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Fandom an elevator ride. ooc chat/plotting.

also,, i have,,, a possible solution for the dino situation?
like. we could just say ragnarok knocked the dino out with his slap lmao bitch slapped to death LKDFJDKLFS
ragnarok is just one punch man in disguise </3
i appreciate the amount of effort that just went into making that f out of hearts KLFJKLFJDSKLFJSDKL
i was playing a game of like skribbl
and good lord
the spelling
also!! i was thinking about like. time and stuff? that makes no sense i know but like i was thinking. that each like "stop" the elevator stops at to yeet these poor feckers out, could have like,, a set goal? or some of the stops, at least. it wouldnt work for ALL skskksksk but like the lil group therapy rooms goal is to overcome their fears and stuff like that. and other locations could just like spend a certain amount of time there or whatever until they can move on lol
i have no idea if that makes sense but like,, i wanted to figure out some kind of timespan or whatever for each location so we know when to move onto the next one, if that makes sense?? sdfdsfds
I like the sound of that. Maybe for the rooms that have goals, there should be like- a note or a card that will hint that they need to do something if they wanna keep progressing. Then the rooms that don't have notes are more relaxing rooms.
ohhhh yes!! like,, they are defo gonna need some kind of hint to progress lmao might make em purposefully vague tho for the lols skldfkf
Rightttt? It can be something as simple as 'Make it to the other side of the room' but there's no hint as to what is in the room or what's going to happen lmaooo
and you know damn well some dummy would just be like "well thats easy" and the floor collapses on them or something AHAHAHA
MSDFLDJS yep,, i can see the poor guy falling for ALL the traps <//3

plot twist: the entire purpose of the elevator is to teach everyone that life is a bitch, always LKJFKLSD
Everyone yells at him to stay still or don't press the buttons and he does and the whole room just starts collapsing on itself lol

I feel like 90% of the people already there already knew how much of a bitch life was. But now they know that Life is the biggest bitch they'll ever know

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