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Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

She looked around fear tearing through any other emotion she may have right now. She slowed her breathing trying to calm but the bodes kept switching. She slowly looked up at him and her eyes locked with his. He looked so calm somewhat a glimmer of caring in his eyes. The switching slowed as she calmed gaining control of her body. Her wolf form had wolf form calmed and looked at him thankfully."wh-what am I?" She said as tears continued. She was terrified just laying there and panting heavily. How? She thought over and over in. Here mind." How do I become me again." She somewhat demanded but not too fiercely knowing this male was still more dominant and this was his territory.
Alec slightly stumbled backwards to avoid the older man as the alpha came barreling out of the small den. He scrowled when he regained his footing, shaking snow off his shoes since some had gotten in them. He crossed his arms and opened his mouth to ask questions he felt needed answering, but before he had the chance to say anything a pained cry rang through the air. He watched Sin race off in the direction of the voice for a moment before making his division. "Is everyone in some kind of danger today or something?" he muttered to himself before shifting into his wolf and running after Sin.

He stopped besides the alpha and gazed at the person that wa sprawled on the ground before them. She kept shifting between her forms uncontrollably. Alec couldn't help but feel concern for the girl. The pain she was obviously feeling made him cringe before he heard a snarl come from the alpha next to him. He tensed, the large head of his wolf shifted to shoot a glance at Sin before he shifted into his human form and crossed his arms over his chest. He watched the girl, trying to carefully reign in his concern, but the stranger's tears tugged at his heart.
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"Please what is this?!" She exclaimed as another whine escaped her wolf throat. She was exhausted. If these wolves decided to attack she wouldn't even be able to move her head enough to bite." Don't attack me. I am weak I haven't had food for days and very little water. Please just tell me whats going on. I want someone to explain this to me." She said pain coursing through her body. How could she be a wolf? And speaking their language???
Sin gave a soft sigh, and scratched his ear with his back paw in a very nonessential, calm fashion. "Seems that rouge wolf has made another one. We really need to fix this problem. Anyway. Your a werewolf kid. No we don't attakc life stock, no we don't shift under a fool moon, no we are not large dogs. We are a dignified race. I am Sin, leader of the Clearwater pack. The pack who's territory you stumbled upon in fact. This is Alec", he pointed at the male, "And sarah iss....doing Sarah things I'm sure. Alec, why don't you assist this......guest back to the den?", the alpha said. After all the excitement, his sickness and exhaustion had caught up with him. His shoulder slumped and he leaned forward in such a fashion he nearly flopped over in the snow. He continued to try to seem strong, but he was simply to weak for such displays.

"By the way? What is your question again? I feel it buzzing at the edge of your mind, so, out with it", the alpha said in a soft, tired manner.
" how do I turn back? How is this possible? Why did I change??" She asks all at once. Her body trembling as she spoke. She clenched her whole aching body into a ball. Her claws dug into the ground and tail wrapped around her snout. She looked at him terrified and closed her eyes.
Sarah rolled her shoulders, popping from the hole in the snow, blood dried but one stray drop left a red stain in the white. "Still going on about that dog comment, huh?" she rolled her eyes, voice sarcastic yet relieved they were alive and well. She moved up, pressed her shoulder against his lightly, hoping to take some of his weight so he'd feel better but didn't make it too obvious. In case he was trying to play Tough Alpha in front of the newcomer. "She a Runaway like us? If she is, what do you think the other's will say?" she frowned, looking the poor sod up and down.
When introduced to the newcomer, Alec gave a slight head nod in her direction. He took a step toward her, but stopped and looked back at Sin and Sarah. "I'll help the girl," he said with a jerk of his head in her direction. "You and your girlfriend go on ahead because, truthfully Sin? You look like shit. You need some rest. Both of you." He looked pointedly at Sarah, showing that he thought she needed just as much rest as Sin. Turning back to the girl, Alec strode over to where she was shaking in the snow, the body of her wolf quivering. He stood over her and regarded the werewolf.

