+++And Then Everything Stopped+++

Tammy was intrigued in the pregame, she sat at the edge of the couch, and then snapped out of her focus. She looked at the clock, and saw it was about 5 to 7, she quickly ran up the stairs, and grabbed her sweatshirt. She slipped it on, then she heard the beeper on the microwave go off, she flew down the stairs and poured the popcorn into a bowl. She wondered when Sam would come, but she told herself to be patient. Tammy set the popcorn down on the table, and sat on the couch, she was ready to watch the game, but even more, ready to hang out with Sam. She pulled her hair up into a pony tail, and then looked out the window. It was really pretty outside, so se stood up, and walked outside, she sat on the front porch, and took a picture with her Nikon. Then she turned around and went and sat on the couch with a huge smile on her face.
"Sure, i will have to run home and grab some stuff." She smiled and grabbed her towel drying off and grabbing her bag, "i will run home meet you at my house then we can go to yours?"
Jordan smiled and nodded, "Sure!! Lets go!!" She said with a smirk. She pulled her sweatshirt over her body, and then went to get her board. She got on and then began to go down the street.
Melody looked around as he spoke to her, listening intently but trying to take it all in. She'd never seen something like this. Everyone was dressed in neon colors and doing the most random things. She saw people dancing, people drawing on what seemed to be chalkboards with neon chalk, and people just doing things that seemed like fun at the time. Dylan started walking towards one of the groups, but the people dancing caught her attention. They had other colors of neon lights and such and were using them to dance with. It looked really cool. She gave Dylan a reassuring smile; he looked almost concerned.
Jordan smiled, "Great, lets go!!" She said as she hopped on to her board again. He led the way to her house, and when the reached it, se took the key from her pocket, and unlocked the door. "Welcome." She said with a smile as she picked up her board and put it inside.

Dylan looked back at Melody, he was then pulled into a group. They started talking, and then they all it in a line. They did the roller coaster, and a bunch of other dance moves. At the end they all clapped, Dylan went to the chalkboards and picked up a piece of chalk. He wrote "Hey Melody!!" On one, and then hung it up on the wall. He smirked and then began to do some other random stuff with a few other people.
Jordan smiled, "Thanks." she said as she closed the door behind them, "Do you want to watch a movie?" sbe asked Amelia, as she flicked the living room lights onx and then sat down on the couch.
Melody giggled as Dylan got pulled into dancing with the others. She danced with another small group, stopping just in time to see him hanging the board up. She smiled at the message vibrantly shining in the blacklights, then giggled as some other people pulled her back into their group.
Dylan smiled when he saw Melody get pulled into a group. He joined a group of guys ho were making pyramid. He stood on top, and did a front flip off of the top. He smiled when he got down. He leaned against the wall, and watched Melody's group dancing. Some other guys and himself clapped as they watched, out of pure joy.

Jordan shrugged, "Doesn't matter, you can pick it out." She said with a smile. She picked up the box of moved and set them I front of them. "There's a variety." She told her with a chuckle.
Melody laughed as she danced around with the others, amused and slightly shy when the group of guys started forming around the girl's dancing group to clap along with the music. She didn't stop anyway, having too much fun to think about being shy. Finally the music they were dancing to stopped and she found her way back over to him. "This is so fun!" She said giddily.
Ezra nodded. "Oh. When my older sister left for college I was like that too. I remember I hid her luggage so she wouldn't go. I was like, 8 and the most annoying kid ever." He smiled at the memory.
Jordan nodded, "Sure, that's a really good choice." she agreed with a smile. She popped the movie into the player and pressed play. She smiled and sat back on the couch.

Dylan smiled when he saw Melody coming over to him. "You guys were great!" he said with a smile. He was also having a fun time at the BlackLight Room. He yawned a little bit, and grabbed a piece of chalk, and drew the back of Melody's shirt with a huge smile on his face.
"Thanks." Melody said, still grinning. She saw him yawn and wondered what time it was, but then he drew all over her shirt. "Hey!" She exclaimed. "What did you draw on me?" She laughed, trying to see the back of her shirt.
Dylan couldn't help but smile, he finished up his picture when she washed him what it was. "Your name...." He said with a smile, his cheeks now filled with blush, but he didn't mind; he was having a lot of fun.
Grace giggled a little, "Thanks that helps," she said smiling up at him. "But enough of the sad stuff," she said waving her hand around as if there was smoke around. "What else to talk about," she said more to herself than to him.

About after 5 minutes of getting lost, Sam found the house he was looking for. He smiled to himself as he walked up the porch and ringed the door bell. Same straighten out his shirt, ran a hand threw his hair, then whipped them on his shorts. After a couple seconds he couldn't stop whipping his hands, he was nervous, a first in a long time. His hands were getting sweaty and his heart was beating faster, it was a weird feeling for him, but he liked it.
Tammy jumped when se heard the door bell, she smiled and got up from the couch. She turned the porch light on and smiled when he saw Sam. "Hey!!" She said, as she welcomed him into her house. "Wow he looks really good tonight." she thought to herself, as she turned the porch light off. She looked up at him, and then at the couch. "Really to watch the best game of basketball this season?" She asked with a little smirk. Although she absolutely loved watching basketball, there was a part of her that just wanted to hang out with Sam.
Sam chuckled as she opened the door and let him inside. He walked inside, admiring the house, "It looks nice," he said to himself. "Hell yeah, but either way, I would still have hung out with you," he said playing with his fingers and then looking up and meeting her eyes. Her eyes were beautiful. The color of her iris's were just the perfect shade of blue, ice blue to be even more prettier. Even when her hair was up and she was wearing a sweatshirt, she still looked beautiful to him.

"I play basketball with my brother sometimes, I don't exercise much," she said with a little laugh. "I used to be a swimmer, but I quiet last year when I hit my head on the diving board. I like to listen to music a lot. What about you?
Tammy blushed, she wasn't used to all of this attention. "Aw thanks, I would have hung out with you too." She said with a soft smile. She walked over to the couch with Sam, when they looked into each others eyes, Tammy did a few things. She moved herself closer to Sam, wrapped her arms around his neck, and slowly brought her head closer to his face. She looked up Sam, the moonlight hitting his eyes beautifully. "I like you." She whispered before she kissed him. She leaned in a placed a soft and gentle kiss on his Lips. She then smirked, blushed, and then turned towards that TV. She placed her head on his shoulder, and then began to get excited. She looked at Sam with a happy expression on her face, she felt herself smile when the team she was favoring got a turn-over.
"You're writing my name on your sister's shirt?" She asked, her jaw dropping in disbelief. "She's totally gonna kill you for that!" She turned, trying to see it but still unable to. Why she thought she could see her back, who knew?

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