An Alternate Ending

Ciara sniffed the air and could smell the same unfamiliar scent. She followed Kevin into the bushes looking around for the stranger as Keiran growls on her shoulder.
Suddenly a human body came flying through the bushes that Kevin and Ciara were about to investigate as it slammed into the tree across from it, it's back cracking against the hard trunk as it fell limp to the ground covered in blood.

It was soon followed by a man with white hair and red glowing eyes who stepped out, his hands covered with blood. He walked towards the body.

"How useless, not one worthwhile soul out of that all those people..."

He used his hand to sweep some of his hair out of his face as he wiped blood across his face and through his hair as his eyes continued to glow red.

His head then slightly turned as it bent to the side to look at the people who had been unlucky enough to wander into his path as his eyes focused on them, becoming thinner and showing an inhuman glare at he looked at them.
Kevin eyed this stranger for a minute, sizing the man up. He looked at the body on the ground and at the blood on the man's hands. This stranger was probably a bad guy . . . or a cannibal. Either way, he was not a good man.

He held up a clawed hand up to the white haired man. "Who the hell are you?!" He was poised ready in case a fight broke out. Though he'd have to make it quick since they only had 3 months to reach the dragon's lair. And they had to make it in time for the winter solstice.
Aran watched as the red eye'd demon killed the me by slamming him into the tree. Aran steps out from the bush and pulls out his katana he points it towards the demon "What is your presences here demon!" He yells the rage obvious in his eyes in his eyes. HE'd never seen a demon before but he certainly didn't appreciate them being in existence.
Dei eyed Kevin as he spoke and then turned his head lazily as someone else bothered to threaten him. Suddenly four objects flew out of Dei and began floating around him in a circle forming a moving ring around him as they circled clockwise. Suddenly one of the objects came out of the circle as it came closer to the group to face them. It was just a tiny bit bigger than a fist and was blue with fish like fins sticking out of and seemed to resembled a happy face made of it's lines and shape. Suddenly a voice came from the thing as it glowed.

"Oooh yay! More playmates! I say we tear them to shreads and rip out their souls!"

It then returned to it's place in the circling ring as another one came out to face them and glowed as it spoke, this one was brown and rocky, it's designed seemed similar of an angry face.

"Smash them, me no like them. We must smash them good!"

It returned to it's place as the third repeated the process the others had done, it was white with feather like extensions and it seemed like a sad face.

"Why bother with these nothings! They pale in comparison to us, we have better things to do! Their ugliness offends me!"

It returned to the ring as the final piece came to have it's say, this one was green and scaley. It resembled a scared face.

"Their souls are not of significant power, it would not be worth our while to waste time taking their souls. Do not forget we have a target..."

As the final soul returned to floating ring being formed around Dei as they spun around him slowly he tilted his head again back towards Kevin.


He said very emotionlessly.
Ciara just stood back and watched, she knew Kevin could handle it, plus she didn't want to get involved into a fight just yet. As she watched the souls circle the demon she glanced at Aran questioning why he was here and threatening the demon, he's only human after all.
Kevin looked at the . . . things floating around the man's head. It took him a while to piece together everything they had said. When he did, he stepped back a bit. "Oh my God! You're the Devil!" He pointed a claw at the man he called the Devil. "My grandma told me stories about you. You tempt people into lives of sin. And then when they die, you take their souls to Hell where you torture them for eternity! Well, I've got news for you man, I will not sway easily! Though . . . she said that the Devil was once an angel of great beauty . . . What happened to you?"
"Don't be foolish, I'm not the Devil... I simply work for him. What he was is in the past, the only thing that matters now is my job. As for what happens with your soul, I don't care, as long as I fill my quota."

Dei didn't seem to bothered by the sword being pointed at him by Aran, he still seemed rather bored and tired with the whole situation.

"As for your news.... your sway does not matter to me. Yours is just another soul to add to my collection and I don't have to wait till you die to take it. So resist as much as you want, your soul can be taken either way."

His eyes seemed to glow more deeply as he said the last two words.
Aran pulled a knife from his satchel and flung ot at the Devilsh creatures eyes. Before standing in a defensive stance with his katana. He Stared at the creature keeping a safe distance. He was not about to panic. He needed to stay calm
Dei swiftedly reacted as he caught the blade, he clutched the blade tightly as blood began to drop along his hand down the blade and began to drip to the ground. The ground sizzled as the boiling blood hit the sand and seared it. Dei raised his eyes from the blade of the dagger that had been thrown to Aran.

