Ambrose A Vampire Signups


Two Thousand Club

Mid 1500s in the country of Crasia and in the city of Tyrardul. Tyrardul is the Capital of this small country and is enclosed in high grey stone walls. The castle of the King and Queen lies in the center of the town with markets surrounding it. Small farms surround the Capital and most people live in dwellings outside of the city walls. However most jobs are within the walls.

History/Current predicament: Vampires rule the land, it started out innocently enough but with time power grows. It all started a hundred years ago when the Vampires arrived by boat in the Human land. They had reproduced too much and needed more food. A vampire could only drink from one human and with every bite the human was temporarily immortalized. The Vampires struck a deal with the humans where they would defend them from the demons that plagued their forest and in return the humans would supply them with people for their new vampires.

But as time went on and the demons were defeated the Vampires decided to settle in this new country and eventually took over. Now the Vampire’s rule with an iron fist, every human is born to be assigned to a vampire when they reach the age of 15. Until than they live in a boarding houses similar to a barn just waiting. They literally live in small stalls, and are taught the bare minimum any extra skills can be requested but cost extra. Most Vamps “train” there humans themselves.

Vampire Venom and Characteristics:

· Vampire venom stops the aging process for a few days, just long enough until their next feeding.

· If human goes without venom within a matter of days they revert to their real age

· Vampire venom only stops the aging process it does not rewind it so if someone reverts to their real age than they are given venom they are just paused at their real age.

· Vampires view humans as animals/slaves and they are treated thus and they call them “Serfs”

· Until a vampire reaches the age 100 (Human equivalent of 18) they can drink from their parent’s serf but after they are eighteen they no longer gain nourishment

· A vampire will begin shopping for their own serf when they 99, once they find them they will pay an open front fee and request any further training for extra cost

· Marrying a human is not only weird it is illegal (But in the actual Rp romance can flourish :P )

Human Characteristics:

· Most humans know and except their place and have little knowledge of their country or their own past· Human children are taken from their family at birth and raised in the holding facilities called Plantations until they are fifteen.

· At the Plantations they are taught to read, write and count but when they are fourteen they are bit daily so they remain 14 until they are picked. -- --Once picked no one bites them for a year, they are taught proper manners and are cleaned up so that when the master comes for them in a year they are ready.

-They don't have last names


If you were to ignore all of the labels and cut of the cathedral so that a "Pentadecagon"(??? 15 sided shape) is formed. Within the center a castle for the royals would stand and the streets would be filled with Merchants. As night arrived the merchants had to close but Vampires were still allowed to roam.



Most Plantations look like this with a small exercise area for the serfs and where they can be paraded before awaiting Costumers. Each serf wears a leather collar round their neck with a price tag. They live in stalls with straw cots and singular sheet. In the winter they are lucky to get a wool blanket. At age ten they go through a year schooling and learn to read, count, and write after that additional education costs extra.


1. Everyone most make a male and female character

2. This is a semi private and literate Rp. This means only 4 or 5 COMMITTED members with at least a paragraph each post

3. NO one can play their own serf

4. No romance between characters played by the same person

5. For every serf made a vampire most also be made

6.I will match all Vampires to their serf6.No more than four characters (This could be changed as the rp goes on)





History/Personality: (This may be pretty for the serfs but just describe the kind of Plantation they came from. In terms of Vamps what is their life and family like)




Name: Marcus York

Gender: Male

Age: 100

Species: Vampire

History/Personality: Marcus is a member of the York, a well known noble family that control who is "in" or "out". This tends to make anyone a bit snooty and big headed which Marcus is. Although he does have a kinder quieter side but you never forget who he is or who his family is when you are around him. He is a bit of a cassanova much to his mother's chagrin who wants him to settle down and make something of himself.

View attachment 3788


Name: Rosa

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Species: Human (A serf)

History/Personality: Rosa came from a Plantation known for its disciplinary skills. No one really knows what horrors go on in the facility aside from the serfs who come out of it. They all end up being quiet and broken hardly making eye contact and submissive. When you grow up only knowing one take on life, that your job is to be a slave and except anything and every thing this is done to you believe it. However as Rosa begins to see the world around her Rosa may begin to think differently.

