An Alternate Ending

([MENTION=2174].:Vassel:.[/MENTION] Well I'm free to fight Darla if you'd like)

Hanna pulled out her dagger, which then changed into the lightning sword. She held it up, clouds started to gather overhead, thunder rumbled in, and a blast of lightning shot from the sky into the sword with a loud CRACK. "Well, if *that* didn't let them know I was here, I dunno what would." Hanna chuckled to herself.

Iris climbed a tree and laid down on a branch, knowing she wasn't allowed to get involved in the fight, she pawed at a bug crawling across her tall perch.

Hanna jumped on a rock to see where she could do any damage or help any of her fellow white knights.
"Easy, Sun, steady boy..." Verjouhi muttered, dismounting. So he was a little late. Nothing new there and didn't mean he couldn't handle himself. The new bracket around his wrist, however, had been bothering him. So maybe he took a few minutes to darken the gold with a little soot, maybe he smugded a little ash on the crimson gem. Anything shinny drew attention, and attention was not his choice. It's why his daggers were even darkened.

He pulled his bow and an arrow free, taking careful aim. The leader of he Cerberus was his target and the arrow flew straight and true. Whether it hit him or not was another matter. Verjouhi rarely missed, but still. "Stay, Sunfire." Then the man made his way down to the fighting, hiding his bow again and pulling his two fighting daggers free. Time to survive.
"Oh, so you want to play it that way" Kara said as she then roundhouses her leg up to his stomach then teleporting next to Ciara and prepares herself for a next attack. "Ciara, you go for his legs, ill go for his head" she said thinking of a way to get Mar out of the cage.
Mar flexed his abdominal s before impact so he wasn`t phased as much as he could have been by the kick, it still hurt though. it really didn`t matter that that Kara managed to teleport out of the cage. Mar began discharging periodic vollys of eight electricity balls in the two knights general direction his view was distorted by the electricity in the cage so his accuracy was somewhat distorted.
Darla finally found her target. One of the people chosen to go and journey now. She moved closer and struck out with her sword. She moved the blade lower, as if to wound the leg first. If she could not walk for some time she could not travel to the "dragon".
Hanna was looking around for somewhere to help in the fight, when the blade cut deeply into her calf. "Ah!" She winced, looking down, and saw her attacker. Hanna struck her sword into the rock she was standing on and electrocuting the ground around her. Shocking her attacker, as she jumped down to face her head on. The jump was harsh on her calf, but obviously the high ground wasn't working for her.
Dean barely noticed Anna's voice through the pulse of blood flowing through his body. He almost couldn't think through the excitement pumping through his veins. He almost wanted to ignore Anna simply because he was overcome with the thrill of fighting. It didn't help that rather than be disappointed that Dean could heal, that news actually seemed to excite Kevin. He couldn't help but feel that he was going to get a worthy match from the White Knight.

But they had not come to fight and although Dean was hesitant to note this, he knew that he had to reign in Cerberus and return to Anna. He swung his sword forward once again. If he ignored Kevin it could result in his death, it wasn't as if he could heal himself if he was mortally wounded.

"We have not come to hurt you!" Dean shouted loudly into the crowd and he was surprised to note that his voice was actually carrying so he continued, "We have come to warn the White Knights..."

He paused momentarily for dramatic effect and he jumped aside paying enough mind to dodge Kevin's latest attack, "That they will not be reaching the dragon this year. And so long as there is breath in the lungs of Cerberus no man will ever reach that dragon!" Dean bellowed loudly. He could feel his vocal chords becoming sore and damaged from the intensity of his voice, but he knew that they would heal and that his message was more important. He made a purposefully movement up where he thought that Anna would be and he hoped that she would have enough strength to pull them back.

He hoped that he had done enough to leave a lasting impression on the White Knights and the mission of Cerberus. At the very least he was sure that the White Knights would be thinking about them for some time. Even if they didn't spook any of them in the slightest about their mission there was still time and many leagues between them and the lair of the dragon and Cerberus could intercept them on better and more personal terms.

