+++And Then Everything Stopped+++

Jordan nodded, "Nice to meet you." She said, not really noticing the cuts on her arm. She looked up at the sidewalk ahead of them, and then at her watch. When she looked down, she saw the cuts, but didn't say anything. "I'm not keeping you from anything, am I?" She asked
"No, not really I just needed to get out of the house, its been so long," She looked up, "I'm sorry if I am a bit, ummm quite," she sighed maybe it would be better if she just stayed inside.
Sam noticed her checking him out and chuckled, "Like what you see?" He wondered if maybe she wanted to go for a run with him one morning, or even play basketball together, that was an idea. He was going to ask later though.

"Yeah he graduated this year though," she said in a small voice. She didn't like the fact that this was her last summer with her brother, let alone last year with him.
Mason walked on the beach, Hunter ran in front of him chasing the stick he kept throwing, Hunter ran back holding the stick, Mason knelt down and stroked the dogs silky black ears and smiled, then took the stick and held it tightly as he swung his arm back and then threw the stick hard into the water, Hunter reacted quickly and he ran down the sandy ground then up onto the dock, he ran down the dock quickly, then launched himself into the air and into the water.

Elizabeth laid on the beach, sun tanning Ronto and Tasha played together, barking and nipping each other as they wrestled, She wore a black two piece swim suit and laid on a dark grey towel, Ronto and Tasha ran around, knocking down sand castles and kicking sand on ladies who were tanning as well.
"Heck yes I am!" She said, checking her bag and getting a suit as well. "I didn't even know this was here. I need to get out more, I guess." Melody laughed. The first day of summer break, and she had already made a new friend who was tons of fun. Maybe this break would be awesome after all.
Mason smiled as Hunter swam back, his large paws leaving tracks in the soft sand, then then he ran to Mason, and shook his black fur, Mason patted his head and threw the stick again and the Labrador chased after it, then brought it back.

Elizabeth took out her phone and began to text, not realizing her two mischievous puppies were causing chaos and trouble.
Tammy laughed and winked, "Maybe." She said, giggling a little. She felt her heart speed up a little when she was talking with him. She hoped he would ask her to do something; she really wanted to continue hanging out with him. "So..." She said, but quickly trailed off, "Do you want to um.. Come and watch a basketball game with me at my house tonight?" She asked him nervously.

Jordan nodded, "I see." She said as she pushed herself along. "It's ok, you can be quiet, no worries." She responded, hoping to imply that she didn't care if she was quiet or not.

Dylan smiled, "Awesome!!" He exclaimed as he ran into the bounce house. He jumped up on the Velcro thing, and was caught upside down. He laughed, and fell off. He was already having so much fun, and break had just started!! I knew this would be a fun summer.
"Thanks, hey you wanna come in my house I can go put on a pair of shorts and some tennis shoes and we can go hang at the park." She hadn't been anywhere in a year, especially with friends.
Melody smiled and followed him inside the bounce house. She jumped at the wall as well and landed completely upside down. She started laughing, until... She couldn't get un-stuck. "Aw man!" She said. She crossed her arms grumpily and wore a cute pouty face. "I can't get down!" She blushed and giggled, covering her face in embarrassment. "Seriously!?"
Jordan nodded, "Sure, I'm up for hanging out at the park." She said as she flipped her long board up. She held it under her arms, and looked over at Amelia. She brushed her hair out of her face, then continued walking with a smile on her face.