View attachment 3789


Name: Marque Stone

Gender: female

Age: 100

Species: Vampire

History/Personality: Marque is a kind girl with a sweet heart. She could hardly hurt a fly and feeding can be difficult for her. She already questions the serf system and this will most likely get worse as she forms a friendship with her serf.

View attachment 3875


Name: Bret

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Species: Human (serf)

History/Personality: Bret is a fiery hot tempered human who despite everything has yet to be broken. He is riddled with scars from his numerous beatings but that doesn't stop him from fighting.

View attachment 3876


Marcus MV ((Sakura FH -Shiyoumi)) p1

Rosa FH ((Vinnie MV-Lilly Spiritdreamer)) p1

Marque FV ((Cain MH-amdreams)) p1

Bret MH ((Iliana FV-KaitWink)) p1


Ryoma MV((Whisper FH-Lilly Spiritdreamer)) p1

Sakura FH ((Marcus MV-14hca14)) p1

Lilly Spiritdreamer:

Vinnie MV ((Rosa FH-14hca14)) p1

Whisper FH ((Ryoma MV-Shiyoumi)) p1

Lynix MH ((Abram MV-AlwaysChaos)) p5

Alexander MV ((Jennifer FH-Tyra)) p9


Cain MH ((Marque FV-14hca14)) p2


Iliana FV((Bret MH-14hca14)) p2

Lily FH ((Kew FV-KiokuLovesCheesecake)) p5


Amber FH ((Timothy MV-Tyra)) p3

Abram MV ((Lynix MH-Lilly Spiritdreamer)) p5


Jennifer FH ((Alexander MV-Lilly Spiritdreamer)) p4

Timothy MV ((Amber FH-AlwaysChaos)) p4


Kew FV ((Lilly FH-KaitWink)) p8

Xavior MH ((Kyra FV- Pandaa Popsiclee )) p8

PandaaPopsiclee: -To be Approved

Kyra FV (( Xavior MH KiokuLoves Cheesecake )) p11

Exavyir MH (( ))


Tress MH (( )) p18

Reverie FV ((Exavyir MH-PandaaPopsiclee )) p18


Marcus MV ((Sakura FH -Shiyoumi)) p1

Rosa FH ((Vinnie MV-Lilly Spiritdreamer)) p1

Marque FV

Bret MH ((Iliana FV-KaitWink)) p1

Lilly Spiritdreamer:

Vinnie MV ((Rosa FH-14hca14)) p1

Whisper FH

Lynix MH ((Abram MV-AlwaysChaos)) p5

Alexander MV ((Jennifer FH-Tyra)) p9


Iliana FV((Bret MH-14hca14)) p2

Lily FH ((Kew FV-KiokuLovesCheesecake)) p5


Amber FH ((Timothy MV-Tyra)) p3

Abram MV ((Lynix MH-Lilly Spiritdreamer)) p5


Jennifer FH ((Alexander MV-Lilly Spiritdreamer)) p4

Timothy MV ((Amber FH-AlwaysChaos)) p4


Kew FV ((Lilly FH-KaitWink)) p8

Xavior MH ((Reverie FV .:Vassel:. )) p8


Tress MH- Marque FV p1

Reverie FV (( Xavior MH KiokuLovesCheesecake)) p18




I would be interested if it weren't for the fact that you had to make two characters. I'm not very good at keeping up with multiple at once /: Sounds pretty interesting, though

--- Merged Double Post ---

Or is it just that you're trying to keep it even? I'll gladly sign up if I can make a single charry.
Name: Ryoma Kikuchi

Age: 1oo (18 in vampire years)

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 3627

Personality: Quiet, hot-tempered, nice, can be a jerk sometimes, womanizer, not serious about love, his family is filthy rich, owns a manor and is from Japan

Race: 吸血鬼 (vampire)

Background: Ryoma was born into a rich family. He has several serfs that bend to his every wish thanks to his parents' money. He often goes out on walks in the forest. He can be seen leading on female serfs as he is never really serious about love and can be a jerk sometimes. His favorite serf passed away after his parents had neglected to feed from her after several days. The day has now come where he can choose his own serf, but he is reluctant as he does not know which serf will be right for him.

