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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Hugo hunched slightly and walked through the door before being able to stand again. He then walked up to the front desk, still on two legs, before trying to pick up the phone. "Panda." Hugo's paw was big enough to lift up the entire phone and cable, so he couldn't really place a call. "Panda?"

Pike again enjoyed the clamming waves of the sea. He was bit surprised to her following him, put he welcomed her company of course. Readied for another trick, he was a bit surprised by the gentle kiss she delivered. Pike embraced her as well for while the silence and calm was soothing, it was ever better to share it with someone like Anella. @JPax42
JPax42 said:
Hugo hunched slightly and walked through the door before being able to stand again. He then walked up to the front desk, still on two legs, before trying to pick up the phone. "Panda." Hugo's paw was big enough to lift up the entire phone and cable, so he couldn't really place a call. "Panda?"

"I'll handle this Hugo." He then took the phone and began making a call. "Hello I'd like to call Katherine please. It's about this panda... no I'm not high... yes... ok thanks." He would then wait to be patched to Katherine.


Anella blushed and playfully covered her mouth for a second before kissing Pike again then swimming to the surface. Between breaths, Anella said "You're still very interesting." She smiled and started floating in the water on her back before another wave washed over her. Anella started giggling for a second before going back to floating, all spread out.



Hugo went back on all fours and sat down under the desk, nudging the desk with his butt.


Katherine automatically got the call.
"Yes, Isaac, you can use the cupholders even if you're a homosexual. Oh, James? Why are you in the GLASS building?" Katherine waited for a response while she was figuring out plans for installing more cupholders.

Pike smiled at the Anella's playful embrace, with him following her back up. As he panted for air Pike responds by saying "You're still very charming" Pike just again watched her float there peacefully, like a sacred lotus. He has a quiet laugh at Anella being washed away again. Pike went over to his floating partner say "I'm going back to the beach now, you stay here as long as you want" before giving her a kiss on the cheek. Once back on the beach Pike lays down on his towel, his umbrella planted firmly in the sand acting as shade. He took out a book from the same bag he brought the sunscreen in, and began his reading. @JPax42
Akira nods. "Yeah. Security here is pretty tight. So tight that I'm a bit worried we might not be able to get much good information. Don't you think it's odd that once we got that girl talking, someone just happened to show up with a mountain of 'homework'?" @YoungX

Anella playfully nodded to Pike and sank back into the ocean, playing around with the ocean. Anella then rested on the bottom for a bit with a hand on her chest for a few minutes. The only thing that could really top the feeling of water was Pike. Anella stood up and shook the water gently off of her body before walking out of the ocean towards Pike, grinning wildly.



Tristin was horrible at dates. She had brought an invisible bag full of Quantum Physics and Calculus and was, with great coordination, filing out assignment after assignemt. Tristin was slowly becoming more frazzled and annoyed by it but she kept on homeworking. Quantum Physics wasn't designed to be consumed so quickly, as she was finishing lessons that were meant to be done over the course of days in only a few minutes. She nervously clutched her stomach while doing all of this homework and she felt like she was going to forget all this information. 'I think I'm gonna be sick' Tristin finally finished ten lessons of both Quantum Physics and Calculus, which was about a month of material, in ten MINUTES. Tristin sent them to Katherine and let out a long sigh before collapsing on the table, sobbing loudly. "I can't do this! I'm still dumb! I didn't even understand what a vector is!" Tristin continued crying into her arms, a small puddle of tears staining the table cloth. Even when trying to look decent, Tristin was an absolute mess. Her hair was all over her face and messily spread over her back. She was shaking every time she started crying because of Katherine's 'homework.' Tristin now completely refused to open up and continued sobbing.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"To install cupholders in Akira's room or not. No, I don't like Sky. No cupholders for him." Katherine was currently the most unprofessional professional, her obsession with cupholders slowly consuming her. No matter, she would still keep a positive attitude. She stared into the mirror of her bedroom and calmed herself down before walking down to the cockpit.

"Good morning passengers! Today I have made the promise to personally install cupholders in certain rooms!' At this, a cheer was heard from the GLASS officers everywhere. 'Morning statistics say we are flying through a high altitude storm with wind speeds of 62 miles an hour, but there is no imminent need to land Trinity. Mid-air refueling will commence in two days and a maintenance landing will occur in one day. The temperature is a slightly chilly -52 degrees at our current altitude. We have experienced some, hm, difficulties, with the insulation in the kitchen so once again refrain from spending too much time in there. Thank you for your cooperation, and thank you for flying with GLASS."

