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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Ann giggled "You know you love to spoil me." She wrapped her hands around Akira's neck and waits to move.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali

Jason shook his head "We're already here. Let's keep figure this place out," he slowly keot going, hearing the creaking under his feet.


(Going to a hotel, may not be able to respond :) )
"Okie." She said creeping along next to Jason, her eyes still fixated on the corner of the room.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Akira nods, and would follow Laura to her room. "What would you even do with magnetic underwear?" she asks, making sure her tablet was still recording. If this experiment was something incredibly stupid, and GLASS was using funds they got from taxpayers to fund it, people deserved to know.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
The gentle massage helped with the linger pain. It wasn't as if the pain a was unbearable but a massage was nothing to complain about. "I should let you be my missus on of these days, then again I suppose you might of been paid for it mange many things in that past" Pike says with a smile as he grabs a laptop. Putting on the coffee table, Will plugs the camera in. @JPax42

Laura turned on the screen. She handed Akira the remote, which had an EMP button and a 'Bring Mommy' button as well. Laura then put in Ouija and flopped on the bed, warmly inviting the other two to get on the bed. She then wrapped an arm around Ann and squished her again before nudging against her. "Movie!"

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock


Anella blushed and leaned against Pike, looking at the laptop.
"Wait, so what happened? Did Katherine actually touch you because if she did I'm going to give her a knuckle sandwich." Anella pouted lightly with jealousy and waved her fist around before pecking Pike on the cheek with her lips. She then turned to the video and watched it.

Pike laughed at Anella's display and fake swooned at the peck on his cheek. Somewhere in him he was grateful hat someone cared for him this much. "Well I did get close to that at some point" Pike says playing the video. The first half is the two them sneaking around the places as guards with Pike able to now more clearly see the details like the weapons and power cells. Then cam the bit where he was knocked out. It was odd to see what he missed. Then came the 'interrogation'. He was curious as to her reactions. @JPax42

Anella's reactions were pretty straightforward. Her expressions were happy and she even kissed Pike and whispered "So brave." in his ear. She flinched when Pike was knocked out, that was very painful to see. The interrogation...scared Anella. Her eyes went wide, and her fingers twitched nervously as Katherine did whatever she did. When Katherine put her hands on the ground, Anella buried her head in Pike's suit, looking at what happened with one eye. The gravity part caused her to cover her ears, and every time Katherine spoke it sent a wave of fear through Anella. She was softly whimpering to Pike now. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that...but you're alright...you're alright...here..." Anella rocked gently back and forth, holding Pike.

This scared William. He puts his arms around her. At first he thought it would just be her normal sweet reactions. Then when the violence came up, while Pike was a most a bit disturbed, Anella seemed terrified. "Hey hey you are right, I'm here, I'm alive I'm here and I'm not nor will I ever go anywhere" Pike says while shutting down the laptop. They had enough for today. "Anella I... I love you and I will never leave you, that is a thief at his most honest and it is a promise" Pike says hugging her tight. "Now what should we do, to get a little happier". @JPax42

Anella curled up against Pike's chest. "I...I just want to be with you for now..." She took a few calming breaths before closing her eyes. "Nobody else has to get hurt by GLASS. I'm so relieved you're okay..." Anella weakly gave a smile, thinking of things to do. Anella had calmed down pretty well, a skill she had gotten from being a prostitute. If she was touched by a man who was uncouth, she would just rock for a few hours and it would be all better. This wasn't quite as scarring. Anella smiled. "Something nice with you. It's up to you to choose, as long as we can enjoy it." Anella turned her head to face Pike and pushed her hair out of her eyes.

Pike just sat there with arms around his love for a while. He listen to her breathing as it slowed with her calming down. He gave a few pecks on the cheek her and there but that was about it. "So am I, and I'm also glad you are okay too, now things too do" Pike said thinking. For once he decide against more... scandalous acts. After all the last time that happened he was tied to a chair. "I'll tell you what, I have Netflix on the TV, Popcorn, Candy and drinks in the kitchen, how about we just relax" Pike asks in a actual natural tone for once. "Oh can I make on small request, sorry if it is a bit rude I mean you don't have to at all, but I'm still a little shaken up after the attack you don't know how to massage do you?" Pike asks in a timid and actually showing weakness for once. @JPax42

Anella smiled warmly. "Aww, Will, it's alright. In fact it's kinda cute that you're asking for something like this." Anella scooted over and straddled herself behind Pike, gently putting herself against him and beginning to rub his shoulders, gently squeezing at parts. Anella's hands stopped shaking and became far more confident as she caressed his back and turned on the TV. She then mindlessly watched the show while comforting Pike with her hands. She also put some gentle back rubs in there, because everybody likes back rubs.

