+++And Then Everything Stopped+++

"I use to sing and play guitar I love art and graphic design, I work online making websites and doing things people need done through the internet." She smiled up and shook the chalk off her hands, "I-I-I live alone I guess........."
Melody was happy that he'd gotten down, and just as happy to be back on the floor herself. She let herself fall onto the ground, still dizzy but not unhappy in the least. Even being stuck upside down it was still an awesome day so far. Way more fun than she'd be having by herself. "Now that THAT terrifying experience is over!" she laughed a little.
Jordan nodded, "Sounds like you've had a pretty good life." She said with a small smile. She placed the piece of chalk in the bucket, then looked over at Amelia. "Really?!? So do I!!" She said with a chuckle.

Dylan flipped over, his face now returning to its original color. He couched a little and then sat up, "Haha, terrifying but so much fun." He said with a little laugh. He ruffled his hair and then Melody's hair. He smirked and stood up quickly, only to fall on his back. He laughed and then sat up again, a smile staining his face.
"It gets so lonely 4 bedrooms in my house, the other 3 haven't been touched in a year, I don't know whats in my attic or basement, I don't care, its tough and i miss them but i had to get over it." She looked down at her wrists, "hey its hot outside I have some ice cream in the freezer wanna go to my house?"
Jordan nodded, "Yeah it gets really lonely.." She agreed as she stood up, "Good thing I have my kitty though." She said with a little laugh. She nodded, and wiped the chalk off of her hands. "Sure! I'd like some ice cream." She said as she grabbed her long board and began to ride to the sidewalk.
She laughed at how dizzy he was, seeing as how he could barely sit upright. Her jaw dropped when he ruffled her hair. "Oh no you didn't!" she exclaimed, trying really hard to look serious as she fixed the mess. It didn't work, and the corners of her mouth twitched up in a smile. "Well I guess now you gotta walk around with Medusa!!" she said, unable to get her long hair straightened back out.
Sam chuckled at her nervousness, he thought it was cute that she asked him to hang out. "Yeah that would be fun,I heard it's going to be a good game," he said smiling at her, "You know, your cute when your nervous." Sam hands had been sweating a bit, in reality, he was also very nervous, but didn't show it. He liked Tammy, she was cool and was into the same things he was. Most of the girls he dated or liked were always to girly to play a sport, or if they weren't they would only go the gym and work out. He liked the idea of having a girl play the same sports he did and not be afraid of flying balls, or getting sweaty.
Tammy smiled, she looked at the time; around 4:30 or so. She looked over at Sam and smiled, "Thanks." She said as she brushed her hair back into a ponytail. Her eyes twinkled like the stars in the night sky, she liked Sam. He was different from any other guys that she had met. "I think you're cute oo." She told him with a little wink. "Hey, the games gonna start soon, you want to head over to my place now??" She asked him with a curious smile.

(([MENTION=4635]melaniebaby[/MENTION] ))

Jordan nodded, "Cool!" She said as she long boarded down the street. "I have one cat, and his name is Pre." She said wih a small smile.

Dylan laughed, "I look like a feather head." He mumbled aloud enough for her to ear. "I don't mind, as long as Medusa as a good sense of humor." He said with a smirk, "Are you waning to go?" He asked her with a curious smile.
"You know what, give me the address and I'll met you there in about half an hour? I need to change of these clothes first," he said as he looked down at himself in basketball shorts and a Nike shirt. He wanted to look decent if he was going to a girls house, they might have not been dating, but he wasn't just going to be at her home smelling like sweat and looking like he just came from the gym.
Tammy smirked and nodded, she grabbed a pen from the waitress, and pulled a napkin from the dispenser. She wrote her address down in her best manuscript. And she also wrote her number down, you never know what's going to happen. She put the pen down and handed the napkin to Sam. "See you in a few." She said as she grabbed her bag. She stood in front of him, and in a swift moment kissed his cheek. She smiled and turned back towards her house. She took off in that direction. When she got home, she threw her bag in her closet, and put a sweatshirt and sweatpants on. She then went down stairs and turned the TV on, flipping it to NBA. She then walked over to the small kitchen where she managed to find a bowl and check mix. She poured it into the bowl, set it on the table in front of the TV, and then sat herself on the couch as she waited and watched the pre game.
She rode up to her house and unlocked the door, "what type of ice cream do you like I have vanilla and chocolate chunk?" She smiled at Jordan and took off her sunglasses putting her board just in the front door.
Jordan thought, "I'd like vanilla." She said as she kicked her board up? And set it in the front yard, she followed Amelia inside, but stood by the doorway. She hung her sunglasses on the neck of her shirt and pulled her hair into a pony tail. She looked around Amelia's living room, it was a decent size, and looked comfy.