Character: Sakura Mogami

Nickname: Kura-chan

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 165cm

Weight: 47kg

Interests: Ryoma, life

Dislikes: Sweet things, cruelty of life, enclosed spaces, the color pink, thunder

Likes: Ramen, Rice, Dracula, cherry blossoms


species: human
Kaitwink: I would like to keep it even but if you can find another person who will make one character also, than yes you can join. :)

Shiyoumi your accepted but Sakura would not know Ryoma so you should change that. I really like your characters
[MENTION=2001]amdreams[/MENTION] that would be great, I was going to make a female serf but if you wanted to make a serf I can make avampire :3 just let me know
((ooooo this does sound like it must be fun, and the fact you match the two characters mean we don’t have to fret about having to work into them meeting as much as some role plays require.))

Name: Vincent (aka Vinnie) Bloodstone

Gender: Male

Age: 100

Species: Vampire

History/Personality: Although coming from a well to do family, Vinnie had always been more of the black sheep. If it was out of laziness, being used to everything handed to him, or the fact he just didn’t care. The challenges were all gone in this new age. The humans nothing more than pets, he longed for at least some excitement. Now he’s being forced to get and take care of a serf on his own. He didn’t like the fact most of them were nothing but background and flitter. The last argument between him and his family ended as such. Get a serf, prove something useful to the family, or be disowned.



Name: Whisper

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Species: Human

History/Personality: Given her name for the fact she was known to barely speak, and when she did it was little more than a whisper. At younger ages, she was even considered to be a mute. In truth, she always tried not to be notice, perhaps out of fear, or out of not finding herself worth anything.


(It would be better if we had a female vamp and a male serf just because we already have male vamps and female serfs but that doesn't have to happen)
((Well I could trade Vinnie out for a female vamp? I didn't really have a male serf idea though. ))
((I will make a female vampire [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION]))

Name: Iliana Mia Gaelen

Gender: Female

Age: 100

Species: Vampire

History/Personality: (This may be pretty for the serfs but just describe the kind of Plantation they came from. In terms of Vamps what is their life and family like) Iliana (who prefers to go by her middle name, Mia) did not have a very nice family. Since she was not 100 yet her parents always treated her just like a child. She was very sheltered, so grew up sort of an 'angsty' person. She can seem very mean on the outside but on the inside she is truly very kind. She shows her dominance over her Serf(s) but would never lay a hand on them (other than to take blood, of course)


((Sorry for the black and white image, her eyes are crimson and her hair is ash blonde))

Marcus - Sakura

Marque - Cain

Ryoma - Whisper

Vincent -Rosa

Iliana- Bret

Here are the character match ups if anything is conflicting we can change it. I would like the first post for all vamps to be a year in the past describing the picking of their serf and the serf's first post describing what happened after. You may want to contact each other to see if a Vamp wants their serf to learn certain skills which could help with writing the first post. You may want to include a few lines describing the "picking up/delivery" of the serf to their new home but that is just a suggestion. Also it looks like most vamps are wealthy or noble so the families should know each other which can lead to further interaction between characters.

When picking a serf it is basically like picking out a pet, maybe more similar to a horse. All of the possible serfs are learned up in the courtyard and if you have interest in one of them you walk up to it. Some of the Vampires might inspect them, have them walk around to check for a limp or oddities. They can talk to a "handler" about personality and what not.
Lilly: Yes that's a good idea

Kioku: If you can find another person to join you can make a character and your characters will be matched together. I am really sorry, I just matched everybody together and I really don't want to try and reorganize it. :saddd:
I can create a second character if need be /:

--- Merged Double Post ---

However I will have to wait to make a post on the rp itself until I can actually do it from my computer... I'm on mobile and it's hard to make opening posts from a cell phone.


Khloe Eliza Dixon
















Ayiko Seri Lianas















{Sorry for one not being anime. I couldn't find a suitable pic.}


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