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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War

@KurtH6355, it's only slowing down because we decided it best to wait a millenium for someone. But it's fine. I suppose it was bound to end some time or another. I'll just fond another one. Do you think there is another one that isn't already six foot under?
Oops, I gotta go. I'll finish my post when I'm off. I get off in... um... ahehehe... a few hours.... ^-^;

Anyway, byyyye! xD
Yeah... this might take me a bit longer than expected, pushing past 12000 words now...
I got freaking bored, okay? And then once I was started, I was like... Okay, I'll stop at 5000 words, my brain basically slapped me and was like, Bitch, no! This is good, at least, to us, keep going!
Well... I'm only on 19 now... using a smaller font. But hey~ I'm gonna kill 'em, that is of course... if Bambie approves motioning the post forward... It'd be interesting to read, sure... But, it could, like I said, either ruin the story, or open it up for a sequel that'd be taking it away a bit from the true origin of the actual thing, turning it almost into a different category.
that's why I'm running this by big boss first. I mean, it doesn't directly affect the plot... But, I feel like it'd just be awkward to post.
You've put a lot of work in it, so I say keep at it. Worse comes to worse, you can just post it as a prose or put it on fictionpress.
I suppose so. Damn, xD It'd really suck if days worth of work got shot down... lol.

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