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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Katherine's blank expression didn't know he was being sarcastic. "I don't read magazines." Katherine's expression remained as she walked up close to the cell, kneeling down in front of it on one knee. "I think I can tell how you got on this carrier, and the rest of the questions would probably just be useless. Either way, we wouldn't drug the food. My daughter ate a part of the kitchen so it was takeout from Flinn's Diner." Katherine suddenly became even more serious, to an impossible level. Her greenish hazel eyes narrowed and she held a long and slightly red hand through the cell bars. "The mask, please. I want to see your eyes when you talk."

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Pike sighed at the lack of acknowledgement of his sarcasm. He was a bit surprised by Katherine coming this close to him. He didn't mind not being asked question but he didn't like that she knew how he got in. Made him feel... vulnerable. He sighed at daughter and the eating of the kitchen. He didn't have time for super-powered nonsense like that. He knew why she wanted to see his eyes, she wanted to see his weakness to see if he was sorry. Her turquoise eyes struck into his soul sliding the hand through the bars was for... well he didn't know. He pulled of the mask his brown eyes looking back at her. "There, now what do you want?" @JPax42

Katherine sighed. The most unprofessional thing she did in front of Pike. "My daughter's alright if that's what you were guilty about. There's no reason I really want you here, except to show you something." Katherine moved her hands down to the ground next to herself. "Please remain seated and don't attempt to stand up."

Pike tried to keep a blank expression but I did end up showing his anger and maybe even some of his worry. Pike didn't know what to say about the daughter, after all he was glad she was okay but if he said that it would show him as weak. "What is it you want to show me" Pike asks with confusion in his voice. He watched her hands while remaining laid down. @JPax42

Katherine bent down slightly. At first it would look like concentration but it was weight. The room around her increased slightly in weight, then further in Pike would feel like he was carrying himself on his body. Then, Katherine did something untrue to what she maintained. She stood up in this increased gravity and walked up to the bars. "Never mess with me or my family again. No threats attached. I'm giving you sixty seconds to leave the carrier on an elevator pod, or else threats will be attached." Katherine had held the field at 2 times the gravity, but she quickly released it as her expression went from furiously upset to expressionless. She opened the cell door and the door from the containment unit. Outside was an elevator pod.

Ann put Otis on her head "That sounds like a great idea! Then again he was always into romantic comedy's. Eh we won't mind," she grabbed Akira's hand and ran around, looking for snacks.

@Crystal Cali

Jason felt the ground creaking as he looked around the destroyed house. "Weird place for an adventure," he kept one hand on his revolver the other on his machete. "I don't like the quietness of this place."


It was completely dark in Thomas's room. It would feel like there was a soft weight on his stomach which could really be recognized as Tristin sitting on it. An amber eye was staring deviously at Thomas, and her black hair was draped over the other eye. Tristin's bare collarbones were illuminated by a small candle light in her hand which was green in color, which was also the only light in the room. A look slightly further down would show that Tristin was butt naked. Tristin's calm and bold voice rang through the darkness around her. "Let me tell you a scary story.."

@Shammy the Shamrock


Laura climbed over Akira's face and gently floated to the ground. Sort of awkwardly. Actually it was a slow fall. "I ugh goodmorning with the gravity."

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas mumbled something but then saw.....Did he take his meds today? "Uh, sure? Why are you naked on my stomach?" He asked not really seeing this as a way to enhance fear, it was just weird.


Ann snatched Laura before she could hit the ground "Squish!" She squished the girl before going and getting more snacks. When she was finished she went back to Akira.

Otis stayed high and proud from his pedestal or as it actually was, Ann's head. He wondered if they were going to watch a romantic comedy. He loved them......they reminded him that he has no one to love.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali
The worst part was breathing. Sure his bones being turned to dust hurt and his blood rushing around hurt, but breathing. It was like the air couldn't come out of his lungs. He looked over to Katherine. This had all been a demonstration of domination It worked. Pike shoot up and ran outside, putting his mask on. His equipment had been left outside. He grabbed it all. Once inside the elevator pod, he pressed the button and head for the surface, pride in tatters. He had been beaten. Then he remember. In his hidden pocket was his micro camera. Intact. "I'd call it a draw". He muttered before he arrived at the surface. Sending pod back up, he waited. After all Anella may of seen the pod. @JPax42

Tristin smile increased and she leaned onto him, holding the candle between them. "I hope you enjoyed your nap...because I'm going to spend some time with you." The candle began to flicker and dim, and Tristin's smile increased more. She gently pressed her lips on various parts of Thomas's face and neck, a lustful or malicious look in her eyes. It was probably from all the stress from Calculus.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Laura grabbed a bunch of random snacks and squeezed Ann with her own face.
"I got all the sour stuff that the cool kids take the sugar off of and breathe in with a bendy straw!"

