An Alternate Ending

(Sweet, then lets do it while the good guys do their thing.)

Dei took a breath, it had been a while since he had encounter that small band of heroes who challenged him but then backed away. They should matter nothing to him, yet for some reason they kept popping into his head. He shouldn't worry about this, he should only be worrying about one individual. That was what matter most, so why could he not stop thinking about them. Those nuisances with all their baseless pravado they didn't even try to back up.

Viper came floated out of his armour.

"You have something on your mind..."

"It's nothing." He said ignoring the soul, not even throwing a glance to it as he continued to walk through the dark forest, the trees seemingly wisping past him as he kept his hands in his pockets.

"Liar..." Avis decided to add herself into the discussion.

"You are thinking about those fighters from before."

"I said it is nothing, I do not need your opinion. If I want you, I will call you. Return now."

The souls did as they were commanded and returned back to his armour without question or choice.
the clearing that Mar and the others where in was bordered on one side by a thick forested area lined with leigoins of trees, Mar being bored out of his mind found himself staring at the array of wooded plants, attempting to count them; "480, 481, 482, four hundred eighty-wait a minute" that last object he counted just moved! the boy squinted into the forest, sure that what he was looking at was no young sappling the boy stood up and called out to an oddly shaped outline of a person as it came closer to the end of the forest; "And who might you be?"
Ciara shook her head still wondering exactly what happened, but Keiran soon came up to her checking that she was alright and licked her face. She smiled and pat the top of his head. As she got up she looked at all the boys around her seeing if they're alright, from what she could tell, they were.
Sunfire reacted before Verjouhi did, rearing back and taking the brunt of the soul. Didn't hurt the stallion, but when he came back down, he snorted in a ticked off way, glaring after the man while Verjouhi steadied him. "Easy, Sun, we'll deal with him another time." Verjouhi muttered, dismounting and looking at the others. "Fine, Kevin; my stallion took the brunt of the soul."
(Ok, well im back and could someone tell me whats going on so far, because i don't wanna read all the threads.)
(the white knights just had an encounter with a demon named Dei who has just been spotted by a member of Cerberus)
Dei heard the voice asking him for his identity, his shadowy outline through the forest trees could be see turning his head.

Suddenly Avis shot out and came face to face with Mar, only a meter between them.

"That is none of the business of a little brat! Why don't you go home to your mommy or go play with your toys and stop bugging us!"

Dei however remained silent, just watching the encounter.
the boy was not surprised nor insulted by the rude spirit , yet still out of impulse Mar drew the judge sure that revolver rounds when charged with electricity would at least phase unearthly beings; "its common courtesy to state your name before coming into the vicinity of a camp therefore it IS my business, besides i was not speaking to you. " he regarded the spirit almost politely

Kara looked at the demon impatiently as waiting for it to attack one of her fellow knights, then decides to ask "Are you a Cerberus member? If so, fight!". Kara said to the demon

readying herself for an pending attack.
([MENTION=2562]Terradawn101[/MENTION] Dei is no longer with the White Knights, he left them and is now with the Cerberus members.)
Dean regarded the new man coldly assessing him quickly, "Come on Mar. This guy isn't worth our time or effort." he said immediately waving the younger boy over. He had no time to waste on such a thing, Mar was also sticking his head into business that wasn't his as usual. But Mar wasn't quite as narrow-minded as Dean was. If it didn't involve the dragon or other members of Cerberus then it simply wasn't worth his time. The White Knights were barely worth his time to be honest, but he knew that they had to be stopped from reaching it. He just hoped that Mar wouldn't push the issue with this man further, although his fingers brushed longingly over the hilt of his blade despite his desire to disregard Dei.
Anna glanced over at the man despite the hood of her cloak covering half of her face. She then went and gave her undivided attention to Raiden. Even the snowy owl didn't see this newcomer as a threat. She had no idea why Mar was making such a big deal out of it. Each year the White Knights were comprised of the strongest warriors in Amia, which meant that Cerberus were currently the strongest people in Amia. One thing did unnerve her though. Anna could feel a power similar to hers coming from the man, but it was darker. The spirits seemed unraveled. She could hear their blood lust in the gem in her glove.

But she brushed this feeling aside and ruffled Raiden's feathers.

. . . .

