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Fantasy An Adventurers' Adventure

[QUOTE="Pom Pom Express]Ahh! Now I'm going to stay up all night to get through Yogs so I can watch Critroll xD
I haven't been able to play a game of D&D yet. I tried once with some online friends, but that never happened. I tried again on here, that didn't happen. I tried to offer to DM with my online friends, still nothing. Now I'm trying again on here with someone who needed some players. I have like, a super D&D boner, and no one will satisfy me xD people just keep dropping out, and it's so sad!

That's how this thread started. I wanted something kinda like it to hold me over.

I feel your pain. I have the D&D 5e books and some dice, but I haven't found a group to play with yet, and the nearest wizards of the coast store from my house is pretty far away.
Hold on, just let me go over the sheet real quick to make sure it's all good, then I'll post the first post. Then you guys can either ask me questions, or just go straight into it.
All right, it's getting pretty late here. I'll start working on a post, but we'll see if I finish.

Tomorrow I have a crappy eleven hour work day, so I may be able to post some early in the morning, again, we'll see xD

After this post, you guys'll be able to go. You can have your character act with their environment however you see fit. Don't forget the posting order, I'll post, then you three post, then me, then you, etc.

You can have your characters act/react however you want. I'll shape the story around you and your actions. You don't have to help every stranger you meet, though you'll never know how that may change the future! :D
Alrighty, first post is now up. You can have your character do whatever you want them to do. They can also start out wherever you want them to. At the bar, at the tables, or maybe even just walking in. Whatever you want :D
I hope it isn't a problem that made a few people in the tavern smile and wave at me back, since I assume paladins are generally welcomed by many.
Alright, @Lojikal For the most part, you just have your character act, so for example, you make him wave at the patrons and such, and I'll have them wave back or react some other way in my next post. The reason for this is so you never know what type of person you'll be interacting with. But in this instance it's fine. Interacting with general public will be fine in large crowds and such. But as a general rule, never control a named, or described NPC, like the maid and shady folk, or Tarjac. But in a bustling tavern, waving with a few peeps is 'K methinks. Though not every described NPC is important, so the shady pair may not have anything to do with anything xD But you never know, and that's the point. > :)
Nice post lengths. I won't read any of them tonight, I'm super tired, long day. I should be able to get through them tomorrow morning though. :D Looking forward to it!
I got a thing I gotta go to soon lol, Idk when I'll be back today, so just throwing it out there for you to know
Sorry if my post isn't great, kinda tired still xD But yeah, for combat, I think it'll go down kinda how I did it for the dwarves. You'll prepare and launch attacks, and I'll decide if it lands. Maybe if you ever find yourself fighting an army or something, you can just take out dozens of peeps however you see fit, but for the most part, I think that's a good way to handle it, no?
Looking good so far! I like how Kit has grown suspicious of Tarjac. I also figured she would be the one to spot the bar maid. At points I will choose to have just one or two people see or notice something, but for now, if you think your character is perceptive enough, I'll let that be up to you :D

Also, if it clarifies and makes things easier, you can always launch your attacks, like loosing an arrow, casting a spell or swinging your swords. Don't worry too much about combos and follow up attacks, as those will be on the next round anyways.

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