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Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

Sarah growled in frustration, panting. She was freezing and she knew he was too. She picked him up by the scruff, dragging him under a tree. The snow was so thick now that it was like their own little club they had, the ones her mother used to make with her. She placed him against the tree and laid beside him, their body's tangled together to keep warm. Her back was to the snow, it piling against her back and closing them off. "S-Sin, are you okay?" she stuttered, shaking. Most of her warmth was against her stomach, Sin taking most of it but she wouldn't say anything. She licked his fur of the bloody icicles, hoping to find the wounds.
Sin grumbled as he was drag, growling weakly as he was moved around. He wanted to stay where he was, not be a toy for some unknown creature! Sin stuggled weakly against her, his mind more or less gone for the moment. He laid still for a moment as they got to the tree, even letting her get a few licks in. But his actual instincts told him that they would die here. Using a little strength, he shoved himself to his feet and limped off. He found a small den about 50 yards away. More exactly, it was the one Sarah had killed the cat in!

Sin trotted inside, and collapsed inside. It was so much warmer then outside, and neither had to freeze. Sin crawled into a corner and relaxed, his mind started to shut down. His body was momentarily satisfied with his surroundings and they would survive the night at least.
Sarah was starting to freeze up, the pads between her toes having ice stuck to her fur and cutting into her. She whimpered and whined, his shove so angry and mean. She let out a soft and sad bark, lying back into his spot. It was warmer but not by much. She let out a breath, the dark of sleep covering over her. It was too much to move, knowing he would call for others. He had to...she let out her own measly howl and dropped her head back into the snow, sleeping silently under the piling snow.
Sin laid in the dark warmth for a moment, and it was enough to return some of his wits for the time being. He noticed that Sarah wasn't with him, and he went outside to find her, he found her buried in the show, and dragged her inside. Every step made him whimper in pain, but he wouldn't leave her. He had made a choice, use his strength to send out a weak howl which might not be heard or save Sarah. For the moment, Sarah had one.

Once inside, he licked her icy fur, melting it with his hot breath. He gently licked the ice off her toes and the back of her fur, her legs. He was so gentle as he licked her, then he started to lick on her belly, but he stopped shyly. He didn't want her to snap at him. Wait...her...who was her? Sin's chest tightened painfully. He couldn't think, not anymore, he cried out in agony as he fell to the floor, his vision blurred as he too passed out. Outside, the snow wildly lashed out, snowing them in.
Sarah moaned but it was warmer. She managed to wake up enough to see him. He'd pulled her back into the cave, one that smelt familiar...yes she'd killed a cat in here. Sin had found her here. It was so much warmer and her paws felt better. She saw his tongue flick up her legs and her belly and she licked the top of his head in thanks.

She jumped when he yelped in pain. She sat up, shaking in the effort. With her last bits of strength, she tugged him away from the mouth of the cave, her head atop his when she fell back asleep. Was he mad at her still? Why did he save her? She thought of Sin, sweet Sin, back in the bed, her hand atop his bare chest. She let out an affectionate rumble and fell asleep.
Sin snoozed for what seemed like days. With the cold air around them, and the dirty in the air, he did not recover like he should. He was just as sick as he was the day before, but by the time noon rolled around, the snow had stopped. Now Sin and Sarah were stuck inside the cave, the entrance snowed in tightly.
Sarah curled up, knowing this was how Wolves in the Artic slept. They dug into the deep snow and let it cover them, the little den in the snow filling with their warm air and protecting them from the snow. It was a lot safer in here than it was out there. Sarah crawled over to him, sniffing at his ears and whining. "Sin? Sin, are you okay?" she whispered, not wanting to wake him if he was asleep. She just hoped to everything that he wouldn't snap at her like before.
The alpha yawned as he rolled over, scratching his belly in a relaxed way, opening his eyes and lookin around. "This is not my room....I don't remember how I got her...", he noticed Sarah, "hey you"
Sarah lifted her head, now a human. Her hands and sides were bloodied but most wasn't from her but him. She had a few cuts in her shoulders, a pebble stuck in it and preventing her from healing and her hands looked a little blue towards the palms but she was well overall. "Hey, you. Thought you wouldn't make it overnight," she dropped her head back on the ground, letting out a low moan of pain as she dragged herself to the wall and propped herself up.
Sin snorted as if he was heavily offended. "I'm an alpha. No little snow is ganna kill me. Besides you look worse then I do", he was starting to get use to lieing to her. He also shifted and grunted softly, sitting next to her he looked a her shoulder. "We should do something about that..."
She shrugged then winced. "It doesn't matter. I'm just another pawn in the game. You're the one who's gotta get looked at first, even if all you got is a hangnail," she laughed softly, still groggy from sleeping. She leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. "I'm so sorry," she whispered. "It's my fault, Sin. Please, don't run away again."
Sin reached his hand to the injured shoulder. "What this", he said softly as his finger changed to a wolf's nail. Only the nail though, demonstrating the amazing control that he had. "I have to dig that pebble out, otherwise you'll get an infection. We can't do anything for me, but I can at least get it out of your shoulder, then it will heal and you'll be alright.", he said pointing at her shoulder. He added in a more gentle voice, "Your not just some pawn Sarah...every life means at least something more then that"
A laugh escaped her, nodding to him to pull out the stupid pebble. "It doesn't matter. We're gonna get out of here and then you're going to go back to be an Alpha, and I an Omega. If I was a Beta, sure. If I was another Alpha, great. But I'm not. I'm some Runaway that so happened to stumble into the right side of the mountain and got lucky by taking the place Omega. So just take the stupid pebble out and I can start to dig us out," she spoke in a flat and emotionless tone.
"Oh shut up with the moppy bullshit. This isn't the sarah that I know so get over it. Your an omega yes, but I sure you there is a lot more worse fates to befall you.", he grabbed her arm and slowly stread it out so he could see the pebble better in the slow life. Digging into the flesh, he fished it out, a new wave of bleeding came from the wound, but with it now removed it would heal. "Be glad this isn't a bullet or silver. Oh god...or a silver bullets. Those burn from the inside out.", he lifted his shirt and showed a strange blue-black colored scar in his side. "Always avoid them..."
Sarah groaned in pain, her shoulder burning. "Geezum crow, Sin!" her hands shook a bit but she clenched her teeth to keep from snarling at him. She sighed, putting her head back against the cave wall. When he lifted his shirt, she let out a gasp. "God, Sin, you...you were shot?! When?!" she sat up, eyes wide, wincing. "Are you alright?" her shoulder forgotten.
Sin laughed gently. "This? It's old. Years old. When the pack was attacked by hunters. It doesn't hurt anymore but they always leave these sorts of scars.", he rubbed gently over the old wound. "But sometimes it stil burns, silver bullets are worse then death..."
Closing her eyes, Sarah sighed softly. "What-Nevermind. You can tell me when we survive," she pulled away a bit, shifting, almost tiredly. Her fur on her shoulder was matted with dried blood but the wounds looked near closed now. She sniffed at the snow and began digging, her grey and black speckled paws naturally finding small weaknesses in the snow and digging.
Sin shifted and walked next I her giving her shoulder a small bit of lacks to sooth it. He yawned gently and also started to HELP dig. His massive paws moving twice as much as her; but his weak state made him twice as slow...
She grunted in appreciation but kept going at it, Sin moving slow but almost as good as her. "Lay down. I can do it," she nipped at his ear once, not wanting to anger him but wanting to get the message across.
Alec laid lazily in his bed. After the Alpha had dismissed his meeting, one of the nicer members of the pack showed him to an empty room in the west wing of the mansion like home. While he was grateful that Sin decided not to kick him and the others out of his pack, he still wanted to go home. 'Mom and Josh are probably worried out of their minds,' he thought as he traced a tiny crack in the ceiling with his eyes. He didn't want to stay amongst the strangers; even the people who he was locked in cell with. He hardly knew anybody and as of then he was bored out of his mind. With a heavy sigh, he dragged himself off his bed and left The Den. The snow was coming down heavily then, but he just zipped up his aviator jacket and tucked his hands in the deeper into its pockets.

