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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
SirGrey said:
Pike sighed before requesting to the young mans request. "Well I might as well show you the best coffee shop around here" Pike says walking off at enough of a pace for Hilbert to follow him. @YoungX
Hilbert wasn't much of a coffee drinker, but he figured he would go for one anyhow. He would follow him while keeping his distance. It's not that he didn't trust him... ok he really didn't trust almost everyone in this city as of now, but he figured it's just coffee.

As they went inside Pike requested his private table on the balcony as usual. Sitting down, Pike placed hims umbrella on the floor and his jacket on the chair, after it was warm as hell outside. "So what will you be having" Pike asked keeping his high class voice in tone, with some British twang to it. It was a practised voice, not his natural voice. With how he was dress, Pike felt it made good cover. After all The Whisper talked in a very theatrical tone. @YoungX
SirGrey said:
As they went inside Pike requested his private table on the balcony as usual. Sitting down, Pike placed hims umbrella on the floor and his jacket on the chair, after it was warm as hell outside. "So what will you be having" Pike asked keeping his high class voice in tone, with some British twang to it. It was a practised voice, not his natural voice. With how he was dress, Pike felt it made good cover. After all The Whisper talked in a very theatrical tone. @YoungX
Hilbert looked as if he was asked to name the man who invented radiology. In any case he would just come up with a very simple answer. "A... decaf?" He wasn't familiar with the types of coffee.

"Decaf and I will have a Americano" Pike says sitting back in a relax fashion. "So what brings you to our fair city, after all no offence, but this city isn't the most exciting place" Pike says in a light tone with a smile. "Unless you really like secret shadowy organisations and people with superpowers who really bring up the house prices". @YoungX
SirGrey said:
"Decaf and I will have a Americano" Pike says sitting back in a relax fashion. "So what brings you to our fair city, after all no offence, but this city isn't the most exciting place" Pike says in a light tone with a smile. "Unless you really like secret shadowy organisations and people with superpowers who really bring up the house prices". @YoungX
"Yeah I can sort of tell," Hilbert said reminding him of Tiffany. "Well I'm just here. Let's just say that a certain encounter with a villain sort of made me want to find a city to just relax in. Unfortunately... I quickly learned this was the last place I want to do that. Still... I don't have anywhere else to go. Tell me... are most of the people here psychos with powers or is that just me?"

"Perhaps I wouldn't know I rarely do business with those people, a business like myself normally has a rather boring life" Pike lies while there drinks were brought to them. "Though I suspect I am talking to one right now which may place you in rather... odd social circles, am I not Mr... erm pardon me what is your name?" @YoungX
SirGrey said:
"Perhaps I wouldn't know I rarely do business with those people, a business like myself normally has a rather boring life" Pike lies while there drinks were brought to them. "Though I suspect I am talking to one right now which may place you in rather... odd social circles, am I not Mr... erm pardon me what is your name?" @YoungX
"It's Hilbert. Oh and just in case you ask... I'm just a normal guy. At least that's what I place myself in." He said as he drank the sort of bitter decaf. Then he remembered why he isn't a coffee fanatic.

@SirGrey (One more then sleep time.)
"William Pike and I must admit that is a surprise but not unexpected, now I can see you must be a busy man so I assume you won't be wanting anything to eat?" the thief asks shipping his americano. @YoungX
SirGrey said:
"William Pike and I must admit that is a surprise but not unexpected, now I can see you must be a busy man so I assume you won't be wanting anything to eat?" the thief asks shipping his americano. @YoungX
"I'm good. Thanks for the coffee," he said thanking him as he would leave behind change for the coffee. "Well time to go to a hotel or something. First time I've been to a city where law enforcement is from an organization which names itself after the pane on windows." Hilbert would then take his leave, go to a nearby hotel and would sleep in a room.

[Closed for interaction]
The master thief would return home with a "Honey I'm home". He didn't know what Anella had been up to while he was out, if she had gotten up at that. Still he was glad to be back. He thought she might like the news he had to tell. @JPax42

Anella woke up and waved to Pike, shaking her hair out her eyes. She had a smile on her face, and she slumped against the couch again, closing her eyes. "Mm you went out for some time. How was it?"

"Oh nothing special just went out for a coffee, helps keep me afloat" Pike says with a smile. "Looks like you could do with one" the master criminal says going towards the kitchen. "Oh also thank you for those massage, I doesn't even remotely feel like I was being crushed by gravity powers" Pike utters sarcastically. "On a completely unrelated note, have you ever been to Paris". @JPax42

Anella shook her head rapidly. "Ohhhh Paris noo...my sister's been to Paris...she also went everywhere on Earth. Why, do you have a sudden interest in the Eiffel Tower?"

Pike came through to the main room with two cups of coffee. Placing then down on the table Pike explained his interest in Paris. "Well I wouldn't call it sudden, you see every year I go on a thieves holiday, which is like a normal holiday expect I steal things as usual, and Paris has some many treasures for me". "Now you see there is this beautiful, devious young women who I think might like to go to Paris, Je suis raison de supposer cela?" @JPax42

Anella softly mumbled something in Italian before getting French. "J'aimerais aller au Paris!" A smile spread across Anella's face. She never went anywhere except Sanfield and Lithium before.

"Fantastic I mean I can see how you can use a break, after all we've both been getting richer, going to the bedroom alot, drinking alot and buy new shiny things" Pike says in a sarcastic manner. Still he was glad to have Anella with him. @JPax42
"Up to you, I'm out of ideas for now" Pikes says sinking into the couch. Looking up to her remind him of how lucky he was. "After all the holiday is soon, like tomorrow but if we can break into highly dangerous militarily air ships, we can pack very fast" Pike says ironically while sipping his coffee. @JPax42

Anella sighed and dropped on the ground. "Currently my plan is to excersize in my underwear." Anella laughed and started doing push ups with minimal effort. "Anything you want to take from anywhere?"

"Well I won't argue with you on that" Pike says with a smile. As she starts Pike wolf whistles followed by a, "work it lady". Pike laughed, before going to his laptop. "I'm not sure, a few jewels here and there. (Just so you know, I will actually be gone for two weeks). @JPax42

Anella finished and did a handstand for a second before gently flopping down on her back, breathing heavily. "Alright."

@SirGrey (oh, that's fine. Have fun if you're going on vacation)
Pike stood over Anella, with a bottle of cold water in his hand. "I take it you could use this" Pike said placing the water next to her. While knelt he asked "is this how you normally spend your morning?" @JPax42

Anella just grabbed the bottle and placed it between her breasts, holding it like that. "Well, yeah. This body has to come from somewhere. What are you doing in the mornings?"

After the movie started playing, Akira would sit the remote down on a table beside the bed. Though she had seen the movie before, she still flinched at every jump scare, and then laugh at herself for doing so. At one point during the movie, she shouts "Don't walk towards the pool!" and that would likely be heard through the walls, followed by the slapping noise of Akira facepalming herself as the characters do exactly what she told them not to.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
Thomas stepped out of his room, forgetting that he wasn't wearing his jumpsuit. The moment he walked out he was met by a pie to the face by Paige. It said 'I'm sorry :3' Guess he fucked up again.

Paige had made a pie, it was apologizing for her being so aggressive for what he had done. She knew he wasn't going to do it ag-She saw Tristin go in nude then Thomas walked out. REALLY! She hit him in the face with the pie before walking away, angry again.


Ann didn't flinched and just laughed as these people kept doing everything wrong. "This is hilarious!" She rolled on the floor as Otis kept swimming in the popcorn.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali


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