"First of all, you need to calm down. If you're freaking out so much how can you expect to shift?" He let his advice hang in the air for a moment before adding, "Calm down and breathe. All of your questions will be answered soon."
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The young she-wolf tried but couldn't. This was all so strange and she couldn't understand it. She was still quite panicky but forced herself to atleast stop shaking. She was to weak to stand never mind walk. Her eyes started to close and her body shut down. The exhaustion was too much but she forced herself to keep awake knowing it would kill her, litterally, to fall asleep. "I'm dying of exhaustion..." She whispered to the male. And her tongue lolled, her eyes only slits.
"Dangit," Alec muttered seeing what was happening to the girl. He squatted down and said, "Hey, don't fall asleep or close your eyes or anything like that, okay?" Panic had started to build in him, but he carefully pushed it down, knowing that him freaking out wouldn't help the girl. "Try looking at me, okay? Or at least just keep listening to my voice. To shift into your human form, work with your wolf. You and it are one now so don't try to fight it." He wasn't sure she understood what he was getting at and he popped his knuckles anxiously. He himself was relatively new to the whole werewolf deal, but he tried to explain the feeling as best as he could to the girl in front of him.

"Try remembering how it felt to be human; what it felt like to walk and talk. Picture how you look. Your wolf will understand what you want. Work with it. I know it's all confusing and terrifying and that you're really tired, but try." Alec rubbed his hands together nervously, hoping she understood him and didn't pass out. He didn't want her dying out there without even knowing her name.
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Sin pulled away from Sarah, his fur stood on end and he startled at Alec, "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!", there was a terrifying amount of absoluteness to his voice. Then again, with so many females constantly pushing themselves on him, could you really blame him for being so resistant? He stepped away from Sarah, he couldn't show weakness. Weakness got people killed, it kicked alphas off it's thrown, it attracted dangerous attention.

Sin snapped at Alec's heel. He didn't strike the limb, but it was close enough to feel his hot breath. "I will not be talked down to by you. I suggest you check your attitude before you really get into trouble.", he snorted and stepped away letting Alec deal with the new comer. He refused to let the runaways get to cocky, they were entering a new world and that world had seriously strict rules. He circled around, seeing the bad state that she was in. His tail flicked around as he thought. "Holly an help her.", he turned and trotted off toward the den. His steps were uneven, and he was so tired. He waited for Sarah and Alec. He kept alert for any other danger that might arrive through the icy woods.
She sighed and looked at him. "I will try but either way it won't help." Said half to herself she remembered humans and her appearance she remembered what it felt like. All the different things. Her body finally have in and shifted back to human. She shivered feeling the snow against her body and curled up in a ball. She looked up at the male. "Now what? I'm still dying." She said her voice almost a whisper. Her eyelids felt like rocks were hanging off of them still fighting to keep awake.
Alec looked back at Sin with a startled expression at his outburst. "Jeez, you don't have to bite my head off," he grumbled. He eyed the way the alpha moved away from Sarah and muttered under his breath, "Could have fooled me." He turned back to face the newcomer, but jumped up from his squatted position when Sin snapped at the air around his heels. "Alright, alright. I got it; you're the big bad alpha. I'll back off," Alec said begrudgingly.

He waited until Sin had left to focus his full attention on the girl. At her words, he nodded encouragingly for her to try shifting. Just remembering the first time he shifted made a scowl present on his face. He didn't often feel scared, but during that moment he had. Not understanding where he was and what had happened to him freaked him out. Unlike some of the other turned werewolves, he had woken up as his wolf. He thought he was going crazy and his newly heightened senses had been attacked. He was able to see, hear, and smell things that before he'd never been able to and at the time, he didn't understand why. Now he did. At first Alec denied the possibility of being a werewolf, but what better proof could there have been than him having been a four-legged furry animal?

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the stranger's voice. Looking down at her he said, "That's where I come in." He unzipped his aviator jacket, his blue Hollister plaid shirt becoming visible, and sat on his haunches. With one arm, he held her upper body against his shoulder and wrapped his jacket around her shoulders, carefully putting her arms through the sleeves. Satisfied with his work, Alec picked her up bridal style and started his walk back to The Den.
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Sin walked in front, his tell up high to clearly show dominance. There was something about Alec that made Sin feel like he had to be on high alert, just like he was around Sarah. Getting caught with her outside the den had snapped him back to his senses. He had been acting like a lost pup, and that was no way to be an alpha. Things were not easy in life, so why had he wanted them to be? Why did he want to have nice things when life made it obvious he was nothing more then an alpha. He made powerful, defined steps as he saw the den.