As a human the cold hadn't bothered him much, but it seemed that after turning into a werewolf Alec became even more resistant to the frigid climate. Snow crunched underfoot as he easily tread through the snow, his feet making slight indents in the frozen water. Walking deeper and deeper into the forested area, he had no idea where he was going, but continued on not caring. He didn't plan on running away or anything of the sort, but he wanted to go for a walk. Some may think he was crazy to want to in the freezing conditions, but he didn't mind; the slight sting of the cold hardly bothered him and seemed to wake him up from his earlier daze. He stopped suddenly at the sound of shifting snow. If it weren't for his now enhanced hearing he wouldn't have heard a thing.

Alec released his hands from their warm confine and turned in a small circle trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. An arch of grey caught his eye and he stopped in his tracks. At first he passed it off as just a big rock covered in snow, but when the sound continued, he hesitantly made his way over. He started to pick up the sound of muffled voices, but as he got closer he was able to make them out. "Holy-" he started then quickly made his way over to mound of snow and rock. "Hey! What's your name... Sarah! Sin! Is that you, guys?"
Sin snarled back at Sarah, "And you have a hurt shoulder but we both need out of here. I'm not a defenseless pup. I'm an alpha for a reason." He continued to dig, finally hitting rock and a tiny bit of sunlight. With a last heavy push and shift of rock, the den entrance tumbled out, and light flooded into the den. Sin didn't waste a moment as he launched out of the den into the day, nearly tackling Alec. Sin snarled and shook the fur and rocks from his fur looking around.

He looked at Alec with a raised eyebrow.
Eyela stumbles along her trail wounded and starving half to death. She leans on a tree as she loses her balance trying to correct herself. She stumbles not realizing she entered a pack territory. She travels only a little ways before her entire body collapses. She lays on the ground shivering. Her body mutating to a wolf then back human. This process keeps repeating and she cries in pain as her bones rapidly switch positions loud enough for the whole territory to hear. Her body jolts as she switches and she howls as the pain gets stronger and slowly consumes her very soul.
Sin lets out a snarl, his ears picking up a distant sound and his nose picking up a unknown scent. He trotted off toward the sound, letting out a warning growl in case it was a rival pack member. His tail was high in the air, displaying his dominance as he closed in on the unknown foe. As Eyela came into view the alpha paused for a moment. He stepped over to her, tower over her really, his wolf form massive and dark as night. His eyes mis-matched in color felt like they stared into her soul. "Who are you?"
The girl/wolf just kept changing as tears ran down her face(s) she looked up at the male" help I can't stop! whats going on to my body!??!" She cried as she grabbed/clawed at the ground trying to control her self but being very unsuccessful as the changes grew even more violent and she clamped her mouth together extremely hard to force herself not to scream. Tears running down her face
Sin snarled lowly, calling to the wolf that fought against it's human body. The alpha's snarl was almost hypnotic, able to reach the werewolf within even when it was not the dominant form. Sin's eyes flashed dangerous as he commanded the wolf to calm down. When a werewolf panics, it is unable to keep a form, when their wolf panics, if violently tries to take control. Sin's goal was to calm her inner wolf so it would stop fighting so hard for dominant control.

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