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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War

All demons have been tagged, my post is up and Light is vulnerable.
Maaaaan, school is turning into an absurd time consumer for me! Have I missed anything super duper important? Am I late? I just started reading the posts I've missed, though, so that's still something xD
If you've read up on it, then no, not really.
ChristinaXIV said:
If you've read up on it, then no, not really.
Well, currently I'm on the first post of the near-to-last page¬ I guess I'll have read them by, let's say, twenty minutes(?). I have no idea!


Malphaestus said:
Srs stuffs are happenung


WeabooTrash said:
Well, currently I'm on the first post of the near-to-last page¬ I guess I'll have read them by, let's say, twenty minutes(?). I have no idea!

Yes... A terrible fate indeed, to be so weird is to destroy one's soul.j
I'm good... Don't wanna be like that... >.>
ChristinaXIV said:
You boys are so weird.
Well... Weird = Wonderful Excellent Interesting Rare Diverse, so... Thank you~

Malphaestus said:
We are normal.
Shhhhhhhhhh! Stop lying! *slaps your mouth with index finger* (Yes, that was just a bitchslap.)

(I will delay my reading and reply of this RP for a couple of minutes until I'm finished with catching up with a vampire one~ (Have some mercy~~~ It just started and... VAMPIRES.)

ChristinaXIV said:
I'm good... Don't wanna be like that... >.>
Oh, I know you want to~ Who doesn't wish to be WEIRD?
Yay! More posting... And I get to just chill until something has happened that will probably lead to a longer post for Light.
ChristinaXIV said:
Yay! More posting... And I get to just chill until something has happened that will probably lead to a longer post for Light.
Yup ^^

Just trying to get some info on what is going on as of now. I know A'Merie and Light are about to part way's. but what exactly happened since I was gone? @.@

And sorry for having you wait so long love >.<
They've parted ways, the demon opened a portal to earth as Deux was trying to convince her, and with the loss of his wings, she flapped her injured ones and escaped the teleportation below. Light has decided to remain in hell and has now reached the demonic city, she's currently lying down in a sewers, gathering her thoughts. Deux is on Earth... That's 'bout it for my characters.
A'Merie should have fallen through the portal... >.>
I'm gonna be at a friend's house since I'm sorta split between characters and my reply is gonna require both sides of locations to respond.

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