He called to Holly with his mind, and by the time they arrived at the den Holly was standing outside with a large blanket. "Bring her to my room for now", Holly said softly. She led Alec inside the den to her room. Sin stayed outside, staring at the blank cold wasteland. His mind was heavily shielded, preventing even Sarah from nudging him mentally for a private conversation.
Sarah looked down, blushing redder than ever before. She let out a soft whimper, turning her head away, eyes burning. He didn't...She wasn't...He was shoving her away both mentally and physically. Her heart dropped as she realized she did care about him. More than anyone else. A choking gasp left her lips and she turned and ran, more like stumbled, away.
Sin sat on the steps outside, staring blankly into the vast nothingness. He was so tired, but he felt like now was not the time to retreat to his room and sleep. He had been caught outside of the den with Sarah, and that was a huge problem. His mind raced as he tried to make sense of it all, then, he just went inside. He sat down on the couch, turning the Tv on with his nose and watching a new episode of Pokemon. His tail wagged gently at the colorful characters.

Before long, several females had appeared at his side, more interested in him then the TV. They licked at his ears and nuzzled at him trying to get a shred of attention from the alpha. After all, Alpha Female had an amazing ring to it.
Sarah had taken the long route, circling around the mansion until she found her own room. She shifted, her shoulder pink with the new scars that would fade soon and blood matted in her hair and clothes. She sniffled, on the verge of sobbing. She was so tired and sore all over and bloodied and the one person she'd cared about had rejected her and shoved her away. She climbed through her window, landed on her bed and curled under the covers, not caring how horrible she felt or looked.
-she sighed as he picked her up. Looking up into his eyes as he focused his vision on the land infront. "Th-thanks." She said still losing her energy bit by bit.

She clenched her body as a searing pain shot from her brain to her feet. Her consciousness slowly started fading as pain consumed her body. Her vision blurred and all feeling had left her body.'so this is what it feels like to die?' She thinks to herself and slowly lays her head against the males chest.
Alec nodded, signifying that he had heard the girl. Feeling her stiffen in his arms, he looked down at her and his jaw clenched as she leaned against his chest. He quickened his pace back to The Den, though careful not to jostle the weak girl. He didn't know what she went through or if she had any injuries that he couldn't spot. Seeing the large mansion-like home come into view Alec felt a bit of his unease somewhat decrease. 'I don't know what happened to this girl, but I hope she doesn't die,' he thought, nodding mutely at a dark-haired older girl. He followed her inside The Den and into a bedroom. Striding over to the unoccupied bed, he gently set the girl down on it.
-she felt her body put down on a bed. She clenches into a ball. Looking up at the blurry man she almost whisper the word 'help' as he lets go of her and she grabs his arm hazily looking into his eyes. "Please make this all stop. Help me fix this." She says and her eyes begin to close as she once again mumbles help
((Due to the Dead End this has hit, I am going to time skip tell one week later))

One Week Later

Holly had taken good care of the mysterious girl. As a doctor, Holly was the best there was, she was only surpassed by her caring quality. She had worked around the clock to save the mysterious girl, using IC to rehydrate her and making sure she was well fed and rested. Holly did her best to juggle everything, while also taking care of the twins Lily and Dash, both of which still never said a word and refused to leave each other. The girl was now strong enough to move about the den on her own, although she got the same gold shoulders as the rest of the runaways.

Now, Holly was standing in the kitchen cooking french toast for everyone. The twins clung to the end of her apron, fallowing her every move. She didn't mind the two, they were quiet and kept mostly to themselves. They had formed a bond with Holly, often running to her when another wolf scared them or if they felt they needed something. Holly worried about the twin's parents, as well as the families of the rest of the new wolves.


Sin had made a full recovery for the moment. He walked in the door, just getting off an overnight shift at the diner. On his shoulder perched Crest, the raven plucked at his wings absentmidedly. Not that Sin got a moment to rest, he no sooner took his shoes off that two females had found him. Each one sitting at his side. The Alpha gave a small sigh as he tried to untie his shoe in peace.

"Please come back to my room Sin. We can...have some fun", she purred in his ear. The other female mouthed the word 'whore'. The two girls exchanged a series of dirty looks.

"No thanks.", he said softly.