Kevin looked to the Knights and ten at the sky. "We should hurry if we want to reach the first town before it gets too dark." He looked to the group and his eyes fell on Aran. "Yo. You coming with?" In Kevin's book, this man had a fighting spirit and that made him alright.
"Wait, you're asking the guy who almost got himself killed by a demon to come with us?" Ciara thought Kevin was crazy if he really was going to let Aran join the White Knights. Keiran seemed to disagree though since he just stood by without growling which irritated Ciara.
"My names Aran, and sure why not better to be in a group out here these days. Never know what your going to find in this place now a days." He slid his katana back into the sheet on his back and slung his backpack on one shoulder
Hanna wasn't quite sure if she trusted this guy, but she knew that they had a better chance with a larger group. "I agree with Kevin, it's almost sundown, we should get a move on. Whether or not, he *motioning to Aran* comes with us." Hanna shifted her satchel's position to be more comfortable, and stroked Iris' ears with hand above the open bag. And waited for the rest of the white knights to relize they had to get moving.
"Yeah . . . " Kevin said in a confused tone. He wasn't sure why Ciara disapproved so much. "I'm sure he wants to make it to town before dark too. I mean if you had to choose between a room at an inn and sleeping in the woods, what would you prefer?" He then started walking forward.
The woods. I'd always prefer the woods. Verjouhi said, patting his stallion as Sunfire snorted in silent agreement. Yea, they'd always prefer the quiet woods over a town. But Verjouhi didn't say anything; he was already the loner of the group, best not to make himself the outsider as well. He roller his shoulder, looking ahead through the trees. The next town wasn't far, he knew from passing through, but it wasn't exactly in sight either and the sun was going down. As Su fire followed behind the others, letting Verjouhi bring up the rear, Verjouhi shook his head. He didn't like towns, and towns people rarely liked him.
Mar sighed at the old man`s words and relaxed his aim letting the judge pat his thigh, almost nothing was worth Cerberus`s time or effort as a group , but to the boy as an indivisual everything you could learn from was worth so much more than just time and effort and it seemed like strangers provided more knowledge than most books. Mar walked over to Dean before his inquisitiveness got the best of him; Could we at least ask this person or his soul companion if they have seen the White knights?. the boy asked quietly.
Ciara shook her head still thinking it was a bad idea to let Aran come with them, but it seemed everyone disagreed with her, even Keiran disagreed with her. She decided just ignored the whole thing and started walking with Keiran right beside her.
(Sorry about the wait...)

Avis returned to Dei as he saw more of the boy's group emerged, chatting amongst themselves. He was not too interested until he heard the boy mention the White Knight as it grabbed his attention, that was what the other group had called themselves.

"Do you mean those cowards who refused to fight me..."

He said to this new group.
Dean smiled at Dei, "They wouldn't fight you? And how do they suppose that they'll survive longer than five minutes?" he scowled wondering if the White Knights would be unresponsive to their next visit. They had a few things to sort out before they would confront the group again.

"I'm starting to wonder if the White Knights are even worth our time... do you think that they'll just forget to keep breathing? I suppose that's not nice... they have no idea what they're getting into after all." he shrugged.
Raiden flapped his wings and hooted. Anna chuckled. "Raiden, you shouldn't say things like that," she muttered, not sharing the joke with anyone. She turned to Mar when he mentioned the White Knights. "Do you suggest we become common stalkers?" She patted Raiden's head. "I've had my fill of people. I do not need more." Over the years, Anna had developed a hatred for all humans and races that carry human form. Of course, Cerberus was different but this new man wasn't. She simply wanted him gone so she could once again breathe.

She listened to Dean's words. "It would be nice never to have to meet them again." She then glanced over at Dei. "Do you have business with us? If not, leave."

. . .

Kevin ran ahead until he reached the gates of the first town. It had just gotten dark so dim candles lit the the windows of the buildings in the street. The buildings were plain and some had damage to the roofs or windows. All the people seemed thin and sick. It didn't seem right. "This makes my village look like the Dahlia's castle."

(This is probably a good time to introduce y'all to the other dungeon masters, Aura, .:Vassel:. and marmar 158. Seeing as the rp will mainly follow the White Knights, the people playing Cerberus won't get as much playtime. So as compensation, they will become our dungeon masters, planning out some, well most, of or side quests, acting as NPCs and stuff. *laughs evilly* Have fun.)

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