If he had just spoken faster or if he had decided to talk before Anna had prompted him Dean would have been pulled from the area by Anna's magic just in time. Instead his armour was pierced by an arrow and then he vanished from sight.

He collapsed where Anna dropped the members of Cerberus and he immediately tore off pieces of armour until his bare chest was visible. He grit his teeth as he pulled out the arrowhead and lay in the grasses for several minutes as the pain slowly began to ebb away. That was close. The arrow had only just been a few centimeters right of his heart. He paid no mind to the members of Cerberus around him until the skin had knitted over. If he didn't have this healing ability surely he would have died from loss of blood. His hands and his chest were covered in it.

"Everyone alright?" he asked picking himself off of the ground and he began to piece together his armour as if nothing had happened except there was a thin hole where the arrow had broken through his chest plate and a large dent near one of his shoulders, "Clearly I need better armour. Maybe... dragon scales?" he asked, his humour had returned after he had healed from the wound. Hopefully none of the White Knights thought that he had died because he had been struck just before vanishing and it might have looked as if the arrow had punctured his heart. That's the last thing he wanted because it would seem as if Cerberus was weak if they had already eliminated one member.
Mar landed on his rear with a thud muffled by grass. "yea im fine Dean... but i think i may have broken my tail bone" Mar said with a pained expression, he was still on his butt when he holstered and sheathed judge and jury to take a look at his surroundings: a plain dominated by grass and the occasional multicolored local flora which emitted a soft calming scent making the boy almost forget he was hurting in three different places went on for what seemed like miles.

Mar let himself fall to his back with his hands behind his head, the fiasco making the huge electric cage had taken its toll on his stamina ; "if anyone needs their equipment repaired... or replicated in the case of being blood tainted now`s the time to ask" Mar said with the sudden realization that he was exhausted.
Verjouhi sighed and sheathed his daggers easily, looking around. Yes, he'd seen his arrow hit its mark. No, he didn't think the Cerberus leader was dead. It would be to easy that way. He knew he hadn't heard the last of the leader, not by a long shot; but at least that leader knew something now too. Verjouhi rarely missed. His arrows were fire hardened. And Verjouhi would hold no regrets if he killed, anyone, be they innocent or guilty. He hadn't had regrets since the village. He refused too. "We'll reach the dragon, Cerberus, I can promise you that..." He muttered, rolling his shoulder.
Anna was already asleep in the grass when Dean had asked if the team was alright. Keeping Byakko out so long coupled with pulling the team back had exhausted her. Her hood was pulled back, allowing her white hair to spill out, and her spear was still in her hand. Raiden swooped down and perched onto her shoulder. He flapped his wings and hooted at anything that came near her, as if to scare them away. The white tiger had already vanished, probably back to where spirits came from.

. . .

Kevin stood there in a mixture of shock and awe. The leader of Cerberus had just disappeared. He waved his hand into the place where the man had just been. After coming back to his senses, he thought about what dean had said. He was only pumped up even more. With a wide grin on his face, he lifted his fist into the air and shouted.

"Yeah!!! Bring it on Cerberus! Challenge accepted!"
While waiting on a reply from anyone Mar took time to asses current events, the new white knights where impressive fighters as expected but there was some strange vibe he got from them yet he couldn't identify it with any of his feelings so instead of trying to understand it he whispered a silent prayer of apology for shocking the little fox, blaming the feeling on guilt for have zapping a cute (kinda) defenseless animal.

