+++And Then Everything Stopped+++

Dylan nodded his head, "Ok, good." He mumbled with a smile on his lips. He sat next to her and then looked at the floor. It had been forever since her had someone over. But he realized it wasn't a weird as he thought t would be. He was glad tht se had agree to stay the night.
She leaned over, giving him a gentle nudge in the arm. "Hey, don't go all quiet on me now," she said with a cute grin. "Unless you're tired, in which case I suppose it's ok to be quiet."
Dylan laughed, "Well, what do you want to do?" He asked her with a smirk. He nudged her back, he laughed a little, then looked over at her. "Me? Tired." He laughed, "never." He added with a huge grin.
"Mhm!" she mumbled accusingly. "Sureeee, but you just wait, I bet you conk out first!" She giggled a little bit. "Hm, I don't know, what do you want to do?" She asked. She wasn't typically good at coming up with things, especially with new people. Especially especially with new people who invited her to stay over at their house.
Dylan laughed, "You'll be sleeping first." He told her with a smile. He thought of what they could do, an idea came into mind, but he didn't know if she wanted to. "Wanna jump into the lake?" He asked with a chuckle, "I can give you clothes if you need any." He added, wondering if she wanted to anyway.
"Jump into the lake?" She asked. The suggestion had definitely caught her attention, but she didn't know if he was serious. Her mouth twitched up in a grin. "What lake?" She asked. She didn't know of a lake around here, just a few ponds on other people's property, but she'd never been in this neighborhood, so maybe there actually was one.
Dylan nodded, "Crystal Lake, the one by the park." He told her with a smile. He could tell that she was new, but he didn't really mind. "You in?" He asked her curiously. He hope she would say yes, he hadn't had this much fun with someone in a really long time.
((I so sowwy. I'll try to be on more often. >.<)) (([MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION] [MENTION=4426]Prettylittlesecrets[/MENTION] ))

Grace smiled, "Yeah." She takes out a pen from her purse and scribbles her number on a napkin. "Here you go. It was cool hanging out with you." she says smiling.

"No, no. Its fine," he said as he looked over at her, he placed his hand on her chin and made her look up at him, "I like you Tammy. Your not like the other girls i've liked or dated. Don't be sorry, it was nice." He smiled at her, he thought it was cute that everytime she took control, after words she would feel guilty. She was different, but he liked how different she was. He wasn't even paying attention to the game, just too her.
(it's ok :)

Tammy looked up at him, she blushed and looked into his eyes. "Thanks." She said softly. "You're different too." She too him softly, "but a good different." She added wth a little chuckle. She hugged him and looked into his eyes. She was glad to have met Sam. She felt nervous though, an he hasn't felt nervous in a while. Temmy wasn't paying attention to anything but Sam. She turned the TV down a little bit, and put her head on his Chet. This time, she wasnt scared.
Melody jumped up. "I'm totally up for that!" She said excitedly. She grinned and looked outside. It was more than dark by now, and no one would see them swimming in the lake. Which was good, because she wasn't fond of a lot of attention.
Dylan smiled brightly, "Awesome!!" He exclaimed, grabbing two towels, and then walking out of the door with Melody. "Lets go!!" He said as he jogged over to the park. He set the towels on the bench, and then removed his shirt. He was glad that it was night, and the only light wa he street lights. He looked over and Melody, "You ready?" He asked with a smirk.
Melody grinned, glad it was still warm out. She knew that the lake would be freezing by now, since the sun had set so long ago, but Dylan seemed really excited to swim either way. She took off one of her shirts, leaving on the tank top underneath and her shorts, leaving her shoes next to her other top. She stuck her feet in, shivering at the icy rush, but then jumped in, determined to be first in the water.
Dylan jumped in after her, the cold, icy water met bare chest. He popped up, and felt himself shiver. Thank goodness it was still fairly warm out. He looked up at the moon and then over at Melody. He swam around as he got himself used to the water. Dylan yawned a little bit, as he waited for Melody to come to the surface. He was glad that they were swimming, it was really fun, and he needed to get his fun-life back.
Melody stayed underwater, sneaking around behind him. In the daylight, he would have seen her, but the street lights reflecting off the water's surface made it impossible to see through. She popped up behind him and resurfaced, splashing the back of his head and giggling.
Dylan whipped his head around, Melody had truly scared him. "Whoa!!" He said as he splashed her back. He laughed, and splashed her with more water. If they were swimming in the daylight; he would have seen her, but because of the street light, she was able to sneak up on him.
She grinned and laughed. "Got you!" she said enthusiastically. She laid back in the water, floating along. If he'd snuck up on her like that after a scary movie, he would have gotten more than a splash as revenge. "This is nice, once you get past the fact that it's freezing cold in here." she said, laughing a little.
Dylan smiled, he nodded, "Yeah, once you get passed the coldness." He repeated with a chuckle. He dove under the water and behind Melody. In a swift movement, he picked her up and threw her up into the air. He laughed and pulled himself up on to the dock.
Sam relaxed as she laid her head on his chest. He hadn't felt this way about a girl in a long time. Most of them wanted a one night stand and then just never talk to him again, but Tammy didn't want that. She wanted to be with him because she liked him for himself, not for his body. It was silent except the noise on the TV, but that was it, and it wasn't awkward, it wasn't weird, it was nice.

"Bye Ezra," she gave him a little wave as he left. "Great, now I'm a loner," she thought to herself. She got up after a while looking threw her phone, she walked out of the Cafe and started walking towards the park. She saw an empty tree and sat down, Grace brought her knee's up to her chest and her head rested on her knees. She sat there and watched, she watched all the different types of people walk by, but since it was dark, there wasn't many people there. She decided to get up and start walking home.
Tammy had drifted off into a light sleep. She was woken up by the buzzer of the game. She jerked a little bit, and looked at the clock. "Oh wow... It's really really late." She mumbled as she yawned and stretched. She looked over at Sam and smirked, she had a great time, even if they hadn't barely watched the game. She hugged him once more and looked at the clock. "I don't know what you want to do, but you can stay here tonight, or you can go home..." She asked him. Sam was different, he wasn't like the other guys she has met. He was sweet, and didn't want to hang out because of her looks. She was very content as she laid her head back down on his chest and gently poked his chest down to his stomach and back.
Melody made a strange squealing noise when he threw her up, falling back down and splashing under the chilly waves. She popped back up a moment later, looking around. He'd already made it away from her and pulled himself up on the dock. She swam over and pulled herself up as well, plopping down next to him.
Dylan smirked and grabbed a towel, he wrapped it around her shoulders, "Here, we should probably be heading back home now." he told her as he stood up and wrapped a towel around his waist. He held his hand out to her with a little, small smile. He looked down at her, and slipped his shirt back on his chest. He yawned a little bit and shook the cold water from his hair.
Melody nodded, with a small yawn of her own. "Agreed!" She said, holding the towel closer around her. The night air was warm, and so the toasty towel felt really good after swimming in icy water.
Dylan yawned, he handed her shirt to her, and then put his own shirt on. He slipped his shoe back on. He looked over at her and then walked back to his house. He opened the door for her and then he looked at Tammy. He rolled his eyes and then waited for Melody.

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