AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

Kiseki simply nodded as she sipped on her drink.

"I'll be sure to catch her when she's free." She said, referring to Rin... She sighs.

"Do you know ways to cure boredom, because honestly I think I'm about to fall asleep..." She asked, looking between the two of them, who were obviously taller than her.

It's not like there's any killing I can attend to at the moment... She added in her mind.
After some time Zash walked to the counter where Rin was, and started: "Rin! Could you please bring me a mug of beer, and something delicious to eat? Also could you tell me please where can i get some smokes?" While asking a polite smile was on Zash's face and even his sound was quite polite.
Rin nodded.

"Anything specific you want to eat? And what type of cigarettes do you want?" Rin grabbed a mug and started to fill it with beer.
"Hm... I would really eat something spicy, but I don't know what's delicious from the menu so please bring me what you think is the best. About smokes I prefer Kent." Answered Zash as he stared at Rin as if he was examine somthing about Rin.
Rin nodded to Zash as she gave him his beer real quick before running off to go get something spicy and the cigarettes. She came back with his cigarettes and Spicy Koren Style Gochujang Meatballs.

"Here you go." Rin gave him his things then poured herself a glass of beer.
"Thanks a lot! So I wanted to talk about Yin." He says as he prepares to start his meal. "So about this topic I have both a good and a bad news. The good one is that she spend a lot of time alone which is a great news for us, but the bad one-" Zash eats a meatball. "mph..." he quickly swallows it "This is delicious!!! If I had known that it's so good here I'd been a known face around here... Thanks for the food Rin you are amazing!" Says with a great smile on his face and prepares an other meatball to eat. So about the bad news. I heard that she went into a building along with some other people. One of these other people's description is identical with Airi Motoyima's profile. I think I don't have to say what comes from this." Zash continued his meal and with every single meatball he enjoyed those better and better. Then he reached for the mug of beer looks in the eyes of Rin. "Cherio!"
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RIn couldn't help but giggle at Zash' reaction to the meatballs. Her smile faded when Zash told her the bad news.

"So they are having meetings. That could lead to many conclusions." Rin took a sip of her beer and started down at the table, deep in thought.
Zash was surprised in the way Rin drinked her beer and it really made him smile. He drank the left of his beer, then he nicely asked her: Would you mind if I smoke some?
Rin snapped out of thought when Zash spoke to her.

"Hmm? Oh, uh yeah. It's fine, go ahead." She smiled at Zash.
"Thanks" Said Zash as he lit his smoke. "I got an information about a place where Yin appeared several times now. My job would only be to wait her there and then finish the job. However as thing now stand we may need to consider things again. What is your opinion?" Zash blew out the smoke aiming the ceiling, since that way he can goes for sure that he won't disturb Rin. He looked at her trying to figure out what she thinks.
"I think since we can strike them all at once, we should." Rin started. "But with that comes a price. If they are all there at once they could depend on each others magic. I do admit we are the best assassins in the world, but I do not think that it would be a walk in the park." Rin rested her head in her hand.

"Do you think we should take a shot at it? If something happens we can always retreat and try again another time."
"If we want to take a try we'll really need a good back-up or retreating plan. If they overpower us, they might not let us to retreat." Zash puts away the pack of smoke. "I think we should really talk it over with the others, and decide together. But I'd like to notice, that we are rather single target oriented which's reason is clear as we are assassins. However on the other hand, even if we just speak about Yin, they can take on us with a preson-disadvantage, and they still could keep up. Shall we tell this to the others?"
Rin nodded.

"Yes. We should. Should we assemble a meeting tomorrow?" Rin asked Zash.
Sage sighs after spending a few minutes in his apartment doorway," You know what this bores me," He says to himself and promptly turning away and relocking his door, on the way out. His white silvery hair shining in the daylight as he made his way back down town. Where he just happens to stumble pass a coffee shop filled with assassin. He looks inside the windows before entering, determining whether it was crowded enough to enter. Upon entering he clicks his tongue out of anticipation, his skin starting to peel off his fingers out of habit. My, my this will be fun! He thinks walking straight up to the counter to order his ''coffee''.
"Uh, Lets see..." Rin checked her watch.

"I leave at 5:00.... So, an hour and a half. Why?" Rin asked Zash curiously.
"Hm... I'm only wondering what they could be planning. You have everyones phone number right? May I use your phone? I'll notify them to look out. Even if your little sister is not convinceable Code and Mai can hold thing under control." He looks at Rin and gets an other smoke ready to be lit. "I'll wait till you finish at job. Until we don't know if they are acting as a group, none of us should be left alone." Zash tries to force a smile on his face, but it's not a very convincing one.
Mai looked up slowly, eyes widening as the white haired magic user walked in the door. "Ah..guys? We have company." She took one more sip of her triple espresso, and set it down on the counter. She turned around to face him and her hand moved slowly down to her bag, slipping in and grasping one of her throwing daggers.
"Yeah, sure." Rin pulled out her phone from her dress pocket and handed it to Zash.

"Everyone is on there. I'd better get back behind the counter before I get yelled at. Sorry, call everyone and let them kn0w what's ging to happen. " Rin ran back behind the counter hoping her boss didn't see her slacking off.

Kiseki turned as well, still sipping from her straw, causing the little slurping sounds to come out because she was almost out. She shook her cup as to loosen up the drink.

"Yo." She said simply.

How... exciting... On the inside, Kiseki was jumping with joy, though on the outside her face was blank as she stared up at the obviously taller man.

So... This is Sage.
Code, clearly seeing that this was a target, remained calm and vigilant when the white-hair magician came inside the store. He knew that this guy was clearly dangerous but decided to go with the flow and see what happens next. When the man walks up to the counter, Code gives his usual greeting, but prepared for anything to happen. "Hello sir, what may I get you today?"
"No problem" replies Zash as getting to send a text to the rest of the team.

Be careful! MU targets know about us. They may make a stepp as a team, look out for them,

and do not engage in fights until it is a must.


(Yes I know you must be surprised that I contact you from this phone but let's discuss that later....),

As Zash sent the text, he held up in the high Rin's phone showing her that he is done, and put it onto the table.
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Rin was running all over the place help customers and taking orders and even making some of the food. Some employees went home so it was only Rin and about 4 other people there to serve customers. Rin was kind of getting stressed out but managed t do it.
Sage smiles, slowly looking around himself without moving his head," Hello good sir. I would like to order a Triple shot espresso," He says, his smile growing wider by the moment. He leans forward, so his arms are resting on the counter," And if you don't mind I would like it without the poison Code, I have came here to buy to some coffee. not murder your families, so please lets be civilized. Okay, okay." He commands, slight turning his head towards the left," I mean there are so many civilians here I wouldn't want to hurt anyone." He teases letting out a small chuckle.
Mai perked up slightly. "Oh, you want a triple shot? Here, you can have mine." She smiled and reached back with her free hand and grabbed the coffee. Then she swung her arm back around, the hot coffee splashing up to hit the magic user in the face.

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