Mar turned his head towards Anna and opened his mouth to discuss the white knights with her but his face flushed visibly red despite his light brown skin instead, he was in close proximity to Anna who`s exquisite white hair was visible making the sleeping girl look cuter than the fox, Mar quickly glanced back up to the sky murmuring the periodic table under his breath it was something he would only do when trying to get things out of his mind; "Hydrogen , helium , lithium......"
As soon as her battle had started, it was over. The girl who cut Hanna's leg just...vanished. The pain in her leg started getting to her, so she walked (trying not to limp) over to the White Knight's leader. "We're not gonna take that crap, are we?" Replaying what the Cerberus leader had said in her head. Not going to reach the Dragon. We'll show them. She thought.
"Did you not hear me? I need new armour... in general." Dean grumbled moodily motioning to his armour which had been worn when he had gone into battle and now was a couple of blows from being in tatters. He was ignorant to the slightly dreamy expression on Mar's face and he only heard Mar mumbling to himself. It was hard to believe that Dean had once had a fiance with his complete ignorance to love and his lack of romantic feelings since her death. He lived and breathed the mission almost fanatically trying to figure out as much as he could.
"oh- sure!" Mar stammered coming back to the beautiful blue planet with a jump to his feet and walked over to Dean scooping up his armor examining it, it was in horrid condition and he would have to make the man a whole new one but he was still glad that it was just the armor that was in a bad condition and not the old man, Mar`s overcoat was enhanced with an almost liquid metal alloy to give it resistance to damage but it woulden`t be able to absorb as much punishment as Deans armor, if it had been him with the arrow to the chest Mar would surely have died

"this is gonna take longer then usual, i really do need some solid hours of sleep". Mar laid the old armor aside and took a knee so he could place a palm on the ground to search for the most suitable metal compositions, Mar smiled not only had he found a sufficient source of metal to make a strong tungsten alloy but there was enough gold deposits to leave Dean a gift, when Mar had completed the armor it looked as close to the original as he could make it but he had shaped a small gold deposit into a thin golden trim that went from a V encompassing the neck plates stretching out to become a line running down the center of the shoulder plates, on the back was an indented goldeen depiction of a dragons wings. "here" Mar said standing up holding the new armor piece in both hands, "i can make you a helmet later if you would wear it" Mar questioned the truth of that statement in his head, drawing a rare metal such as gold always left him dog tired afterwards.
Darla was a bit happy when they were taken away, though she was a bit unhappy about not being able to finish the fight. Still she had managed to wound the White Knight, so she felt happy too.

She stumbled though, damaged by the shock attack, but she was still alive. "Well that"
After the members of Cerberus left, Dahlia came out and took in the damage. Many of her guards as well as the warriors gathered were wounded. Immediately, she dispatched medics to take care of the hurt.

The blonde queen clenched her fists in anger. How dare they attack this sacred ceremony? But they'll see. Cerberus will fall once the White Knights reach the Dragon.

She turned to the White Knights. "I commend you all for being able to fend off Cerberus. I can see now why you five are the chosen ones." She looked off into the sky. "I wish I could allow you to stay and rest, but the winter solstice comes in 3 months. And it is a long journey to the Dragon's lair. All I can give you now are my words of gratitude. Now go. Go and free this kingdom from the Dragon and Cerberus."

. . .

After hearing Dahlia speak, Kevin threw a triumphant fist in the air. "Don't worry my queen. We'll defeat the Dragon." He then turned to the other Knights, more energetic than before. "Well, come on. Let's go!" And he proceeded to run to the northern gates of the capital city.

. . .

Anna opened her eyes and sat up. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked over at Raiden perched on her shoulder. She motioned for him to go to her hand and he obeyed. "Aww," she whispered to the white owl. "Were you watching out for me while I was sleeping?" She kissed the owl's beak.

The white haired girl grabbed the locket from around her neck. Her cheeks flushed a bit and her eyes grew hazy. "You know, Raiden. I had a very nice dream. 'He' was in it." Her heart dropped a bit. The dream had only reminded her of how much she missed him.

Her daydreaming was cut short when she saw Mar repairing Dean's armor. She looked down at her own cloak. It had some tears but it was nothing she couldn't sew up.
Verjouhi shook his head, turning to the grove of trees and whistling once. The stallion came from the trees with a proud snort, stopping only once near Verjouhi. The man smirked, stroking the stallion's muzzle before mounting. He didn't walk or run long distances. He could, but he didn't like too. "Let's go, Sun." The stallion snorted, following after Lucas at a steady half-trot.
"It's only going to get more fun!" Dean smiled warmly at Darla. The sad part was that he had actually found that adventure fun and his only regret was that he didn't have more time... then again if he had stayed there longer he would have needed precious time to heal from the arrow wound and that was something he was sure that they wouldn't have given him... so maybe it was a good thing that they had not been there longer, "I would pay to see Dahlia's face."

