+++And Then Everything Stopped+++

Charlie laughed. She felt a lot more comfortable now. "Does this place always take forever?" She asked kindly. Charlie blushed slightly, she really hopped that Corey didn't notice. She looked outside, "Do you know the time?" She asked, Charlie knew that time flies fast. But how much did fy by.?
Jordan nodded, "Ok, I'll still be here." She said with a little chuckle. She finished her ice cream, and walke to the kitchen. She washed the ice cream off of her hands and then sat back down on the couch. She stretched her legs a little bit, and then fixed her ponytail.

Corey shrugged, "Not usually." He said, looking at the clock, "It's been 5 minutes." He said with a little smile. Sure, he saw her blush, but e didn't say anything. Suddenly their food came. Corey smiled and thanked the waitress. "Taadaa!" He said with a very happy smile.
When she came back in she was not wearing the sweater uncovering her arms cuts up and still bleeding some from the medicine "so what kind of things do you like to eat?" She sat down in the chair across from the couch.
Jordan immediately noticed the blood, "Salaf, gummy bears, meat.." She said with a small smile. "Heyz, your cuts are bleeding." She told Amelia softly. She didn't want to draw too much attention to the blood, but she was going to tell her about it.
She nodded, surprised that he'd said the exact words she had been thinking. He was like a mind reader. She followed him and they started walking. She had been to this part of town many times before, but she'd never really stopped to take it all in. She never realized how many fun looking shops and such there were around here. It was crazy what you'd miss while you were waiting for life to happen.
((I think I'm going to have to drop out. This thread is lacking some equality, and I find that I'll only really be a nuisance if I stay.))
(Ok Neb:) I wish I could have interacted with your characters, but I didn't want to have like millions of characters :) it's ok, have fun with your other fantastic rps 3))

Jordan smiled, "I love the green gummy bears." She said with a smile, "Oh, I see." She said, referring to her cuts. She shrugged though, and leaned back on the couch a little bit.

Dyaln held the door open for her as they walked in, he walked in after her, and gave the guy at the front his ticket. The two then went back to the suit-up areas. "Here," he said to Melody as he handed her a shirt, and pants, "they are my sisters, and they are neon." He told her with a smirk. He went into the bathroom and hanged into a neon yellow shirt, with an orange neon bandana. He smiled and walked out to Meldoy with a smile on his face.
Jordan nodded, "Sure, ill meet you at the beach. I'm going to get my bathing suit on." she told Amelia as she got up. She got he shoes on and then wave to her. She grabbed her board and sped to home where she changed into a blue and green bikini. She grabbed a towel and headed down to the beach.
Amelia waved goodbye and changed into a black bikini, put on a black sun dress and some shoes grabbed a towel and sped out of her house on her board going to the park and standing by the beach. She set her bag down with her cell phone and towel in it and put her dress over it kicking off her shoes.
When Jordan got to the beach, he up her long board up against the chain link fence, and walked to the sand. She laid out her towel, and flipped her shoes off. She looked over at Amelia and smiled, "Hey girl!!" She said with a smile. She stretched and then felt the water. It felt good to her hot body.
"hey! Like your suit," she said as she got in the water and kicked her feet. The water was cool and good it was a beautiful day, she dipped her arms in the water washing away the blood.
Jordan smiled and walked onto the dock, "Thanks, I like yours too." She said to Amelia before she dove off of the dock. She popped up and wiped the water out of her eyes.
Melody went and changed as well, coming out to meet Dylan. "How crazy is it that your sister is the same size as me?" She asked. She didn't know why he was carrying the girl's clothes around, either. But she decided to just have fun and not question it.
Dylan laughed, he figured it must have been weird for him to be carrying around girl clothes, but he didn't really care. He shrugged and looked over at her, "Im just awesome that way." He said with a little laugh. "Lets go!!" He saiid as he walked out in to the room, and waited for Melody with a smile on his face.
Jordan smiled, "Your on!!!" She called, as she bolted under the water. She popped up a few times, and within a few minutes, she and Amelia were at the bouy. "Nice." She said, "race you back!!" She said as she dove under water with a smile on her face.
Jordan laughed, she took a deep breath of air, and looked over at Amelia. "So fun!!" she said with a huge smile. She swam up to the shore, and sat in the shallow water. It was getting late, and eventually it would get cold. She sighed happily and looked up at the setting sun.
She quickly followed his lead, going towards the room he was walking to. He was into all sorts of cool things she'd never done before, and she felt like such a loser, not having any fun ideas of her own. She shrugged it off and kept walking.
Dyaln noticed that Melody seemed a little nervous, he slowed his pace down and walked next to her, "You can do what ever you want in this room. Make random shapes, dodgeball, dance, whatever you feel like." He whispered in her ear. He took her hand and closed the door behind them. "I'll be over here." He said to her, as he pointed to the group of people that were doing random stuff. He looked at her, and wanted to make sure she was interested in doing something.

Jordan nodded, "Yeah, I'm glad we are friends." She agreed with a smile. She sighed and looked over at Amelia. "Yeah it is.." She said with a smile. "Sleep over at my place?" She asked with a happy smirk.
"No, its just that my brothers leaving for collage this fall, and I'm going to miss him," she said. She looked over and saw that he was getting up, then she looked over at Ezra and smiled a little. ([MENTION=4426]Prettylittlesecrets[/MENTION] done c:)

"Alright," he said with a small wink, more like a twitch. He put the napkin in his pocket, Tammy came over and kissed his check before leaving. Sam smiled and blushed a little, he was nervous to go to her house, she wasn't like the girls he usually dated, she was better. Sam got up and looked over at his sister, he sighed and walked out of the Cafe. He started walking home kicking a rock on the ground until his eyes met up with the house he lived in. He walked up to the door, placed the key in, and opened the door. The house smelt like pasta, he knew his mom was home. "Hey mom!" he yelled at he started up the stairs.

"Hi sweetie," she yelled back at him.

Sam had gotten to his room and emptied his pockets before getting into the shower. 5 minutes and he was out. He grabbed a pair of beige shorts that had four or five pockets, and he grabbed his plain white shirt that showed off his muscles. He grabbed one of his necklaces before heading into the bathroom to blow dry his hair them gel it up a little. A total of 15 minutes and he was back out the door looking at the napkin that Tammy gave him with her address.

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