her a couple times at school since she lived in the music room. "Though I heard that there is a little genius who just transferred or something" She scratched the back of her head and finished her bread, tossing her trash into the trash bin.


Ema Yasuhara

Ema held Natsuki's hand as he took her to the art room. She of course couldn't help the blush that had spread across her cheeks as they walked. Soon they reached the art room and Ema looked around at all the colors. She didn't mind that it was messy since her own art studio was quite messy. She sat down in the chair that Natsuki had pulled up for her and she watched as he flipped through all of his art.
"I don't mind what you show me Natsuki, I-I'm sure all of your art is beautiful" Ema said and shyly looked around the room once again. Her green eyes were bright once again as she saw the drying paintings of other students. She loved seeing people paint since it was so beautiful once completed. She preferred all types of paints and pastels, making lovely art pieces.

Momoko strutted her way in to class after walking around the large school building for a few minutes, angered by the fact that she couldn't find any sewing machines and being caught by the teachers, being told to go back to class. Despite it not being lunchtime she takes out a box of grapes, strawberries, raisins and cherries, and begins to eat them, taking small bites as that was apparently the etiquette of the people of Rococo.

@Emi @Darekk
Kato was so focused in his writing he only realized that a girl had just arrived to the classroom when she sat down and greeted him, he put down his pencil and stuffed his things in the backpack, he hadn't been able to write a word since he seemed to have a serious case of writer's blockage, so he decided he'd try and talk to this girl and save his writing for later.

So he put his backpack on the ground and was about to start talking to her as another girl entered the classroom, sat down and started to eat what seemed to be as a fruit mix. Kato decided to pass on this fact for now and looked at the girl that was seated in front of him, she seemed to be nice enough and well, he had discovered while thinking about what to write that he needed someone to talk to desesperately at this school, so why not?. "Hey, I didn't see when you entered the classroom, I'm Kato nice to meet you. And I'm not busy anymore, I wasn't writing much anyways, seems like I got a case of writer's block" He said while smiling at her.

@Emi @Sunkissed
Momoko glanced up a little bit, looking down at her food and then back up again, beginning to stare. Nothing but white noise was around to her, despite there being so many conversations in the classroom at that time. She takes out a sketchbook, lined with her crochet and sewing work, along with a few drawings of future designs of dresses she was planning to create for the new fashion line in 'Baby the stars shine bright'. After flipping through to the latest blank page, she places a pink pencil in her hand and draws one of her 'dream outfit.' Those were the things Lolitas did, you see. After looking up dresses and accessorises online, they choose out the prettiest, most expensive ones in the shop, and save up for them. When they finally get enough money, they stomp their petty shoes on each others dresses.

...Wasn't that normal?

@Darekk @Emi

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