When Mar was finished Dean returned his attention back to the armour and he loosed an enthusiastic whooping noise, "You just reminded me why I keep you around kid." Dean beamed turning the armour over in his hands. The dragon wings that he had added were incredible and he felt as if they suited him so well. They marked his mission and he couldn't wait to reveal them to the White Knights when that time would come. He knew that they would have to bide their time, but he was prepared to wait. He needed to meet the one that might have killed him with the arrow if he did not have his healing and he was anxious to fight the brute once again. Soon.
(me and Terra are going to be gone for awhile. I'm going to be gone for a week and Terra only a few days)

Ciara and Keiran calmly walked away from Kara and Hanna and followed Kevin to the gates thinking she was going to make Mar pay for hurting Keiran. Thankfully he was okay but if he wasn't she didn't think Mar would be alive right now. Keiran is her only friend and if he got injured badly or killed she would probably loose control and murder everyone in her path, which makes her wonder again why was she a White Knight?
Mar tried to look like he wassen`t effected by Deans praise but the childish grin on his face gave it away, Mar turned his attention to the sky , it didn`t look like it was going to rain anytime soon and he had identified some edible roots and berries around their location, the boy turned his attention back to Dean when he`d regained control of his facial muscles to inform him of his findings and say; "i`ts gonna get dark in a few hours. are we to make a camp here or are we going to take a chance trying to find a local town with an inn?.... if you do plan on letting us rest today. " Mar joked
With her leg bandaged up, Hanna couldn't decide what to do with Iris. The journey would be dangerous, and long, could a cat take that? And furthermore, anyone could just kill her, nearby predators, cerberus, even that fox! But could Hanna really trust her parents to watch Iris? Dad in the fields could run her over, and if she followed mother to the market she could get lost, or killed, or stolen. Iris waltzed over to where Hanna stood, distraught. She purred and rubbed Hanna's wrapped leg. "You're a lot of trouble for keeping me alive, you know." Hanna smiled at her cat.

"Alright, come on." She picked up the feline, and opened her satchel. Iris settled right in with her front paws on the edge and her head peering out at everything around her. Hanna didn't bother closing it, Iris would just knock it open anyways. Hanna sort of sprinted to catch up with the rest of the White Knights, as the sun hit her bracelet's auburn gem.
Aran woke up from his sleep. He rubbed his head and looked around at the camp-site he had quickly set up last night. He re-lit the fire and put his metal pot onto the fire the meat inside. He packed some food into his pack and bottled most of his fresh water. When his meat raw meat finished he stuffed that in to before taking a bite out of it of course. He picked up his katana before leaving the camp site and drowsing the the fire. Didn't want any un-wanted attention coming here from seeing the smoke. Once he left he came across a woman with a cat she appeared to be a White Knight. A few minutes later she sprinted off, Aran decided to follow her. Thats when he noticed the other White Knights she just caught up with. Aran hid in the foliage and continued to follow them.

(And if your still doing the comic you can use my character
As Ciara caught up with Kevin she finally paid attention to the dark purple gem in her bracelet. huh she thought looking at it like she didn't care, but she couldn't help actually liking it a little bit.

Keiran yipped at Ciara getting her attention. She smiled and picked him up putting him on her shoulder, he was small enough that his weight didn't bother Ciara's shoulder for awhile and he never got his tail in her face, so she'd let him sit there and tap peoples shoulders so they would look around confused for a moment then look away either upset or still confused.
Kevin stopped walking for a bit. There was a smell in the air that he didn't recognize. It also didn't seem to belong. There was someone there. The werewolf quickly pounced on a bush nearby. "Show yourself or become food!"

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