"While your soul may have nothing worthwhile in terms of power, if you are going to get in my way of reaching my goal then I will have to take care of you..."

He dropped the blade to the ground as he reached with his bloody hand, now dripping his own blood towards his back and gripped his Demon Sword and with a swift movement swung it out of it's sheath and in front of him as he held it with two swords. The souls that floated around him then all encircled closer and retreated back into his armour. He clutched the sword tighter as he squeezed his gloves around the handle as he seemed to be gathering his energy and seemed like their was a slight dark aura around him.


He taunted in a dull manner.
Aran would stay stiffly in place if anything he was certainly not going to do a full on attack directly at this demon. He couldn't take it on alone. he gripped his sword more tightly now hoping that the the fire inside it might have an affect on this demon if it chose to attack it. HE calmed himself as it taunted him he wasn't going to blindly attack.
Ciara looked at Aran and sighed, knowing he probably wouldn't survive. She may not know him, but for some odd reason she still pulled out her sword. "Demon, how bout you pick on someone who has a chance like me or him," she nudged her head towards Kevin kind of hoping he would back her up if she got herself in trouble and would able to survive a fight with a demon, but she really wasn't that worried about that.
Kevin was distracted by a butterfly for a bit. But soon came back again when Ciara stood up for the wounded man. "Yeah! No devil man is going to kill while the White Knights are around!" He then did a heroic pose. "We are the fist of justice that will bring peace back to this broken kingdom."
Ciara look at Kevin and his heroic pose and did a mental face palm, wondering if it was a good idea to bring him back to the fight and away from the butterfly.
Dei raised his brown at Aran.

"So first you threaten me with your blade, then you back away when I offer you the first strike. Truly pathetic..."

The white soul Avis came out.

"What a truly pathetic creature, his soul truly isn't worth our time. How dare he show his cowardly face in front of us!"

Avis returned as the green soul Viper came out to have a say before returning.

"A truly cowardly act to attack when one's back is to you and then to retreat when faced, even more so when you challenge an opponent and then refuse the fight you challenged..."

Dei then looked to Kevin who seemed more eager to participate.

"I assure you, your presence will not prevent my goals in anyway!"

His red glowing eyes focused on Kevin as the pupils became like slits.
Sunfire snorted, shaking his mane and looking at Dei just as Verjouhi did. "It's not cowardice always that drives a man to back away. Simple survival really." He honestly didn't care, Kevin had picked the fight where no fight was needed and he didn't want to be directly involved. But, being as they were a group, it wasn't likely he could go far without these two.
Kevin took another look at the demon man then at the sky. The sun was beginning to set so they needed to reach the next town or set up camp. "Look, we're in a hurry, so why don't you just run along." He even did the hand motion used to shoo away stray cats.
Hanna thought it might be a bad idea to provoke the deamon man, the sun was starting to set and they needed to get out of there. "Hey, guys? The sun is setting, and we have to get going. Are we going to take this guy, or walk around him?" She asked, making sure she had a hold on her dagger in her pocket. Iris' ears went flat, and she hunkered down in the satchel. Hanna thought Yeah, I don't trust this guy either.
Dei smirked at Kevin's comment.

"Perhaps you are right, us fighting would be a waste of time as does you just standing in my way. I have more important things to do and you have shown your souls are worthless."

Suddenly Dei's 4 souls shot out, Terra towards Kevin, Avis to Aran, Pisces to Ciara and Viper to Verjouhi, smashing into them. Not enough to really hurt them, but quick enough to knock them out of the way as they shot back into Dei's armour.

"Don't get in my way!"

Dei said as he paused his walking away to turn his head to them and said in a much more aggressive tone, he then continued walking past them. He had no time to waste with worthless souls, if they weren't even going to fight and only yap. He had his own mission and we not let anything get in his way. He would fill his quota no matter the circumstances, it is what he does.
After Dei left, Kevin brushed the dirt off of him and looked around to make sure everyone is okay. "What was his problem?" He turned to the man who had thrown a knife at the demon earlier. "Who are you?"

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