Corey nodded, he leaned back in his chair a little bit, and placed one hand on the table. He looked at her and smile. "Kellogg High School." He said with a little smirk. "What about you?" He asked with a curious smile. he wondered if she had gone to Kellogg, if she had, he would feel really bad for not noticing her

([MENTION=4406]Nikki Rodgers[/MENTION] )
Charlie smiled slightly. "My School Was Destroyed in the blast." She said, ever so quietly. Charlie looked back up with a small smile upon her face. She casiually tapped her foot against the tile floor. "I am Attending Kellogg next year matter of factly." She grinned. "How is that school? Is it okay?"
Letting out a small giggle at his comment, Melody looked at his hair. "Oh, it doesn't look that bad, feather head!" She said with a grin. "Want to go where?" She asked when Dylan brought it up. She wasn't sure what the heck could be more fun than this, but figured he knew of something.
Corey's face lit up, he looked a her and smiled, "Really!!" He said, as he jumped a little in his seat. "That's going to be a lot of fun!!" He exclaimed, not caring if other people were looking. "Oh Kellogg is great, just gotta get passed the girly girls and jocks first." He said with a little smirk.

Dylan smiled, "Thank Mel." He said as e began to remove his suit, "I have another surprise for you." He said a he held his hand out to her. "But I'll tell you. " he said with a smile. "We are going go to a black light room." He said, "it's going to be so much fun!!" He said happily.
"Black light room?" She asked. She'd never heard of it. Surely it meant what it said, just a room full of those fancy purplish lights that made neon colors pop? She removed the velcro suit and retrieved her other belongings. By the end of this summer she would surely have all sorts of new experiences. Like the black light room they were going to.
Dylan nodded, "Yes, a black light room." He said as he put his shoes back on. "Like where there are fluorescent lights that make neon colors pop." He said with a smile. "Don't worry, I have neon stuff for you." He said, as he grabbed the bag shoved into one of the cubbies. "Ready?" He asked with a playful wink.
"You can sit down if you like, Sorry about the dusty mess I have been so......" She flinched and went to the kitchen getting them both a vanilla ice cream cone, "I have been so...." She flinched again and grabbed a sweater to cover her arm she walked into the living room and gestured for Jordan to sit handing her the ice cream cone.
Jordan nodded, she walked over to the couch and took a seat, "I've been busy myself." She said as she turned around to see that Amelia had gone to get a sweater. She shrugged, and leaned back and scratched her forehead. "Thanks." She said as she took the icecream come from Amelia with a smile on her face.
Charlie giggled. "People are staring at you like your crazy." Charlie laced her fingers together. "So if I bypass the 'Girly Girls' and the 'Jocks' Am I in?" She smirked slightly. Charlie glanced around at the other people that were staring and shrugged. She spreaded a small smile across her face. Charlie leaned forward slightl. "What are you? The Girly Girl or The Jock?"
Corey shrugged, "I don't care really. They are not ruining my happy moment." He said with a little smirk. He nodded and placed his hands on the table, "Yep!! You'd be in anyway." He said with a little wink. "Can't you tell?" He asked, trying to sound like the girly girls, "Im not quite a jock... But not a not athletic person." He said wih a little smile.

Jordan smiled and are her ice cream, "This is good." She said with a little laugh. She warmed one hand up under her thigh, and then continued to eat her ice cream with a smile on her face.
She ate some more of her ice cream and looked at her arms, "I need to go pt some medicine on my arms I will be back." She rubbed her arms and looked up sadly at her friend half running half walking to the bathroom.

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