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock


Anella saw the pod and ran up to Pike. Anella wrapped her arms around him and spun around a little while holding him. A few tears ran out of her eyes and she closed them, resting her chin on Pike's shoulders.
"A-Are you alright?"

Pike barley had time to get his mask off before Anella came running up to him. He let her spin around with him for a little. Once they stopped he saw the tears in her eyes before she closed then and rest on Pike. Cupping her chin with his hand, he wiped the tears away with the other. "I told you I would be didn't I, besides I couldn't leave you know could I, but on a serious note it is good to see now come on, I have much to tell" Pike says before holding her hand and walking to the apartment. @JPax42
Thomas looked up at her "Are you feeling alright? You seem very.....affectionate today." It was odd to see her like this but he played along, he wrapped his arms around her waist. "How are you going to spend time?"


Ann ran back "We got everything! Now I need you to carry me," she said lifting her hands to Akira. She really didn't want to walk and she knew Akira would do it.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali

Anella stayed really close to Pike for the entire walk home. She was shaking slightly, but she was mostly happy that Pike was back. "What happened to you? What was the things that you have to say? I was preparing to get you. Will..." Anella rested her head on his shoulder, clutching his hand.



Tristin rolled over the other side of Thomas, gently shaking the hair out of her eyes. The candle had nearly gone out right now, and Tristin's smile grew wider. She began running her hands along Thomas. "I just thought...since you seemed a little angry before...that maybe we could do it again...I don't know. It's up to you." Tristin put her fingers up to the candle and turned it off for the most part.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Laura pouted.
"If mom was here she could carry me around. Now I have to use my own walking." Laura clutched onto Akira's leg and reduced the field of gravity, making herself, Ann, and Akira about three fourths as heavy as they were before. "There better? Let's go!" Laura's face turned slightly red from gravitying, but it was okay.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali
@Crystal Cali[/URL]

Jason felt the ground creaking as he looked around the destroyed house. "Weird place for an adventure," he kept one hand on his revolver the other on his machete. "I don't like the quietness of this place."

Her eyes wandered her surroundings, taking in every last bit of detail. "You're right, either we can be stupid like in those horror movies or we can gtfo. Your choice." She said staring into a corner of the house.

@Shammy the Shamrock
It felt a little strange to Akira as the gravity changed, but she didn't show any reaction. "Alright, let's head back," she says, making her way back to the elevator. Once inside, she'd awkwardly press the button with the hand that held all the snacks. @Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
Thomas thought about it "A-alright, let's do this." He looked into her eyes before kissing her and holding it.


Ann giggled "You know you love to spoil me." She wrapped her hands around Akira's neck and waits to move.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali

Jason shook his head "We're already here. Let's keep figure this place out," he slowly keot going, hearing the creaking under his feet.


(Going to a hotel, may not be able to respond :) )

"You're so cute." Tristin giggled and rolled around Thomas a little bit, playing around for a little bit before completely blowing out the candle and quite literally....fading to black.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Laura's little gravity shift made the elevator go so much faster. Laura looked slightly uncomfortable, but then she sneezed and smiled normally. "Wee! Movie time!!"

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock
Pike held onto Anella's hand tight for the duration of the walk home. He tried to comfort her, stop her shaking an all that. "Well I was brought to a cell with television, drink and four course meal, I didn't touch it at first but later found it that it was genuine" Pike explained with his British mannerism shining through. "The director of GLASS spoke to me, we have history you see, not that kind of history but a much... messier one. I broke into the a GLASS building before, that is how I got those plans,and during the escapade I was found by the directors daughter, whom I electrocuted, which since she had superpowers had an adverse and more violent affect". Pike sighed "I'm not proud of it, but the girl is a solider for GLASS... still I got out of there, but the director has gravity warp powers, used them to intimidate me". As he opens the apartment door he says "However I do still have that footage which I may use for either profit or slander, depends on how I feel". @JPax42

"Hmm I would say mom's room but she's experimenting with magnetic underwear. She said you can have a pair in a two days!" Laura gave a delighted smile and pointed to her room. "I guess it's my room for now."

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock


Anella's mouth went open.
"Did you say gravity warp? Oh...are you alright?" Anella gently massaged Pike's joints, hoping to ease up any pain. She then felt along his chest and listened to his breathing and heart rate. Anella had seen what happened to people under gravity warping when she was ten. "That's scary, Will. It's...you just feel yourself get heavier and there's nothing you can do." Anella did have a theory about the weaknesses of gravity manipulation, but she wasn't sure if it was real. Pike's video footage might prove useful.


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