Dylan laughed as he saw Melody stuck to the side of the Velcro. He jumped up next to her, and also landed upside down. He looked over at her, and smirked. He took a hold of her hand, and tried to get her down. Unfortunately, he was also stuck. "Aww crap." He said, looking over at her and laughing.
She ran into her house slipped on a pair of shorts and tennis shoes, and grabbed her skateboard from the closet, ohh she hadn't been on this in so long, she pulled off the bracelets and exposed her wrists frowning she ran back outside to Jordan. "I am ready to go."
Jordan smiled, "Sweet!" She said as Amelia came down, she put her long board down, and then looked back at Amelia. "Lets go." She said as she began to push off in the direction of the park.
Auggie sighed and shut her laptop, brushing bangs out of her face. She started to type on her blog the events of last night, but she found herself dreading typing with all the romance swarming about. Girls and guys were meeting at the park and within twenty minutes they were in love. She frowned, her brain debating on whether to wish them the best or the worst. She quickly shrugged it off and stood up, stretching her limbs awkwardly as she walked to retrieve her dogs. She guiltily looked as the dogs panted under the cool shade of a tree, every now and then licking dew drops from nearby plants and grass. Note to self: Get the dogs groomed. She thought, a grin spreading to her face. She grabbed the leashes and walked the dogs home, laughing awkwardly as they both immediately drank water and took a nap on the air conditioner, considering they were both small enough to fit on it. She tried hard to remember what else she had to do, but she couldn't remember quite well. Auggie pranced up the stairs and changed in to a bright orange sports bra that was meant for jogging, but usually used during P.E, and a pair of black yoga shorts that her aunt got her for Christmas and was too small for her up until now. She grabbed her phone and popped in her earbuds, allowing music to evade her surroundings as she set up her bag. She packed 30 dollars to get lunch, a bottle of water, her bathing suit to go swimming, an apple, and some blue berries. Satisfied, she tossed the bag on to her bag and jogged outside, grinning as the warmth encased her body. She decided she'd go swimming again later, maybe even invite Logan over. Though her apartment sucked, they still had an indoor pool that she was allowed to reserve for the night with no charge.

Logan had just walked in the front door when his kitten mewed at his feet. He laughed and picked it up, stroking it several times before placing it back down. He was bored, and didn't have much errands to run. He shrugged, sighed, and got changed in to his bathing suit, tossing clothes on over it. He slowly made his way back to the park with two towels, sunscreen, an a radio. He placed his stuff on a nearby bench and looked over, surprised to see that people were already swimming. He quickly sat down and shoved head phones on to his ears, plugging them in to his iPod as he listened to music quietly. He hadn't met anyone in the town yet, so it was still a bit awkward for him to go swimming with other people.
Jordan laughed, "You got a head start!!" She called after her. She quickly sped down the sidewalk, she hopped over the curb and through the street. She met Amelia at te park at the exact same time. She kicked her board up and leaned it against the chain-link fence. She looked around, and saw Logan. She smiled softly and turned to Amelia, now seeing her cuts. She didn't want to direct attention to her cuts, so she smiled at Amelia. "You want to draw with chalk?" She aske spike a little kid. She loved using chalk; it let her creative juices flow out of her.
Jordan smiled, she picked up the chalk bucket that was under the basketball hoop and set it in between them. "Have fun!" She said to Amelia as she grabbed a chalk stick. She let her mind flow; she wrote her name, and then added everything that she liked around and in her letters.
She grabbed a blue chalk and drew her name and then a face she spread the chalk with a darker blue to make it look like it was smeared or like it was running down the pavement, "I use to do graffiti art with my brothers.........." she gulped, "well at least last summer in Missouri we did."
Jordan nodded, she looked over at Amelia's art and smirked. "I can tell. No worries, I won't judge you. Your secret is safe with me." She told her with a smile. She grabbed a people piece of chalk and drew a flower by her name.
Jordan thought, "Rose, because it shows inner beauty and complexity." She said as she turned from Amelia to her work. She mumbled to her self a little bit as she thought of what else she could draw. She drew a cartoon cat, and then a dog. "Thanks. I like your work too." She responded with a smile.
Jordan thought, "I like being active, music, longs and skate boarding, drawing, and hanging out with people." She said as she sat backs and looked over her chalk. "What about you?" She asked with a polite smile.
Melody got a bad case of the giggles. "This is so awful. How did we both manage to get stuck?" She felt the blood starting to rush to her head, and the pink in her cheeks was no longer from a blush. "Maybe if we just wiggle a lot we will eventually fall down. I'll be so embarrassed if we have to ask someone for help!!"
Dylan nodded, he moved and squirmed in his suit, until he realized that there was a crease in the suit that he was wearing. He moved back and forth until he reached the crease. He moved sideways, and closed his eyes. He had finally gotten down. He looked up at Melody and smiled, he wrapped his arms around her torso, and pulled her down. When he opened his eyes, he saw her on top of him. He kindly pushed her off, and let the blood rush back into his head.

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