For the next few hours this seemed to be how things went. At one point Will got up to make the popcorn and sweet and mix drinks. When he came back, pulled the couch out so that he could lay on it. He also took his tie off because laying on your stomach with a tie on is never a good idea. He didn't know if Anella wanted to continue with the massage or not but he didn't mind. "Hope you don't mind salted popcorn also hope there is enough ice in that" Pike says while looking over the Netflix list. "Your pick, and sorry about my love of Star Trek I know it kind of takes away form my dashing appearance " Pike says in an overly dramatic fashion". (Gtg) @JPax42
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JPax42 said:
"Oh it's that...uh...we'll do something about her..." Tristin looked at the badge for a second. "Alright I'll forward your call to the superhuman detainment facility. Thanks you for the report." Tristin forwarded the call and hung up. Someone else would be on the line when Hilbert spoke.

Hilbert would be on the line once the call was forwarded. He would then proceed to explain the situation over the phone.

Meanwhile Sky would be talking with the lower ranked GLASS soldiers as he gets to know them and would wait before asking about their technology.

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Katherine opened her mouth. "Alright. We will take care of Tiffany for you, Hilbert." Katherine hung up and sent her officers to get Tiffany. Meanwhile, Katherine finished organizing her stuff and walked over in the carrier.

@YoungX (open, Trinity)
JPax42 said:
Katherine opened her mouth. "Alright. We will take care of Tiffany for you, Hilbert." Katherine hung up and sent her officers to get Tiffany. Meanwhile, Katherine finished organizing her stuff and walked over in the carrier.

@YoungX (open, Trinity)
"Alright thanks," Hilbert said as he hung up. He would look to Hugo and said, "Katherine said she'll take care of Tiffany. Now then... I guess I'll hit the road? I mean Tiffany is still out there but quite frankly... I don't give a fuck." He really doesn't at this point after everything he's been through in life.

GLASS Officers

The officers gave blank helmeted stares to Sky. Some of them even walked away, and then Sky was left with the only other person to talk to in the halls. Katherine...



"Well, alright then. Good luck on your adventures and keep safe! Now before ya leave why don'tchya give Hugo a hug?" Hugo opened his arms to reveal his massive belly, ready for maximum pillow.

JPax42 said:
GLASS Officers
The officers gave blank helmeted stares to Sky. Some of them even walked away, and then Sky was left with the only other person to talk to in the halls. Katherine...



"Well, alright then. Good luck on your adventures and keep safe! Now before ya leave why don'tchya give Hugo a hug?" Hugo opened his arms to reveal his massive belly, ready for maximum pillow.

Sky supposed that these GLASS officers don't really answer to social interaction. In fact the only one he could think of was basically James. Well since he really couldn't dig up information... he would just go walk away.

Hilbert would face the massive belly and figured why not? "Well why the fuck not right?" He would go basically give Hugo what seems to be a panda hug.


"Damn, someone's a nice hugger. Anyways, run along before my fur overheats you." Hugo released Hilbert and pulled out his tablet again, turning it on.

JPax42 said:
"Damn, someone's a nice hugger. Anyways, run along before my fur overheats you." Hugo released Hilbert and pulled out his tablet again, turning it on.

"Well nice meeting ya Hugo. Now then... where can I go? At this point coming to Lithium wasn't really planned." He would look to Hugo if he could give any places to recommend visiting. It would make more sense for Hugo to have seen more of Lithium that Hilbert anyhow.


"Diners, milkshops, anything! Just enjoy yourself!" Hugo yawned and curled up. "I'm a bit lazy so you're on your own. See you around Hilbert."

JPax42 said:
"Diners, milkshops, anything! Just enjoy yourself!" Hugo yawned and curled up. "I'm a bit lazy so you're on your own. See you around Hilbert."

"Well alright. See you around too," he said as he left the GLASS building. Now he would be left to pretty much go anywhere at this point. Where would he go? Well that was up to him anyhow but... he knows that something crazy is around the corner waiting for him.

[Open for Interaction]
Pike woke up with a healed body and popcorn that as always got everywhere. Putting his tie on and grabbing his umbrella, Pike prepared to head out for a walk. Before that though he wrote a note for Anella that read "Gone out back soon" and gave her a kiss on her sleeping cheek. Going outside, the thief wandered around town with no real direction. Along the way he saw a young man with a backpack. Still not much of importance. @JPax42 @YoungX
SirGrey said:
Pike woke up with a healed body and popcorn that as always got everywhere. Putting his tie on and grabbing his umbrella, Pike prepared to head out for a walk. Before that though he wrote a note for Anella that read "Gone out back soon" and gave her a kiss on her sleeping cheek. Going outside, the thief wandered around town with no real direction. Along the way he saw a young man with a backpack. Still not much of importance. @JPax42 @YoungX
Hilbert would notice a rather well-dressed man walking around town. To be frank most of the people that seem to occupy this place seem to be either psychos, mutant animals, and very tall Russians... It wasn't the greatest track record. In any case he would decide to ask him some directions since he seemed accustomed to this location. He walked up to him and asked, "Excuse me do you know where I can go for entertainment around here? I'm what you call a tourist I guess."

Pike sighed before requesting to the young mans request. "Well I might as well show you the best coffee shop around here" Pike says walking off at enough of a pace for Hilbert to follow him. @YoungX

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