@Crystal Cali @YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
Akira looks up as the announcement sounds. "Cupholders? Why is that such a big deal?" Akira runs a hand through her hair. "Geez, one minute I think these guys are wildly dangerous, and the next I think they're incredibly immature. Either way, there's no way in hell I trust them with the security of this city. Wonder if there's any way to sabatoge their control. Any ideas?" she gives Sky a curious look. @YoungX
The amateur cracksman was one of Pike favourite books. About a gentlemen thief who is bored with upper class life and turns of a life of crime. Pike never could figure out why he like it some much. Still the book didn't distract Pike from some questions burning in his head. Why hadn't Katherine come after him, with what he did to her daughter he was sure she would be gunning for him? What happened to that Dr Starling? Sure Pike seemed to hurt but with how much he wanted that blood... Then there was that Valentine woman, was she okay? Still the question subsided when Anella came back out of the water, with a grin that made Pike curiosity run wild. "What are grinning so brightly about?" @JPax42

Anella walked all the way back to Pike and lay down in the sand next to him, letting out a relaxed sigh. "Well, I had fun. Do you want to stay some more, or is there anything important we should get done?" Anella was still smiling, and she had no idea why she was smiling. She just was. "Something wrong?"


??? and Kirstin

Kirstin was busy reading over GLASS files that she used her speed to grab, duplicate, and leave without anyone noticing. Squinting her red and blue eyes at the papers, she sighed. Her children were sleeping directly on top of her again, using her as a pillow. A minute later, Starling walked into the room.
"Kirstin...your children have the blood I need." Kirstin looked up at Starling with angry eyes and let a ray of heat out of them. Starling held up a red cell and blocked the blast completely. Kirstin's children rolled off and crawled under the bed, to which Kirstin responded by sprinting off the bed and directly into Starling. "Leave us ALONE!" Kirstin cocked back her fist and punched Starling in the head with more than enough force to disintegrate buildings. Only that, it didn't happen. Instead, the red cell nulled her to what was considered Starling's standards. "Alright. How about you play by my rules if you're not going to make me like you?" Kirstin angrily raised her fists and charged at Starling, who did the same.
Thomas frowned as he got up and went over to Tristin. "Please don't cry," he pleaded while patting her back. "I don't even know what you math you're doing." Thomas hated seeing Tristin in a weak state, it just didn't feel right. "Please don't cry I can't see those pretty eyes of yours when you cry."

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Tristin's sobbing reduced to a few tears and she looked up at Thomas with red eyes. Tears had dripped from the sides of her mouth down the top part of her neck and chest, giving the appearance she was sweating terribly, which she was. Boiling sweat. "It's..." Tristin was still trying to calm herself down and she lifted up the massive textbooks. "Calculus and Quantum Physics!" Tristin flopped back down on the table, burying her face in the books. "Why is Katherine making me do homework...why me..."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Pike put down his book, its pages hold not a candle to how the women laying next to him could capture his mind. "Oh no nothing just think on some things that have transpired recently, I get lost in thought some time". Pike looked over to her, his heart racing at just her sight. "Speaking of thought I had some about you that I think would make both of us blush" Pike said with a coy smile. Standing up and grabbing his umbrella the the thief says "I would like to get going though, things to do and the like". @JPax42

Anella gently kissed Pike on the mouth before standing up and stretching. She was indeed slightly tired, but she could definitely go and get something done. "Where are we going now?"

For once in a very long time, Valentina found herself at the local Gym. Not just to wash up, but to actually use the equipment available. This development had thrilled her dad, and she had had to deal with his boasting and exclamations of how proud he was. It made her blood boil but she was using her feelings as ammunition for working hard.

Unfortunately, the girl was not too in shape, despite appearances. Within half an hour she was just lounging around, drinking some orange juice.

"We should probably head home for now, I need to go over my notes and job files" Pike said grabbing his towel and putting it in his bag. On the walk back to the apartment, Pike looked through the window, to see Valentine. "Hey I just need to check something out in there" Pike says before going into the gym. Valentine seemed to be doing, well nothing right now. Know that she was well guarded, Pike walked past her muttering "Fancy seeing you here". @JPax42 @rosehearted

Anella simply walked past Valentina and nodded, holding her hand out. "Anella." Anella probably found it awkward wearing a swimsuit in the middle of a gym but it could pass off as a...actually it couldn't. "I'm gonna be right back.." Anella smiled and trailed off to a bathroom.

@SirGrey @rosehearted

Jason got up and grabbed Bones from Katrina's arms and grabbed her hand. The pain didn't matter as he needed to make sure his dog was going to be fine. He ran to the vet and to the door "HELP!" He yelled as Bones was pulled away and taken into the vet, Jason could be seen visibly shaking.

