+++And Then Everything Stopped+++

Melody slipped her shoes and shirt back on, knowing that both were going to get as soaked as the rest of her clothing. She made some attempt to ring out her hair so it hopefully wouldn't tangle, pulling the brown mess into a cute ponytail before following Dylan back to his house. She saw the look he gave his sister when he walked in, wondering if something was wrong between the two siblings. Either way, she followed him into the house, kicking off her shoes at the front door so she wouldn't leave mini puddles through the house.
Dylan dried to dry his hair as much as he could, he closed the door behind her, and looked up the stairs. "You can use some of Tam's clothes." he told her, pointing to the room across from his. He walked into his room, and changed into dry clothes, a white tank top, and athletic shorts. He sat on the edge of his bed, and hug the wet towel on his wall to dry.
Melody felt bad for stealing even more of Tammy's clothing, but it was either that or sleep in her soaked clothes from today. She slipped quietly into Tammy's room, not wanting to rummage through drawers and closets too much, but looking for something comfy to sleep in. Finally she found a drawer with pajamas in it. Melody slipped on some pink sleep pants and a white tank top. Tammy didn't look like one to wear these sort of clothes, but that didn't matter. The good thing was that they fit Melody. The brunette slipped back out into the hallway, crossing over to Dylan's room. She knocked before going in, in case he was changing, then pushed the door open.
"Come in." Dylan called out to her as she knocked, he stood up, and opened the window a crack, he looked over at the air mattress and threw a few more pillows on it. "Here, you can have a few more spare pillows." he told her as he shut his closet door. He looked up at her and smiled softly, he then sat down on his bed again. He yawned a little bit, and then sat himself on his bed and ran his fingers through his hair getting a few pieces of sand out of it.
Melody plopped down on the air mattress, glad her hair was in a ponytail. It would be terrifying to deal with later on, but for right now she didn't really have to worry about it. It was mostly dry as well, she so reorganized the pillows and blankets on the air mattress, snuggling under the covers. The breeze coming in from the window was awesome.
Dylan yanwed and turned the lights off, "Goodnight." He said to her as climbed into his bed. He slid under the covers and laid his head on the pillows. He looked at the ceiling and rested his hands on his chest. He was totally worn out from the day, but somehow, he wasn't able to fall asleep.
Melody laid down as well. "Night," she said quietly. The moonlight poured in through the windows, and it was kind of calming. The only noise came from the wind and Dylan's breathing, which hadn't calmed yet. So he was still awake, then. Maybe he really did intend to out-awake her all night. She wanted to stay awake as well, since she boasted about how she wouldn't get tired first. But she laid there calmly and not saying anything. She really was exhausted.
(( [MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION] im sorry, i cant go on. I got into a car crash the other night a s got a concussion. It might be a couple weeks until i can be on again.. Im sorry.. ))
(Oh my goodness, that's alright. I hope you get better.))

(Time skip)

Dylan yawned, he rubbed his eyes, then looked up at the ceiling. He sat up slowly and looked down at Melody. He was a little surprised to see her, but he remembered the night before. He stood up and stretched, he walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower. He dressed himself in athletic shorts, and a tshirt. He wondered what happened between Tammy and that guy from the other night. He shrugged and sat down on his bed.
Melody had finally fallen asleep and slept in surprisingly late the next day. She could vaguely hear the sound of running water, but became fully conscious when she heard Dylan get back in his bed. Sitting up, she hoped her hair wasn't too tangled and scary. "Oh, hey," she said, still surprised to see him since she typically woke up alone and in her own room. "Morning." She smiled a bit.
Dylan looked over at her and smiled, "Morning." He said with a little chuckle, he stretched his arms and legs out and turned the lights up. "What do you want for breakfast?" He asked her with a curious smile. He looked out of the window and then back at her.
She pulled her hair from her ponytail and brushed her fingers through it like a comb. She pulled it back up in the ponytail and shrugged. "What do you have?"
Dylan shrugged and walked over to her, he held his hands out to her with a small smile. "Cereal or a bagel." He told her, "Which one?" He asked with a chuckle. He ran his finger through his hair and then rubbed away some of the sleepiness from his eyes.
She giggled a little, taking his hands so he could help her up. "Hmm... bagels are good." She said. She stretched a little, then noticed the time. "Wow," she said, her eyes wide. "I didn't realize it was so late. Sorry for sleeping in on you."
Dylan shook his head, "No, you really didn't sleep in on me too much. It's fine." He told her with a little smile. He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He popped a bagel into the toaster and looked over at her. "What do you want on your bagel?" He asked as he got the frosted flakes down for himself.
Melody happily followed him downstairs. She hadn't seen the living room without his sister and her boyfriend plopped on the couch. It seemed odd, like they belonged there or something. She grinned at her silly thoughts and went to the kitchen, watching him retrieve a bagel and some cereal. "Oh, just butter. I guess I'm boring when it comes to breakfast food." She smiled a little.
Dylan nodded, "Ok." He said with a little chuckle. He put her bagel on a paper plate and then spread some butter on it. "Here you go." He sang with a smirk as he handed her the plate. He poured his cereal and then walked to her side, "Lets go up stairs." He suggested, trying not to look over at Tammy and that guy.
Melody noticed he seemed to be in a really good mood today. She thanked him as he handed her the bagel and followed him back upstairs, munching on it contentedly. She plopped back down in her preferred bean bag and waited for him to join her. "So, is your sister always that quiet?"
Dylan shook his head as he walked up the stairs, he didn't know Tammy had a boyfriend. If that was her boyfriend, he'd have to confront her about it. He smiled and Melody and sat in a bean bag next to hers. "Sometimes.. I never really know with her." He responded with a little chuckle.
She shrugged. "Well, to each their own, I guess." She smiled and took another bite of her bagel. "I mean, I am normally pretty quiet too. Luckily I feel comfortable around you, or all of this would have been a lot less fun. I mean, it would have still been fun, but it would have been.... Quiet."
Dylan nodded,"Yeah everyone has different personalities." He agreed as he took a spoonful of cereal, "That would still have been fun. But quiet." He repeated with a small little smile. He kicked his feet up onto the bed and then looked over at her. "How's the bagel?" He asked with a little smirk.
She tilted her head, then looked at the bagel suspiciously. "Gooood....." She said, raising an eyebrow. She hadn't seen him doing anything to it, but his grin made her wonder. Shrugging it off, she finished off the bread. "Yep, good."
Sam laughed a little as she poked him, "I mean if you don't mind, I'll stay here, its a bit late to walk home." His excuse was genuine it wasn't as if he was inviting himself over, she had already asked, and he was just saying yes. He smiled at her cuteness, she was just amazing, she made him feel as if there was no care in the world, and he liked that feeling.

((I'm back I guess. I got a new laptop so yeah lol))

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