+++And Then Everything Stopped+++

Dylan laughed a little when he saw Melody wiggling around in the beanbags. He sat next her and began to scroll down, "See Anything that you like ?" He asked her with a small smile on his face. His night had been so much fun, and he was glad he couldn't end it with watching a movie with a very nice girl he had just met, who's name was Melody.
Melody watched him scroll down through the menu. She wished she could read his mind and see what kind of genres he liked. She hoped he was a typical guy that liked action and horror and the like, because she loved those kinds of movies. But she didn't want to pick out a horror movie and have it be weird if he didn't like them, so instead she pointed out a movie in the action section. "I heard that one was good."
Dylan nodded and smiled in agreement. "That is such a good movie!" He exclaimed as he clicked it. He looked at the buffer, and then over to Melody. "What are your favorite genres?" He asked her curiously. "Mine are probably horror and action." He told her with a slight chuckle.
Melody's jaw dropped. "No way!" She exclaimed. "Me too!" She grinned hugely. "I can go for comedy every so often too, but throw in any romance and I'm totally out. I can't stand that mushy-gushy stuff!" She stuck her tongue out in a vomiting motion and then giggled. "No thanks, I'll stick to blood and gore!"
Dylan smiled widely, "Really?? That's so awesome!!" he said with an enthusiastic expression. "I'm the same!! Give me action, and a good story line and I'm basically set for life!" he added wit a little chuckle. "But when there's girly romance with all of the he-said-she-said I'm out." he told her with a huge smile. As the movie started, he looked at her, and softly dimmed the lights, giving the room a 'movie theater' effect. He beamed with excitement as the movie prologue started.
Melody noticed him dim the lights and looked back up to the screen. During all of their talking, the movie had loaded and was starting. Smiling a little, she settled more into her beanbag and watched the movie's opening. This was a movie she'd never seen before, and she hoped it was as good as the preview had made it out to be.
Throughout the movie, Dylan jerked and moved as the scenes continued. Halfway through the movie, he looked over at Melody and smile, realizing that he had met a very good friend. He looked back to the movie, and settled back into his bean bag. He loved this movie, and it was even better than the previews showed it to be.
Melody saw him glance over out of the corner of her eye, smiling a little. He turned his attention back to the movie and a while later the credits started rolling. "That was sooo awesome!" She said, looking over. "It was way better than I thought it was going to be!"
Dylan nodded, "I agree!! It was a really awesome movie." he said, as he stretched his arms out a little bit. "Do you want to.." he stooped and paused, then shook his head. "No.." he looked up her and shrugged, "I was wondering if you wanted to watch another movie." he asked her, with a small blush.
Melody wondered what he was really going to ask. Blushing a little as well, she nodded. "Okay," she agreed. "You pick this time." She gave him a small smile.
Dylan smiled, glad she had agreed, and hadn't asked about what his first question was. "Ok, I am going to pick it now." He said as he scrolled through the movies. He finally found one, and clicked it quickly. He had picked the movie "Falling Skies." "Don't be afraid to jump.." He said, telling her it was ok to be scared, although he guessed she wouldn't get scared.
"Ha!" She said, crossing her arms. "Me, scared? Noooo Waaay! But if you wanna hide behind a pillow at any time, or scream like a girl, go for it!" She smiled as she teased, hoping he wouldn't take it the wrong way. She turned her attention back to the screen. Awhile later, she realized the movie was a little bit scary after all. Only a little... Ok a lot. And of course, even though she said it wasn't going to happen, she jumped at a scary part, practically burying her head in Dylan's chest. A moment later, she realized what she'd done and pulled away, blushing like crazy. "I-I'm sorry!"
Dylan shuttered throughout a few parts in the movie. When he felt Melody burrying her head in his chest, he wrapped his arm around her back. "It's ok Melly." He said as he paused the movie, "You want to keep watching, or choose a different movie?" He asked her, not really caring what they did. He turned towards the movie and jumped a little more, the movie one of the scarier movies he had watched.
Melody shook her head. "No, no. It's totally ok." She said, waving her hands defensively. She rubbed the back of her head and gave Dylan a cheesy smile. "Just a little jumpy today I guess."
Dylan nodded, and took his arm off of her, "Ok, well, if you're scared... We can always turn the movie off." He told her with a little chuckle. A few of the other parts made him jump, but everything else was partially predictable. He as enjoying the second part of the movie, and then everything was twisted, he covered his eyes for a mere second, looked at Melody, and then back at the movie.
Melody managed to remain calm the rest of the movie. She didn't know why she'd been so easily frightened earlier, but it had passed and she was back to her normal self. For the most part, she had no jumpy reactions through the rest of the movie. However, she glanced over in time to see Dylan uncovering his eyes. He looked back over at her and she gave him a reassuring smile.
Dylan glanced over and blushed once more before the credits were rolling. "What a movie." He said with a little chuckle. He looked over at her, and then at his feet. He still didn't know if should ask her his question. He gave her a small smile, and then put Netflix on it's menu.
Melody relaxed in the bean bag chair when the movie was over. It was kind of a relief, although she knew she'd have to walk home in the dark now after having watched it. She pushed the thought to the side when she saw Dylan's expression. "Something on your mind?" She asked.
Dylan nodded, "Yeah.." He said, replying to her question. "I was wondering if you'd want to spend the night." He asked her softly, "Because it's really late, and..." He added, blushing a lot. He knew it was a little weird for him to ask her to spend the night. But it was like 11 at night, and they had watched a scary movie. He looked over at her, and wondered what she thought.
She thought her cheeks at this point could probably win a redness competition against a tomato. "Oh, um," she said, not knowing what to say. She could, technically, tell her she was staying at a friend's house, but they would want to know who, and she had very few friends. "Sure." She agreed finally. "Let me text my parents real quick and tell them, and I'll get one of my girl friends to cover for me. I wouldn't want my dad's head to explode." She smiled a little and whipped out her cell phone.
Dylan felt himself blush, he felt himself wonder of she actually felt comfortable. "Ok, I'll uhh get the air mattress out." He told her as he walked to the closet and pulled out the air mattress. He didn't think that she wanted to sleep with him; that would be way too weird. He nodded, "If there's a problem, let me know." He added, turning around before blowing up the mattress.
Melody nodded as he pulled out the air mattress and started blowing it up. She curled herself into a ball in her seat, just waiting quietly. She got a reply from her parents and gave a small smile. "Ok, I'm good to stay." She said. "They think they're staying with my friend Jess. She'll cover for me, too."
Dylan smiled, he unplugged the mattress when it was all blown up, and laid a spare sleeping bag, and a pillow. "That's good, I'm glad you want to stay over." He said, then realizing that what he said, sounded really creepy. "I mean that it's cool that you want to stay over." He added with a smile. He looked over at her, and leaned against his bed.
Melody smiled. "I know what you meant." She said, laughing a little at how much he'd freaked out over it. "Thanks for inviting me." She hadn't stayed over with a friend in a long time, and had never stayed over with a guy before. It was a little weird but not as awkward as she'd thought it would be.

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