"Why don't we go out to the meadow then?", pipped in the other as if going somewhere else would allow her to lure him into a trap. He always was perched by the females of his pack, and he always rejected him. Sin tried so many times to turn then on other males, but it was hard to for them to ignore such a open opportunity. Sin got his other shoe untied, knowing Sarah would walk by any second and most likely start something. Sin silently wished she would.
-I could now walk and was healing from the near death experience. My legs were still wobbly and I used a form of crutches to move around while in human. Me and my wolf had now bonded and we learned to work together to live, to hunt, to fight, to survive. I was walking around outside, bored as usual knowing my only 'friend' as I considered him, was the man who had saved me. I didn't really fit in with the group, but I respect my 'alpha'. It was very hard to survive the last week and I, technically speaking, died twice and had to be revived. Life was sure a struggle, but I made it. I had now learnt the males name who helped keep me alive which was Alec. I saw him outside while I was walking and called out to him. "Alec! Wanna hang out?" I asked whilst walking towards him with a playful grin across my face.
Sarah had gotten through another dead day at work? Great. She sat up, eyes bruised from little sleep. What Sin had said to her actually hurt her. She barely ate now but enough to keep her alive. She'd push herself to the limits every day and night, patrolling ad training until she bled and then crawled in her window and slept. It had it's benefits though; she was fit, strong and able to take down anyone. But it didn't appeal to her at all. Sin threw her away like she was another one of those girls. To him she was just another girl. So she forced herself out of bed, to make a point. She dressed herself and, like everyday, she acted like he didn't exist. She walked out, right past him with too sleezy hoes, and back to the kitchen without even a glance.
Sin managed to get his other shoe off, finally snapping at them once Sarah walked by. "LEAVE ME ALONE!", he snapped at them. Although they didn't flee in fear, they snorted at him, retreating down a hallway. He knew they would come back, they ALWAYS did. He had noticed Sarah working hard. He also felt her emotional turmoil. Since that day, Sin didn't let anyone near him, not even Holly. He took extra shifts at work to avoid it all, only to come home more tired then before and deal with it all.

He stood up and headed to inside garden, unknowingly fallowing Sarah. Sin's mind was not in connection with his feet to which fallowed after Sarah. He had shunned her, and he regretted it every day. But he had to. If Alec had told anyone, he knew the females would have attacked Sarah...no...they would have KILLED her. To have an outsider come in and steal the thrown they had been feverishly pining after for years. They would have circled her in a group and tore her to shreds like the wolves they were born as. Sarah could have taken one, maybe two, but not a whole pack of crazy females. He so badly wanted Sarah to see that.
Sarah stopped, taking a bite into the apple, she'd snagged. It was simple sugars and carbs, something her Wolf could use but not what it wanted. No she craved red meat. A steak perhaps...Medium Rare, how she used to eat it... Memories flooded back of her friends, going out to eat and the comfort of working in her little cubical and her tiny apartment...A low whimper escaped her throat as she took the last bite of her apple. "That's not Sarah anymore. She's dead," she growled, it sounding nothing like her. With that, she shifted and burst of running into the woods.
Alec woke up in a cold sweat, clutching at his throat. His ragged breathing filled the empty silence that had previously encompassed his room. There was no personality to the room besides the dark aviator jacket draped over the end of the bed. The dim lighting of the room indicated that the sun was barely rising. Alec closed his eyes and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "Dammit," he cursed under his breath. He flung the thick comforter off, starting to feel stifled and overheated. With silent footsteps he tread over to his attached bathroom and showered.

After showering, Alec dressed and went into the game room. He plopped down on the vacant couch, grabbing the remote off the coffee table in the process. He flipped through the channels for the next few hours until he heard the residents of The Den begin to stir. He got up from where he was sprawled, tossing the remote onto the couch and leaving the TV playing on a random channel. Alec wandered into the kitchen where Holly was cooking breakfast and the two tiny twins followed her around. Although he felt dead on his feet, he flashed a smile Holly's direction and quickly snagged a french toast.

He ate the small breakfast as he walked outside. It was still cold and the ground was covered in snow, but the sun was shining. The warm rays on his skin felt good and battled against the cold Alec could barely feel. Having finished off the french toast, a heavy sigh left him as he lifted his face toward the sun with his eyes closed. The images of his nightmare caused him to clench his teeth and an angry look to come over his face. The dream wasn't just a nightmare, it was filled with memories.

The sound of his name being called snapped him out of his bitter reminiscence. Alec glanced over in the direction of the familiar voice and saw Eyela make her way over to him. His previously sour expression was replaced with one of amusement. "Shouldn't you be resting? We don't want you dropping dead or passing out again," he teased lightly.

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