"Sit down Jason, she's going to be fine, she's strong." Katrina said beginning to cry. Misty walked up to one of the vets and got herself checked out. Katrina hugged Jason tightly, she didn't care if he didn't like it, she started crying in his chest, Misty wasn't hurt very much so it didn't take long for her.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Valentina squinted as Pike muttered... something to her. She didn't quite catch it, but she thought she might as well be polite and sort of raised her juice box to him in greeting. Some girl in a swimsuit appeared after him, giving her name before heading off to the bathroom.

She looked behind her as her bodyguards laid sprawled out on the ground, apparently out of shape as well. Valentina snickered.

@SirGrey @JPax42
Jason was a little surprised by the hug but hugged back. "Please don't cry. You're too pretty to look like a mess," he looked down at her, funny how Katrina was taller and she was crying against him. "She'll be fine, sorry for scaring ya."


Ray walked back to Anella's and held her chest where the bullets where. The healing serum was working but it wasn't fast so it would take time. She looked at the picture of Anella, it kept her going. At least she had someone who truly cares for her....right? She fell down on the floor, breathing heavily before passing out.

Thomas ripped the book away and tired to kick it away, it just hit his foot. He then grabbed it and threw it in the trash "Maybe she thinks of you higher. I mean I'm just a circus nut and you're a beautiful, smart and powerful person. You are bound to do greater."

Pike stood next to Valentine, as her body guards seemed to be out of commission. "Well you seem to be in good shape for someone who I last saw being shot" Pike says in a sarcastic tone. "You should know that I did try to track you done, but I meet your farther, but lets just say he didn't like the idea" William say in the same sarcastic tone. Pike looked over to the bathroom as Anella presumably changes. Pike wonders how odd he looks in a t-shirt and shorts. @rosehearted @JPax42

Tristin stopped crying and sniffed. She flinched slightly when the trash can exploded, everything but the books remained. The books were unscathed. Tristin had a hand on her mouth, staring in surprised. "Oh...what...?" Tristin curled up on her seat and stared at what just happened.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Anella walked back, wearing a sweater over her swimsuit. She almost felt like a teenager again, even though she wasn't. Anella waved to Valentina and rested her head against Pike's shoulders.
"What's your name?"

@SirGrey @rosehearted
"Yeah my dad's a typical Hispanic parent," Valentina said with a sigh. "Except, much worse actually." She crushed the juice box in her hand and tossed it straight into a trashcan like it was a basketball. "Ha! Bank."

The lady had returned, wearing a sweater. If Valentina herself wasn't wearing a the combo of Nike sandals and Adidas long socks she probably would've questioned it.

"Valentina Tejerrrra..." she responded, rolling her 'r'. Noticing how close the girl was, Valentina tilted her head. "Huh, William, I didn't know you had a wife. Or a girlfriend. Hm, same thing really."

@SirGrey @JPax42
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Dr. Starling

After a long and intense fight, Dr. Starling looked down at Kirstin's limp body. "Your children can come out now." Starling used his foot to push Kirstin onto her back, where she looked up, blood running down her face. Kirstin coughed blood out of her mouth and said something incomprehensible, to which Starling responded by putting her foot on the top of her chest, near her throat. "Hush." He then leaned down and ran a hand down her bleeding face. "Good on you." He didn't bother taking the blood, instead he just coated his gloved hand in her blood. He then took a good long lick of her face, drinking whatever blood remained on her and leaving the cut on her face. Starling walked away, throwing the destroyed red matter cell into the wall. Starling walked out, a satisfied smile on his face as he put the breather on.


Meanwhile, Kirstin lay on the ground, bleeding. Her children, Peace and Threat, leaned around her.
"Mom, he didn't take your blood, did he?" Threat put his arms around his sister, who was shaking and crying. Kirstin nodded weakly. "He licked it. Didn't inject." Kirstin gave a light smile and stretched on the ground. Her wounds began healing over quickly and the color returned to her eyes. Her children crawled into her arms and lay on her stomach, Peace crying in fear. Kirstin ran her hand through Peace's hair. "It's okay...Lithium will be fine." Peace wiped her tears, and Threat spoke up. "Mom, she's worried about you. She could care less about Lithium." Kirstin shook her head. "Threat...Lithium is my priority over myself...I'll be fine." Kirstin leaned back on the ground and sighed, waiting for something. Maybe it was to talk to Threat, her ex boyfriend. The full blood under her watch.


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